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Just One Kiss Pt. 03


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Carmen slipped her hands on Keri's smooth and sleek back and pulled their bodies together so that their breasts touched and rubbed, both with bare skin and hardened nipples. This time both of them moaned in unison, signaling passion, intimacy, and oneness.

Sexual sounds erupted from Keri's mouth and her pussy was now dripping wet. If the kissing alone had engaged all her senses then the skin-to-skin contact pushed them into high gear. This was heaven, sexual nirvana, and nothing before that moment had ever come close to that level of pleasure.

Carmen detached her lips from Keri's and descended to her neck to pleasure that sensitive area next. Feeling playful, she asked, "So, now tell me, do I kiss better? Hmm. I can feel your body telling me, but I want to hear you say it," she breathed in a whisper, slowly attacking her neck again.

"Yes." Keri hissed, desperate for more.

Carmen pulled back a bit but left her face close enough for their lips to brush. "No one-word answers, feel it, say it, and give in to it, and to me," she rasped, hand now moving to cup a breast. 'I have been dreaming of this happening for a long time and she's a hair away from losing herself to the passion,' her brain screamed feverishly.

Keri felt something snap deep within her, shoving a fire upwards throughout her body, as she gave in to the urgent desires assaulting her. "Ohhhh fuck yes, yes, you better, gawd there is just no comparison," she blurted out, now conscious of the fact that her breast was being caressed.

Carmen felt a thrill pass through her like a lightning bolt that amplified her own pent-up passionate girl-girl lusts. "That's it, babe, let it out, embrace it. And letting a girl touch you doesn't make you gay either," she purred as her lips inched downward. The kissing comment had been completely true, but this one was fuzzy at best, but she needed the girl to feel safe and at ease.

The blonde girl started shivering as a wet mouth and tongue began tasting each inch of skin, marveling at the skill and precision of each motion. This was perfect, her soon-to-be lover knew every secret place to touch, kiss, and nibble, as if the young woman had read every thought about what turned her on or read some secret manual.

Carmen caressed and kissed Keri's perfect breasts, pleased by their smoothness, lightness of the skin, and how they reacted when pleasured. Eyeing a nipple, she got the clear impression that their sensitivity was off the charts, which would be perfect for what she had in mind. Her lips hovered just above it, blowing hot air on it, and tickling with a tongue before wrapping her hips around it and sucking.

Keri arched her back and let out a surprised yelp as the experienced girl's warm mouth began stimulating her breast to heights she never imagined possible. Some of her previous lovers had attempted that, some better than others, but never ever like this. Each movement of those lips and tongue sent shockwaves down her body to her increasingly needy pussy, which was soaking her bikini and the ground beneath it. "Oh oh oh FUCK!" she explained, trying not to be too loud.

Carmen was glad that the oral pleasure of her new lover's breast was keeping her mouth occupied because she would probably be too aggressive vocally at that moment. She alternated breasts and motions, making the transitions smooth and the attention to each nipple measured and perfect. She was nearly certain that nothing had lasted as long as it had so far, and the girl's moans and writhing indicated that she was close.

Keri felt her head spinning, now far past any thought of how this was better, it was perfect, and yet kept getting better. Would asking to be touched make her no longer straight? Before her brain could even explore the question, her body answered for her, as she gasped, "Oh gawd please touch me!" she exclaimed, holding the head to her breast.

Carmen had only one mission at that moment, regardless of any more sexual activity beyond that point. She needed to make the girl cum from breast play alone, imprinting the knowledge that her gay friend had done that for her and the only one who could. Was it true? Compared to men, no question, but could another experienced lesbian manage it? Maybe. Honestly, none of it mattered as long as it happened.

Keri felt tension building inside her as if some biological spring was being deliberately wound up to the point of breaking, a completely new sensation that she was addicted to. After a few more sucks and licks to her nipple, an orgasm pushed out of her, making the spring release, perhaps even snapping and exploding altogether. She felt fire rip across her skin and set it on fire just short of being painful, her voice muted, and her legs thrashing about as if having a violent seizure. The orgasm lasted more than twice the longest she could remember, making her drift off for a moment as it eased.

