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Julie in the Sun

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I spy on a naked woman sunbathing on her hotel veranda.
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Julie is another woman whose images I have enjoyed on an 'amateur wife' website. I received a friendly response to my praise of a series of images of Julie laying on a hotel veranda in the sun, naked, just as described in this fantasy. She encouraged me to write my thoughts and we enjoyed a sensuous exchange of fantasy emails; Julie supplying suggestions about what she would enjoy reading.

Julie loved the idea of people staring at her naked body; one of the reasons why she posts her pictures on the website! In the fantasy stories, we explored some sexual themes in a playful way. So, this is a genuine product of our shared input, but is purest fantasy!

I have the beautiful images of Julie sunbathing that she would like me to share, but I am not sure how to post them with this text...


I woke up suddenly hearing strange instructions, like echoes in my head.

"Rub some more oil darling!" the gentle female voice called.

I look around, sure, no one here. I hear it again; it comes from the veranda next to mine. I see through the frosted glass partition that someone is there, a slight movement from the bronze shape I can make out there. I sit up and gaze at it, hoping it is a female shape. The movement appears again, maybe an arm waving. I stand now and step closer. The form is laid out on the sunbed, I can see that it is slight and looks feminine.

I am frustrated by the hazy image I have through the glass. In my head I imagine a female there, naked, on her back, alone and sexy but I can't see her. I step up to the glass, raise myself on tip toes and quickly peer over the slanting top. I ignore the beautiful vista to the front of my hotel veranda interested now in the shape a few meters from me.

The neighbouring veranda in empty apart from the naked woman I glimpse briefly, the veranda door is open but she seems to be alone.

"Gone for a swim!" I think to myself regarding her partner. I take another peep over the glass and this time I see a glass of drink beside her and the orange plastic sun oil bottle. The woman, in her forties, I guess, lies with a cold, wet flannel over her eyes, her hand hovers in the air over the table as if trying to locate the oil or her drink. I watch, confident now that her eyes are closed. Her lovely breasts wobble as she waves a lazy arm in the air; lower, her slit is slightly open to my view, shaved, still glistening from the oil she applied earlier, but her thighs are closed modestly.

Mesmerised, I rest my chin on the barrier and gaze at the tiny line of slit I can see. I feel like a man who has won a million dollars. My eyes flit up and down, adoring her tits and her shape, slightly plump on thighs and buttocks, then back to the teasing glimpse of woman sex. The sun shines brightly on one side of her slit, highlighting the curvy shape of her fleshy vulva. I am already dreaming about slipping my head between her firm legs, tasting her, burrowing into her with my greedy tongue shocking her with my lust.

As I stare, I see her drop her arm and sigh. She has given up but instead of calling again, she simply settles into the sunbed, wiggling her hips a little as she enjoys the sensuous feeling of the sun and cool breeze as it flits over her adorable shape.

More confident, I stand on the chair beside me and take in the vision fully, relaxed. It is bizarre; not more than 2 meters from me is a beautiful, naked woman, mature and well shaped, totally unaware of my adoring eyes taking in every detail of her nudity. I realise that my camera is nearby, but I fear that if I get it, the sexy creature will disappear by the time I get back. I decide to wait, but I am determined to take some pictures of her soon.

As I relax, no longer afraid of this babe catching me perving over her, I realise that I have a grin on my face. I allow myself to breathe easier now, sure that I won't gasp loudly as I struggle to take in air. My heart is punding and I have difficulty breathing. I freely gaze at her, inspecting her slit in close detail. Relaxed now, she allows her thighs to part slightly, not enough to expose herself fully, but enough to allow me to see more of her sex. Tantalising me, I can see the beautiful shape of her lips, bulging out from the neat line of her slit. I wonder if she will have a lovely set of protruding lips running from front to back. My head thrills at the thought processes that this vision has generated.

I decide that I will get my camera and capture this beauty for ever, but I have difficulty moving. I just want to stare at her. I realise that I have a aching, throbbing knob, sticking out freely inside my loose Bermuda shorts. I press it against the glass partition and it throbs in response. I realise that I am going to have a nice wank because of this woman, but will I mess up the magic if I get my camera?

