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The Perverted Princess

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A fictional royal's nasty night in a sex dungeon.
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The Princess descended the steep, spiralling, stone staircase slowly and carefully. No wonder given the five inch pencil thin heels she walked in (attached to thigh high leather boots) or maybe her hesitancy was related to what awaited her at the bottom of her descent.

She was deep underground, nearing a nearly 400 year old stone dungeon hidden under one of the many stately homes she now had access to in her role in the Royal family. The pretty brunette paused as she came to the end of the steps and allowed herself to wonder what the many sleazy tabloid newspapers would have given to have a picture of her dressed like this? It always amused her how they took her picture just wearing everyday dresses and coats or even in gowns for occasions. But to have a picture of the 34 year old Princess wearing a tightly pulled black latex Basque that her breasts were almost overflowing from, and excruciatingly tight latex shorts that displayed most of her pert, royal bottom, above her kinky boots would surely have sent many a paparazzi into apoplexy.

Her younger sister, greeted her at the bottom of the steps.

"Wow you look fierce sis, really getting into the part aren't you?"

And she did, wearing that outfit and with her long, dark hair pulled back in a severe ponytail she looked the part of a harsh Dominatrix.

"You know me, love to role play. Anyway the Prince is off buttfucking those two fat cousins of his this weekend, inbred freaks, don't see why I shouldn't have my fun too. Tell me how many did you get?"

"Eight. Enough for you?"

"Oh rather! And they know the score?"

"Oh yes, once you're in there and I lock the door anything goes until I open it again in a little over 24 hours. Lord, you'd better pray I don't get run over by a bus tonight what! Also they have been recompensed and know the rules and punishment regarding talking to anyone about things. Now, are you ready sis? Well in you pop."

And with that she swung open a heavy wooden door and The Princess strode in, giving an involuntary shudder as she heard the door slam shut behind her and the clear turning of a key in the lock and the slamming home of the heavy metal bolt on the outside. She strained her ears and heard her sister's footsteps on the stairs slowly disappear until she could hear them no more.

The Princess was standing in a relatively small stone chamber, with the heavy door the only feature on any of the four walls, floor or ceiling. All surfaces were cold, hard stone and the lighting was a supplied by a series of stylish lamps designed to look like torches that hung from the walls. The only other thing in the dungeon were eight naked, black men, each chained by the neck to a ring in the wall.

There were four chained to either side of the chamber. They were all muscular guys, big, fit, well put together. Her sister had chosen well. They were also all completely nude and they were staring at her like hungry wolves. She held her nerve and smiled as she slowly paced down the middle of them. She looked at the white paint on their heads that indicated their cock size :9", 6", 7" and 10" down the right hand side. She could not resist peering down between these men's legs and glimpsing the huge cocks held down there. And she was locked in here with them.

She walked back up the other side having inspected her 'crew' before turning to address them.

"What a pathetic collection of useless fucking niggers. Well don't worry boys your white Mistress will give you the treatment you deserve!"

The man first on her left gave a scowl at her racist comments and Kate strode up to him and slapped his face.

"Got a problem Nigger? Didn't think so. Now listen up you dumb black bastards by the time we're done in here you'll be emasculated and enfeebled and broken. I will break you, completely, you think because you have big dicks that you are something special? You're not -- your dumb, piece of shit niggers and you're mine to do with as I like!"

She stood before them dominantly, growing into her role as she continued.

"My little sister tells me there's some real big men here today, a couple of convicted rapists, a couple more that have done time for other violent attacks, the real dregs of society. Well I'll show you how a woman should be treated in here, I'll bust your balls and make you my bitches by the time, we're done."

Given the looks of anger, hatred and disdain on their faces it was as well they were all held in place by their collars. As The Princess made to walk down the middle of them again a key dropped from her hand and landed next to first guy on the left, who she had slapped minutes earlier."

With the key gone she knew she was passed the point of no return and braced herself for a shift in dynamics. She was soaking wet in the pussy at the thought of it.

Her senses heightened and she would swear she could hear the key slide into the lock on the collar and click open, but she kept walking down the chamber, towering over her kneeling slaves knowing that places were very quickly about to change drastically.

