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Judith: The Power of Desire Ch. 05

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Mature businesswoman unexpectedly becomes a voyeur.
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Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 12/31/2011
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Part 5 – Gary's waking dream

Judith had left Gary with a strong desire to be naked with her just as she had done with Keith and she was intrigued to know how he would achieve this. It would be very funny if he too turned up at her front door clad in just a towel with some story about being locked out of his flat. She did not know if she would be able to keep a straight face! She was sceptical Keith had really locked himself out: the coming around had been deliberate enough but she suspected the key had really been hidden somewhere. Certainly she had hurried to work the next day and left Keith to either ring the locksmith or quietly let himself back into his flat and did not actually know what he had done. She was busy with work, even into the evenings, and so did not spend much time thinking about that or the boys in general; the weekend, however, she planned to be dif­ferent.

In the event the doorbell went Thursday night, it was Gary in his running shorts.

"Hiya Judith, just been for my run and I was wondering..." he faltered, "was wondering if your shower was working fine now."

Judith opened the door wider, a clear invitation. Gary took it. It was a bit lame really but at least it was not the towel ploy again. There was a bit of talk about his run, state of the roads, a need for work to the front door of the block of flats and the like. As Judith was expecting the talk moved around to the showers.

"Did it help when I showed you mine?"

"Certainly did," said Judith brightly and with the hint of a smile.

"Showed you how it worked."

"Well, not completely." Her face was all amusement.

"How to get it to shower you any temperature you like."

"I'm sure it would be a really hot shower." Her eyebrows were raised.

"No, you just move the controls and..."

He caught Judith's drift and went bright red. Manly, hairy Gary was really blushing. Judith was delighted.

"Why don't you go and try my shower after your run and I'll brew us some coffee."

He leapt at the idea.

Judith was not surprised to find, coming back from the kitchen that the bathroom door was not even fully closed let alone locked. Her instruction to him not to feel uncomfortable naked with her, indeed to seek to be naked with her and display himself was clearly working. She had not expected anything else following her experience with Keith. Inside, the shower was producing steam and half obscured within the cubicle was Gary. She stepped into the bathroom and picked up his running clothes, she didn't want him putting those on again.

She sat in the kitchen waiting for the coffee to brew and thinking about what she should do with Gary, how she might tease him. Did she dare yet go for intercourse or have to be content with something rather less.

"Judith, where are my shorts?" Gary was out of the shower. She was tempted to go and look.

"I've put them in the wash, bring the towels as well," she called.

She was giving him every opportunity and he took it, to her delight he walked into the kitchen carrying all the towels from the bathroom in front of him, his sex obscured by them but otherwise naked.

"Thank you," she said rising and taking them leaving him completely ex­posed.

"A fine sight, Gary, a fine sight." She was completely truthful. Some women find the sight of naked men rather amusing with their wedding tackle swinging around as they walk: not Judith, not these last few weeks, she rev­elled in the sight of naked Gary and, despite his attempt at modesty, his condi­tioning meant he was more than happy to be seen. And his tackle certainly swung as he moved and he made no effort to cover up. Judith poured the coffee and took it into the sitting room, the more to watch Gary moving, masculine and hirsute, she just loved the way his dark hair rose up his body, hairy legs, dark curliness around his penis and then the hair rising as a black stripe up to the wide splay of dark hair between his nipples. She wondered if she should get him to grow a beard and moustache to add to his overall manliness—she might well suggest that.

"You're a bit like a big shaggy dog," she said, "I don't think I've ever seen such a hairy man."

"I'd really... perhaps I had better put something on," he replied conscious however much he wanted to display it was a little strange to be wandering around a neighbour's flat completely naked.

"Don't bother, Gary, you look just fine like that to me! But what you could do is go and get some biscuits, third cupboard from the sink, top shelf." It wasn't so much a biscuit that she wanted but to keep Gary moving, to watch his firm bottom walking from her and his hairy front and swinging genitalia on his return.

A newspaper was lying on the table with a picture of a well known politi­cian.

"That wanker," said Gary rather forcibly, he clearly was not impressed by the gentleman whose picture was shown in black and white.

"A funny term," said Judith, "but sexual words are often used in abuse and to make derogatory remarks. Why do we do it—that prick, f*** you, you tit, that c***? Though of course the words used are normally hard in themselves. You wouldn't say bonk you or he's a real willy would you?"

"No," said Gary and they spent the next five to ten minutes discussing sex­ual swear words and the oddest names for sexual parts they knew.

Gary finished his coffee and, though he did not know, it his third pill.

"Now where did that conversation start?" asked Judith, "oh yes you were saying about that nice man..."

"Wanker, I said!"

