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We were turning onto my street when he observed, "You're quiet. Like...real quiet."

"Yeah," I mumbled. "Things on my mind."

"Be honest," he said as we walked up my driveway, "be honest with me, J. Are you maybe not really in the mood today?"

"I...ahh...yeah," I stuttered, gesturing to my head. "...bit much going on up here just now."

"Okay," he nodded. "That's okay. Not a problem. You're pretty stressed, huh?"

"I mean...yeah?"

"This'll make you feel better. Sit down there," he told me, indicating the bottom step. I sat down and he moved in behind, sitting two above, and began massaging my shoulders, walking the fingers all over, digging and rolling.

Did it actually make me feel better? No. But it was nice all the same, soothing, relaxing. Until he moved to my neck, and then...then, oh god, I was about to think of that scene in the kitchen, and...

I reached back, squeezed his knee. "Thanks, mate. It's, um...that was good. Thanks."

He got the message and stood up, stepping around and over me. "Okay, I'll head. Hope you feel better."

He crouched down briefly in front of me and winked and booped my nose with his finger before loping away to wherever his car was parked, while I sat there wondering who the hell I even was nowadays.

I caught sight of myself in the mirror later on, as I was about to brush my teeth, and I looked really fucking miserable. I put the toothbrush down and stared. Then glared. The stalemate with the guy in mirror went on and on, until I accepted that the only way round this one might be through it.

Okay, I told my reflection, okay - you win. I'll tell him. I'll tell him he can go on top. Or...or I might. I'll try, I'll...

I was still all over the place with it by the time Saturday rolled around. I can't do it, was what I was thinking while I was getting ready for work - but when work wrapped up for the day, instead of heading straight on down to Te Awamutu, I went home first and took a very long shower of my own...

I was squarely back to 'can't do it' by the time I was halfway to Reid's house. It's okay, I told myself, trying to self-soothe, it's okay, you haven't promised anybody anything...except maybe yourself. Kind of.

Soon as I got in the door, I took the initiative and grabbed him in a bro-hug, held on tight for a second or two, and ducked away. It worked. No send-me-off-the-deep-end, can't-think-for-toffee, ka-fucking-boom kiss. Which of course I both missed like hell and felt like shit about.

Reid let me be while he was working on his current bit of ceiling, but when he was done he came and perched himself on the arm of the sofa a couple of metres behind where I was working, and just...watched.

"Hey," I muttered, glancing briefly back.

"Hey," he replied - and then there was nothing else. Silence. Ordinarily I'd probably have forgotten he was there, being focused on work, but not today. I could feel him intensely, and my concentration was shot. Also, my hands were so sweaty I couldn't hold the faceplate I was trying to fix in still enough. It slipped off centre for the third time and I gave it away.

"Fuck," I spat, standing up, facing the wall, lacing my fingers behind my head. "Fuck this..."

I felt Reid's hand in a tentative swipe down my rigid spine. "You're still feeling rough, huh, J?"


He wrapped his arms about me, one above the other across my sternum, stepped in close, and began to rock us slowly side to side. "Poor baby..."

It made me feel kinda shitty that he felt sorry for me, when I was completely, one-hundred-percent, doing all this to myself. But I put my arms down on top of his, let my head flop back against him, and went with the rocking, rocking...

I think...probably...what happened next had a lot to do with the fact that I couldn't see him, that he wasn't saying anything, that I was too churned up for anything to be erotic...the first thing I noticed, face tucked into his neck, was how he smelled. He Reid. Familiar. A scent I recognised and understood...and trusted...

I sagged back against him, letting him take some of my weight, and breathed and breathed and breathed those pheromones, and he tightened his grip and rubbed his cheek against my head and then one of his arms was wrapped about lower, much lower, and then of course he was grinding into me and doing his humming thing again...

I laughed a little bit, down in my throat, and he said;

"I know, I know...but, god, J...this arse of yours..."

I swallowed. Here goes nothing. "Yeah...about that arse of mine..."

Reid stilled abruptly. "Sorry, is that whole routine getting old? Should I stop?"

"," I muttered. "I think...probably you should keep going..."

There were a few seconds of silence, and then he was asking;

"Keep far?"

I gulped "Um, like, all the way? But, but - think of it as an experiment, okay?"

Another silence, longer this time, before Reid said;

"I kinda need you to be a bit more clear with me here..."

I ground back on him. There, clear enough for you...?

Apparently not. He stepped back, turned me to face him. "You know you can tell me anything, right? Right?"