She was stopped suddenly in her tracks as a hand grasped her long ponytail and jerked her to a shuddering halt. She gave a high pitched gasp before she was roughly propelled forward so she was face first into the wall, a strong hand holding her face right up against the stone. She stood stock still, imagining the key being passed around and one after another the men being freed from their bondage ready to show her the error of her ways.

"Fucking stuck up white bitch!"

The voice hissed malevolently at her ear before her sexy, expensive Basque was roughly torn from her body until her bare breasts were pressed against the stone. Her boots swiftly followed before her tight, bum hugging shorts were slowly pulled from her body. As soon as they were off The Princess felt her arse cheeks being prodded by a huge erection and gulped as the guy, still with a vice like grip on her hair, grunted and shoved forward pressing his thick, erect dick into her arsehole. He shuffled back only to pull her further onto his cock and she could see the others now, all free and on their feet and grinning wickedly at what was to come. Still playing her chosen part The Princess pleaded.

"What are you doing? No get off you black bastard! Get the fuck out of me! I command you..."

She was halted mid tirade as the guy in her ass jerked her around and pushed her head down and she gasped as she was propelled towards a large, black erection that slid right into her gaping mouth and straight into her throat, immediately pressing against the back of her throat. She gagged but the hands in her hair and on her head made sure she could not shift back off the cock. It was right down her throat choking her, she gurgled and little streams of saliva mixed with pre-cum spilled out the sides of her Royal mouth.

Then he pulled out before plunging his erection right back down the Princess's gasping lips, his balls slapping noisily on her chin. Her wide open eyes saw that she was now surrounded by straining black dicks, there were six men crowded round her while her throat was roughly fucked. The others slapped their slick cocks on her head: in her hair, on her cheeks, on her ears, wherever they could. And they cursed her, called her all the names under the sun, as if she was the lowliest, skankiest crack whore rather than the Princess and easily the most popular member of the Royal family.

"Fucking whore!"

"White cock hungry bitch!"

"Gutterslut cum dump!"

And with each insult (or were they really a compliments for her?) they spat on her, covering her head and face in saliva. Not that she took much notice as she was busy with her head bouncing back and forth rapidly on that huge, black cock spearing into her mouth until the guy gave a grunt, pulled back and sprayed a thick, cloying burst of cum onto her Royal face, hitting her left eye and then more streams followed painting her beautiful features in semen.

She grabbed a breath but it was no more and then she had another, even bigger penis forcing its way into her mouth and pressing against the back of her throat. And now there were cocks all around her head and face, some could not wait their turn in her mouth and were busily jerking themselves off, spraying their cum on her Royal features to mix with the cum and saliva already coated to her face. Spray after spray of cum hit her, landed on her skin and in her hair, all the while she struggled to deal with the pistoning rod of man meat ramming in and out of her struggling lips.

Eventually, with her face plastered with several loads of thick, sticky cum, she was pushed down to straddle a man, her thighs stretching to go around him, her knees rubbing on the hard, unforgiving floor. Another man held her wrists tightly behind her back while the man she was straddling fiddled with his bare cock, manoeuvring it until it found the soaking wet Royal pussy and plunging right it almost seven inches in one thrust. She gasped but that was cut off as a man stood over her and fed his dick into her mouth, pulling her hair to pull her face right up to his crotch. Then hands were at her arse, a man positioning himself behind her, on his knees, thrusting his cock into her tight arsehole, ramming in, filling her with more big, black cock.

The Princess was airtight, a cock in her mouth, her pussy and her arsehole all at the same time, her pretty face was awash with semen and saliva and she was starting to ride the two cocks under her for all she was worth. Her body was reacting like nothing on earth and the glimpse she did get of the other men just standing waiting, jerking off their huge dicks only served to arouse her even more. Christ it was less than an hour since her sister left and would be nearly a whole day before she returned.

These current incumbents in her holes all came nearly simultaneously, the first filling her mouth with a hot load of cum that just kept spurting and spurting into her until she nearly gagged on it and the cum spilled from her lips and down her chin. This seemed to set off the guy ass fucking her, he slapped her ass and groaned and shot his load deep into her bowels. That movement set off the guy in her pussy and he came there too. The princess grinned to herself, no condom, no protection and filled up with a black man's baby maker, she wondered what the tabloids would make of a little coon Prince or Princess?

