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Karma Never Sleeps

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Another odd but effective BTB.
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Strange BTB. It's a fiction; any concordance with reality is only accidental.


After two hours of intense love, Colleen asked Mike to leave.

"Darling, it's already seven, in about an hour my husband will be at home."

Her younger lover nodded and hurried to the shower. The woman was for him just a cheap fuck, not something worth risk for.

They changed some kisses, passionate from her part, conventional from him; after that, they dressed and descended the stairs.

Only Colleen bleated, Mike already thought at more important problems.

Downstairs was dark because of the curtains. With a usual gesture, the host push on the commuter, but immediately after that, she cried, jumping back.

Her husband was there, sitting on his favorite recliner and caring a shotgun.

Mike became pale at once. In a fistfight, he easily could beat the old cuckold, but the chance equalizer his opponent have was changing completely the situation.

"Chris, what are you going to do?" Colleen was worried.

"Just shut up and stand on the couch, both of you," ordered the husband.

The wife almost fainted but the lover sat on the opposite end, trying to avoid her.

"I present you my best friend, Charley, the only one who never betray me," said Chris, pointing to his shotgun. "He is loaded and angry, I assure you. He makes nice holes, very big ones."

"I ask myself how you look without balls," he addressed to the lover.

"Please, sir, let's remain civil," babbled the young man. "I assure you that wasn't disrespect from my part."

The armed man grinned.

"Yes, dear, I love only you; it's was recreational sex, like an exercise, nothing more," added Colleen.

"I bet it was," grinned Chris again. "But both of you must know that shooting is recreational too, even an Olympic discipline."

The two lovers swallowed hard.

"Don't disturb Charley again," ordered Chris. "You should know that he doesn't like useless chat."

The two of them nodded.

"I know all about you, young man, but better don't speak about the inferiority complex that forced you to do someone who could be your mother. You just fucked my wife the tenth time. I think that is enough for now."

"What, do you know about this?" asked an amazed Colleen, forgetting she wasn't allowed to speak.

Chris nodded.

"I believe in Karma," he answered. "Anything you do in life, food or bad, is returned to you ten times. Were young I once cuckolded a man, so I deserved this fate. But now is enough, my penance is finished; if I see you again with my wife, I'll ask Charley to shut you. I'm old, I have nothing to lose, while you, Mike, only started to live, would be a shame to waste your life."

The young man seemed to be lost.

"You can talk now," announced Chris.

"You should consider that he says," advised Colleen, who looked afraid.

"He even wrote referential books about Karma."

"I'm sorry, I want to be respectful, but I can't believe in this Karma thing... Look, I assure you that I never approach your wife from now on, but is impossible for me to believe I'll suffer ten times more..."

"Karma is implacable," Chris vowed. "You will be cheated one hundred times, I promise you."

"Well, in this case, I'll never marry," answered the young man with violence, forgetting that the man behind him have a gun.

"That doesn't change anything," clarified the husband. "You'll suffer more in another way. You can go now. Better light a candle, and thanks to God you leave this house unharmed..."

Mike stormed out and stared off this car as a racing pilot.

"What are you going to do with me?" mumbled Colleen.

"I want to reclaim my marriage."

The woman breathed freely, at least she wasn't in danger.

"Go in the bedroom and wait for me naked on the bed," the man ordered and she hurried to execute.

He closed the door, then assured the weapon in its special closet. After that, he climbed the stairs very calm, as nothing happened.

Their sex was remarkable. Colleen was surprised to find that her husband performed even better than her lover, despite the age difference.

"All this story excited you?" she asked him while they relaxed.

"Not at all, I don't agree with this vicious games, but I took Viagra," he responded.

"Should I be afraid of Karma, too?"

"Like everybody else, Colleen. Don't be afraid, I'll never cheat on you one hundred times, I haven't enough energy for that. But Karma has many ways to act."

Colleen grimaced.

"I'll never hurt you," the man calmed her. "Maybe you were only the Karma's tool, we'll see."

"What next, marital conciliating?"

"It's not necessary, Colleen. You can see I don't ask you why. I already know all your possible answers, they are all in the cheater's book. You were a devoted wife for years and needed a break, you have the empty-nestles syndrome, you have hormonal problems, your body is transforming and you wanted your last chance to be seen as a beautiful woman. I bet you enjoyed excellent sex..."

"Is not so," the wife wanted to solace him.

"Don't lie on me, I knew from experience how was the sex for the woman who cheats on her husband with me. A young cock and an experimented pussy..."

Colleen gulped.

"My mistake, darling, not your fault. I couldn't ask for a better husband."

"The man I cuckolded years ago went for years at conciliation. Months he deprived himself of sex with his wife. I won't do this silliness, don't want to punish myself. But you must realize that you aren't allowed do make any other wrong step."

A relieved Colleen agreed.

After only a week the couple went on an exotic trip to Morocco. Their mature children were happy for them. Of course, they knew nothing about Colleen's affair.

Be assured, Africa's time was magnificent, but that period is not interesting for our story, so we will pass it.

Colleen returned home careless and joyful, convinced that her marriage was happier than ever. She doesn't tell Chris, but she considered that her affair spiced her marriage.

Her disposition was change instantly when she saw Mike's photo in the newspapers. The text mentioned the young man was killed with uncommon brutality, he was shot one hundred times.

Colleen passed out.

She woke in bed, with a worried Chris nearby.

"Are you involved in Mike's murder?" she asked him bluntly.

"You should know me better," answered her husband. "After his leave, I was your shadow. On his fateful day, we were in Morocco."

"You could very well to set up this thing a long time before."

"You assume I have more power than in reality. You know that my income is limited and easily controllable; all I have is in our account. You can anytime verify that I don't retreat a large amount of money."

This answer calmed his wife.

"It was Karma then."

But her tranquility was gone after she thought better. If her husband wasn't implied, if only Karma took action, what fate she will have, she who cheated on Chris the same amount as Mike? And her guilty was bigger because she is his wife.

"Don't worry, you'll never be shouted, you're a decent woman. I'm sure Mike annoyed someone, maybe he bedded with a mobster wife," Chris tried to calm her.

Step by step, Colleen became obsessed with pain. She feared illness or an accident by car or by plane.

She never left the house and the garden; so, Chris was obliged to make alone all the buyings.

At least his attitude was unchanged, he remained the same devoted and loving husband as she knew him.

After several months, he informed her that he was invited to an important Scientific Congress in Peru.

"Is your chance to leave the house," he smiled at her. "We could do some magnificent trips, I advise you not to lose this occasion."

Colleen, who lived wrapped in fear, refused to listen him, and Chris doesn't insist. They agreed as long as he wasn't at home she will be guarded by her younger sister, who specially came for this occasion.

Chris couldn't stay at the entire conference. A desperate call from his older son informed him about Colleen's death. She felt sick; with great difficulty, she accepted to go to the hospital for analysis. Those were bad, and she committed suicide.

Chris returned as soon as he could, only to assist at the funerals of his wife, murdered by Karma.

As a widower, he resumed paying escorts, two times every month.

"Karma has no reason to punish me because I pay," he thought. "I didn't harm, of the contrary, I help these poor women to pay their bills."

Was he implied in the deaths of the ones who made a cuckold from him? You decide.

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