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Kitty Gets Traffic Jammed

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Kitty gets held hostage during a massive Traffic Jam.
10.4k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/22/2022
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A 1973 Jeep Wrangler. Kitty walked around her new car, admiring it. Yes, it was actually an old car, almost 50 years old, but it was in great condition, and it held a deeply sentimental place in her heart. It had been the car her father had owned when she had been growing up.

Her father's Wrangler had been a deep forest green and though hers wasn't quite that shade, it was green and had the same Houndstooth pattern on the front seat upholstery. She opened the drivers side door and slid in, onto the roomy bench seat. She was immediately transported back into memories of driving with her dad. She held the steering wheel and just let the memories flow.

Kitty had been so excited to finally find a car like this available. She had looked for one for years now, but they were scarce and when she did find one, it was usually in poor condition. So, when she saw the ad for this Jeep on her used car bulletin board site, she was cautiously optimistic. She arranged a time to go and see it, to thoroughly check it out. The test drive had gone great, and she had fallen in love with it immediately. She had been concerned that the price would be out of her range, and though it was at her upper limit, she had negotiated a small discount in the price. She had finalized the payment last night and brought the car home just this morning.

She had spent the last hour washing the car in her driveway. Yes, she could have taken it to a car wash, but again, the memories of many a Saturday morning, washing the car with her dad in the driveway held such a strong place in her heart, she just wanted to relive a little of those happy times.

With a sigh, she came back to reality and got out of the car. She was still in her jogging shorts and tank top that she had put on to wash the car and her shirt was quite wet. It clung to her large 36DD breasts, and her nipples stood out, pushing through her bra. She didn't mind though. The sun was high, and the day was promising to be very hot. The cool wetness of her shirt felt good against her skin.

She stretched luxuriously, aware of the show she would be giving the neighbors if any of them were watching. That was OK with her. Kitty liked getting looks from the neighborhood men. She knew she was attractive. Maybe not in a supermodel way, but men liked to look, and she knew it.

Kitty was 5'8" and about ten to fifteen pounds overweight. But she exercised and worked hard to keep firm. Most of the extra weight went to her breasts and her butt, her two best features. She had black, very curly hair that usually hung down to her shoulders, though this morning it was in a messy ponytail. Her face was a little round but, full, pouty lips and wide expressive blue eyes gave her a very sexy and slightly innocent look. Couple that with her round and jiggly ass and her large tits and if not a supermodel, Kitty felt certain she was at least a hot MILF.

As she stood there, enjoying the juxtaposition of warm sun and wet shirt, her cellphone began ringing. She had set it down on the porch so it wouldn't get wet while she washed the car. Going over and picking it up, she saw it was Sally. She answered it quickly.

"I'm on my way! Just lost track of time, but I'm coming"

Kitty had agreed to meet Sally for lunch this afternoon. Sally had been the one to first point her towards the Auto-Sale bulletin board that ultimately led her to find her new car. She had promised to take Sally out for a nice lunch as a thank you. Obviously, time had gotten away from her.

"It's OK," Sally laughed. "I thought that might be the case, so I made the reservations for four this afternoon. Traffic will be heavy, but you should be on time if you leave now."

"Great! See you shortly. I'll even drive!"

"Of course you will!" Sally chuckled. "I don't think I could pry you out of your new beast if I tried. It's all you have been talking about for a week!"

"Wait till you see her! She's beautiful!"

"Oh?" said Sally, "so it's a 'her'?"

"Absolutely" Kitty answered. "You'll see! Let me get off and we'll talk when I get there!"

"OK sweety, see you soon!"

Kitty hung up and looked down at herself. Her bra (and her stiff nipples) could still be seen through her wet shirt. She should shower and change but Sally was right, traffic would be heavy. She thought for a moment and then ran inside her house. She would grab a change of clothes and take them with her. She'd change at Sally's. Maybe she could even grab a quick shower.

From her closet she grabbed a nice pastel colored short sleeve blouse and a pair of jeans. She was wearing her flip flops and she kicked them off in favor of a pair of tennis shoes. Easier to drive in. She grabbed a large purse that she kept in the closet and quickly folded the clothes, putting them in there. Then she made certain she had her phone and her keys and ran outside to her new car.

* * *

Al, Frank and Ken sat in their Honda Civic and stared across the street at the small shop on the corner. It had two steps leading up to an ornate wooden door that was stained a deep brown. The building had a wooden trim, painted red and the walls were brick. The one window facing the street was blacked out from the inside, but a brightly lit neon sign flashed the name "Le Sex Shoppe".

Al looked at his two brothers.

"You both ready?" he asked them.

He knew they were, but he just wanted to hear them say it. Truth be told, Al was a little nervous about this whole thing. Quick snatch and grabs at an out of the way convenience store was one thing, but this was armed robbery. He had staked out this location for weeks now. He knew that every Friday, the owner would take the weeks receipts from his safe in the store and take them over to the bank.

At first, he had been leery of the idea to rob an adult store like this. How much money could they possibly have on hand anyway? But after studying the place for a few weeks, he had seen the beauty of this plan. Most of their business was cash and credit cards. A conservative estimate put a week's earnings at north of ten thousand dollars. Even if a third of that was credit cards, they would make a good haul and they could turn around and sell the credit card numbers on the dark web.

