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Kelsey's World Ch. 42

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Gray hair and memories. An epilogue.
7.5k words

Part 42 of the 42 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/19/2016
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The year is 2069. It's late December, right after Christmas...

"Don! How are you my friend? Get yourself some new wheels?"

"Mikey! I'm great, buddy. No, it's an old one my dad used. Nice though. Got a handbrake, and it folds up slicker than shit."

Don shuffled over to the dusty old kitchen table in Mike's sunroom. He held on tight to his rolling walker as he pivoted his aging, awkward looking legs onto the chair.

"How's the hip?" Mike asked.

"It's comin' along, but it'll never be the same. They'll perfect these artificial sons-o-bitches the year after I die."

"Ha!" Mike chuckled. "That's what my mother said forty years ago. They workin' the shit outta you in rehab like they did me?"

"Ugh!" Don moaned. "If it wasn't for one young nurse there I'd never go back."

"Really? Did you give her your number?"

"Better. She gave me a sponge bath and I hardened up like a fuckin' fifty-year-old."

"You dog!" Mike laughed. "Tell me about her. Wait, let me get some beers. Hold that thought."

Mike fumbled for his cane, stood up with a nearly silent groan and shuffled across the floor to the kitchen. He came back with an old lunchbox cooler filled with a six-pack of beer bottles and some ice cubes. He sat down across from Don at the table.

"You were saying?" he said, handing Don an ice-cold bottle. "What color's her hair?"

"Blonde. It's dyed. She's got those dark roots and dark eyebrows. Reminds me of Madonna. Remember her?"

"Sure. My dad was into her. Your girl got the body, too?"

"Oh yeah, she's got it all. Melanie's her name."

"Nice," Mike said, looking like he was picturing her in his mind. "Tell her you need a ride over here next week. We can entertain her."

"Sorry Mikey. If she'd be into that I'd keep her for myself."

"Yeah," Mike said. "I know what you mean. I don't know if I could handle a threeway anyway. Maybe when I was younger."

"You never have?" Don asked.

"Nope. You?"

"Yeah. We've never talked about this, have we? Well my friend, you're in for some stories, if you're game."

"I'm always game. But don't skip over the good stuff. First you gotta tell me about Blonde Melanie Madonna. What'd she do when she saw your boner?"

"She cleaned it," Don smiled. "Nice and slow."

Mike shook his head and smiled. "You fuckin' dog."

"So, you remember my Sarah," Don said. "I don't tell everybody this, but she and I were part of the original Sexuals. Back in, oh, 2029 or, no, 2030 I guess it was. I knew her way before that, though."

Mike looked surprised. "So you know Kelsey Lowe?"

"Oh yeah, me and Sarah went to high school with her. She was Kelsey Jonston back then."

"Holy shit, Don! Why didn't you ever tell me you knew her? She's a freakin' legend!"

"Yeah. Sorry, it just never came up, I guess. I met you when our wives were in the hospital. We all had a lot on our minds," Don said, looking sad. "Yeah, it just never came up, I guess."

"So were you and Sarah both...Sexuals?"

"Yeah, we were both part of the movement. We marched in Washington with Kelsey and her husband Austin. Do you remember that? I don't know how much you paid attention to it all."

"Sure, I remember," Mike said. "My wife was all wound up against it. She wanted to march in opposition, but, hell, I had no problem with it all."

"Yeah, it was some crazy shit back then," Don said. "I lost my job over it when they found out I was on the side of the Sexuals. And my boss didn't even know I was part of Kelsey's core group. He would have really freaked if he'd known that. Hard to believe that was forty years ago."

"I met her once," Mike said. "Must be twenty-five or more years ago, at a benefit for the museum downtown. She was the best looking fifty-year-old I've ever seen in my life."

"Was she dressed?" Don smirked.

"Nothin' on top, no. She had a bowtie choker around her neck, what looked like a vintage skirt from the hippy days a hundred years ago, and some little leather sandals. I can still see her tits in my mind like it was yesterday..."