"Just say what you want, J," he breathed. "Say what you want - nothing bad will happen..."

I shut my eyes. "I to, um, fuck me. I think."

He waited until I opened them again before reaching out to stroke my face. "You need to take a shower?"

I shook my head. "Nah, I did that at I could chicken out if I needed to."

Reid frowned. "Hey...deciding you don't want to do something isn't chickening out, J. And nor is changing your mind after you've started doing it, okay? Seriously, if anything we do's not working for you, tell me, and I'll stop. I. Will. Stop." He blinked suddenly. "My god, is this what's been bothering you lately?"

I nodded.

He wrapped me up close, but not in a quiet comforting hug this time, his hands busy, travelling, skimming all over my body in promise and possession.

"Oh, baby, don't worry...I'm gonna be so good to you..." he breathed. "Gonna be so good to you. So you're all clean and ready for me?"

Umm...yes to the first part. I just nodded again.

"Then let's get down to business," Reid said, taking my hand and towing me toward his bedroom.

But once we got there he didn't seem to be in any huge hurry to get down to business. There was a lot of grabbing and squeezing and pinching while we got each others' clothes off, and more of the stupid wrestling shit we'd got up to the other week at mine, and then somehow we were on the bed and he was kissing me into the mattress, into that deep water, down, down...and his free hand curled around my aching dick, not stroking, just holding, holding...

I reached down to do the same for him, and he unwrapped his hand, straightening it, and reached lower, further, doing that thing he often did, the sneaky saw along my taint, except this time it was skin on skin, this time it was foreplay, this time it was happening...

Reid detached his lips from mine and caught my eye. "Still yes?"

"Still yes." Hell yes, yes please...please hell...whatever...just - more...

And then he was turning me and his hands were at my hips, hauling me up unresisting to my knees, urging me down onto my elbows so my haunches were up in the air, and now my arse was being objectified for real. Really for real, and the sounds Reid was making as he lifted and kneaded and squeezed, they were sounds I'd made in the past - the sound of a guy who's seriously looking forward to what comes next...

But what came next wasn't a latex-covered dick, wasn't fingers and cold lube - it was thumbs, spreading, making room for - ohhh, holy fuck - that weapon of a tongue...

I was torn at first...instantly addicted to the sensation...god, the layers and layers of sensation, but I wanted to did my hairy hole have any right to this? I never handed it out, never...

I would've, I groggily acknowledged, if I'd been less worried about the mechanics and more focused on the effects...because the effects? I was spun out already, obscene needy noise burbling from my throat, and I knew it was fuelling Reid, spurring him on - his face mashed harder into me, and I felt the uptick in that soft slippery stabbing, heard myself descend toward mewing...

Then he was pulled back and reared up on his knees and I caught the sound of tearing foil and my heart was thudding loud and erratic in my chest, punching up toward my larynx. Here we go, I thought - oh shit, what if...

But instead he wedged himself in my crack, humming his little tune. Back and forth, snug and slippery, shifting his hips, playing with the angles, drifting down over my taint, the soft tip batting playfully at my balls, retreating again, no pressure, no rush...

God, I wanted him. I wanted him so bad, but I couldn't...I dropped my cheek to the mattress and reached back an arm, clawing at the air, trying to grab him, reel him in...

I heard him chuckle. "Looking for something there, J?" he cooed. "Have I got something you want, huh? Mm? Mm? Mm?" - butting his hips in time with the 'Mm'... His voice dropped, and a hand came to rest on the back of my neck. "You gonna tell me what you need, eh baby...?"

I knew this game. I'd played it plenty of times from where he was - hearing them beg, it's incomparable - but now I was the one, as those fingers dug in to my scruff, melting any resistance, now I was the one panting out the disjointed stream of I want you aggh your dick I want your dick oh god just please your dick...

...and it felt so good to admit, because it was so. fucking. true. What I wanted was what he had, what only he could give me - that dick I that was mad for, attached to the guy I was...more than mad for...

I kept saying all that crap, saying it over and over like a prayer as he took hold of a hip and positioned himself, pressing in - and maybe it was some kind of prayer. There was a tiny streak of fear in me still...I hadn't totally forgotten about the times I'd tried this and it'd wound up being a bad idea...

But this time, this time? Reid leaned forward a fraction more, tugging me toward him, and broke the seal, and I knew...I knew it wasn't a mistake, not this time. Even as I was gritting my teeth against the burn, I knew this one wasn't going straight to hell. It didn't feel good - not yet - but it felt right.