Frank nodded and Ken did the same.

"OK! Let's do this." He pulled the ski mask down over his face and watched as his brothers did the same. Then, they got out of the car and quickly made their way across the street to the shop. They went up the steps and opened the door, entering quickly.

The inside of the shop was well lit. Though it looked small from the outside, the interior was wide and somewhat roomy. It went back the length of the building and was filled with standing racks of various sex toys, accessories and DVD's. There was a long sleek counter with a glass front that displayed more sex toys and some higher end novelties.

There was also a man behind the counter. He looked to be in his late forties, early fifties. He had a stubbly beard and a somewhat thicker mustache but very little hair elsewhere on his head. He had a slight protruding gut and he looked up, smiling as the three brothers entered.

"Morning!" He said cheerfully, and then froze as he noticed the ski masks and saw the gun in Al's hand.

"What's going on here? He stammered. "What do you want?"

"Money." Al said. "In your safe. All of it, right now!"

The man stared at the gun, like a deer staring into oncoming headlights.

"But I..." he started to say, but Al cut him off. He quickly stepped forward and motioned with the gun.

"No talking. I don't care what you were going to say! Get the money for us now! I won't ask again!"

The proprietor stared at the gun barrel pointed directly at him for a moment longer, then nodded and turned to bend down and access the safe. Al leaned over the counter and watched him, the gun never wavering.

While Al took care of the proprietor, Ken moved to the door and turned the lock on it. They didn't want a customer to come in and interrupt them.

Frank meanwhile was looking at the racks and shelves that filled the store. He wasn't quite as experienced as his brothers when it came to sex, but he recognized several things he had seen on various porn sites over the years. As Al kept his eyes on the owner and Ken watched the door, Frank began to giggle. He looked around and quickly spotted a nice leather over the shoulder bag hanging on a rack of similar items. He grabbed it and began to stuff various toys and sex novelties into it.

Al wasn't paying attention. He kept his eyes on the man getting the money. The owner had opened the safe now and was taking out several thick stacks of money and placing them upon the counter. Each stack was banded together and had a slip of paper on the top. $1000 Dollars, each stack read. By the time the owner had emptied the safe there were twelve such stacks. Al smiled broadly.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" He looked around but didn't see anything to carry the money in.

"Frank, Ken, get me something to put this money in!"

Ken started forward from the door, but Frank was faster. He handed Al the shoulder bag he had been filling with sex toys.

"Here you go Al."

Al didn't even bother to look in the bag, he just started shoving the stacks of bills into it. Once it was filled, he zipped it up.

The owner had stood up and was now looking fearfully at the three masked robbers.

"OK, you've got the money," he said. "Now please, go."

Al nodded and started to turn away. Then, in a flash he spun back around, raised his hand and struck the owner on the head with the butt of his gun. He hit him hard and fast, and the owner managed one surprised shout before he collapsed to the floor, unconscious.

"We need to make sure we have time to get away" Al said, looking at the other two, and turned, heading for the door.

"C'mon guys, let's get out of here."

And together, the three criminals left the shop, money and a few other surprises in tow.

* * *

Kitty sat in her Jeep Wrangler and stared ahead at the veritable sea of cars ahead of her. Sally had woefully understated her warning when she said traffic would be heavy. Kitty had been sitting here on the Santa Monica freeway for over 30 minutes and hadn't even moved an entire cars length.

It was just after twelve and the temperature was already at 98 degrees. Thankfully her new car had very good AC. It was certain to lower her mileage even more than it already was with this gas guzzler, but that really didn't bother Kitty. She was thrilled to own this beast and couldn't wait to show it off to her best friend. However, by the looks of this traffic jam, that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

Kitty wiped her forehead with her hand, drying it absentmindedly on the seat beside her. Even with her good AC, she was sweating. Rivulets of perspiration dripping down her neck and into her ample cleavage. Her once wet tank top had dried in the days sun and was now slowly getting wet again from all the sweat. The white cotton tank top clung sticky and damp to the curves of her large breasts and try as she might to pull it loose, it stubbornly held on, always bunching or tugging in the wrong places.

She thought about pulling it off all together. But she wasn't quite that much of an exhibitionist. So, she cranked the AC to its highest setting and sat back to wait out this interminable traffic.

As she sat, she gazed out the windows at the other cars around her. Small compacts, a pickup truck. A couple of sports cars with their top down. She was certain she was standing out from the crowd in her green Jeep Wagoneer. Made of solid Detroit steel and with 360 V-8 engine she could probably run over most of these little rice burners, as her father had called them.

She also saw that from time to time some of the other drivers were looking around at the cars and people around them, just as she was. She started to feel a little self-conscious sitting there in her damp and clinging tank top. She knew she was giving an eyeful to some of the drivers and passengers who might look her way. Her stiff nipples were very visible through her light bra and cotton tank top. But then she began to realize that only people who were in a vehicle that was as high up as her could really see into her car. And if that meant a few truck drivers could get a cheap thrill staring at her tits for a few minutes, well, that wasn't so bad.