"Yeah, there aren't enough tits in the world like Kelsey's. I swear to God those beauties single handedly got the movement across," Don smiled. "I mean, who'd vote against seeing those out in the world?"

"Good thing we had a male president at the time. Do you think that helped?"

"Oh, I don't know," Don said, looking unconvinced. "Austin was a piece of eye candy back in those days. Me and the other guys weren't too bad ourselves. I shouldn't tell you this, but Kelsey organized a dinner meeting with some Senators right before the vote. There were more women Senators than men, just like now. We all ended up in Kelsey's hotel suite, and, let's just say...that party went long into the night."

"Holy shit!" Mike said. "You really were right in the middle of it all!"

"I shouldn't give away names or anything, but lets just say a certain brunette Senator from New England made more sweet noise than just about any woman I've ever heard in my life. Me and Austin wrung her out for over an hour. I can still hear her singin'..."

"Jesus!" Mike said. He set his empty beer bottle down on the table next to Don's and cracked open two cold ones. "I'll be honest with you, at the time I thought you all were crazy for pushing the sex part of the legislation, instead of just the public nudity thing. Getting the government to legalize open marriage and family sex seemed nuts to me. It's a good thing all that Religious Right nonsense from our parent's days was fading out about then."

"That's just it," Don said. "Kelsey saw an opening. She knew it was time. She was always like that, manipulating things in subtle ways. She had this sixth sense, knowing just when to get someone into the lifestyle, and knowing just who needed the push. That's how she gamed Congress and the President like she did, and it's why she made such a great sex therapist. She and Austin started their sex therapy business before the Sexuals thing happened. They got into some trouble with it, got arrested for prostitution. That's when Kelsey and her mom and everybody started thinking about getting more than just nudity laws changed. But Kelsey didn't do that her whole life, you know. She started out as an artist."

"No shit? You know, I've often thought about reading one of the books about her. Maybe I should."

"Read her own autobiography. It's nice, it reads kinda like a memoir. I'm in there. They called me Donny back then."

"Shit, man! This is awesome. I didn't know I had a famous friend. So, you and Sarah, all your lives you were..."

"Sexuals? Yeah, but, of course we didn't call it that back then. Kelsey's mom coined that term. She was really the catalyst for everything. Kelsey was just a chip of the old block. And what a sexy old block it was."

"You knew her?"

"Kay? Oh, yeah!" Don said, his eyes lighting up. "She was smokin'! Her husband Bobby was a great guy, too. They used to have parties at their house that were just..." Don's eyes rolled as he thought back to all the wild times at the Jonston's house.

"So, knowing what little I do about Kelsey, you must have...fucked her, right?"

"Yeah, man. A hundred times maybe. Everybody was all over everybody back them. I'd put it the other way around, though. Most of those times, she fucked me."

"It's been decades since I've seen any of it," Mike said, "but that old porn she did, what was it, back in her college days? That was some hot stuff."

"That's her, man. That's all her. She didn't act. She just was."

Don took a big swig of beer and looked at Mike with twinkling eyes. "You wanna meet her? I mean I know you said you already did one time, but, she and Austin, they host a New Years Eve party every year. Lately it's at Jonston House. They live there now. Her two best friends are there now too, since after their husbands died."

"You know, I worked on that place, when I was an electrician," Mike said. "It was one of the last job sites I worked on. It was about ten years ago, I guess. Right before I retired."

"Ten years ago, so it was already open. Did you work on that last big addition they put on?"

Mike nodded. "Yup. It was somethin' else, man, with naked women walking around, bringing us lemonade and stuff. A bunch of the guys spent their lunch hours with women in their rooms, and fucked around after their shift and stuff. Of course I was married, so I played it straight."

"You probably saw some of the old gang. There were quite a few from Kelsey's mom and dad's generation that were part of our original group. Most of them ended up at the home. Most of 'em are gone now, and of course her mom and dad were killed in Europe, so..."

"What was that all about? I sort of remember hearing about it."

