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Julie Anne at the Office

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Julia and Denny are rude at a meeting.
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March 4 2086, Chicago

Julie Anne browsed the list of work she had left to finish. The Brinkley account needed to be reviewed, then a report would need to be written, which wasn't such a large task, but it would be a hassle. She also needed to call maintenance about the radiator. The thing was on the fritz and had been flooding her workspace with hot air all week. She'd spoken to her supervisor, but Casey had done nothing about it.

"Bitch," she let out, dropping her head to the desk. The matted mess the humidity had made of her hair settled around her arm, and she felt the sweat rubbing between her forehead and forearm. She felt gross. Her shorts were the cutoff jeans she hadn't thought to wear since college. It made her feel unprofessional, and her paper thin cami didn't help. She was pretty sure anyone with eyes could see right through it.

What else was she supposed to do though? "It's too fucking hot!" she groaned. She decided, then and there, to get the damn radiator fixed. She dialed maintenance.

"Hello, uh, maintenance," came a rough, but feminine voice through the phone.

"Yes this is Julie Anne, on the second floor, my radiator is acting up. Could you send someone up?"

"Sure Julie," the voice replied, "I'll send up Denny." A click signaled the end of the conversation.

"That wasn't so hard" she told herself. She tried to return to work, but found the heat too much of a distraction. She tried to remember what Denny looked like. She knew the names of the maintenance men were all D's and there were four of them. Denny, Dave, Dale, and Dorian? Denis, or Drew? She wasn't sure. She knew they were all white, all but one were about thirty. She thought Denis was the young one. They were all, of course, simpletons.

All modern men got the operation, usually when they were still newborns. It was a simple procedure that could be carried out at any hospital. She didn't know the specifics, but had heard it made them more relaxed. She'd never met one who hadn't had the operation, but some stories told her they were dangerous and bizarre. She sometimes wondered how they managed to understand all the machinery when their behavior was so limited.

A man came lumbering toward her. Denny looked about thirty, and had a large, bushy beard. His arms were wrapped in muscles like twisting snakes. He towered over her five foot ten inch frame at nearly six and a half feet. "Fixing radiator?" Denny asked in his baritone voice.

"It's over there," Julie Anne pointed to the corner where the metal apparatus burned the air. The man waddled over to it, tapped it with his hand and cried out in pain. She flinched at the sound, but he seemed to care less. Within moments he was working at the base of the thing with a wrench.

There was another problem with having men in the office, they often humped things. As far as she knew, it was just a quirk of the sex. It happened once every hour or so, but they were usually far enough away not to bother anyone.

Denny had been at his work for about thirty minutes before he decided to hump her tree. He crouched down by the clay pot and thrusted his pelvis at it. Julie Anne was tempted to push him off, but she'd seen it happen before. It usually lasted a few minutes, and then the man would go back to work. He seemed pretty happy about it all too. She worked hard not to laugh as his overall clad body bounded up and down with the plant.

He calmed down soon, and went back to work, which she was grateful for. Unfortunately, Casey called her for a meeting. She packed up some reports and bid Denny goodbye.

"I have to go Denny. I'm going to a meeting. Come see me if you need something, ok?"

The man nodded, and went back to work. Julie Anne left for the meeting.

The meeting was little more than a complaining session. Casey dragged on about dropping sales, and how they needed to band together. Julie Anne was just happy no one was upset by her dress.

"Julie Anne, can you tell us about the progress on the Brinkley account?" Casey asked.

Julie Anne broke out of her stupor. She stood up, painfully aware of the amount of naked, dark skin poking out of her jeans and her cami. Her heart beat fast as she tried to piece together something to say.

"I plan to review the account after this meeting. I've had some trouble with my radiator, but I won't let that keep me from completing what's I've been assigned. My estimation is that the damage is not as bad as we thought it was. There are several assets which were not evaluated in the earlier stages, which I think, with proper management, will make it clear that we are still the best choice for the Brinkley group."

"I'm glad to hear that Julie Anne." Casey told her from the end of the table. "Can you give us a taste of what you plan to tell Brinkley's agent?"

Julie Anne nodded, "I've found that most agents respond best to quantitative data, so I'll open with the numbers. That's not to say that the interpersonal approach will be lacking, it is merely a secondary concer-"

"Excuse me Julie Anne," Casey interrupted, "is that yours?" She was pointing to the door, where Denny stood, his eyes staring at her absently.

