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Kitty Gets Bullied

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Kitty tries to help her niece and finds herself bullied.
11.1k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/25/2023
Created 03/14/2023
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So, in this story I am going to a place that many others on this site have already gone. However, the idea of a mom getting bullied herself by her son's bullies and getting taken in every way possible is one of my own fantasies and I wanted to explore it in a way that I don't often see it being done. There are many stories of sexually repressed moms who get taken by young men or her son's friends, resisting at first but eventually willingly giving in. But if you have read my other works, you know most of my 'Heroines' (as I like to refer to them as) never mentally acquiesce, but are betrayed by their bodies, So, for those of you who like their fantasy's a bit darker and more ruthless, like I do, I present my take on an old classic.

I shouldn't have to say this next part, but better safe than sorry as the saying goes. This is a fantasy, not reality, and rape of any kind is unacceptable. This is being written to fulfill our darker desires with no harm to anyone. All characters represented are over the age of 18 and, if forced non-consent is not your preferred flavor, feel free to read a different story. I certainly won't hold it against you. Thanks for reading, and...enjoy.

One last thing, if you have read my previous works, you will be well acquainted with my primary heroine, Kitty. Her stories are each their own work, not connected to each other and may be read as complete entities unto themselves. Her age and circumstances change slightly in each of these stories and each adventure is unique to the circumstances I place her in, So, in simpler terms, there is no need for continuity to exist between each series.

* * *

While she listened to her sister Claire going on about how busy she was with the upcoming PTA bake sale and Lisa's soccer tryouts and Ryan's upcoming band trip, Katherine "Kitty" Hall reflected for the thousandth time, that she was very happy that she did not have children. Her sister had the two kids, a boy, Ryan and a girl, Lisa and while she loved them both, she had no desire whatsoever to be a mom herself. She was happy to be the fun-loving and carefree Aunt, visiting with them and going on trips and then, leaving and coming back home to her own personal space.

Kitty had never been married. She had been with several men at various stages in her life, some good, some bad, most rather unremarkable, but now, at age 45, she was happy to be on her own without any ties to bind her. She dated on and off, but nothing serious for almost two years.

Kitty was OK with that. Sex was fun and she enjoyed it as much as the next person did (or so she supposed) but she had her vibrator, and a few select porn videos she could indulge in when the urge struck her. She didn't need a man to feel complete. She kept busy with her job at a local insurance agency where she was the executive secretary for one of the Sr. partners. She travelled several times a year and she was able to visit her sister and her niece and nephew, quite often. She supposed she was fortunate that they had all ended up living in the same city. It made it easy to stay close and in touch.

Claire had been droning on about all the school projects and home repair plans she was involved with and honestly, Kitty had just sort of zoned out for a minute or two. She was snapped back to reality by her sister saying her name loudly.

"Kitty? Did you hear me? Kitty!"

Kitty startled alert and shook her head. She faked a cough, just to give her a moment to orient back to the conversation.

"Oh...sorry, I had a tickle in my throat." She cleared her throat from her 'cough' and settled the phone back against her ear. "I'm sorry sis, I missed that last part. What were you saying?"

"I said that Lisa has been a bit moody lately. She's been too quiet and withdrawn. I think something might be wrong at school."

"It's probably just typical teenage angst. She just turned 18 and she's in the last half of the school year. There's a lot happening for her." Claire didn't sound convinced.

"I don't know," she said. "She usually talks with me about things but lately we can't even have a conversation without almost getting into a screaming match." There was a prolonged silence on the phone and Kitty could hear her sister sniffling. This was really bothering her. Then, Claire spoke up again. "Maybe...you could talk to her...you know, girl to girl?"

"Me?" Kitty was surprised that Claire would suggest that. "I'm not her mother!"

"Exactly!" Said Claire in a rush. "You're her cool Aunt. She's always talking about how much fun the two of you have when you hang out together. Maybe that's what she needs, not a mother, but a friend." Kitty still wasn't convinced. What did she know about being a teenager.

"I don't know sis, I'm not sure..."

"Please!" Interrupted Claire. It would mean a lot to me, really! Kitty smiled ruefully to herself as she heard the plaintive notes in Claires voice. She knew just how to get Kitty to do whatever she wanted.

"Ok! OK! I'll do it. Tomorrow's Saturday, maybe I could swing by and take her to lunch. I'll see if I can find out what's bothering her."