"They went over to Germany when the Sexuals movement was spreading around Europe. They were the guests of honor at a big parade and rally right before the vote over there. The way Kelsey heard it, they'd just been at a big orgy at the house of one of the organizers, and a car was taking them to their hotel at like four in the morning when they got hit by a high speed train. Fuckin' autonomous cars, man. That's the problem with them, you can be happy as hell, fuckin' your ass off in the back and if a sensor goes bad you're a sitting duck. Sucks, man, that was a sad day. Half of this town was crying."

"Wow. So that's way back."

"Yeah, '35 maybe? They were in their early sixties. They had a good run, though. Awesome people. Kay had this infectious let's go for it attitude. I'm glad they got to see Sexuals happen. And Kelsey was comforted that they died right after an orgy, naked and happy."

"So when did Jonston House start? Right after that?"

"No, it took Kelsey awhile. She knew she wanted to do something special with the property, but it was pretty emotional for her. When she finally got the idea for the home, though, it was good for her. She blossomed again, putting that whole project together. The thing that started it was some of her mom and dad's friends were starting to get old and needed assisted living, and they were bummed that they'd have to give up the swinger thing, or at least tone it down a lot. That's when the idea hit Kelsey and Jonston House was born. "A Home for Sexuals". She came up with that slogan."

Two more beers were opened, and two more dead soldiers took their place on the table.

"You probably heard the rumors back then about the kids," Mike said.

"Yeah. I can't tell you anything about that," Don said. "What I can say is, does it really matter whose kids are whose? I'll tell you straight up, honest, no shit — that group of people is more family than ninety-nine out of a hundred real families I've known. Kelsey and Brie and Charity are sisters, man. No question in my mind. If they wanted to have communal children fathered by whoever happened to get the seed in there, more power to 'em, I say. What were folks callin' 'em back then, party babies or somethin'?"

"Yeah, somethin' like that."

"Fuck that," Don said. "Those kids are awesome. They're all Sexuals, of course, and so are the grandkids. Mine are, too."

"No shit?"

"Yup. I wish they lived nearby. I miss the little naked rascals. Fuck, they're not little anymore. My granddaughter's twenty-five already. She's a sweetheart. Keeps in touch with me. She sent me a selfie last weekend from an orgy she was at. You never saw such a beautiful smile. So much like my Sarah." Don's eyes misted up with tears. He took a long swig of beer and tried to compose himself.

"We fell in love up at Sandgrass Pond, you know, Sarah and me," he said. "Kelsey put the party together, as usual. The whole gang had been fuck buddies for a while, at our friend Brie's Pool, but we were all still pretty new at it when we went up to the lake. It was one of those magical weekends, you know? I think about it now and it seems like a dream. We all sat around the fire and Sarah and I fucked, and fucked, and fucked some more. It was like something had clicked and we couldn't let go of each other. A woman we didn't know showed up. Kelsey had met her when she was out walking on the beach one morning. Her name was Sharron. She and her husband Happy spent their last years at Jonston House. Anyway, when she showed up at the campsite Sarah and I were in the middle of the sweetest fuck ever, right there amongst everybody, and we didn't want to stop. So we didn't. We'd fucked in front of the gang before, but never a stranger. It was the most magical feeling. I think having Sharron there that night sent a lot of us down the Sexuals road, even though we didn't know what was happening at the time. She was like the catalyst, in a way. She and Kelsey. It was weird, it was almost like Sharron was destined to be there. I talked to her about it a few weeks before she died. She said she felt it too. As she got older she really believed Kelsey was some kind of an angel. I wouldn't dispute that."

Mike took another sip of beer. "Kelsey sounds like quite a woman. I always figured she was. Even in the news media coverage you could see something special in that face of hers."

"You weren't looking at her body?" Don smiled.

"Ha!" Mike laughed. "You know I was! But those eyes! And that red hair! I've always had a thing for redheads."

"Yup," Don said knowingly, like it was a universal affliction. "Her mom looked just like her, you know. Like twins."

"No shit! Did you ever...get with both of them at once?"

