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Julie Visit to a Nudist Spa

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Julie shares her pussy.
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We had just returned from Fuerteventura and were staying at my in-laws in Hove for the Saturday night before heading to our home, we had had a great week sunbathing nude and getting all over tans. On the way back on the plane I had mentioned to Julie about a Nudist Spa off of the seafront in Hove and could we go on the Saturday night as it would be a good end to our holiday.

So on Saturday evening we drove down to the Spa to join up it was in small mews area and J was slightly nervous, she was happy to be nude on a beach but in a club was more confining and as she went to school in Brighton would anyone know her. I reassured her it would be fine and we could leave if she didn't like it.

I found the entrance and we were greeted by a couple of girls which made Julie relax a bit, we paid our joining fee and briefly checked out the bar area and got undressed. Julie put her white towel around her and we made our way to the pool and the Jacuzzi there seemed to be a lot more men than women and I thought this won't last long we will be going quite soon.

I suggested we tried the hot tub first and we both slipped in under the water amazing how quickly a girl can drop her towel and get into the water. The were two guys and a couple in the tub and we all got talking, The couple were from Croydon and said that they often came down from the weekend to the Spa Julie started to relax as she and Steph. had a lot in common. Paul her partner said he would give me a tour of the Spa as it was on several floors and there were steam rooms and sauna plus some relaxation rooms.

He showed me upstairs and to some rooms with beds for lounging on and explained you could come up for some fun, you could pull the curtains if you didn't want to be disturbed. I suddenly got excited wondering how I was going to get Julie up there with no alcohol in her!!

We headed back down to he Hot tub and Pool by which time Julie and Steph were still in the Spa but talking to 4 guys who had joined them. We must have spent a good hour or more in and out of the pool and into the sauna. Julie had completely relaxed to the extent of lying on the bottom bench in the sauna for the guys in there to have a great view of her pussy.

Eventually I suggested we took a look upstairs and I walked her past the beds, I said that if the curtains were closed it was because people wanted some privacy. She then asked "Why would they want that" and gave me a grin. Lets find out was my thought. So I grabbed her hand and led her in she lay down on the couch and I offered her a quick rub down knowing that I usually led to sex. Anyway once on our own Julie told me how she was really turned on by the club and that while Paul had been giving me a tour Steph had told her about the times she had sex with other guys in the club and that's why they came.

I told Jules to lay on her stomach and I stated to rub her back , ass and then between her legs then I moved over and opened the curtains it wasn't long before a guy was looking in Julies pussy was really wet by this time so taking some juice on my thumb I slipped it up her ass and massaged her pussy with my fingers, this always makes her arch her bum into the air. I told her to turn over and spread her legs she has large labia lips so I parted them and slipped two fingers deep into her cunt. The guy at the curtain had been in the hot tub with Julie and knew her name and asked if he could come in I checked with Jules and she nodded. I pulled the curtain, By now our visitor was as hard as me and was pulling his foreskin back revealing a fine cock I wasn't keen about him fucking Julie but she sat up and replaced his hand with hers, watching her move his skin up and down was electrifying and it wasn't long before his come started to ooze out over Julies hand and the spurted onto her legs. She wiped onto her hands and then over her Tits this was too much for me I was wanking and then Julie lent over and sucked my cock and I exploded in her mouth. She let it drip out of her mouth and again rubbed more on her tits.

I then got her to lie on the couch and both Jim and I started to touch her all over Nipples, Bum, Clitoris and Finger her pussy. I was enjoying watching Jim part Julie lips and start licking her Juices. Julie was writhing and moaning it was amazing she came very quickly clamping her legs around Jims hand. Jim thanked us and asked if we visited often as he would love to do it again.

We stayed for a few hours more in and out of the various areas, We left about 11.30pm and couldn't stop talking about it for ages. This was a few years ago and we have had a lot more fun since then.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

I'm coming myself now

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
like it

I like the candidness of this one, I'm a naturist too and let me tell you what a dream it would be to share a sauna with the two of you. Make sure you two visit the midlands sometime!

Now to read again, the first time made me hard, the second will finish the job. ;)

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
not bad

but as one of the other people said a bit rushed!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Gotta Love Julie

Just spent several moments staring at your wife's photo. Yeah, I'd be in love with her. A longer story would have been great, but when you are relating true stories, and don't is what it is. Thanks for both the stories, and Julie.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Promising storyline

but rushed, so much more could have been made of the situation

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