"Oh, thank you Kitty! Really. That will be great! I'll tell her to expect you about noon, all right?"

"That will be fine sis. I'll see you tomorrow." They exchanged a few brief good byes and Kitty hung up the phone. "Maybe I'll take her to that new pizza place that just opened near the mall." She thought to herself. "I've been wanting to try it myself."

* * *

The next day, Kitty got up early. She spent an hour exercising and then took a shower to wash off all the sweat she had worked up. After that, she went to her closet to pick out her outfit for her lunch date with Lisa. She opted for casual and picked out a pair of jeans and one of her favorite t-shirts. Kitty's job required that she dress up at work, but when given her own choice, she practically lived in jeans and t-shirts.

She didn't put a lot of thought into her lingerie. It wasn't as if she was going on a date or anything like that, so she chose a simple pair of white cotton panties and a sports bra. Kitty's voluptuous figure made picking out a decent bra tough. She was 5'6" tall with a 40DD-27-41. Certainly, she had a little extra weight around her booty but she kept fit and really, no one had ever complained about her figure.

She pulled the sports bra down over her bust and carefully pushed her large, soft breasts into the cups. Then she slid the t-shirt on. It was a warm day, so she chose a pair of open-toed sandals. Her thick black curly hair was unruly at best of times, so just having washed and dried it she pulled it back into a thick and somewhat messy ponytail and tied it with a scrunchy. She went minimalist with her makeup, just a little eyeliner and a pale lip gloss. Then she grabbed her purse and headed out.

Kitty picked up Lisa at almost exactly noon. Her niece was thrilled to see her and seemed to be excited about their planned lunch date. Kitty gave the keys to Lisa and told her she could drive.

"Go get the car started and I'll be right out. I want a word with your mom!" Lisa nodded, excited that she got to drive and ran out the front door.

"Thank you so much for this, Kitty!" Claire said, giving her sister a big hug! "You don't know how much this means to me!" Kitty hugged her sister back and gave a friendly laugh.

"Don't worry...besides, you're paying for the pizza!" The sisters fell into a short fit of giggling and then Claire looked at Kitty seriously.

"I mean it Kitty, I've been worried about her. I hope you can find out what's wrong!" Kitty took her sisters hands and gave them a reassuring squeeze.

"Don't worry sis, it will be OK." Then she hugged her sister again. Outside, a car horn could be heard. Kitty looked towards the door and then back to Claire. "Sounds like someone's anxious to get going." She turned and headed out. "See you later sis," she called back over her shoulder and went out the door, closing it behind her.

She reached her Subaru and climbed in the passenger seat.

"OK, Let's go. The pizza is waiting!" Lisa laughed and backed out of driveway and headed towards the mall.

* * *

An hour later the two of them sat in a booth at the rear of restaurant, half a large meat-lovers already devoured. In the car, Lisa had been chatty and pleasant, talking about school and summer plans for after graduation. Kitty had listened and interjected when it seemed appropriate but mostly just let Lisa talk. Once they got to the restaurant, Lisa had quieted down and focused on her food. Kitty didn't push and talked about her week while they ate. Finally, she looked over at her niece and met her eyes, holding the look for a moment longer than just a casual glance.

"Is everything OK with you Lisa? Your mom said you seem a little down lately. Boy trouble?" Lisa held her aunt's gaze a little longer and then looked down at her plate.

"Not...exactly," she finally said. Kitty raised her eyebrows questioningly.

"Not exactly? I think I need a little bit more than that," she said softly. Lisa looked up sharply. For a moment Kitty could see something like fear on the 18-year-olds face. Then she grabbed up a slice and took a mouthful of sausage and pepperoni and took time chewing and swallowing it. Then she looked back at her aunt.

"OK. But you can't tell mom, OK?" Kitty shook her head.

"You know I can't promise that!" She said. Lisa looked stricken.

"Please aunt Katherine! Mom would freak out and I don't want to make her worry!"

"She's already worried about you Lisa. She can tell something's wrong. Just tell me what's going on." Lisa took a deep breath and then seemed to come to a decision.

