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Kidnapped Campers Ch. 08


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She picked up her glass again. "So, I am pretty sure that you have some or all of those girls around here somewhere, and have been using them as your personal harem for the last month." She took a drink then looked at me with those piercing eyes "I, want, in."

I let out the breath I had been holding. This was unexpected and I needed to get control of the situation fast. I leaned forward and she raised her hand as if she had expected what I was thinking.

"No, I am not going to the cops or anything. What part of 'I want in' do you not understand dumbass."

I relaxed a bit and she continued. "You know what the social scene is like around here? Nothing but bonfires, beer cans and chili cook offs. I need to travel a good 8 hours to get anything like what I just did in there. I would rather not waste my weekend travelling back and forth on the I-80 when I can just come here."

I took a relieved breath. "It is not just me, there are others involved who would need to be ok. We are taking a huge risk here and the more who know the weaker the security."

She nodded, then gestured to the laptop on the coffee table. "I am pretty sure that there is no letter of consent anywhere. You have me on camera beating and abusing a woman in your own dungeon. If you go down, I go down."

I stood, and extended my hand. She took it and I helped her to her feet. She just came up to my shoulders, even in her heels but she kept eye contact and I knew she meant what she said.

"Fine, let me show you what I have here." I said, leading her up the stairs.

I opened the door to the bedroom and stood back so Annie could see my girls. The three of them were kneeling on the floor with their backs to us, their hands tied to a bar I had secured across the bedframe. Their mouths were filled with huge gags and no sound other than a quiet moaning escaped them. They struggled to turn when the door opened and Annie whistled as she ran her eyes over the display of female flesh before her.

"These two are mine." I said as I stroked Erica and Monica's long hair. They moaned in discomfort but leaned their heads to rest against my legs were I stood between them. "That one belongs to someone else, she is just staying with me for a while."

"Let me guess, Doc Wilson." Annie said, and I froze again.

"Don't be worried, no one else knows." She said seeing my expression. "I was wondering why that fat pervert hadn't stopped by the shop for his bi weekly oil change on his Mercedes. There are cheaper ways to try to look down a woman's top."

Annie moved forward, around the bed so she could see the faces of the 3 teenagers bound there. The girls followed her with her eyes, uncertain what to think about this new woman. Monica and Erica pushed themselves against me as Annie's strong gaze swept over them.

"It seems like you have a fan club." She said and I nodded.

"They are very eager young slaves, not like that witch downstairs." I said "She will be going away with this one when her owner gets back."

Annie nodded "I understand why you haven't been around lately." She leaned down to trace a fingernail along the strap of Monica's gag "Don't worry, I will definitely not do anything to screw this up for us."

I waved Annie goodbye as she pulled out of the driveway, then went downstairs to check on Ashley. I removed the ring gag and she groaned in relief as she worked her sore jaw. She glared up at me, hate filling her eyes at the abuse she had received. I smiled back, "Good job" I told her and she turned her head from me.

"If I had known that having a woman shove her ass in your face is what it took to shut you up, I would have done it long ago." I laughed as I moved behind her.

I ran my hand over her red and bruised ass, thinking back at how Annie had so successfully dominated this woman. It wasn't Tim's sadism, or Doc's perversion, or even my sat attempts at punishment. She had walked in, demonstrated her skills, established herself as the mistress of the room then proceeded to take command of Ashley and me to a lesser extent. All from a 5' nothing, 20 something tomboy who up to tonight was nothing more than my office manager.

Thinking about it got me hard, and I decided I may as well take advantage of the opportunity. I dropped my pants and slid my dick up and down Ashely's easily accessible pussy lips. I saw her hands clench but other than that she made no sign as I assaulted her. Surprisingly, her body responded and I felt her get wet at my touch.

"Looks like someone liked that." I said in a mocking tone. Still no response but she was getting wetter and I gave her a sharp slap on the ass.

She squealed, then grunted as I slid my cock inside her. She was tight and felt good as I pulled back and thrust forward, pushing her hard against the bench. Grunts and gasps were all I heard from her but I could feel her body responding in spite of herself as it twitched and clenched around my intruding cock.

