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Click hereKatie's face fell, she chewed on her lip and twisted her fingers together. "I have to do it alone?"
"Yes, they don't let daddies--even step-daddies--into the room."
"What if they didn't know you were my daddy?" Katie asked, desperate for a solution. "I don't want to go in alone daddy, the lady is going to see my princess parts and..."
"They're just for me to see? Is that what you were going to say?"
Katie nodded.
"I'm glad you're taking that so seriously, baby girl. Remember, it's other men who aren't allowed to see your princess parts. Women can so long as it's for a good reason, like the nice lady whose going to wax you bare." He explained seriously. "But if you want me to go in there with you, you'd have to tell them that I'm your boyfriend. Do you want to do that?"
Katie worried her lip. Being grown up was so new and she was still so afraid of doing it on her own. When her daddy was there she felt safe... "I can tell them you're my boyfriend." She told him confidently. "I don't want to do it alone."
Roger smiled and took Katie's hand, weaving their fingers together. "I only want what you want, princess. Now let's get you cleaned up okay?"
Katie grinned and nodded. "Okay daddy." Roger quirked an eyebrow, staring down at her. Katie giggled when she realized what she'd done. "Oops!"
Roger held Katie's hand while the woman waxed her special place. It was a funny experience, lying on her back without any bottoms on. She had to splay her legs wide with her knees bent and feet pressed together. It hurt, too, but she gritted her teeth and squeezed her step-dad's hand while he cooed in her ear about how brave she was. The woman's eyes flitted between them while she worked, but Katie ignored her. She hadn't called him daddy, for all the woman knew he was her boyfriend. Besides, Roger made her feel safe and comfortable, so why shouldn't he be there with her?
After the woman waxed Katie's bum--she'd had to wrap her arms around her knees like a child--she left the room so Katie could put her shorts back on. "You did so good, my brave little baby girl." Roger told her as soon as they were left alone. "I'm so proud of you for being such a big girl, a real grown up."
Katie grinned, still lying on her back on the table. She went to move, but he put a hand on her chest.
"Let me take a look first, I need to make sure she got it all."
Katie nodded, laying back and splaying her legs as she had earlier.
Roger had been by her head for the waxing but now he moved, standing where the woman had just been and staring at her little pink princess parts, now smooth and hairless. He touched her gently, she hissed at the cold of his hands. "Sorry baby." He smoothed his hands over her bare skin. "Katie, do you mind if I get a little closer? It's hard for me to tell with just my fingers if she missed any little hairs. I'd like to use my mouth instead, it's more sensitive."
Katie leaned forward, her elbows propping her up. "You want to put your mouth... down there?" She asked, her words whispered. "But that's where..." She trailed off, her cheeks flaming.
"I know it is, princess, but if I use my mouth I can be sure that she didn't leave anything behind. Now that you're grown up you need to be completely smooth, you want to be grown up don't you?"
Katie nodded emphatically, nearly shaking the table. "Yes daddy, I'm a grown up now."
Roger laughed. "That's a good girl. Now lay back, it'll just take me a minute, we don't want them wondering what's keeping us after all."
Katie smiled at him, reminded again how lucky she was to have him in her life. How would she have navigated becoming an adult without him? There was so much to being grown up that she didn't know and her mom was too busy to ever bother teaching her. Katie would've been left on her own without Roger, she didn't even want to imagine it. She lay back and felt his hot breath on her sensitive skin. Her special place--her pussy, she thought with a giggle, gazing at the kitty painted on the wall--were pink and raw, the heat of her daddy's breath was soothing.
Katie sucked in a breath and stifled a whimper when his tongue pressed between her folds. Her hands flew to her mouth so she wouldn't make a sound. He lapped at her, swirling and licking, feeling around for any leftover hairs the woman might have missed. He was being so thorough, Katie was so glad she had him there to make sure. Something funny swirled low in her belly, like when he'd checked if she was ready for the wax. It made her squirm and writhe so much that he had to hold her down with a hand pressed to her belly.
Finally Roger pulled himself from her with a pop of his lips, his tongue flicking out to lick himself clean. He'd been shiny with her grown up girl juices and Katie beamed at the reminder. She was an adult now.
"Am I all cleaned up?"
Roger grinned. "You sure all, nice and bare and sweet as honey."