"Oh yes, masturbator, well we all are, aren't we? I bet you were a right lit­tle wanker when you were growing up; what used to turn you on—pictures, books, lingerie catalogues?"

Judith was leading Gary on now, getting him to talk about sex. She was sure it would lead to a physical response. The pills, of course, made his re­sponse honest and poor Kylie Minogue would have been shocked to find what result her pretty smiling face had had on the young Gary. On the other hand, perhaps in reality she would be very aware but perhaps not wishing to dwell too much on how much semen around the world had been spilt on her behalf!

"And are you still a wanker or does Lou take care of that for you!"

"Sometimes,"—the honesty of the pills.

"What alone or with Lou? Does she make you come?"

"Both. Sometimes when I am alone I..."

"Kylie again?"

"No! Not these days."

"What do you think of?" There was a stirring.

"This and that..."

"Tell me, what is a typical fantasy? I'd be interested and don't spare the detail!" Would it be like Keith's fantasy of Jon and Ellie? "What do you think of?"

"All sorts of things really..."

"Last time."

"Well I'd been on this aeroplane trip to Asia and all the stewardesses were so young and pretty, you know, slim little dresses, carefully tied up hair, little breasts, nail polish and such rosebud mouths. I sort of imagined getting stuck, so to speak, in a bedroom with three and they couldn't do enough for me."

"I can imagine, such as?"

"Well it wasn't just straight in bed; rather I imagined stripping them first. You know helping each off with her little dress, three slim little dark haired gig­gling girls in white panties and bras, shooing them into the bathroom and turn­ing on the walk in shower before unclipping those bras, taking them off to re­veal their little breasts with lovely little pale pink nipples; more giggling and then down comes those panties but with lots of knees going up and thighs and hands trying to cover little dark patches of hair; then pushing them all into the shower — yes hands on bottoms; you know how polite so many Asian peoples are, serving drinks for others and not yourself and being served in turn, well I rather liked the idea that it was not done to wash yourself so I have these three little stewardesses washing each other giggling all the while as they touched each other's breasts and sex; then I get in the shower with them, naked of course, and they all go very quiet not only because I'm so much bigger than they are but because of my erect and very large cock—I imagine it's got even bigger than normal—and it both excites and frightens them."

"It certainly looks big to me." And of course it was now fully erect, stick­ing right up against his stomach, skin rolled back and ready for use.

"Go on with your story but show me how you do it. I'm interested."

"Show what. No."

"Yes, go on."

What now, in front of you?"

"Well I can't see if you're behind me. Yes wank away, just as if you were in bed alone."

Gary's hand slowly came up and pulled his penis away from his stomach, held it between his fingers and thumb just below the head, so they curled around it, and began moving the foreskin slowly upwards so it rolled over the head and down again.

"Like that mostly."

"So much easier with the foreskin I suspect. You'd miss it."

"Certainly would — I'm much attached to it! I remember at school one boy in our class was circumcised. We all thought how funny he looked with his knob on display all the time, well in the showers or changing room I mean. Boys can, of course, be cruel."

"Not as cruel as girls."

"I wouldn't know."

"Yes, well girls you know are prone to holding a grudge for a long time — but that's another set of stories but, in a similar way to that boy, I got teased about my flat chest."

"Flat? What happened?"

"I was a late developer. The teasing stopped!"

All the while Gary's hand moved.

"On you go with the story, tell me about these three stewardesses."

"They're in the shower and I've come in naked, just as they are, but with a big difference, I think I mentioned that, I like the idea of their eyes going all round and their rosebud mouths pursing in surprise, they know they have to wash me, six hands, perfect hands with pale coloured nail varnish, all rubbing over me with the shower gel, lovely and slippery, hands on my bottom and then they are on my cock, six little hands all at once pouring on the shower gel and soaping away until I almost come."

His hand was moving fast but then Gary stopped and paused.

"Then I dry them with a big white fluffy towel, it lets me look at them all over before I send them scampering to the bedroom. Nice idea 'scampering.' I come in a little later with the towel around my waist and they are all lined up kneeling on the floor with their hands behind their backs, I advance towards them dropping the towel and there it is my big cock right in front of their eyes, inches away."

"I see oral sex or messy faces coming along here," Judith said wryly.

"Well, I've had the fantasy a few times and, yes, I have come to the image of two of the girl's little pink tongues licking all my cum off the other's face: but not last time, though you're right enough about the oral. I present and they lick. They're apprehensive but each wants to be first, "me, me, me!" I choose and the little pink tongue comes and licks the very tip, you can imagine I like that! It's too big to go in so she contents herself nuzzling the end, sucking on it and sticking her little tongue into the hole. I like that, her puckered mouth glued to the end, sucking. Then I pull away and the next girl takes her place and then the next girl until they've all sucked. It's time. They all lie down on the bed and open their legs wide to be inspected and my choice made. Then there is relief for two of them, they are not the one I select but it is their job to prepare the one I have chosen. I imagine quite a lot of lesbian sort of sex here.