I reached forward and pulled her hair, hauling her head up. "You like that, don't you. There is a part of you that enjoys being treated like this."

"I will kill you, I will kill that bitch, I will bring the fires of hell down upon all you." She screamed as I pounded her. She kept screaming, loud and shrill but I didn't care. Whatever she was thinking, her body liked what I was doing to it and I could feel her start to contract in an orgasm.

"No, no, please no. Not like this, not like this." She whined as her body ignored her mind and responded to me. She sobbed and howled as she came on my intruding cock. Her pussy walls clenched and squeezed me, pulling my own orgasm out of me.

"Yeah slut, now you can't deny it." I grunted as I blew my load deep inside her. "You are a kink slut, you just didn't know it until I got a hold of you."

"No, no, no." she groaned as she sagged in her bonds. She sobbed as I pulled out, tears dripping between her hands and cum dripping between her feet. I left her there, crying in the darkness as I locked the door.

Early afternoon the next day, Doc waddled his way through the door and into my rec-room. He made it a point to enter from the garage whenever he could in order to avoid his old nemesis, stairs. "I'm back, did my baby miss me?" He said, then froze in place when he saw Ashley.

She was kneeling on the floor beside the sofa, naked, cuffed, blindfolded and gagged. She turned her head at the sound of the new voice.

"What the fuck is that?" He asked when he got his breath back.

"That, my friend, is your new slave if you want her." I replied as I turned off the TV.

Doc shuffled around the kneeling woman, a confused expression on his face. He looked at me "How the fuck did you manage this?"

I recounted my discussion with Erica, then how I had tricked Ashley into meeting me and her capture.

"So this is the mom of that curly haired cunt of yours?" He said as he reached down to grab Ashley's tit. She squealed and tried to pull away, falling over in the process. She kicked out with her legs, hitting the end of the sofa and grunted in pain.

"Yep, and she is a right bitch. She has been here since just after you left and has been fighting me the entire time." I nudged her with my foot. "I don't have the temperament to train her properly, but I think you do."

Doc nodded, then leaned down to remove the blindfold. He grabbed Ashely by the chin and turned her head to look at her face.

"I thought so, I know this cunt. I did her tits for her." Doc said as he reached down to fondle Ashley's impressive breast. "Yep, a few years ago she showed up at my clinic for a boob job. Guess she was putting herself back out on the market and wanted some bodywork done." Doc chuckled as Ashley grunted in surprise at the revelation.

"Don't recognize me, do you slut?" Doc teased as he pinched her nipple hard. "You didn't care about anything but how much it would cost and how quickly you could shove them in someone's face."

Ashley squirmed as Doc manhandled her, fighting to get away from his groping hand. "Damn I do good work." Doc said, pushing himself up with a grunt. "So, she's a fighter you say. Well I have just the thing for her then."

Doc headed back out to the garage and returned a few minutes later with a large canvas bag. He dropped it on the floor with the sound of clinking metal and hauled out what looked like a length of chain and metal cuffs. There was a large collar with a good 4 feet of heavy chain attached to it. 4 sets of smaller cuffs were fastened to the chain by their own lengths of chain, all together it looked like about 20lbs of misery.

"What the fuck is that?" I asked as Doc struggled to hold it up for me to see.

"This my friend is a, a... how the fuck do you say it again?" He dropped the chain on the floor and rooted around in the bag, pulling out a receipt. "It's a Sirik, you ignorant Phillistine."

I leaned back on the sofa as he picked the heavy gear off of the floor and moved over to where Ashley cowered. "Chin up girl." He said, then gave her a hard slap across the face when she resisted.

"I said chin up bitch. There are a lot more where that came from so let's get this sorted out now." He returned with a backhand, rocking Ashley's head back and bloodying her lip. She quailed helplessly, then reluctantly raised her chin for Doc to fasten the heavy metal collar around her neck. He pulled her to her feet, fastening the cuffs to her wrists and legs, they wouldn't reach her ankles.

She stood there, naked and sagging under the weight of the metal. A groan escaped from behind her gag and I could see that the collar edges were rough and they dug into her neck and wrists as she tried to straighten up.

Doc stood back, rubbing his hands in glee. "Damn, just like the books I told you about. Remember, that Gor series I showed you?"

