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Good Friends Forever

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Married couples cum together.
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Note from Slick: Man...I got all kinds of negative feedback about the ending so I've changed it and have added the other couple's story. I hope this works better...sorry. All rights reserved.


Amy and Todd had known Bill and Karen for almost ten years when things started changing for Amy. Both couples had teenage kids and both seemed to be very happily married. She really didn't know when things changed because they all had been so carefree with their hugs and light kisses on the cheeks. She had always thought of Bill as a brother but not as someone who would start touching her and saying sexy remarks to her. At first she just laughed them off but it was at the neighborhood New Year's party when things went pass just good friends.


Amy had three glasses of wine which was one too many for her as the party wound down. About half of the couples had left as she sat alone on a small sofa in the den. Another couple was dancing in the corner so she just closed her eyes and listened to the music. Her body and mind felt so relaxed.

"Care if I join you?" Bill whispered when he sat next to her.

"What? Of course not," she smiled as she moved over while pushing down her skirt that had rose up to mid-thigh. "Where is Karen?"

"Off somewhere," Bill grinned. He glanced at her pearl necklace. You know I've always loved that necklace."

"Thanks," she smiled. "It was my mother's."

Bill moved his hand over and gently pulled it away from the top of her opened blouse. "I'll bet your mother was as beautiful as you."

Amy blushed and felt good about the compliment. "She was much better looking than I am." As he moved the pearl around in his hand she felt the first contact on her left breast. She figured it was an accident so she didn't pull away but his wrist kept pressing into it. She moved back until the pressure went away. But he didn't let go of the necklace. And a few seconds later his wrist moved forward and again pressed into her softness. Now she was as far back as she could go. "I.......uh...should help clean up," she said nervously. Not only was his wrist touching her he was moving it back and forth. She started to stand but his hand dropped down to her thigh.

"They have enough women in the kitchen so why not stay here with me and let's get to know each other better," his hand was on her bare flesh only inches from the bottom on her skirt.

"I think you've had too much to drink," she nervously laughed as her hand dropped down on his to keep it from moving. Her fingers curled under his index finger and tried to lift it but he was too strong.

"What are you doing?" She whispered as she looked at the other couple in the corner.

"Something you and I have wanted for a long time," he whispered back.

The wine and his touches were causing her heart to race. No man had touched her this way since she had engaged Todd almost twenty years ago.

"I........don't want this," she gasped when he did start moving his hand to the bottom of her skirt. As he moved his thumb under it and rubbed it only inches from her moist panties she jerked it upward until she was able to slide under it and off the sofa.

"Amy......," Bill said as she hurried into the kitchen.


Amy stayed away from Bill for the remainder of the night until the two couples parted in the driveway. "Would you two like to come over tomorrow afternoon for dinner?" Karen asked as she moved forward to hug and lightly kiss Todd.

Amy saw Bill moving at her and tried to move away but his hand moved behind her back and he pulled her body into his. She pushed her lips up to gently kiss his cheek but he turned his head at the last moment and their lips touched. She jerked her head back and glanced at Todd who was not looking. "I have a lot of wash to do tomorrow."

"The dinner won't be until around 6:00PM." Karen said.

"Sure, we would love to stop by," Todd answered. They normally took turns cooking Sunday dinner.

"Sure.......that will be great," Amy said forcing a smile. She realized Bill still had his hand on her upper hip and was massaging it. She moved away and took her husband's hand. "Walk me home."

"Don't you want to go to dinner tomorrow?" Todd asked as she hugged into him.

"Yes.......but do you think we see too much of Bill and Karen?"

"Not really......I mean..we all have a lot of fun together. Is something wrong?"

"No.....of course not," she replied. Maybe she was just being over cautious and Bill did have a few drinks. They made it home and Todd fell asleep before she could climb into bed and cool off her hot body.


Amy did the wash the next day and put last night at the back of her mind. Around 5:00PM she soaked in the hot tub and rubbed the bubble bath over her excited body. It did feel good to have another man come onto her because Todd had not seemed interested in having sex the past year or so. Although she had shaved her legs a few days ago she did it again. After putting on a sexy set of bra and panties she pulled on a loose sweat shirt and khaki shorts.

