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Kathy Ch. 01

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Returning home for the summer.
2.6k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 03/04/2024
Created 02/28/2024
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I felt fantastic. It was a grueling year - Trying to get good grades in college was not easy but I made it. Now, that the summer break had begun, it was time to forget about school and enjoy life - Movies, bars, parties, and traveling.

I drove home and arrived at 2 pm. As usual, my father was away and his girlfriend was at home. She was happy to see me and kissed my cheek enthusiastically, "Louis, it's so nice to see you. We thought you'd come on Tuesday. Your father, George, went on a business trip and be back in 3 days."

"Well, sorry to disappoint you, but they let us earlier."

She smiled, "Honey, you know it's not the case. We are always looking forward to enjoying your presence here."

I grinned, "Just kidding. Kathy, you look gorgeous. Are you still frequenting the health facility nearby?"

She looked at me strangely and seemed to hesitate, but then blurted, "Honey, I thought your Dad be here when you show up. We have news to tell you."

"Let me guess - You decided to throw me out of the house and adopt an orphan from a poor country."

"Louis, I am serious. Your Dad and I decided to get married. Actually, we postponed it until we told you about it and got your blessing."

I stared at her unbelievably, "Kathy, you know I like you a lot, and I am sure Dad loves you but are you sure it's a good idea?"

"Why not?"

"Kathy, you are young and pretty. All your life is ahead of you. Why wed a guy who is older than you by 24 years, and has crippling heart disease, post triple bypass surgeries?"

"You think too conventionally. Your dad loves me dearly and asked me to tie the knot on multiple occasions. I am very fond of him as well. He looks good for his age, he takes his medications without arguments and he is generous with his money. We both like the arrangement and I see no reason to stop enjoying our time together for as long as we can. When the time comes, and changes need to be made, we'll discuss it like adults."

I was still skeptical but elected to skip it for now and wait until all 3 of us were together.

"So when do you folks want the big celebration to take place?"

She laughed, "We thought a month from now would give us enough time to get used to the idea and make the necessary arrangements."

"Kathy, I feel dirty after my long drive. I'll go take a shower."

"Are you hungry? Can I fix you anything?"

"Not really. I'll shower, sleep for a couple of hours, and feel like new again."

"Ok, honey. Take your time. I'll see you later."


The shower was enjoyable. The bathroom in our big house was like everything else - The latest in luxury. I could stay under the multiple hot jets for hours... Eventually, I came out, put my shorts on, and walked toward my room. I passed by the large, body-height window and stopped to look at our nice yard. It was a sunny day and the colorful flowers were in full bloom. The swimming pool and jacuzzi areas were clean as if worked on the day before.

And then I saw Kathy. She was sitting on one of the reclining chairs with a straw hat over her head and large dark sunglasses. She was tanning... topless!

I stood by the window, ogling her body unabashedly. She must have fallen asleep. Her pretty face was partially hidden by the hat and glasses but the rest of her body was at full display - Her D cup tits protruded proudly forward with the dark pink nipples shining in the sun. The flat tummy and long shapely legs added to her attractiveness. She was the epitome of a highly desired woman. My cock reacted favorably to the exciting sight, engorging and creating a visible tent in my loose shorts. I adjusted my hardening pole and continued watching the tempting goddess.

After 15 minutes of nonstop staring at her breathtaking body, Kathy's arms went up and she stretched. This maneuver lifted her breasts higher, and they looked even more prominent. By now my prick was at full mast. I had to readjust it again, thinking of going to my room and masturbating while fantasizing about doing her. After her stretch, she stood up, removed her hat and glasses, and jumped head first into the cool water.

I moved away from the window, happy she didn't notice me ogling her body, and went to my room. I must have been very exhausted because I woke up during sunset.

I was still wearing the same shorts without a shirt. I went to the kitchen and saw Kathy preparing a meal. The smell was delicious. Knowing Kathy, she was probably making my favorite - Chicken thighs in orange sauce, baked potatoes, green beans, and fruit salad.

