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Julia's Guitar

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Julia plays Guitar For Nude Day.
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Nude day entry. Yes I know, Youtube is not this lax. My universe, my rules. The Hermann Amphitheatre is a Fictional location.


Saturday July 26 2003

Tom and Lisa brought their twin daughters Jennifer and Julia to the downtown Indianapolis music fair, listening to a retro band do their version 'Freebird'.

Julia watched with sharp interest and said in her four year old voice, "Daddy. I can do that."

He looked down into those hazel eyes of his young daughter that he adored and smiled, "You want to try it?"

Julia nodded

He asked, "What? Singing?"

Julia shook her head and pointed at the electric guitar player.

They waited until the band switched out for another band. Tom walked over with his daughter to the guitar player and asked, "Hey. I know it's a pain, but my daughter here would love to try your guitar."

The man, aged in his 50s and somewhat portly with gray hair in a ponytail and beard, smiled, "No problem. Guitar is my passion. I teach it."

He kneeled down onto one knee and smiled at Julia, "What is your name?"

Julia answered, "Julia. I can do that."

The man smiled, "I'm Hank. And I think you mean that you want to try it."

Julia shook her head and repeated, "No. I can do that."

Hank did not want to keep arguing with a four year old and took his guitar from his neck and held it in front of Julia in a playing position.

Hank asked, "So. What was your favorite part?"

Julia smiled and said, "The long time you played alone."

Hank smiled and said, "That is a guitar solo."

Julia smiled back and said. "I like it! I can do that."

Hank looked up at Tom and asked, "Has she had lessons?"

Tom shook his head and said, "I didn't know she liked electric guitar until now. Money is tight anyway so, no lessons, even if I knew."

Hank shrugged and said, "Okay. Just odd that she said she could do it when she clearly means she would like to do it."

Julia repeated with a bit of edge to her voice, "No! I can do that."

Hank explained what was fretting and what was picking.

Julia nodded, "Left hand is fretting. Right hand is picking. "

Hank looked up and asked, "How old is she? She speaks like an eight year old."

Tom said, "Four. I know. She and her sister have been reading since before they were three. We had them tested. They are both very gifted."

Hank asked, "How gifted?"

Tom shrugged and said, "We are not sure. The doctors that tested them are not sure. They are hard to test at this age. Somewhere above an IQ of 150. Tests above that level don't work well."

Hank said, "Just odd that as well as she speaks, she does not seem to understand the difference between 'want to' and 'can'.

Tom shrugged and said, "I don't know. You are the one arguing with a four year old."

Hank laughed and gave Julia his attention, "So. Can you show me the playing I did?"

Julia did a perfect imitation of his playing that was clumsy, yet it was a perfect copy of finger placement and timing. There was little sound and the picking was weak.

Hank cocked his head and had a puzzled expression. He said, "Did I just see that?" and muttered half under his breath, "There is no way."

He looked Julia in the eyes and said, "Do... That... Again..."

Julia did it again with perfect finger placement and timing.

Hank's jaw dropped.

Julia said, "The guitar is too big."

Hank began to fully understand what he was dealing with. He stood up almost in a panic and said, "I've heard of this but never actually seen it. Don't move.."

He ran three steps and turned back to repeat, still almost panicked, "DON'T MOVE!"

Hank ran faster than anyone with his age and weight would be seemingly able to."

Hank returned five minutes later with a much smaller instrument.

He put the smaller guitar strap over her head and said, "Do that again."

Julia did it perfectly. Technique was poor as she had barely done it before. But finger placement and timing were perfect.

Hank, Tom, and Lisa were standing mouths agape.

Hank only half recovered to say in complete wonderment, "Her lessons are free. For life, as long as she tells everyone her first guitar teacher was Hank Robinson."

Julia looked up at them, smiled proudly, and said, "See! I can do that!"


Wednesday June 14 2017

Now an eighteen year old married woman with shoulder blade length dark brown hair and a pretty face, Julia looked outside, saw a beautiful day and nodded to herself thinking, "This is going to be fun." She set up her amp and speakers outside under the big oak tree and brought out her guitar, plugging it in.

She set up her mom's Nikon DSLR on a tripod and set it to video mode. She checked the viewfinder and nodded, She should be seen knees to head in the shot.