"Hi......come on in," Bill said to them when they walked into their house. "Karen is upstairs taking a quick shower." He shook Todd's hand and then leaned over and lightly kissed Amy on her cheek.

Amy smiled because it must have been the booze last night that caused him to come on to her. Their daughter Jennifer moved out onto the patio where Bill and Karen's son Matt was sitting. Both had recently turned 18 and were soon leaving for college. Todd moved out with them which left Amy and Bill alone looking out the patio door.

"We have some great kids you know it?" Bill whispered to Amy as he moved up behind her.

"Yes," she said feeling his closeness.

"Jennifer is looking more like her mother every day," he whispered. "She's really filled out nicely."

As Amy grabbed the door knob to go out and get away from him he put his hand on her lower back just above her shorts and held her body there preventing her from opening the door. "Bill stop," she said as her fingers moved back to grab his wrist. But he only smiled while moving his fingers up under her sweatshirt and over her bare skin. "She has nice hips like her mother."

Amy tried to hold his hand still but he managed to push his fingers down under the waistband of her shorts. Her breathing and her heart were racing. She gasped when he touched the top of her silky panties and then traced slowly around the waistband.

"What color are your panties?" he whispered.

"None of your business," she said faking a smile. They could still hear the shower upstairs and saw those on the patio talking.

"Show me the color of your panties and I'll stop," he chuckled. His fingers moved under the elastic and down into her damp ass crack. The middle finger moved dangerously down to no other man had gone before.

"Don't.........OK I' you," she whispered. She looked again to make sure no one was looking into the house before she turned facing Bill. Her trembling fingers unsnapped her shorts and then pushed down her zipper. As she pulled her shorts open she looked into his eyes as he looked down at the silky pink lace panties. "Satisfied?" she smiled as she quickly hid them again and reconnect her shorts.

"Does it look like I'm satisfied?" Bill grinned while pushing out his crotch.

"Oh my God," Amy thought when she saw the size of his bulge. He had to be three or four inches bigger than Todd. "You'll just have to take care of that yourself," she smiled as she pushed him back and moved out onto the patio.

The rest of the day went pretty calm because Amy made sure not to be alone with him but saw his eyes burning into her flesh. They finished dinner and the adults moved down into the basement den to watch a movie. Since Amy moved onto the settee next to Todd she was safe for most of the movie until they took a break and Karen went upstairs to pop some popcorn and when Todd also went upstairs to check his voice messages at work. Amy stood to leave as well but as soon as Todd's body moved away Bill grabbed her arm and pulled her down on his lap.

"Are you crazy," she whispered. "They could come back at any minute." She tried to lift up but his arm moved around her waist. "Let me go."

"Kiss me first," he grinned.

Amy quickly kissed his cheek.

"Nope a real kiss....."

"I'm not going to kiss you like that," she said while trying to break free. She suddenly felt his hard-on pressing up against her soft ass and remembered how big it was before in the kitchen.

They heard the popcorn popping in the kitchen. "Hurry or they will come back and find you on my lap," he whispered.

Amy's body was on fire and she knew she had to do something. She turned to face him before grabbing his head in both hands and pulling his moist lips over to hers. His tongue raced out to tease over her lips and then into her mouth to find her hidden tongue. It had been so long since she and Todd had kissed like this. So long that her tongue started moving against his and then out into his mouth. Both were breathing hard and meshing tongues when they heard the popcorn stop popping and the door to the basement opening. She moved her lips away and jumped back off of his hard lap making sure to peek down at it before he crossed his legs and she moved back to the settee.

For the rest of the night they stayed apart until Todd and Amy stood by the door to leave. Amy was against the wall when Bill moved his hand behind her waist to hug her. Her eyes opened wide when his hand dropped down and cupped her right buttock. She knew their spouses couldn't see him caress and explore the softness so she didn't pull away. After a light peck on his cheek he moved back and she left with her husband and daughter who were standing on the sidewalk.