I can't make up my mind so I simply rub my cock against the glass as it is so rewarding. The tingles shoot into my belly with such power that my breathing turns into gasps, my eyes lose focus for a second and my legs almost drop me to the floor. Strangely, I can feel the heat of the sun shinning through the glass and warming my hard shaft as I rub over it. I tingle and throb with juvenile intensity as I thrill to this beauty. As I move, I am aware of the coldness on the tip of my cock as sticky juice oozes from it, the cool breeze chilling it, making it even more sensuous.

Gently I stroke my prick on the glass and suddenly realise something that I have been aware of all the time -- someone is watching me! As soon as I felt the shock of realisation, I remember that I have been aware of the couple on the other side of this lady's veranda since my first brief glance at this beauty, but I had instantly dismissed this realisation from my mind. My mouth drops and my eyes sting as I look directly at the man and woman peering over their glass partition.

Instead of two accusing faces, I slowly recognise that they are smiling at me. Jokingly, the attractive woman wags her pointed finger at me while smiling and her man nods in total understanding. I realise after a while that I still have a look of horror on my face so I slowly try to smile back, but my face is almost frozen. The woman has a camera and it looks as if she may have been taking pictures for the last ten minutes or so; maybe for the period that I have been peering over the glass.

I wait, determined to run should they call out any abuse to me, but they do not. I remain frozen, my passion subsided now, but they do not make a sound. The woman gestures to me, placing her finger on her lips, urging silence from me. I feel stupid that all I can do is stare back at them. We can't communicate without disturbing the lovely woman in front of us. I simply raise my hand to my face as if I had my camera, gesturing that I want to take pics of her. The couple simply nod back to me.

I step away and rush into my hotel room, glad to be away from that scary scene. I grab my expensive camera and fiddle with the settings, putting it into Programmed mode, knowing that I could not concentrate enough on it to use manual. Suddenly, I feel a great fear; a fear of walking back out there and stealing pervy images of this lovely woman, whose privacy I have destroyed.

I stand in the shade of the room, enjoying the cool, my face burning with passion and sunstroke. I gaze out of the door and see again the bronze shape still laid on the bed. I step out slowly and timidly gaze over the glass to see if the couple are still there. I am relieved to see them smile at me and urge me to look over, pointing down at the object of our crude game. Through the glass I see the fuzzy shape move on the bed. I gaze as she reaches for her drink, ice cubes chinking on the glass. I make out her shape as she carefully pours chilled water on her flannel before laying back and placing the refreshing cloth over her eyes again.

As I step on the chair again, I see that the woman is taking images of our unaware model. As I peer over, I see that the model has allowed her legs to flop over the sides of the bed onto the floor. Now her lovely slit is fully visible, but more to my peering friends than myself. I see the woman as she twists the zoom on her lens, obviously getting as much detail as she can. Beside her, her man kisses her shoulders as he wraps her in his arms, their interest growing in many directions at once.

I lift my camera and try to focus on the lady before me. Stupidly and now, utterly embarrassingly, I realise that the lens cap is still on! I feel so stupid; I take it off and I want to throw it away; but I have to carefully place it on the table top, and try not to make a noise. Now I can take a picture for myself.

I glance at the couple who smile back, happy to discard the silly mistake. I take a wide shot, so that I can get the couple in the picture. I can only get a small part of the naked lady, but this is fine. The context, with my peering friends opposite, makes this image very special. Now I twist the zoom and close up on the naked form below me. I even get a whiff of the fine sun oil, mixed with a hint of sweat from her. I am closer than the couple so I can get to zoom in so close to this exposed quim. In the bright sun, I can see the tiny black stubs of hair, shaved recently, perhaps for her holiday. I can see also the lovely crinkly shape of her pussy lips, knotted tightly, forming a beautiful gate as it disappears between her thighs, a gate to her tiny hole.

I greedily take a series of images of this woman as she lies in the sun for me. Totally unaware, she relaxes and lets us all enjoy her body. I gaze back to my new colleagues in crime, the man now taking images of her, or of me and her; I don't care about this at all. His woman is now rubbing against him, her arms no longer on the partition, maybe she is teasing him in just the way I can imagine!