She turned on the recording of the backing tracks for Freebird on and listened to the organ music start the song, then as the guitar part was starting, she played. Naked as she was born and in full view of the camera, she played.

As she always did, she devoured the song, playing perfectly like every other time she played, not knowing how she knew the song, but always knowing that she did know it and knew it flawlessly.

She finished the song, smiled at the camera, shook her D cup breasts a half shake and said, unironically, "I hope you enjoyed this video." She laughed at herself and ended the video.

She went to her new Youtube account and uploaded the video.

Thursday June 15 2017

Julia's friend Cassie called Julia and asked, "What the heck did you do?"

Julia asked, "What are you talking about?"

Cassie said, "Your video has thirty thousand hits."

Julie was shocked, "Really? Must be the naked girl thing."

Cassie said, "I'm sure that is part of it but many are commenting your playing is flawless."

Julie said, "Cool! It was fun. Wonder how many hits I will get..."

Monday, June 19, 2017

Julia was sitting in the food court of the mall with her sister Jennifer, friends Cassie and Amanda The Caller ID said Amazon Productions.

She showed it to Jennifer who shrugged.

Julia answered, "Hello?"

A voice on the line answered, "This is Linda Caruthers of Amazon Productions. Are you the woman who did the electric guitar video of Freebird while nude?"

Julia said, "Yes. Um, how did you get my number?"

Linda answered, "We are Amazon.. We have people whose job it is to track down possible talent and you are definitely talented. We first managed to find your mom and she gave me your number ten minutes ago."

Julia asked, "So what is this about?"

Linda said, "Well. My job is to find great stories and I think I found one. Have you heard of Monroe Munroe?"

Julia said, "Yes. He has an hour-long show on Prime. Eclectic show that has almost anything."

Linda said, "Yes and we are hoping you would be willing to repeat your performance live in front of an audience."

Julia got a big case of butterflies in her stomach. She embraced them. She gave Linda a brief history of her playing and set it up. July 14th of the year, Monroe would come and she would play locally at the Hermann Amphitheatre near Waynesboro, Virginia in front of over a thousand people.

As Julia ended the call, Jennifer asked, "So something about you going on TV?"

Julia said, "I'm going to be on the Monroe Munroe show. The guitar video I made, the one that went viral. I'm doing that on his show in front of a live audience of over one thousand people."

Jennifer said, "Uh. How can you get up in front of all those strangers live and naked like that?"

Julia said, "I'm looking forward to it. It's going to be a huge rush!"


Friday July 14 2017

Julia's husband Daniel, drove with his wife Julia to the Hermann Amphitheater south of town and as instructed, parked behind a small building attached to the back of the covered stage.

They got out, her husband Daniel pulled two guitar cases out of the car and knocked on the back door. A huge man answered with an unfriendly gaze.

Daniel looked at the huge man and said, "We are Daniel and Julia Branch. She is the performer tonight."

The man nodded and let them in, leading them to a door. He said, "This is your dressing room."

Julia smirked and said, "Undressing room."

The giant man did not react and walked away.

Daniel said, "Nice guy." and rolled his eyes.

Julia unsnapped four snaps on her dress then shrugged it off to stand nude except for a new pair of tennis shoes from Walmart. She smiled and stretched, then checked her hair and face in a mirror.

She looked at him, "Hey! You too. It's Nude Day. Besides... Support your woman! STRIP!"

A half hour later there was a knock at the door, "Mrs. Branch, are you decent? It's Monroe Munroe."

Julia answered, "Come in."

He opened the door, saw Julia naked and said, "Jeez sorry."

Julia was puzzled, "Sorry about what?"

The man answered, "I thought you would be wearing a robe."

Julia said, "Why would I do that? I am about to go on stage and play in front of a crowd buck naked. And call me Julia. That is my name and not even my grandma goes by formalities."

Monroe still tried to keep eye contact, "Uh. Anyway, It's all set. I will announce you, then you come out and play Freebird on guitar and do an interview. Then we see what happens."

Julia nodded, "I understand Mr. Munroe. What's after that?"

Mr. Munroe smiled and, being deliberately vague, said, "Call me Monroe, not Mister. Only good things are going to happen, Julia. Only good things."

Another five minutes passed and there was another knock. The giant man who showed them in said, "I am taking you to the waiting area backstage. They will announce you. You go out and play. He handed her a small mic and said, "Stick that right under your collarbone so we can hear you talk."