Carmen had slipped Keri's bikini bottoms off during her climax without disengaging from her breast. It surprised her when she felt a velvet tongue and infinitely soft lips between her legs, winding her up all over again. "Gawd yes, eat me, eat my pussy, Carmen, please," a voice that seemed foreign to her begged. Begged? Yes, begged, pleaded, and yearned. No, this wasn't remotely straight, in fact, it was very gay and it didn't make the slightest difference. If this was what lesbian sex was like, she was ready to burn and shred her own sexuality and embrace this one without regret or hesitation. Carmen, her gay friend, was eating her pussy like a professional, and she loved every bit of it and would give in to it again and again forever if need be.

Keri couldn't fight the impulse to slip her fingers into her lover's hair, caressing frantically as that tongue started moving in and out of her slowly but deliciously. She had never been tongue-fucked like that before, but the wild sensations drove her own tensions ever higher. The fleshy member penetrated with infinite surgical skill, sliding deeper and wriggling around her most intimate passage, stimulating her in ways she never knew were possible.

Carmen had lost the ability to reason clearly and her actions flowed out of pure muscle memory and instinct, licking, sucking, and devouring the pussy before her. In return, Keri's body fed her its tasty sexual secretions, the taste of which made her never want to stop. 'Oh fuck, she tastes amazing, better than I ever imagined,' she said to herself, intent on making the girl cum harder and more times than she ever had before.

"Ohhhhhhh gawd that feels so amazing, you are unghhhhhhhh...incredible..."

Hearing the girl above her utter a feverish 5-star Yelp review of her pussy eating skills, Carmen withdrew her tongue slowly and turned her attention to Keri's distended clit, poking it gently with her tongue. She could have just attacked it at that moment but wanted the resulting climax to be soul-shattering, and doing it right then would dull the effect.

"Ready to cum for me, hun?" Carmen asked as she blew her hot breath on the little nub.

"FUCK yes!" Keri blurted out, her body already intensely squirming in anticipation of the event.

The dark-haired girl purposely remained in a stationary position with her lips just above her target, not responding at all. She wanted her friend looking at her, watching and witnessing a purely sapphic act that seared vividly in her memory. Inwardly she knew that saying the moment wouldn't make her less straight would be a gray area, and hollow-sounding at best, but knew that this would make one hell of an impression regardless.

Keri felt confused, even through the passion-fueled haze consuming her conscious mind. "What are you..." she began to say. As the blonde raised her head to see what was wrong, she saw Carmen's head between her legs, making the true reality of the moment hit her forcibly. That pretty face was slick from her own juices, and the look in her new lover's eyes was feral and hungry. A flicker of fear popped up inside her for a second, knowing that this was a pivotal event that would change everything. She mentally strangled the doubt and simply nodded her consent.

Carmen blew on Keri's clit again before slowly planting a light kiss on it, followed by her lips beginning a gentle sucking motion, accompanied by stimulation from her tongue. A few seconds later, the other girl's hands pushed her head in deeper, followed by hips gyrating with a will of their own. Keri was now clearly and insistently fucking her back, riding her mouth like there was no tomorrow.

Keri cried out, her body convulsing and pushing out a myriad of half-words, sounds, and noises as the second orgasm consumed her with intense fierceness. A flood of sweetness erupted into Carmen's eager, hungry lips, which had fastened to that pussy as the moment arrived.

As the nearly relentless climax started to ebb, she climbed on top of her friend, who was still visibly trembling from the sheer power of the experience. Bodies melted into each other as Carmen fastened her lips to Keri's, sharing the taste of her pussy between them, eliciting soft cooing sounds from each of them. After a few seconds, they rolled to the side into a half-embrace with eyes closed.

After about ten minutes, Keri started to fidget. "You ok? What's wrong?" Carmen asked.

"People will be wondering what happened to us."

Carmen smiled, knowing that more likely, her friend was more likely in the throes of what-the-hell-just-happened than concerned about what a crowd of people actually thought. Rather than just pile it on, she nodded. "Ok, we might as well get back then," she said reassuringly. After getting dressed again, the two quietly made their way back to the loud sounds of the party, where they parted ways without any fanfare.

Later on, Keri sat alone in the dark with her phone on, texting Chris about their next date and firming up the details. She felt conflicted about it all because the likelihood of them having sex was a lot higher now. It was a reasonable expectation, and truthfully she liked the idea, but the recent experience with Carmen haunted her. Sleep eluded her, and when she finally did nod off, fragmented dreams cascaded through her unconscious mind.