"It's just some guys at school. They..." She paused and looked down at the table. Kitty could see the tension in her niece's body. Then Lisa straightened up, took a deep breath and continued. "They won't leave me alone. Every time they see me, they say such nasty things to me, or slap me on the butt as I walk by." Now that she had started it was as if she was eager to get it all out in the open. Her words continued in a rush. "Once they followed me into the girl's bathroom and pushed me up against the wall. Two of them held my arms while Jack, he's their leader, grabbed my breasts. I was so scared. I don't know what would have happened if a couple of girls hadn't come in right then. The guys laughed and said it was a prank and I just ran out as fast as I could."

Kitty stared at her lovely, young niece, listening to what she was telling her. She was outraged that there were boys bullying and harassing her. Lisa was really growing into a beautiful young woman. She had been a late bloomer and even up through age 16 had not really started to develop physically. Then 2 summers ago she had really started to come into her own. She hit a growth spurt and during that summer had gone from 5'5" to 5'7". She had also found Volleyball that summer and had spent most of her time on the beach, playing with several other teens. She tanned, toned up and went from really began developing some very feminine curves. By summers end she was truly establishing herself as a real beauty. Lisa hadn't had to deal with a lot of male attention and now it seemed she was not only attracting men but getting the wrong kind of attention as well.

Lisa watched her aunt, waiting for Kitty to say something. She had held most of her concerns in throughout the better part of the year but now that she had finally said it aloud to Kitty, she felt as though a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Still, she was nervous about how her aunt would react and concerned what would happen if her mother found out what was going on. Finally, Kitty took a deep breath and slowly let it out. Then she reached across the table and took Lisa's hand.

"I'm so sorry that you have been going through this all alone Lisa, and I'm so glad you trusted me enough to tell me what's been happening." Lisa gave her aunt a weak smile and nodded.

"I just thought that maybe this was my fault. That, maybe I dressed too provocatively or somehow lead them on. I just feel so ashamed." Tears started to well up in her soft blue eyes. Kitty's face grew stern, and she held Lisa's hand tighter and shook her head.

"Nonsense. None of this is your fault. These boys are just bullies and they are preying on you because they think they can get away with it!"

"But they can!" cried Lisa. "Jack is a senior and on the football team. He and his buddies are the school jocks and can do whatever they want because the school is counting on them to take the team to the championship this year. If I tell on them, I could ruin our schools' chances and everyone will hate me." Tears were now trickling down her cheek. Lisa pulled her hands back and took a napkin to wipe them away.

Kitty looked at her niece, her heart breaking for her. She thought about what she was going through and knew how hard it was for a young girl these days.

"But Lisa," She began. "You must tell someone. You can't let them get away with this. They shouldn't be allowed to treat you like this without consequences." Lisa shook her head vehemently, her eyes going wide.

"No! I can't. It's not just for the team. I'd be too embarrassed to tell anyone what they did. I just can't." Kitty looked at her niece for a long moment, her heart went out to her, and she knew that something had to be done. She could of course, tell Claire, but she knew that Lisa was right. Claire would freak out. She'd likely rush down to the school and confront the principal and other administrators about all of this and cause an even bigger ruckus. She thought about it a moment longer and then met Lisa's eyes and smiled a grim but firm smile.

"What if I talked to these boys," she said. "Nothing official, just an adult confronting them with what they are doing. I could threaten to go to the school administration if they didn't stop." Kitty saw hope flare in her niece's eyes.

"You...you'd do that? And wouldn't tell mom?" Kitty nodded.

"Yes. But Lisa, if I can't get them to stop, you need to tell someone. They can't be allowed to keep this kind of behavior up, is that understood?" Lisa quickly nodded her head, her soft brown hair nearly flying around her face.

"Yes! Thank you, aunt Kitty! Thank you!" Kitty reached out and brushed an errant strand of hair off her face and smiled.

"It's OK. Now, where do these boys hang out?" She paused and then added with a chuckle, "I mean, besides the girls bathroom?" Lisa giggled and told her.

* * *

It turned out that jack and the other boys hung out at an abandoned house about two blocks from the school. Seems that jack's mother was a realtor, so Jack knew when a vacant house became available. He and the gang would sort of, move in and occupy it until his mom was ready to show the place. Then they'd spend a weekend or more cleaning the place up, doing the yard work and basically getting the house show-ready. It was a win-win situation for everyone and, as long as they didn't damage the place or leave it a shambles, his mom seemed OK with letting the situation continue. In truth, Mrs. Miller was actually very happy with arrangement because it kept Jack and his buddies occupied and out of her hair.