Julia stuck the mic to her skin as instructed.

Julia and Michael followed the giant man to a space off the side of the back stage. Julia could hear the crowd and peeked at over a thousand people. Butterflies hit her stomach hard. She embraced them, savoring them, feeding her ego.

The crowd clapped and she heard Monroe Munroe address the audience, "Welcome to the Monroe Munroe Show Nude Day Special. Well tonight we have something just a tiny bit unusual."

The crowd and Monroe laughed.

Monroe continued, "Anyway. Good thing we play on Amazon Prime so we can show this for... uh... full effect. About a month ago a video went viral. A young woman was playing Freebird on an electric guitar and, well, what she was wearing caused quite a stir. And millions of hits. Well we have her tonight and she is wearing the same thing she was wearing on the video. Welcome. Julia Branch."

Julia walked out from behind the curtain. Over a thousand people were watching her. She felt the butterflies hit and she embraced them. Her ego was being fed at a rate as fast as she could take it. She was high on life before she even got to her spot on the stage.

Freebird, less the guitar parts started in the background and she played. She started playing. She killed it. Again, like every time she played. She killed it. For 9 minutes she devoured the song and 1000 people devoured and admired the sight of her beautiful nude woman devouring that song.

She finished and smiled, looked down at the front row to see her parents and the rest of her family smiling back up to her and cheering as the audience erupted. She appreciated they were all wearing the same thing she was; nothing.

Monroe came out and stood next to her as the audience kept clapping.

Julia laughed as Monroe gestured to her and the crowd clapped louder.

It took a minute for the audience to sit down and quiet.

Monroe said, "Quite a stir. How does it feel?"

Julia smiled, "What a rush!"

Monroe asked, "Well what possessed you to make that video nude?"

Julia said, "I grew up in a nudist family. I was taught at a young age that my body is not bad. When you knocked on my dressing room door you asked if I was decent. I told you to come in and you saw I was naked. You were shocked as if it was indecent. A woman's body is never indecent. I reject the idea that the human body is bad."

Monroe asked, "So you felt no embarrassment?"

Julia shook her head, "None. I felt. Free. Alive. The audience was feeding my ego as fast as I could take it. I was high on life before I even got to my spot to play."

Monroe said, "Ego sounds like a male thing."

Julia shook her head, "Society tells me to not admit I have an ego. I also reject that. I have a huge ego. I'm just not going to use it for conceit or arrogance. I have talents and I have faults."

Monroe said, "Julia. I don't see any faults."

Julia shrugged, "I'm bossy. I have to slow down my own thoughts to not just talk over people. I have no patience for people telling me what I can and cannot do unless it is illegal. I am overly blunt and I won't pretend I am a different person than I am. I forget I think a lot faster than most people and can and get impatient waiting for them to catch up."

Monroe said, "Your mom sent me some information about you. You have an IQ somewhere around one hundred sixty. For reference people. This amphitheater holds a bit more than twelve hundred people. If this would be a stadium with thirty thousand people, she would still be the smartest person here."

Julia shook her head, "Unless my twin sister was in the front row like she is now. Her IQ is the same as mine. Wave Jennifer."

Jennifer waved and laughed.

Monroe said, "Let's talk about that. You are beautiful and intelligent, far into the rare category. You mentioned waiting for people to catch up to you when speaking. What do you mean?"

Julia said, "I don't know many subjects that an average person cannot grasp. I just do it much faster. One of my teachers used this way to describe it. A person with a 100 IQ thinks in words. 120 in sentences. 140 in paragraphs. 160 in chapters and 180 in entire books. I just process information in larger pieces and my mind gets bored waiting for perfectly normal regular people to catch up. Jeez that sounds arrogant. I don't mean it that way.

She shrugged and sighed, "See! I have faults."

Monroe looked at Jennifer and said, "She does not look like a twin. I can see one difference... Well actually two of them... actually four."

Julia laughed, "We are fraternal twins. Yes. I grew quite a bust. I'm sure I will shock no one that she did far better than I did in track during high school."

Monroe laughed, "Quite a bust indeed."

Julia nodded, "Natural D's I like them. I think they look quite nice."

Monroe was taken aback, "Not sure I ever expected any woman to say that."