Keri awoke with a start a few hours later, drenched in sweat, and her pussy wet and aching with need. She couldn't recall anything from her dreams but presumed that they were sexual based on the condition of her body and sexual urges. Rifling through her nightstand, she grabbed a slim vibrator, the only one she owned, and kicked the covers off. The smell of sex soaked the room and her vaginal passage pulsed as she slid the device in and turned it on.

"Ohhhhhhhhh," she moaned out as her body came to life.

Keri spread her legs apart obscenely, welcoming her artificial lover to ravage her, but felt a twinge of dissatisfaction that someone else's warm skin was not pressed to her own. 'Well, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do,' she thought as the finger of her other hand stroked her clit lightly. She could feel the wetness increasing as she teased herself, focusing on the sensations that came to mind from her last encounter with a lover before that day. Unfortunately, it lacked the mental stimulation needed, which just started to build frustration at a moment when it was least helpful.

'You know what you need to do,' her pussy seemed to say.

'I don't want to do that,' she responded in her mind.

'Yes you do, why won't you?' her pussy seemed to giggle.

'Because I am straight and only into guys,' Keri shot back.

'Then explain why you said yes to this,' came the answer as the image of Carmen eating her pussy splashed across her mind's eye.

In that instant, Keri let out a low moan as her body spasmed and pussy tightened, her orgasm not fabulous but still pleasurable. As her sanity returned, she groaned and put a hand over her eyes. 'Did I really just get into an invisible argument with my body? I am losing my fucking mind, she thought, before falling asleep.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Great series where Keri keeps struggling to find clarity between her ingrained image of a "nice guy with a nice relationship leading to a nice marriage yada yada" and Carmen's open offer for genuine and compassionate Sapphic eroticism. On that point, the ending with

'Did I really just get into an invisible argument with my body? I am losing my fucking mind . . . "

was great.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Content? - 🤨

christa_pchrista_p7 months agoAuthor

Believe me, I am as surprised as you are, my next effort will be to put the unedited story and only change grammar and spelling only.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

We're so spoiled of your stories and your releasing schedule that any longer than a lil over a week sends us into acute withdrawal,_, hope they approve your resubmission soon cuz I cannot wait how it unfolds!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Where's part 4?

christa_pchrista_p7 months agoAuthor

Part 4 is on the way, I submitted it over a week ago and it got rejected but I resubmitted it.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

We need a part 4! Amazing story

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Part 4!!!!

genzsubgenzsub7 months ago

Fantastic moment of sexual realization! So hot!

PixiehoffPixiehoff7 months ago

Oh I loved this Christa - you write so well, and there is always something highly-charged in a straight girl's first time with another woman xxxxx

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Wow! loved it! more please!

Novella23Novella237 months ago

Speechless! So erotic, christa! I may never write again. You are gifted. Hope there is another chapter. 5 stars...again!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I love your story lines, great description of the build up at pool side. Will be looking for the next chapter in this story. You have a great insight to the art of seduction in your stories. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

🥱 - same old same old

Nurse_TwistedNurse_Twisted7 months ago

Honestly, I never really believed that you could ever top Thoughts, but this one just might. There is so much to like here. The way that Keri's inner struggle is dealt with is just exquiste. The scene of her masturbating, the "throes of what the hell just happened (beautiful turn of phrase!), and having a losing argument with her body...OMFG. This is amazing.

And when it comes to slow burn and buildup, you have few peers and no equals. Thank you for this

MigbirdMigbird7 months ago

That scene so tumescent, so sensually charged. Love what you’re doing with your characters. Wow.

AliceGeeAliceGee7 months ago

I think it is about time that Keri accepted her new found sexuality and gave Chris the old heave-ho. I would like to think that in the next installment we will be treated to a full on bedroom scene where Carmen complets her seduction and Keri fully embraces her new lesbian urges. Very well written and the sex was very hot and very satisfying (blush). Five well deserved stars.

ArkingArking7 months ago

That was a remarkable scene you just produced. The forbidden swimming pool image of a 'straight' girl giving herself willingly to her gay friend. It is a story that many have tried to write, but few have captured it as well as you have.

I remember my own first encounter with an older lover and how they knew my body better than I did. Just as you have written the encounter here, I am certain there will be many a 'straight' girl/woman wanting to be in Keri's position.

5 stars. I'd give you more if they allowed it.

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