Amy initiated sex that night because Bill had pushed buttons not activated for a long time. It had been years since she had gone down on Todd and he couldn't handle it. His hot spunk filled her mouth and throat. She tried to get him hard again but since he was satisfied he rolled over and went to sleep. Even though Bill had caused extreme excitement in her body she knew he had to stop. The next morning after Todd went to work she called his insurance office. "Bill this is Amy."

"Hold on," Bill said quickly before putting down the phone and going over to close his office door. He smiled when he picked it back up. "I had fun last night."

"That's why I'm calling," she said firmly. "You have to stop."

"Tell me you didn't enjoy that kiss last night," he whispered.

"That's the problem I enjoyed something I shouldn't have been doing." Just the sound of his voice and the topic was causing hot flashes down below.

"What are you wearing?"

"I'm not going to tell you what I'm wearing," she said feeling flush.

"Are you wearing a bra?"

"Bill!" She said loudly. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because I want to make love with you. I want to remove your clothes and..."

"Please stop," she begged as she sat down on the sofa. "We are married to two wonderful people."

"They won't find out," he whispered. "Meet me for lunch."


"I think you want this as much as I do," he said softly. "I'll be at the Old Cottage Inn at noon. Meet me there."

"Bill I......." She was starting to say that she couldn't but he hung up. She leaned back and closed her eyes as she remembered his hard penis pressing into her ass.


It was ten minutes past noon when Bill started to move into the restaurant and saw her mini-van pull into the parking lot. He hid back behind a pole and watched as she pulled down the overhead mirror and checked her hair and her lipstick. He smiled knowing it was for him. After leaving the van she smoothed down her silky dress that clung to every inch of her softness.

"I'm glad you came," he said smiling as he leaned over to kiss her but she jerked back.

"I didn't come for that. We need to talk." She moved past him into the small restaurant. The hostess checked for Bill's name and a cute little waitress led them up a flight of stairs. Amy had been in the restaurant before but had never eaten upstairs. She felt Bill try to grab her hand but she jerked it away. They moved down a narrow hallway and into a small room that had a single table. She turned and glared at him. "What is this?"

"If we are going to talk it should be private," he grinned as he whispered something to the girl and she left.

Amy moved to the closest chair near the door in case she had to make a run for it. She modestly pushed down her dress and waited for a young man to pour water into their glasses. A few seconds later the girl brought back a bottle of wine.

"Are you going to try and get me drunk?" She asked with a sly smile.

"Do I need to?" He grinned back. He could see her hard nipples pushing out the thin dress and obvious thin bra. The waiter came back and took their orders and said he would be back in about twenty minutes with their food. As he moved out of the room he closed the door and Amy heard the click.

"To us," Bill said smiling as he held his wine glass up to clink with hers.

"The only us is good friends," she said not holding up her glass. "Are you going to stop touching me and.......kissing me?"

"You don't want me to," he smiled. He moved his hand out and grabbed hers on the table. She tried to move it away but he was too strong. "Friends hold hands."

As they held hands Amy nervously brought up the glass of wine and took a big sip. His thumb was gently rubbing over the top of her sensitive hand and causing shivers up and down her spine. "We can't do anything bad."

Bill's hopes caught fire. " we will take it nice and slow." He moved his chair towards hers as his fingers tickled up her small forearm, over her elbow and then up her soft bicep to her shoulder. Her eyes closed while he touched over her thin straps of her dress and bra until he was gently caressing the tender nape of her neck. "Nice and slow," he repeated.

Amy's chest was rising and falling rapidly as a man other than her husband was touching her soft skin. His fingers were so much softer than Todd's so when he touched her earlobe she moved her head the other way to allow him access to her whole right side. Her ears had long been a "G-Spot" for her so now her whole body was alive and in need.

"That feels good," she purred.

He moved his index fingertip lightly over her ear canal until she moaned and took a deep breath. He knew he was getting to her but he didn't want to spook her. With her eyes closed she did not see his head moving closer and didn't realize it until his lips pressed into her neck.

"Ohhh," she moaned.