Julia shrugged, "If I had any problem with people scoping out my body, do you think for one second I would make a video of me playing the guitar naked or coming out here and doing it here live? I don't get mad at males being, you know... males. Look all you want. I really do not care. Seriously though. Do not touch. Touch is for my doctor and my husband and the doctor has to ask first."

Monroe said, "Speaking of husbands. Let's talk to probably the luckiest guy on the planet. Welcome Daniel Branch."

Daniel walked out and joined his wife.

Monroe extended his hand to shake Daniels and said, "Welcome Mr. Lucky!"

Daniel laughed and nodded, "I am indeed lucky."

Monroe asked, "So how old are you two?"

Both replied, "Eighteen"

Monroe said, "That is very young to be married."

Daniel replied, "When you win the woman lotto and she says she loves you and starts dropping hints she wants your ring. You don't say I am too young. You buy the ring. And she is the grand prize of my life. She is everything a man could even dream of."

Julia showed her extremely soft side that she rarely showed, "Aww Daniel. I love you too."

Daniel said, "She is brilliant and..."

He gestured up and down indicating her body. If I could piece together a woman physically from pictures on the internet. She is what I would come up with. She is beautiful. She is brilliant. She likes sex. I literally cannot think of anything to change her."

Julia gave a sly look and said, "No Daniel. I don't like sex. I LOVE sex with you."

Julia basked in his adoration as Daniel basked in a million people being jealous of who he had in his life.

Monroe smiled, "And here you are, one very lucky young man."

Monroe addressed Julia again and said, "You are headed to Martins University. The university in that town that allows public nudity?"

Julia smiled, "Yep. I cannot wait to be naked for literal months at a time. To me, Naked is fun. Naked is free. Naked feels good and I don't mean anything sexual about it. I'm taking some courses in the arts and the classes emphasize the bare human form. I cannot wait!"

Monroe said, "Let's switch back to guitar. You play and you play exceedingly well. When did you start?"

Julia said, "Age four. I remember going to this park and watching this man playing guitar. He was playing Freebird. I could see what he was doing and thought it would be fun to do it. I told my dad I wanted to play the guitar."

Monroe nodded, "Then what?"

Julia said, "Well I remember my dad going up to this man and asking him if I could play his guitar. I kept trying to tell them I could see what to do and I wanted to do it. They mistook me for saying I wanted to try when I damn well knew I could do it. He put his too big guitar in the playing position. I remember having to stretch down to do the fretting and picking. It was way too big and way too taut for me to play, but my fingers were all in the right place at the right time. He brought a small guitar and I nailed it on the first go. Well the placement and timing was right. I had not figured out the right pressure for fretting or picking yet. I just knew where my fingers had to be and when simply from watching."

Monroe nodded, "So what happened after?"

Julia smiled, "The man who had shown me his guitar was Hank. He was my first teacher until we moved here when I was a sophomore in high school. The day of the first lesson when I was four, he came over and..."

Julia's voice broke, "One of my best memories. I was at home and Hank came over the first time. He brought in four guitars. They were red, blue, white and black. He told me to pick one and I chose the blue one. It was so pretty. He handed it to me and said it was mine. I still have it. It's too small now but one of my most treasured items. I learned later he had given it to me because my parents could not afford anything then. The lessons were free. The guitar was free. God bless that man. He gave me so much that I treasure and he never received a dime. I brought the guitar with me. Usually it hangs on the wall in my room."

Monroe had a stage hand bring out the case. Julia opened it and held it reverently. She displayed it to the audience and said, "This electric guitar is so special to me." The guitar was well worn, like a guitar lovingly played and practiced on should be.

Monroe asked, "What was his whole name?"

Monroe gave a subtle nod to the stage manager.

Julia said, "Hank Robinson. He is my hero right behind my dad."

Monroe smiled, sensing he had one of those epic TV moments and said, "Does he look like that guy?"

Hank was walking toward Julia with a huge smile.

Julia looked up and her eyes went wide. She ran and bear hugged Hank, "It's you. It's really you!"

Monroe smiled and said, "See Julia. When you asked me backstage what happened after. I said only good things. I meant it."

Hank came out and smiled and said, "Great to see you Julia. Jeez. Naked and adult now. I remember meeting that four year old."

Julia shook her boobs a couple times, "I'm not four anymore."


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