On the drive back to the house Roger continued to praise Katie for how good she'd been. She was already such a special grown up, he told her, and her body was behaving exactly as it should. He'd need to keep checking her, as time went on, of course, but he assured her she was doing so well so far. Katie beamed with pride, her daddy made her feel so good. She was a grown up now, it's all she'd ever wanted and it was more than she'd ever hoped for. She was so luck to have Roger there with her, to explain what was happening and tell her how good she was. Katie wanted to nuzzle into him, but he was driving. She resisted pouting because she was a grown up.
"There's something important we have to talk about, though, baby girl."
"What's that daddy?"
"Well, you see part of growing up means realizing things that need to be kept secret."
"Adults keep secrets?" Katie asked, surprised. Secrets were bad, weren't they? Or maybe that was only lies.
"They do, princess."
"Like what?"
"Well, being a grown up is a very personal experience. Not everyone has someone to help them navigate it."
"I'm so lucky to have you, daddy." Katie grinned.
"You are, baby. Not everyone is so lucky. You don't want to make anyone jealous of what you have, do you?"
Katie turned serious. "No daddy, I don't want to make anyone feel bad."
"That a good girl. So that means you need to keep some things secret."
"When you teach me about being a grown up, you mean?"
"Exactly. You can't tell anyone how I've helped you, okay? Not everyone has someone to examine them, make sure their bodies are growing up as they're supposed to. So you need to keep it a secret."
Katie nodded very seriously. "Yes daddy."
"So you won't tell anyone about daddy helping you, right? Not even mommy?"
"I can't tell mommy either?"
"No baby. Part of the reason mommy is so distant, why she works so much and doesn't get to see us as much as we'd like, is that she didn't have anyone to help her while she was growing up."
"Oh." Katie said quietly. That was so sad, that her mommy had to do it all alone. But it explained a lot. "She would be upset if she knew you were helping me? Wouldn't she want me to have more than she had?"
"It's complicated, princess. But it's better to keep it between us, you don't want to upset your mom, even if it isn't on purpose. Right?"
"Right." Katie nodded, her hands tight in a fist in her lap. They were nearly home, she wondered if her mom was there? She didn't want to upset her, and she trusted her daddy to know what's right. "I won't tell mommy."
"That's a good girl." Roger patted Katie's knee, his hand caressing up her thigh to the frayed edge of her jean shorts. He played with the strings while he drove them the rest of the way home.
Katie's vernacular makes her sound like she's a 5 year old - And as for Roger her dad, he sounds like a 12 year old trying to talk his way into getting his first feel . . . . ๐๐
This is a great start. The dynamic you have going between Roger and Katie is delightfully naughty and really makes you excited for what they'll do next. Excited for the next part.
You left out the part where "Katie" was skipping home after sunset and went into dark alley, and a big man jumped out and took all her clothes off her, but she just laughed and laughed because she knew there was no way those little clothes would fit him...
Princess Katie, I think your story is funny and over the top silly. That's ok, I didn't come for a lecture on "how things should be done." Maybe we all have secret fantasies that are silly in the light of day.
YES. LETS GO. This is EXACTLY the kind of stories Iโve wanted to read. Utterly depraved and somewhat clueless daughters being personal cocksleeves for their family! Youโre such a good girl! I cannot WAIT to read Britneyโs stories. And Iโve already started to crush on Katie. I wish she was my daughter (in my fantasies!)
From the author to the commenters who seem to just... want a different story than what I'm writing: you know you can just, like, read something else, right? This is the nonsense fictional erotica that I want to write. It's pointedly not real, if it were real, it would be disgusting. That's why my characters behave like cartoonish clueless stereotypes or depraved and manipulative creeps... cause it's what I find hot in *fiction*.
Katie is not acting like a child, she's acting like the unrealistic, utterly over the top, unbelievably clueless woman that exists in my mind. I don't want people who act like mature and functional adults in love or lust but are related, I want nasty, seductive trash that is horrifying in every place except fiction. You don't have to read it if it's not for you, but commenting with what I should be doing according to your particular tastes isn't going to get you anywhere. I'm a grown, educated and well-adjusted woman who's writing what is basically fantasy to get myself off. It's for me more than it is for you.
For those of you who love it... Thanks, you're getting lots more. Britney and her (bio) daddy are just as unrealistic and they're coming soon.