The lady rolls herself now, gently, from side to side, sliding down the bed, sensuously smoothing her back on the thick towel she lies on. Her nipples seem to become harder, almost as if she was excited. I want so much to rub her breasts. My tool starts again to stiffen as the erotic nature of her squirming body casts its spell on my easy mind. As she rocks gently on the bed, her thigh fall open; it seems as if she is giving herself to the sun.

I can almost see between her thighs as far as her buttocks. I lift the camera and take better pictures of this strangers intimate flesh. I admire her lips through the lens, the outstanding detail of her sex and see the tight line between each thin piece of flesh. In my lens, magnified, I can clearly see the gap, slightly parted, leading to her hole. It would be so exciting if her lips would just fall apart for us photographers!

I pull my camera away and glance at my friends. I can now see more clearly that the woman is caressing her man's tool. I take a few images of them, fuzzy also through the glass, but their passion is very clear. I see her gentle hand tease and stroke his rod as they both gaze at the innocent woman we are all adoring. If only she was aware of the passion she is arousing in her audience!

The man grins at his woman as they kiss gently. He looks at me and suddenly urges me, by signaling, to climb over to her, to our toy. I am shocked but without thinking about it I nod in agreement. I signal them to stay with me, place my camera on the table and easily step on the veranda rail, from mine to hers and step down in front of her.

I grin at my new friends and they urge me to go closer to the toy on the bed. As I do so, I am thrilled to see her sex so much clearer. I am aware that I will cast a shadow on her so I crouch low as I move closer. I am tempted to touch her as I move up to her thighs. I can't believe this, a few inches from my face is a beautiful female sex, parted as if ready to be used, glistening in the sun, covered with smears of thick sun oil. I stare crudely at the lovely lips that have captivated me; now I can see that they have parted deep between her thighs, but her longer, curly lips remain closed over her clit, protecting it from my greedy eyes.

I am thrilled to see a bubble of milky fluid dripping from the slight opening, clearly the reason for her sensuous movements we had just witnessed. I want to get closer so that I may breathe in her sex scent, but fear touching her. I try to lift up my camera, forgetting that it is still on my side of the barrier. No matter, I will make a mess if I am not careful. I stand slowly and walk beside her as she lays sensuously, her arms resting on the pillow with her head, flopping over the top of the bed.

I freeze as I make a noise. I think about rushing into her room, but she simply sighs.

"I need some more oil honey," she says to the person she thinks she is hearing. I look in horror again at my friends and they nod at me, urging me to go on. Foolishly, unable to respond to my sensible head, I obey their waved commands. Beside me, the oil stands in the sun, on the table. I lift it and stand prepared to be caught out, imagining that I can brush off this attack by pretending it is a bit of fun...

Holding the oil above this amazing woman, I squeeze; the oil warm falls on her chest with little reaction from her, but as soon as I move the bottle, the trail of oil becomes more detectable and thrilling me, she simply sighs at the dripping oils, now on her nipples, running many tiny rivers down her skin. Bravely now, I let the trickling oil run down her body as she squirms for us on the bed.

I grin at my friends and thrill as the woman signals crudely that I should rub her her breasts. I feel on top of the entire Universe as I reach down to these lovely, small globes and start to rub them as if I were her man -- or girlfriend!

I stand to the side of her hanging hands, tempted to place my aching cock in them, but sensibly avoiding anything that might spoil this moment. As my hands touch the woman, I glance at the couple who have stopped their game to watch. I bravely cup the female flesh of her delightful breasts and scoop the soft globes together, watching as her nipples move closer. As the woman sighs, I rub her tips with my thumbs, thrilled and frustrated when her breasts slip through my oily hands.

I glance at my friends and see that the man has moved a chair close to the barrier, maybe to stand on, but it suddenly occurs to me that they might be planning on joining us also!

My head is in a mess, as I see the man climb over the barrier to join us, his woman urging him on, holding his arm as if he might slip over the side of the hotel. In my head, I fear that this will be too much for our slave-toy, but beneath me she simply sighs sensually.

I forget them for a few moments as I concentrate on this lovely female form, my only reason for risking this irresistible form of abuse. Two beautiful tits fill my hands as I push the flesh into a pile on top of her chest, my grip totally unable to keep them together as she is so oily. The sun shines on her oily skin making every tiny detail appear clear and in sharp contrast. The shape of her nipples is also clear to my eyes, as are tiny hairs in her belly, all clearly exposed by the sun and oil.