I shook my head. "Sorry Doc, I was too busy having sex with real girls to waste my time reading about them."

"And now who is coming to me for help with his slaves. Apology accepted." He replied with a nod.

"Don't get too full of yourself." I sniped back. "The only reason you are getting her is because the alternative is Tim."

"Oh god no." Doc gasped. "That moron couldn't keep a Shi Tzu. I am pretty sure the only reason his slave hasn't run away is that she is too sore to move."

I nodded in response, then stood up to slide my hand over Ashley's still bruised ass. "Be careful of this one, she is stubborn. She has already taken a swing at me and tried to escape once."

"Don't you worry." Doc chuckled evilly as he rubbed his fat hands together. "I will have this bitch on such a cocktail of psychotropic pharmaceuticals that she won't know where she is, much less why she would want to leave."

Ashley's eyes were wide with fear and she tried to shuffle back with the clinking of metal. Doc reached out and grabbed the chain under her collar, yanking her hard toward him. She yelped in pain as the metal dug into her neck and legs while she fought to keep her balance.

"I told you that there were worse monsters than me out there, meet Dr. Lechter." I said in a cold voice as the bound woman's head swivelled between us, the frying pan and the fire.

Doc chuckled again. "Mind if I leave Tammy here for a few more days. I want to make sure this one is settled in and properly medicated first."

"No problem, she has been getting along fine here." I said and Doc turned to look at me suspiciously.

"You haven't been spoiling her with all of that 'positive reinforcement' crap have you? What is the point of having a slave if you treat her like your girlfriend?"

I raised my hands in mock innocence. "I have been just as hard on her as you would be, want to see?"

"Let me get this one secured first, then I will check on your homework assignment." Doc grunted as he tugged Ashley to the garage. She shuffled awkwardly, trying to look back pleadingly at me.

"Hope to see you soon." I called out as I waved goodbye.

A few minutes later and Doc came huffing back into the rec-room, mopping his brow with a handkerchief. "You weren't kidding. I had to almost choke her unconscious to get her into the back." He glanced ruefully at the stairs to the main level, then shrugged his shoulders. "I will be back for Tammy later, don't spoil her." He said wagging his finger at me.

"Yes mom, we will play nice." I replied and he grunted then shuffled back out to the garage. I followed him and waved him off as he pulled out of the driveway, then let out a sigh of relief. How did a girl like Erica come from a world class cunt like Ashley I thought. Then cheerfully I turned back into the house and headed upstairs.

I opened the door to the bedroom to see the three girls kneeling in their slave positions in front of the bed. All three had taken a shower and their hair was still damp as they looked up at me in expectation. "Well there ladies, it may be while since we all get to play together again, let's see what you have learned."

I watched as Monica uncoiled herself from her kneeling position and slowly strutted over to where I stood. She raised herself up on her tiptoes, pressing her tight, teenage body against me as she reached up to run her manicured fingers through my hair and flick her moist tongue over my ear. Tammy followed suit, moulding her naked form against my other side and sliding her small hand inside my shirt to caress my chest. Erica crawled over to kneel in front of me and began to kiss and nibble at my hardening cock through my pants.

I stood there just taking it in. Three incredibly hot teenage sluts were doing their best to prove to me that they were the perfect slaves for me. Tammy and Monica had undone my shirt and were kissing and nibbling on my chest as they slowly slid their hands and tits up and down my arms. Erica was undoing my belt and sliding my pants down as her tongue flicked and licked my thighs and stomach. My cock was hard as a rock as three hands started to stroke and squeeze it.

I pushed Monica and Tammy away as I reached up and grabbed Erica by the back of the head, pulling her up to my face. She stretched up as high as she could reach to hungrily press her lips against mine and opened her mouth to my probing tongue. Her arms wrapped around my neck as she pulled my head down to kiss me hard and deep with the passion of youth. I pulled her away and looked into her lust filled eyes; "Well slut, do you think you deserve to cum today?"

"Oh God, please master, please let me cum for you. Please shove your magnificent cock into this slut's worthless pussy. I have missed you so much!" she pleaded as her chest heaved with deep rapid breaths.