I sneaked behind her, put my hands around her tummy, and whispered, "Kathy, you'd be the best Mommy I ever had. You look great, cook like a pro, and are extremely nice. I still don't get why marry my father and not just stay like that for as long as you want, but that's your decision."

She turned to me, "Louis honey, let's eat first and then we'll have further discussion about the subject."

The food was as tasty as ever. With my mouth full, I concentrated on the dish in front of me. Kathy ate more slowly and her eyes seemed to be focused on me. Initially, I thought she was delighted seeing me munching on her food, but then I noticed much of the time she was inspecting my body. As I said, I was having on only shorts. Kathy's eyes wandered from my legs to my broad hairy chest, shortly pausing on my groin...

Her stare had an effect on my brain. While I continued eating, my pecker began stiffening. It didn't help my shorts were the loose type, allowing my cock to push forward and create a huge bulge in a short time.

I finished the fruit salad and saw a broad smile on Kathy's face, "Louis honey, you finished everything on your plate. Would you like some more? I left some in case you were hungrier."

"Kathy, your meal is so much better than what I usually eat in our cafeteria - No wonder I pig out. But no thanks. I am full. If there is something I'd like, it's a glass of good wine. It always helps to digest a great meal."

"You know where the bar is. Go grab a bottle of wine and pour me some too."

I walked to the bar and noticed my organ was still at half mast, pushing the front of my shorts. Kathy's eyes were mesmerized by the view.

I brought the wine with 2 glasses, poured it, and approached her. She took her glass with her eyes still on my shorts. I wasn't sure whether I should blush or be happy about her obvious stare and decided to change the subject.

"You said we'd talk about your upcoming marriage."

Her eyes slowly moved to my face and she said, "Louis, you were right about our wedding. Twenty-four years between us is a lot. When George proposed to me the first time, I started laughing and told him that everybody would call me a gold digger. He said he didn't care. He loved me too much. I told him I'd think about it but was determined to postpone my negative answer for as much as I could. Then his heart started failing and he needed a complicated surgery. He came out feeling better, but his heart function was half of what it was supposed to be. His doctor said that he shouldn't even use Viagra because of his nitroglycerine tablets. Days after returning home he knelt before me and proposed again. I was dumbfounded, but he said, 'Kathy, I am an old and sickly man. I know I am not your typical knight in shining armor, but I love you. If you marry me, we'll try to live the best we can together. I'll put in your account 1 million dollars every year in addition to anything else you wish to buy. And since you are a young lady with physical needs I may not be able to satisfy, I'll write a special paragraph allowing you to have intimate relations with anybody you want, assuming it does not leak to the press and nobody gossips about it.' I was awestruck by his love and persistence and couldn't refuse. A week ago I agreed."

She stopped talking and gazed at me.

I was quiet momentarily and then asked, "Dad was right. You are too young and beautiful to stop having sex. What are you going to do?"

She grinned, "Louis, I know what and who I want. However, everything depends on his answer."

"Talk to me."

"Honey, I want YOU!"

My surprise was visible on my face, "Kathy, you are very attractive. But you expect me to bed my father's wife?..."

She chuckled, "Darling, stop being such a prude. I know you don't just compliment me for being attractive. You really mean it. Like when you saw me topless near the pool and got an erection. Or during the dinner a few minutes ago. Look, I think you are very handsome, tall, and muscular. You find me sexy enough to sport an erection without even touching me. Be reasonable; why do I need to look far, if I have a hunk here at home? Isn't it also safer to avoid strangers who might talk in case our temporary relationship turns sour? I do not wish to be pushy but please, think about it."

She stood up, grabbed the dirty plates and utensils, and moved to the sink. She opened the hot water and began washing the plates.

I felt lightheaded. Cheating on my father was a major sin. However, the prospect of having gorgeous Kathy was too tempting. I sat for a couple of minutes and then made up my mind. It wasn't logical, but my lower brain took over...

I moved behind Kathy's rear, hugged her tummy, and whispered, "I am not sure if it's a smart decision or not but I find you irresistible."

She continued washing the dishes, pushed her round butt cheeks into me, and whispered back, "Honey, I thought about it long and hard. I know it's the right thing. Seeing you again after several months reinforced my decision."