"Oh, hell yeah. A bunch of times. They loved workin' together at the parties. It was like they could read each others minds. They knew just how to make a guy comfortable, just how to get the most out of every situation. And of course the visual part of it was just unbelievable — two perfect five foot tall freckly redheads, with those eyes and those smiles..." Don's eyes glazed over a little like he was lost in a dream. "You know," he said, "Kelsey always invites me for the New Year's Eve party, but it's always been too sad for me to go without Sarah. I tell you what, though, thinking back on all this, I'd kinda like to see her again. The party's kind of epic every year. It's an all ages thing. Kelsey makes sure of that. Families, friends, anybody else who wants to show up."

"So, are you gonna go?"

"Not without you, buddy. You up for it?"

"Christ, I haven't been awake 'till midnight in years."

"Take a long nap, my friend. It'll be a late night."

"Whoo hoo!" Kelsey whooped, holding her champagne glass high. "Kiss me you beautiful fucker."

Austin smiled. His fingers slid through Kelsey's soft, gray hair, pulling her happy looking lips to his. It was a smiling kiss at first, but then their mouths opened and there was some heat behind it. The others in the room whooped it up. Another champagne cork popped, loud and startling.

"Happy New Year, Baby."

"Mmm," Kelsey moaned. "Who taught you to kiss like that?"

"The same person who taught me how to fuck like this." Austin spun Kelsey around, bent her over the couch and pressed his pill-hardened cock into her.

"Oh, fuck yeah, Honey," she said. "Let me have it. It's gonna be a good year."

Kelsey closed her eyes and smiled. The first fuck of the year was always special. Ever since she and Austin first got together, just shy of 60 years ago, they'd made it a tradition — no matter how wild the party, the first fuck of the year was theirs. Just the two of them. Even if the room was full. Even if the party was raging and orgasms rang out all around them. And Kelsey's first words when she felt Austin's big cock fill her just after the stroke of midnight were always the same: "It's gonna be a good year."

The party was raging that year, ringing in 2070. Kelsey had laughed earlier in the evening, saying she was sorry to see '69 go. She made a new years resolution to have lots of 69 in '70. Everyone laughed and nodded, because they knew she'd follow through.

Kelsey and Austin were in what was once the big living room of the old house, now set up for receptions, casual meetings and parties. The old kitchen and part of a new addition was made part of the space, so it was plenty roomy for a get-together.

"Yeah, fuck me, Honey," Kelsey said, bent over one of the couches as the just-past-midnight whooping went on. "You're nice and hard tonight."

"Wow," Mike said to Don as they watched her. "She was a stunner in her fifties, and she's a stunner in her seventies."

The two men stood with beer bottles in their hands, still dressed, watching Kelsey and several of the other women enjoy their first fucks of the year.

"Donny, Baby, you can't just show up after all these years and not participate. Sarah'd be mad at you," Brie said. "Either take those clothes off or I'm gonna take 'em off for you."

Don stood and looked at his old friend Brie. She looked as good as Kelsey did, still svelte and sexy in her seventies. It only took her a few moments to lose her patience — she started unbuttoning his shirt.

"Aren't you warm in these clothes?" she asked. "It's gotta be eighty-five degrees in here."

"We were wondering about that," Don said.

"I don't know about you," Brie said, "but being cold is the biggest pain in the ass about being old. Kelsey always has them crank the heat for these parties. She told me once it's not only for comfort. She likes that it drives visitors out of their clothes, often down to their undies, but sometimes more. She feels that it fosters new Naturists. New Sexuals sometimes, too."

Mike had noticed that there were a lot of people in their underwear. Maybe that was why.

"Mike, I know it's your first time with us, Honey, but, you're game too, right?" Brie asked. She turned and looked across the crowd. "Mia," she hollered, "Bring your sister."

Two beautiful naked women approached, both in their mid to late forties, both with blonde hair the color Brie's was before hers grayed.

"You remember Uncle Donny, don't you?" Brie asked them.

"Oh, sure! Hi Donny! I didn't recognize you earlier," Mia said.

"Hi Mia. Hi Minnie," Donny said. "I'm afraid I've gotten nothing but older since I saw you two at Sarah's service. It was so nice of you two to come to that."

