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Kate and I Ch. 42-44

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Asheville: Having a "Discussion" for the First Time.
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Part 12 of the 17 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 01/11/2014
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I like to think sexnovella for editing my garbage, lol.


As Kate and I eat, we are going through the files, and it seems that Franklin (Frankie) Spencer was trying to run this division into the ground. It looks like the Branch office was holding it together, but barely. As we read the complaints we do notice one very interesting thing that was going on, the Los Angeles main home office was never informed, about anything. It seems as Frankie was in charge, that this division had, more or less, been lost. They literally couldn't get hold of Frankie, it seemed like he disappeared while he ran this division. The really only good thing that came from all of this is that Kate and I know who we can trust, and who we can't.

It was close to 2300 when we had finally finished going through the files. I leaned back in my chair stretched and let out a yawn. As I had finished yawning I looked over at Kate, who was in her casual clothes still (blue jeans, and a UCLA bruins tee shirt, and her now back in a ponytail, as she usually does as she is reading), and that she looked so cute. She's sitting legs crossed in a chair while chewing on the end of a highlighter, which she uses to mark important items throughout the complaints, or to make notes on something, and she's completely attuned to what she's doing, oblivious to the world, except for what's on the piece of paper.

She's amazing, I think to myself as she finishes the last complaint that was in the box in front of her, hard worker, it's 2310 and she's still with me, going through freaking business complaints, and actually caring about what's she doing, and here I am, her boss making her do this, she's not even paid to do this either, why is she still here?

As soon as I finished thinking this she finishes the complaint, lays it down, and looks at me as her glasses have fallen down her nose, "What is it, Aden?" she says, as she adjusts her glasses to actually see me, "Do I have marker on my face or something?" as she wipes her face with her hands.

I chuckle, "No, no, no," I look at her, "Why are you here, Katie?"

"What do you mean, Aden?" Kate asks, not really sure of my meaning.

"Why are you here, with me at," looking at my phone that's beside of me near a stack of complaints, "2315, on a random day during the week, in a city that both of us don't know?"

"I'm here, because you are, Aden," she looks at me with a puzzled look, "where else would I rather be right now," she says as she cracks one of her million dollar smiles, "I would rather be in a random city with you, than back in Los Angeles doing nothing right now. What do you remember when you hired me on what we agreed on?"

"Which part?" trying to remember back, we agreed on a lot of things actually, what specific thing is she talking about.

"The part where this," she raises her hand as to point to both of us, "is a partnership, and whatever happens, that we would be there for the other one. And right now, Aden, you need help," as she picks up her list, that was sitting in front of her, "this is a catastrophe." as she waves the list at me, then she lays the list down, in front of her, and looks at me again, "what's wrong, Aden, you look troubled?"

"It's not really I'm troubled, it's more like," still leaning back in my chair, I cross my arms, and look at the ceiling, then back at her beautiful face, "I just don't understand."

"You don't understand, what?" she says as she gets up from her chair, "me?" she says as she approaches me, and has a sultry moment about her, "or the complaints?" she waves her hand over towards where she was sitting earlier.

"Yes," is all I can say as I uncross my arms and look up at her as she leans against the edge of the table beside me, and leans back placing her arms behind her, which makes her breasts stick out more than usual.

"To what, Aden?" she asks, as she looks down at me with a smirk, as she keeps playing with me.

"To what," I push the chair, that I'm sitting in, away from the table, and I stand up. I start to approach her...


We stop our programming to give you another bad timing back and forth with Brain and brain;

you can do it, brain says triumph, we can do it all night long, my man.

Wait, wait, wait, Brain speaks cautiously, are we sure? I mean really sure?

What the hell do you mean, 'are we sure', brain say annoyed by Brain's cautiously cowardliness, look at her man, she everything that our man wants, beautiful body, great personality, killer attitude, young but not annoyingly young, like that redhead a couple of years ago, she carries herself beyond her years, but still has the young spunk. Great hips for child production, legs that seem to go on forever. Need I say more brain?

I know but..., Brain starts .wait a minute...., confused now he speaks again, 'great hip for child production' what are you a freaking breeder?

No, no, no, but you know that our man would like some children, especially now, with what happen a couple of years ago you know, brain actually makes a statement of sense (for probably the first time).

Brain regains his thoughts again, first off, I'm shocked, that you actually put a coherent sentence that didn't involve sex brain, but what I mean, wait, as in now or should we 'do' this later at a more appropriate time and place, and not the Marriott in freaking Asheville, North Carolina?

Um, brain speaks again, why not?

...., and Brain for the first time is lost for thought, .good point....

Now back to our regular schedule programming....


I'm standing face to face with her, and I can smell her, and her fragrance is overwhelming, like lavender and vanilla with a touch of feminine musk. And the look on her face is of sultry mix with a come hither look.

"To what, you ask," I'm aroused, as I lean in and whisper, "you, why do you keep doing this to me?"

Kate responds with a whisper of her own, "because...," she gets so close to my ear that I can feel her breathe, which by the way has become ragged, "I want you bad, I've always have wanted you, ever since I was thirteen years old, and you were throwing touchdowns at UCLA."

"Why me, Katie?" I say as I lean back to look her right in her beautiful face, and I lock directly with her green soul-piercing eyes.