God, it felt so right. I didn't even know a thing could feel this right. I just...didn't know...

I went quiet, way beyond words in the emotion of the moment, the thankfulness and recognition and relief, and Reid picked up where I left off as he ground his hips in tiny circles, stirring my insides, taking up more and more real estate down there...

"You feel so good on my dick, J," he breathed, leaning down, "so good. You're all marshmallow inside where it counts, aren't you baby? So warm and pink and soft for me in here," a little twitch of his hips, "and in here," two fingers tugged at the corner of my lips, worming in, stroking my cheek from the inside, "and all hard hard hard on the outside..."

His hand left my mouth and skated down my neck, over my chest, my abs, down, and I felt his dick jump inside me as his fingers ghosted briefly over mine.

"Oh god, baby," he whispered, "such a good boy staying hard for me like that, such a good boy..."

I whined like a puppy and Reid urged me back to all fours, kneeling up behind me again, dragging slowly out, sl-ow-ly back in...out...innnn...reluctantly ending each sedate stroke at his absolute limit, hard meat buried inside me, hard hips hard up against me, stilled for a few seconds, retreating again, and all the while talking to me, hot and hushed, a torrent of tenderness and filth pouring out over me like some weird baptism...

The hand grasping my hip switched to his left as the pace, the force increased, the right coming to rest higher up, taking possession of my neck again, fingers fanning out. I was melted to him already, but at that touch and its memories I melted more...

He growled, deep and thrumming. "Ohhh...I found the magic spot, didn't I? Didn't I?"

I nodded, safe in his grasp. Yes, he'd found the magic spot with his hand and yes he'd found the magic spot with his dick, where everything blared and burned urgent thrust after thrust, but more than that, he'd found me - all of me everywhere. I'd let go the boundaries of myself in this thing, but Reid was at the centre, and I was there with him, held...

He brought that hand to my shoulder, drawing me up, up on my knees, then the forearm around under my armpit, across my chest, pinning me all up against him in close, really plundering me now, taking all I had, but giving it back with his free hand, closing around the dick I'd almost forgotten I owned, shunting me forward into his palm...

Nothing, I thought, nothing could've prepared me for this. This terrifying, exhilarating sense of being absolutely found out, entirely in someone else's hands. If I had known how it'd be, I would've run a mile...if I had known how it'd be, I would've have crawled that mile back on my knees. On my knees, just like this...

The realisation that I was about to cum barrelled into me hurricane-force, roaring in my ears. I didn't know if he was ready, but even if he wasn't...

"I can't, I can't, I can't..." I bleated, panicked and thready, teetering on the brink.

The arm across my chest tightened. "Yeah -- you can," Reid heaved, panting from the exertion. "You're -- my good boy -- J -- cum for me..."

He told me I could, and I did. And then, then he did - in the afterglow I felt the soft sweet tail of it, the last flickers dying away inside that part of me he'd made his own, before we slowly toppled sideways, coming unlocked but turning into one another and clinging, holding on to what we just created...

My face was buried in his armpit and that was okay - everything was okay. I took a deep breath. Just say what you want, J. Nothing bad will happen.

"I so want to do that again," I whispered.

And again and again and again and again...

Reid pulled back to look at me, brows raised, and there was a lot going on in those big brown eyes of his...amusement and arousal, triumph and tenderness and respect and jee-ust a hint of smugness as he said;

"Yeah...I thought you might..."

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Lover3adsLover3ads3 months ago

Again, where're the book?

KumquatqueenKumquatqueen3 months ago

The only thing wrong with this is it needs a sequel. Or two.

Beautiful stuff.

I might even tidy my room a bit.

Jacko_LanternJacko_Lantern8 months ago

I absolutely LOVE this story! I'm always on the look out for inspiration from other authors with their different styles of writing and you are one talented individual. There were two lines that really stood out to me and I remembered:

"Fuck. He'd fucking infected me. Now I was as horny as him, dammit."

"thumbs, spreading, making room for - ohhh, holy fuck - that weapon of a tongue"

Seriously, bravo! I'll definitely be coming back to read this again because it was so beautifully written.

turboscotturboscotalmost 2 years ago

You really have a way of bringing characters to life, this is such a great story. The story ended really well, leaving the “what comes next” to our own imagination, but the selfish person in me would love to know more about J and Reid. Thank you for sharing x

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Thank you! You reminded why I came to Lit in the first place - for this! Good story, good writing, and spot on description of emotions.

Thank you!!

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