My hands started a slow climb up to her chest. Her breathing stopped, anticipating me touching her terrific breasts. I cupped her covered boobs, and mumbled, "Kathy dear, I fantasized about touching your beauties but didn't dare imagining it would really happen."

"Louis, I felt the same. Last night, in my dream, I saw you ravaging my body. I woke up and was so horny, I had to masturbate myself to an orgasm."

My right hand began unbuttoning her blouse one by one. Kathy continued working on the utensils but her movements turned erratic, and her respiration rate increased.

Seconds later, my palm touched her ample breast over her soft bra. It was warm and firm. As my fingers hovered over her rubbery nipple, she gasped and whispered, "Louis honey, please take me to bed..."

Kathy's hands were wet and soapy, but I didn't care. I lifted her, carried her light body to my bedroom, and stood her up. She looked at me with begging eyes. I undressed her slowly, removing her blouse first and then her skirt. She stood in her underwear, trembling, and staring into my eyes. I smiled lovingly and unclasped her bra to reveal the most spectacular set of tits on the planet!

I couldn't resist. I leaned into her chest and sucked mildly on the prominent nipple. It tasted sweet. Kathy's fingers caressed my hair, "This is exactly the way I dreamt we'd begin our fun together."

I continued milking the nipple as my hands pushed her panties down. She moaned and placed her tiny hand on my covered, stiff rod. She caressed it lightly for a short time and then inserted her fingers through the waistband, touching for the first time my raging cock.

She murmured, "Honey, you are so big and hard. Let me help relieve it..." She bent down and her lips spread wide to envelop the soft head. I watched her wide-eyed, still not believing my good fortune. Some of my former girlfriends struggled with my 8" long, 5" circumference boner. Kathy seemed focused and my organ gradually disappeared into her accepting mouth. I was sure the erotic view of her lips milking my member would be engraved in my memory for years to come. There was only one problem: I was becoming TOO aroused. I loved her oral job but wanted the first time to be a traditional intercourse.

I pulled her gently up, overcoming her reluctance to disengage from my cock, and kissed her softly, "Kathy, your lips are wonderful but I want our first time to be for both of us."

I lay her body on the mattress, moved between her thighs, and licked her drenched labia. My tongue lapped up and down, occasionally tickling her clitoris, making her jerk. I licked, sucked, and massaged her cunt area for several moments before she tried to lift me, saying, "Louis, that's enough. I want you inside me now. I've waited for too long. I feel I am about to explode any minute..."

I moved up, aimed my hard tool at her opening, and penetrated gingerly into her tight pussy. The friction with her narrow tunnel was amazing and was helped by her abundant juices. Once I was all in, she looked at me and blurted, "Honey, fuck me hard, please."

She closed her eyes, lifted her hands above her head, and held her breath, waiting for me to go ahead.

I started pounding her at a moderate pace, trying to let her cunt adjust to my girth before moving faster. However, Kathy was too aroused, and after 5 strokes, her body shook violently, and she underwent a massive orgasm. I plowed her harder and faster and her body began to manifest uncontrolled jolting, forcing me to hold her down. Her bouncing tits were an eye candy. I sucked on one and squeezed the other before erupting deep in her womb. Throughout our simultaneous climax, Kathy was whimpering incessantly.

When my cock stopped ejaculating, I bent and kissed her luscious lips tenderly. I doubt she felt it. She seemed unconscious for the next 15 minutes. I lay by her side, watched the up and down motion of her mammaries, and caressed her sweaty body.

Eventually, she opened her eyes and mumbled, "In my dream, you were very good. In reality, you were excellent. I felt like I was in heaven, watching from above our 2 bodies moving continuously in an unending loving motion."

I watched her pretty face and disheveled hair, "Kathy darling, we've been together only once, and I think I am already addicted. What are we going to do?"

She grinned, "We have few more days to enjoy freely. When your father returns, we'll have to decide how to proceed. Your father is a good man and deserves all the love and respect from both of us. We need to think of ways to be here for him and never break his weak heart, but we will continue..."

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