Suddenly, the couple stand close to us. He is tall and well built, muscular and well toned for a man in his forties and his woman, shorter but also healthy looking, maybe a few years younger; dressed in swimming gear they look good. The man came to me and raised a fist in a friendly gesture; I raise mine and we touch knuckles as if we were old friends. Formalities over, he gazed with interest at the woman's exposed slit.

I gazed at his face as he greedily took in her female form. His eyes flit over her body, always returning to her hole, the beautiful shape capturing all eyes. As he did this, his woman nodded to me and pointed to the toy's eyes, gesturing that she thinks she can see under the flannel, still covering her eyes!

"Of course!" The thought thrills my head - she can see us! Suddenly, I realise that she was probably able to glance under the cloth as I was taking pictures of her. Also, it is clear that she was able to watch the couple as they too, peered at her display. I realise that the couple were gazing at her before I discovered her naked body!

I nod knowingly at the woman; we pretend to keep up the act, not wishing to spoil it should our toy realise that we know she is playing. I continue to run my adoring hands over the soft, sensuous flesh; the toy rubs herself in turn into the sunbed, the thick towel under her body making her pose even more erotic.

The man now reaches out for the bottle of oil, still in my hand. I pour more in my palm and pass it to him. Crudely, he allows the golden oil to drip down her belly, smiling at his woman as he watches her eyes, glued to the sexy, spread shape. As the dripping oil falls on her slit, the man and woman grin at each other, no doubt seeing the oil trickle between her lips and into her womanly hole.

Suddenly, he touches her belly. If the woman is correct about her hint to me, then our toy is able to see him clearly, looking down her body, under the flannel where it is lifted from her cheeks by her nose. The thought that this beauty is playing our game like this thrills me so much that I suddenly have a yearning to kiss her deep, sincerely and affectionately. I try to imagine what she might be thinking to see a complete stranger staring openly at her sex. I look to see if she feels the urge to cover herself by closing her thighs, but she simply relaxes and snuggles into the thick, soft towel under her body.

The idea that she is a willing party to this abuse gives me the most tantalising thrill; all three of us have invaded her privacy and now we are actually touching her, teasing her body and staring at her amazing slit crudely and greedily.

I let out a gentle, deliberate sigh; my hands running down her belly picking up more oil. Beneath me, our toy rolls her body sexily, still pretending to be alone with her real partner. My thighs touch her hands, both together above her head, resting in the air above the metal frame of the sunbed. I have the most simple and obvious idea. I stand and remove my Bermuda shorts, trampling them under my feet. My cock, half hard now, hangs in the air above her hands. As I lean forward again to rub her breasts, the tip of my cock glances over her fingers. Thrilling me, she allows her palms to open and my cock-head nestles into them.

As if in a sleepy state, her fingers wrap my cock and gently tease me. Clear goo oozes from my little slit spreading in her palm adding to the sensual aspect of the game. The other woman smiles at me as she watches the slut between us innocently grip my prick as if she were in a daze, enjoying the sun. I grin back to her as she nod knowingly and steps closer to her man.

Crudely, knowing that the slave-toy is watching, she tugs at his costume and pushes it over his waist. As the tight waistband is lowered, the woman reaches into it and lifts out an enormous cock. Letting it go, the rod flops down heavily, the man's balls still gripped in the material. Slowly, as if to tease, she nudges the costume lower slowly exposing her man's equipment.

Suddenly, the costume falls; the woman reaches behind her man and places her fingers between his thighs, to cup his balls and squeeze them into his groin. Our toy, tries to maintain her game, but her breathing stops as a sharp gasp escapes her lips. I am amazed by the long rod that flops in the air above her oily and vulnerable form. Her fingers flit over my cock, but I wonder what she feels inside at what she is seeing.

The man's partner teases his balls until her fingers reach forward and squeezes his shaft. Putting on a deliberate display of lust, the woman lifts the heavy shaft in the air from beneath, squeezing the spongy flesh as if testing it for firmness. For the first time, our sex toy gives a sign about her condition, when her thighs tighten, as if trying to squeeze together. Her feet are still on the floor, so it is not possible to close her legs without spoiling the game.


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