"Because," she looks directly into my eyes, which feels like she's piercing my soul, "look at you, Aden, always playing it cool, never the aggressor, you're confident in yourself, but not overly. You're still in shape, after these years of being out football," after she has said this I start to back away from her, and this calls her to become the aggressor, every time I take a step back she take one towards me, "you're gorgeous, with that superman look, always trying to play down your looks, but you can't, Aden, every woman who sees you wants you. Every time you put on a suit you fill it out, I've always imagine and wanted my legs wrap around you as you're pile driving me into ecstasy and oblivion," and when she says this I haven't realized but I've ran out of space to back up, and now I'm up against the bed, and I can see the look on Kate's face, she looks like a cougar ready to pounce in her next meal, and I think I'm it, "what's wrong, Aden, ran out of room? No matter, I'll take good care of you, don't worry," and when she says this she drops to her knees right in front of me, "let's see if he wants to come out and play."

Where did this come from her, I think as I feel my zipper go down, and my slacks soon follow, what is she doing, and why don't I want stop her.

"I've always wonder, Aden" as she looks up at me through her glasses, "if you were a boxer or brief guy," she says as she looks at my underwear, "and now I know, wow, Aden somebody's pitching a tent down here, and I wonder why," I see a wicked look on her face as she reaches up and starts to very gently and slowly pull down my boxers, releasing my very erect manhood, "oh God Aden it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," as she is looking at me at full mast of 8 1/2 inches of harden steel, she gets another wicked grin, as she leans forward, and looks back up at me, "you smell divine, and I wonder," she winks at me and licks her lips, and then sticks out her tongue.

What...ah, that feels like heaven; she has taken her tongue and run it over the whole length of my shaft.

"As I thought, you taste just as good, as you smell, Aden," as she looks me back in the eyes, "now let's see, how far I can take it, hmm?" As she licks her lips, winks at me again.

Ah, ah, oh, I don't know how long I'm going to last like this, I say to myself as she takes me in the mouth, I look down at her, wow she almost touching my pubic hair.

Kate goes as far as she can them she comes back up to take a breath, "wow, almost, after I 'practice' some more on you I'll be able to take the whole thing down," she says as she looks me in the eyes again, "and now Aden, just stand there and enjoy."

As soon as she finished saying this she again take me down and up, she gives me my first hummer in a long time,

I, I, can't remember the last, oh god, time I had one, it's, ah, been a while, and she's, ah, ver...Very good, I crack smile and just enjoy the sensation of it.

After a few more minutes of Kate giving me a world class blowjob, she pulls away, "so Aden," as she replaces her mouth with her hand and starts to slowly jack me off, "I was wondering," as she continues to jack me off, "how long has it been?"

She continues to beat me off, "what...what do you mean, ho...How long Kat...Katie?" I can barely say as she is edging me on even more.

"How long," as she looks away from me, and looks at my manhood, "has it been since you have come?" And when she finishes saying this she, grips my dick hard.

Ah, oh my god, and when she does this it makes me jump, "ah, I...I don...don't rem...Remember..." I can't talk; I can barely put a thought together, not to mention coherent words into a sentence.

"Well," she starts again, as she continues to jack me off, this time with longer, and faster motions, "let's see if we can release some tension, Aden, hmm? Don't worry, I swallow everything I put in my mouth, so release as much tension as you want, boss," she finishes talking, she looks up at me again but this time with a hot passion I her eyes, as she puts her mouth over the tip of manhood, while she continues to jack me off, now with a gusto.

Damn, damn, not...no longer, as I lock states with her, as her arm continues to piston back and forth, trying to make me shoot, and then suddenly....it happens, I feel like my body has release everything that has been bothering me from the time I was born, and it lands in her mouth. I feel Kate swallowing shot after shot, and you can see in her eyes that she is savoring every drop.

After I've shot uncountable number of times, I can still feel her trying to milk my manhood for other load, but as she doing this my legs has become weak, and they give, as I fall my dick to pops free from her mouth as I hit the bed. I look at Kate, still in her knees, and the look on her face is indescribable, and all I can tell is that she feels completely content, as a pleasurable smile breaks across her face.

I lay back on the bed to get comfortable, and I feel Kate getting up on the bed beside me, and she comes up to my shoulder on places her head on it, "so Aden," she speaks as she looks up at me, with adoration in her eyes now, "I know that right now with what I'm going to say might scare you away, but I love you. I've loved you since the first day that I saw you throwing touchdowns, to the first words that came out of your mouth during the interview. I don't want you to answer now because you think you have to, but I just wanted to get it out there, and let you know that I'll willing to do anything and everything for you, no matter what it is," she finishes saying, then places her head on my shoulder again.

So let me get this straight, my wonderful secretary, personal assistant, or whatever, just blew me, I think as I start to drift off to sleep, and tells me that she loves me, what the hell am I going to do now? As Kate and I both drift to sleep.

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redlion75redlion75over 10 years ago

either fuck her and marry her or fuck her fire then marry her.i vote for the first one cause when point out that your boss let his son almost destroy the company you will get his job

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I agree it is way to short to even be a chapter. You need to make it longer for it to be a chapter. Also you need to get an editor as there are way to many grammar errors to enojy it. I hope you get an editor it seems like a good story but with all the errors it's hard to read and enjoy it.

Tootsall222Tootsall222over 10 years ago
5* but..

Much too short to be called a chapter.

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