Kitty and Lisa drove up the block and Lisa pointed out the house where the gang was temporarily hanging out. Kitty nodded and drove Lisa to the school. It was closed on weekends but close enough to Lisa's house that she could walk home from there.

"Once I've talked to them, I'll come by and let you know how it went, OK?" Lisa nodded gratefully and hugged her aunt.

"Thank you, aunt Kitty! Really!" Kitty hugged her back and grinned.

"I'm glad I could help. And Lisa?" Her niece looked back at Kitty.

"What?" she asked.

"Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me what was happening." Lisa blushed slightly and nodded. Then she got out of the car and shut the door. She stood there in the school parking lot and watched Kitty drive away. Then she slowly let herself smile and turned and started walking.

Kitty arrived at the vacant house once again. She noted that there was a Toyota Forerunner and a small Honda Civic in the driveway, so she thought it was a good chance the boys were there now. But, if not, Lisa had told her they spent a lot of the weekend there so they would likely return soon. She could wait. Lisa parked across the street and walked up the driveway to the house. Its style was referred to as a Modern Farmhouse floorplan. Single story and Kitty judged probably two bedrooms. The walkway led up to a tall double door with beveled yellow glass in them. On the right side of the house was a large garage and to the left was a big paned glass window that fronted the living room. The window was covered by paper and what looked like some sort of heavy drapes on the interior. Through the panes on the front door, Kitty could see a faint light glowing indicating that there was at least some sort of lighting inside.

She took a moment to steel herself. Then she took a deep breath and knocked loudly on the front door. She thought she heard startled voices from inside and then it went quiet. After a minute and no one had answered the door, she knocked again and called out:

"Jack Miller? I know you're in there. I want to talk to you and your friends!" She waited and again, thought she heard something. She waited almost another minute and was getting ready to knock once more when she saw a shadow come up to the front door window and the door pulled open. Standing there was a young man, about 6'3" tall, broad and muscular. He was square jawed and had thick sandy blonde hair. His eyes were a piercing blue but had a cruel glint to them. She saw confusion on his face, slowly replaced by a wide grin as he stared at her, his eyes travelling up and down her full figure.

"Are you Jack Miller?" Kitty asked, keeping a very serious look on her face and a matching tone to her voice. The young man's smirk grew even wider as his eyes lingered on Kitty's ample breasts and then reluctantly rose to meet her eyes.

"I see my fame proceeds me!" he chuckled. "But you look a little too old to be a groupie." Kitty did not smile back at him.

"My name is Katherine Hall, and I am Lisa Davenport's aunt. May I come in?" Then she stepped into the house without waiting for jack to answer.

Jack stepped aside so as not to be run over. He watched her walk in and admired the way her ass filled out her jeans. Then he closed the door and quietly locked it as he turned to follow Kitty into the house.

As Kitty made her way inside, she immediately realized that the house was a little larger than she first thought. Immediately to her left was the large living room whose wide window fronted the house. There were heavy blackout curtains hung up over the papered window. The living room filled about a third of the main house on that side and led into an open style dining room. No furniture had been left behind, but jack and his friends had made do. There were a couple of office chairs and a low coffee table that had been brought in from somewhere in the living room as well as an older recliner dragged here from someplace else. The dining room had two sawhorses set up with a heavy sheet of plywood laid across them to create a makeshift table. There were several mismatched straight back chairs set around it.

Finally, beyond the dining room was the kitchen. A single door led from the dining room into it and there was also a large open window with a narrow bar where one could sit and talk to people as they cooked. A couple of hallways were off to the right leading to garage, bathrooms and, presumably the bedrooms.

In the living room sat three other boys as well. A tall, lanky dark-haired fellow with a deep five o'clock shadow and hard, squinty eyes. Then there was another boy who looked like he would make a good linebacker for the football team. Not quite 6' but very broad. He had a bit of a gut, but Kitty could immediately tell there was a fair amount of muscle there too. He had short cropped red hair and freckles with piercing green eyes. Lastly there was what Kitty thought of as the runt of the group. Standing only about 5'5" tall, he was built wiry, spring steel and muscle in a tight, compact bundle. He had shaggy black hair and dark, dangerous looking eyes.

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