"We were all so sad about Aunt Sarah," Minnie said. "How have you been, Donny?"

"Oh, I'm gettin' by. But Brie, you know how it is, with you and Charity both losing your husbands. I can say one good thing came out of Sarah's death — I met my friend Mike. His wife passed away at right about the same time. We all met in the hospital. They shared some of the same doctors."

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, Mike," Mia said. "It's so nice to meet you, though. I'm glad you came tonight."

"Yes, it's...nice to meet all of you, too," Mike said, rather nervously. He wasn't used to talking to beautiful naked women.

"Now that we've got all the sad talk out of the way, let's party some, huh? It's a new year. Let's enjoy every minute," Brie said, resuming Donny's shirt removal. "Mike, you don't mind if my daughters help you out of those clothes, do you?"

"Aren't you warm, Mike?" Minnie asked as she and her sister swooped in. "It's not good for your skin to be all covered up like this."

Mike's instinct was to refuse, but after years of sadness he felt like maybe the time was right to move on. Brie's daughter's were beautiful women. He had no idea what they had in mind, but the horny atmosphere and the sexy sounds were getting to him. Bodies were slapping together rhythmically, and Kelsey had a loud, laughing orgasm somewhere in the crowd of happy people.

"There's a sound I haven't heard in a years," Donny said.

"It takes her awhile these days," Brie said, "But she always gets there."

Minnie shuffled away for a few moments, returning when Mia was pulling Mike's shirt off his arms. "Wanna pill, boys?" she asked, holding one out to each man in her slender fingers. "It's the new formula. Works like a charm. It's gonna be a long night." - Sex Stories - Toys & Masturbation for male"cum in me daddy"/s/my-sweet-nephew"literotica search"Lerotica Sex Stories Pussy Being Pushed To Its Alastic Limitssubramaniam122Mom son Litetotica taboo stories"mom pussy"lyricsmaster anwältinaudio literica sluts fuckGoblinFan69 storysstory scat sarahs housemy wife's slave lost bet story femdomsaving world hunger hucow porn story"literotica cheerleader"wifeloversjizzed in pants literotuca"dirty panties""lush stories"mind control karl incestliterotivaparadise mom litarotica incestT'pol fan fiction fuck stories XNXX/s/lucys-film-family-fun-pt-02?page=3Condom big enough futa sex storyliterotsex story incest size sister inches “her brother’s growing”litrotica wife vacation"literotica stories"lyricsmaster drunkplane ride mom son taboo storiesliterotidaddy kitty kristen archivesmy ritual mom taboo sexstoriesIncest fucking mum at the back seat fun erotic joe_doe_stories and hollyhive literoticasissy purple cage liteeoricaCock. Locked cuckold literotoca"taboo erotic stories"literaticaNanites chastity belt literticamistakenconfidence on"erotic audio"literoti"rape fantasy porn"real chat ex gangbang group literotica "stepsister sex"Literotica/ teenage male baby sitting nonconsent incest sex stories"teenage porn"tabubruch literoticaplane ride futa sex stoeylesbian football sex stories"grandma sex stories"Litrotica blind lesbian "literotica incest"literotica plant bulp on penisDaughter in ballerina outfit incest storiesliterotica.cimliterotica twink my assholeliterotica "womb" "whore"GabrellesSecretLife asstr"gloryhole literotica"Patreon tefler 150gay lockdown loving sex stories literoticsparadise mom litarotica incestmom lets me touch her ass pt 8big black men ,ooooh fuck me harder,cuck ,asstr"incest erotica"papa ne sex kiya parmpara ke lanepolitician's wife seduced porn storyliterotica milleniel slutbus ride incest literoticatitfuck incest storyCripplled granma.incest stories"erotic sex stories"jizzmanbreak in litoricaliterotica "skirt is too short"i press my ass against you in the train- Erotic Couplings - Literotica.comashley's surprising discovery literptica"paige spiranac nude"kissing mom taboo storiesluckiest son taboo sexstoriesliteroticaimpregnationstoriesfeeldoe"literotica stories"