The girls massaging their friend, easing her opening, making it stretchy and big enough — a lot of mess with oil and cream, fingers inserted, fingers from both girls at once. All the time I watch until they beckon me over. I let them do it all; I just lie down on the bed on my back. They oil up my shaft and hold my penis in position, line up the girl, encourage her and then it is they who push her onto me. It is not easy for them, not easy for the girl, she is very tight but it must be done or one of the other girls will have to be made ready. I can feel her softness on me but I'm not going in despite the lubrication. I watch her face. Her friends are making it easy for her, stroking her clit, making it good, then all at once I am sliding up into her as she slips down onto me. Her friends pushing her down."

Gary's hand was moving fast. Judith knew he would be coming any mo­ment if she did not do something. "Wait," she ordered, "Not far off coming are you Gary, what is it normally—into a tissue, splashing onto your tummy and getting all mixed up in that dark hair, or is it in your shower just letting fly?"

"Nearly there Judith, yes all of those."

"What shall we do with you now? No touching but I'll let you come all over my breasts. Would you like that?" Judith knew he would and she wanted to watch him come.

Hands not touching his cock, Judith had Gary stand to her front whilst she sat, his long penis sticking up close to her face, hugging itself to the dark hair running up his stomach. Slowly she began undoing the buttons of her blouse. It was fun for her to see how closely he was watching her as the but­tons came undone one by one. To see his penis literally twitch as she finally undid her bra and let it fall. It was tempting to try intercourse, she felt Gary was already ripe for that, her pills seemed to have taken a strong hold and he was very much under her control. But she was not going to hurry the process; it was a step at a time. Judith could see how desperate Gary was to touch her breasts and, to be fair, she would very much have liked to take hold of Gary but she kept to her rule.

"Off you go then," she said leaning backwards so Gary could rest one hand on the back of the settee and aim himself, "what happens next in your fantasy. I presume the other girls have to submit in the end and you have all three. I can't see you letting the other two get away!"

"I've never got that far!" He was stroking again now, moving his foreskin in a steady motion over the head; there was wetness at the tip, a trickle of mois­ture running down his fraenum, acting as a lubricant.

Judith moved her breasts with her hands, conscious they were full but with her age not as firm as they had once been: the same could not be said for her nipples—they were certainly firm, indeed stiff with arousal. She squeezed.

"Can I hold them, Judith?"

"No, no touching, not today. Another time, if you're good, perhaps I'll let you touch rather more." She thought back to the time she had seen him in the shower, the first time she had seen him naked and had wanted to see him hold himself, pull at himself. And now, here he was right in front of her doing just that.

"What you'd really like to do, Gary is fuck me, that'll be your fantasy next time not the stewardesses. I like the idea of you wanking away in your bed thinking about me. You'll do it when you go to sleep and when you wake in the morning you'll have to do it all over again. Imagine that, Gary, opening my thighs, parting my lips and..."

Gary was suddenly moving his hand very fast.

"There's a good boy," she said and the first spurt flew across from Gary's cock to land on her left breast. She was surprised how hot it felt on her skin, presumably the below blood heat on the surface making the semen seem so hot—it was unexpected; the second burst flying even stronger than the first but again landing hot and then a third and a fourth; there was no let up in Gary's hand movement and a fifth dollop landed hot by its fellows. The ejacu­lation was soon over and the penis just dribbling as Gary's hand slowed.

"Very good Gary, what a lot of cum," she said and she meant it. She was surprised how excited she had become watching Gary ejaculate, how much she had liked seeing the semen flowing, how nice it had been to feel it hot on her skin. She looked down—there was an awful lot of it!

"Careful you don't drip that on my skirt. You did well, Lou is a lucky girl to have all that, and you must really fill her up. Get a tissue, get several and clean me up, there's a good boy."

Still holding his penis, trying to prevent it dripping Gary went in search of tissues. She watched his retreating bottom and then looked down at her breasts, they were covered with his stuff, with a finger she scooped up a little of the still warm ejaculate and put her finger to her mouth. It was slightly salty, perhaps a little slimy but nice. What would it be like to have all that pouring into her mouth, sucking as Gary let fly? She would like that, she knew, particularly if Keith was fucking her at the time!

At Gary's return she smiled at him. How delightful it was to have a naked young man about her flat, even with a now deflated penis. "You may touch now," she said and Gary carefully mopped up the mess he had made with his now innocent cock softly swinging between his legs.

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