They were but the first loads to be emptied into her womb and arsehole over the next few hours, while the men had the opportunity to recover and take a break she had none. There was not a moment where she was not filled with at least one cock, and most of the time there were more too.

Once they had all cum (some more than once), the Princess was shoved to her knees and all eight men crowded around her, their dicks jostling around her cum smeared face. From somewhere a plastic collar was produced and wrapped tightly around her throat, so she resembled a dog wearing a collar of shame. This was the perfect target for the men to wanking into and before long they were spraying their semen into the collar gain and again, slowly filling it up whilst also splashing it on her disappearing features.

Then they started filling the collar with more than cum, one guy letting go with a huge, fast, thickly yellow stream of piss that blasted cum off The Princess's face and rapidly filled the collar up until the level of piss in it was up to her bottom lip with very little leaking out. Two more guys then joined in, spraying streams of piss from either side into her hair and over her face and the piss level swiftly rose over her lips and up to her nostrils. As they shook off another cock fired up and took the level above her nostrils and though she struggled for a moment she soon gave in and opened her mouth and began drinking down their foul, acrid piss. It tasted revolting and was initially hard to keep down but the thought of what she was doing was just such a turn on that she continued gamely drinking their disgusting urine (mixed with cum) almost as quickly as the guys kept topping it up.

Eventually the guys ran dry and she managed to sup the last of the piss she could reach, the collar was taken off her and the dregs from it spilled down her front over her tits and stomach. She scowled at the gang of black men standing over her then let go of her own bladder, bloated as it was with this huge intake of their piss.

If it was humiliating pissing herself while surrounded by these guys they were determined to make her feel worse.

"Oh man what a filthy whore you are!"

"You dirty, nasty bitch!"

A hand roughly grabbed her long, piss sodden black hair and pulled her forward to bend her over until her face was just over the large puddle of piss she had just made and she was encouraged to lap up her "own mess". She did so with barely disguised glee, there was nothing she enjoyed more than complete debasement. This disgusting act took long enough for one of the guys to recover his hard on and as The Princess knelt there and licked up her own piss off the cold, stone floor he got behind her and fucked her doggy style The guys lined up and over the next few hours they took their time, one after another fucking her like that, treating her as little more than a fucking piece of meat. She loved it.

Despite the eight on one odds it was the guys that ran out of steam before she did, she was still going by the next morning when the door creaked open and her younger sister appeared. The Princess had taken all eight cocks in every one of her holes (some more than once) and was still desperate for more. When their dicks had failed she had encouraged them to fist fuck her, her pussy stretched obscenely as massive arm pounded in and out of her as her sister entered and watched on fascinated.

She looked up and smiled at her sister and then gave a scream as she came with a gusher on the black man's arm, coating him in her juices as he withdrew it and along with the other men made their way out of the dungeon leaving sisters together.

Her sister dropped to her knees beside her older sister she gave her a cuddle, ignoring the thick film of viscous that covered her skin. Then she leaned in to kiss her and before too long they were engaged in a long, deep, tongue smacking French kiss, swapping the saliva and cum from The Princess's mouth into her sister's. She eagerly tore her sister's light flowery dress off to leave her as naked as she was and they easily slipped into a sixty nine position as they lay in the slime and mess of the night and pleasured each other with their fingers and tongues for the next couple of hours without interruption.

In a brief moment of contemplation as her sister exploded her juices over her face,The Princess thought to herself that life as a member of the Royal Family really was the best.

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surferchick88surferchick88almost 6 years ago
Too fast

Love this Story. It got what it all needs but why all so fast. Would love to get more details. Anyway. 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
5 stars

Enjoyable story. A follow up story about 'the Prince butt fucking his two fat cousins' would be interesting (and possibly foot worshipping their fat mother by the swimming pool).

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Great story and great timing

5 stars. Great story and great timing, given the announcement of her third pregnancy yesterday. I will wait with interest to see if she delivers 'a little coon Prince or Princess'.

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