"Get over there on the bed and spread your legs for me" I said as I shoved her away. She practically leapt across the room to the bed and lay on her back, putting her beautiful pink pussy on display for me.

"Please master, please fuck this worthless whore. Please let your slave make you cum inside her." She begged as she thrust her cunt toward me.

I looked down at where Monica and Tammy were now running their lips along my cock and tapped Tammy on the head. "Get over there and get your friend ready for me. It probably won't take much so don't let her cum until I get there."

She gave my cock a final kiss then crawled over to the bed where Erica lay waiting with her legs spread. I watched as she crawled up her naked body, tongue flicking over Erica's flat stomach and firm breasts until they were face to face, kissing passionately. Tammy hand slid between Erica's legs and I saw her fingers enter her moist pussy, eliciting a moan of pleasure from her.

I stood there for a few minutes letting Monica lick and suck my cock while I watched Tammy work her magic on Erica. Poor girl had been denied orgasms for so long that she was soon writhing on the bed, gripping the sheets in her fists as the young red-head's tongue and fingers toyed with her most sensitive areas. I looked down at where Monica's head was bobbing back and forth on my cock, her hands wrapped around me squeezing my ass and shoving my prick deeper into her throat.

I shoved her off of my now fully engorged member, "Get over there beside your friend and show me your ass bitch. Tammy, get on the other side, I want to see Ass, Cunt, Ass from the three of you."

Tammy backed out from between Erica's legs and slid up onto the bed, presenting her firm teenage ass for me to feast my eyes on. Monica did the same on the other side and soon I had a buffet of fuck holes to choose from. I stepped in between Erica's legs and began to slide my prick over her well lubricated pussy lips. She groaned in expectation, bouncing her cunt up and down hoping to entice me to stop teasing her and start with the fucking. I reached out with both hands and grabbed the other girls by the hair, pushing their faces in to Erica's firm tits.

"Keep licking bitches, this is her final exam so I'm not going to make it easy on her." Reaching up I grabbed Erica by the jaw and looked into her wanton eyes; "No orgasm until I tell you, remember." She nodded, biting her lip in frustration as I continued to tease her pussy lips with the head of my cock. I let this go on for what felt like forever, sliding my prick up and down while the other girls kissed, licked and bit Erica's hard nipples. The groans and sobs of frustration were the sexiest sound I had ever heard and were quickly accompanied by moans from Tammy and Monica as I reached back and slid a finger into each of their tight pussies.

Finally I couldn't hold out any longer, I grabbed Erica's firm thighs and shoved my cock hard into her wet pussy. She screamed in ecstasy as I pounded her hard, her fists pounding the mattress in frustration as she held off on the orgasm that had been building since I had entered the room. Just as I felt her pussy start to clench, I pulled out and moved over behind Tammy, shoving my cock deep into her ass. I pounded her for a few minutes then switched up to Monica. I kept this rotation up for as long as I could, switching up between asses and pussies like a kid with ADHD.

Finally I couldn't keep in my own orgasm anymore. I moved back between Erica's legs and drove hard and deep into her. "Alright slut, this is what you have been waiting for. After you feel me blow you are allowed to cum but only then."

She nodded frantically, her eyes rolling and chest heaving as she gasped for breath. Monica and Tammy continued to pleasure her tits while I pounded her hot tight pussy. I felt my orgasm building in my balls "Here it comes slut, all for you!" and I blew my cum deep into her belly.

"Oh god, oh fuck, please master, can I cum now, please let your slave cum on you magnificent cock!" she gasped.

"Yes slut, you've earned it, you can cum" and I felt her pussy clench tight as her body was wracked with a huge orgasm denied for so long. She screamed into the air as she arched her back in a taught bow, bouncing up and down with such force that I was afraid for the bedsprings. Her legs wrapped around my back, locking me into her pussy as her cunt muscles flexed and released so tight it hurt. Finally, totally spent she fell back, gasping for air and streaming with sweat.

"Oh fuck, thank you master." She managed to get out between breaths as I backed out of her. I stood back looking at the scene in front of me. Three young tight bodies all begging to serve and worship my cock. Life couldn't get any better than this.

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Just keeps getting better

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