"Oh, yes, Denny what is it? Is my radiator fixed?"

"Yes'm" Denny said. He wandered into the room, approaching Julie Anne. He touched her lightly on the forearm. She turned her head to see his face startlingly close to her own. Denny was sniffing at her shoulder and reaching for her other arm with his left hand.

"Denny, what are you-?" As she spoke the other women in the room let out a chuckle. They watched as Denny drew his hand along her other arm. He hooked his thumbs into the waist of her jeans, their heat pressing into her butt.

"Anyway," Casey said, forcing eye contact with Julie Anne, "continue were you left off about the report. You were saying about the interpersonal approach?"

Denny's thumbs had found their way inside her panties and were shifting them about, left then right, then left again. The pulling dragged it uncomfortably across her labia. She tried to ignore the roughness.

"I was saying, the interpersonal approach will not be lacking. While agents are trained to look at numbers, no one can deny the power of personability." Denny had worked the jeans half way down her ass and was already pressing himself against her. She could feel his thick chest muscles warming her back.

"When she sees what we've found, she'll understand that we haven't lost their money. She will still need to be convinced that we're the best out there, and for that I plan to take her through our four part plan." Her shorts fell to the floor as Denny finally got them off. He reached around her waist and began stroking her pubic hair and brushing against her clitoris with his thick, warm fingers. Her sweat rubbed off onto his fingers making them slippery as they wound around her crotch.

"That-" she winced as Denny hit a particularly delicate area, "That four stage plan Emily set up for us at last month's planning meeting was really great. I want to use some of her ideas to convince Brinkley that we know what we're doing. It will- ah." She gasped with the sensation of Denny's manhood pressing against her rear. She hadn't realized he'd dropped the overalls. Apparently he wore boxers under them, because she could feel the thin cloth against her legs. The man's penis was fully erect and pushing itself up between her butt cheeks.

"It will, of course, need some adjustment. After all we are talking to a client rather-"she trailed off. Denny was stroking her folds, and his dick had found its way between her legs. The warm combination was thoroughly pleasant, and terribly distracting. "Rather than personnel within the company."

"I can send you the whole presentation, and the notes I took." Emily offered. "I'm glad they'll actually help, sometimes I worry you know!"

"Thank you Emily," Casey said. "I'm glad to see we can work as a team. Remember it's not every woman for herself out there and we ought to understand that." She addressed Julie Anne again, who was now bobbing up and down. Her ass was thrust out to give Denny access to her cunt from behind and her breath was perturbed by his convulsions. "I'm also looking for a closer, you know what they say, people remember the first five words and the last five words."

"Of" Denny pushed, "of course." Julie Anne paused amid three or four particularly pleasurable strokes of Denny's fingers. "We should close by," He drew himself into her, once, twice. She gasped at the feeling. "By making it clear that we too," her face was blushed, a ruby tone beneath her natural brown. "Are people, with feelings" Denny was rocking to and fro, his hand furiously working the edges of her labia. He rubbed her clitoris between his fingers and his manhood. "Just-" her voice was shaken, on edge. "Just like them"

Denny continued to rut her, grinding his groin against her ass, pressing himself as if he wanted nothing more than to disappear within her. She continued speaking. "People like to know- to know that- their interests are being looked out for-"He rode faster, his manhood lubricated by her wetness. "by real human beings." He moaned once, then again, stuttered inside of her for a moment. Then he gave a few more thrusts. As he finished a wave of relief shot through Julie Anne. He finally pulled out and released his grip on her.

The women nodded knowingly at the conclusion. "I think you have a great idea Julie Anne," Casey said. "I think the agent will really like it. Let's get you back to it as soon as possible. Meeting adjourned."

With that, Marie Anne was allowed to leave. She saw Denny sulking in a corner, his overalls only half on. Her pity was undercut by her anger. Sure they had to have men at the office sometimes, but when one behaved like that? She wondered why she hadn't been more mortified during the event. Now that it was over, she felt ridiculous, why hadn't Casey called someone to remove Denny? She knew some of the older women in the office used the men for less that noble ends, but they ought to know better. Stupid men.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Julie Anne at the Office

Who knows what 2086 will bring? This is a nice take.

Odd, having ghe operations, men should be put in their place at all times. Perhaps Julie Anne should have been dressed down for not admonishing Denny immediately?

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