As he licked and nibbled on her neck and ear he whispered. "You are so beautiful. So soft." As he said the last word his fingers moved down off her neck, over the top of her dress and slowly down and then up the rise of her breast. "So soft."

Amy knew it was wrong but his lips and words opened the door for his fingers to press lightly up over her breast until they found her raised tip.

"Bill...that's being...bad," she whispered but she didn't pull his fingers away. Time stood still for them both while he touched and rubbed her hard nipple. She was disappointed when his fingers moved away but soon felt them touching her other breast and button. As his lips moved around to her mouth they heard someone tap on the door. Amy quickly jerked her body back and pulled his hand from her titty.

"Move away," she whispered.

Bill did as she said and told the person at the door to come in. The waiter opened the door and peeked inside.

"Your meal is here." He smiled at Amy who blushed and looked down.

They took their time eating and smiling at each other but not saying much. Finally when the table was cleared after desert the waiter took Bill's credit card and whispered something to him before leaving and locking the door again.

"What did he just say to you?" She asked suspiciously.

"He said there was no hurry for us to leave and that he would have the bill ready for me at the entrance," Bill grinned.

"I think I should leave," she said before standing and talking two steps towards the door but he grabbed her wrist again and pulled her down onto his hard-on again.

"You like doing that don't you?" She asked.

"So do you," he chuckled while pulling her opened lips down to his. They didn't waste anytime as their tongues reacquainted themselves again and flicked and touched everywhere they could reach. Finally Amy pulled her mouth back and looked into his eyes.

"I haven't kissed like that in years." This time it was her being aggressive while jamming her tongue deeply into his throat and when she moved it back his followed. Her lips clamped onto his tongue and started pretending it was his cock. Since touching breasts had already been done he cupped her titty and massaged it while they continued frenching and tasting each other's lunches. It was when he tried to pull her shoulder straps down that she pulled back and grabbed them.

"Not under my dress." She was setting some ground rules. Again they started kissing and his hand caressed her covered breasts.

Amy's body was in need but she had it under control. As he moved his hand down her side and over her left buttock she continued kissing him and rubbing her ass against his huge lump. He squeezed and massaged her soft ass checks and then moved over her thigh to press down into her pussy mound. She grabbed his wrist again.

"Not there." He was too strong for her to pull it away so he continued rubbing downward until he touched her covered bush area.

"Bill stop," she moaned as her fingers became weaker.

His lips nibbled at her ear as he pushed down over her puff of hair and into her sex. "You want me to touch your pussy."

"No," she moaned but slowly opened her legs and loosened her grip. He rubbed over her swollen clitty and down into her dampness. "Let me touch you under your panties."

"No....please stop," she begged. Her physical control had left but her mind had alarms going off.

"You can't......think of Karen." Saying her name didn't matter to him but just the sound was like cold water on her face.

"STOP!" She pushed him back and moved off of his lap.

"Amy.....come here," he said holding out his hands. "Look what you did to me." They both looked down at the eight inch shape in his slacks.

"No......this was a mistake," she said as she moved to the door and released the inside lock. Before he could grab her she was out the door.

"Shit......almost," Bill smiled.


An hour later Amy sat in the dark living room drinking a glass of wine thinking about the past few weeks. She knew he knew that she wanted his touches and kisses as much as he wanted hers. But it was so wrong and so dangerous. exciting. It was about an hour before her daughter came home so when the phone rang she knew it was Bill. "Hello."

"Hi," Bill said softly. "I tried to go back to work but I can only think of you."

"You shouldn't say things like that," she said smiling.

"I'm still hard," he whispered hoping she would not hang up. She didn't say anything but he could hear her breathing. "Are you still wet?"

A few seconds went by before she answered. "Yes." Her finger snaked up under her dress and rubbed into her moist covered slit. "It's really wet."

"Are you touching it now?" He heard her breathing getting louder and louder.

"Yes," she whispered barely loud enough for him to hear.

"Are you still wearing your dress?" He was now stroking his hard cock while his office door was closed.


"And panties?"


"Take off your panties."

Again she didn't say anything so he wondered if she really did it. "Did you take them off?"

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