Unconsciously, she sat up a little straighter and tugged at her top. Let them look she decided. After all, I am worth a stare or two. She chuckled to herself and went back to watching the traffic refuse to move.

* * *

"Are you a fucking moron?"

Things were not going well for the three brothers. They had made their escape from the adult sex shop easily enough but as they started to pull away, they heard the alarm start blaring. Apparently, Al hadn't knocked out the proprietor as well as he thought. The brothers realized that now they needed to get away from here as quickly as possible as the police would surely be on their way.

So, they had sped off down the street, making several quick and random turns, trying to get as far away from the crime scene as they could and to confuse any pursuit that might be taken up.

Then, after they passed a police cruiser going the other way, lights flashing and siren blaring, they made a turn onto another side street, just as the engine sputtered and died. Al was able to turn towards the curb, keeping the car from being stuck completely in the middle of the road, but it was a half-assed job. Any cop who saw the car would at the very least check it out.

Al tried to coax the engine back to life but the little Honda Civic stubbornly refused to start. Al growled in frustration and then noticed the gas gauge. It was sitting on empty.

"Didn't you gas the car up last night?" he asked Frank.

Frank looked up sheepishly.

"Well, I was gonna do that, but then I started talking with Shirley down the street, you know, the girl with the big knockers, and she asked if I wanted to come over for coffee and some pie and, well you know how I like pie, so I went and I, uh, sort of forgot to get gas."

"Are you a fucking moron?" Al shouted. "Now what are we going to do? We can't outrun the cops on foot! And as soon as they find this car, they'll be looking for us!"

"I'm sorry Al, really I am!" Frank sniffed. "I didn't mean to mess up!"

"Fat lot of good that will do now! We have to get out of here and fast! Any bright ideas?"

Frank just looked down at his feet and sniffed again. But Ken was looking down the street, head cocked to one side as if listening to something.

"Maybe..." he said. "Maybe!"

Al looked at him. "Well, what?"

Ken pointed towards the end of the street. About half a block away, it came to a cross street, turning left and right. But on the other side of the street was one of those walls that the city put up to prevent freeway noise from bothering the residents.

"There." He said, pointing to the wall. "On the other side of that wall is the Santa Monica Freeway. If we can get over the wall, we could get to the freeway and maybe flag down a passing car. Tell them we ran out of gas and see if they can give us a lift."

Al looked down the road at the divider wall. It looked to be about ten feet high. With a little help, they could do that. In the distance, the wail of a police car could be heard. Al made up his mind.

"Alright! Let's go." And he started off at a dash for the end of the road, Ken and Frank following behind.

The wall wasn't that difficult to climb. Al boosted Frank and then Ken up and they managed to make it to the top. Then Ken leaned down and caught a hold of Al's hand and helped pull him up. They quickly dropped down to the other side and took in their surroundings.

They were at the top of a steep embankment that went down about twenty-five feet or so to the freeways edge. But that was as far as their plan went. The whole freeway was at a standstill. A huge traffic jam with five lanes of cars sitting at a standstill.

"Well, Shit!" Ken exclaimed. "So much for hitching a ride!"

But Al didn't seem that upset.

"No, this is actually better," he said. We can get down to the freeway there and then we pick a car and hop in. We can lay low in the middle of traffic; the police won't be able to get to us even if they did decide to look for us here. By the time we do get moving, the police will be looking on all the side streets and we will just be gone."

Ken looked at the sea of cars below them and smiled.

"Yeah! That might just work. But what kind of a car do we look for?

"Something big and not too flashy. And if we have the choice, only one or two people in it, at most!"

"An no kids" added Frank. "Don't pick a car with kids in it."

Al looked over at his brother with a faint amount of surprise.

"That a good point, Frank." He nodded and Frank beamed at him, happy for the compliment.

"Okay then," Ken said. "Big car, one or two passengers at the most. No kids. Keep an eye out for a car that fits that description as we get down."

Al and Frank nodded, and the three brothers started down the embankment to the side of the freeway.

* * *

Kitty sighed and took her foot off the break, allowing her Jeep to move perhaps, another two feet. Then she shoved the gearshift back into park and sat back. She wiped her forehead again, trying to keep too much sweat from her eyes. But even in this frustrating mire of traffic, she found herself smiling.

Yes, it was hard not just being able to gun the motor and roar down the road, but Kitty was thrilled to be in her new car and the joy of finally having gotten her dream car had not yet worn off.

She looked again at the AC control and vainly wished it had an even higher setting, but it was already at maximum. She tugged at the neckline of her tank top and tried for the hundredth time to peel it away from her damp, sticky skin.

"Definitely taking a shower when I get to Sally's" she thought to herself.

The radio in the car was decent and she had managed to find her favorite classic rock station while she drove. Currently it was playing I love Rock n' Roll by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts. She always liked that song and the kind of gritty sounding voice that Joan Jet had. She turned up the volume a little more and thumped her hands on the steering wheel in time to the song's beat.

She was really getting into the music and the joy of being in her new car, so she didn't see the three men cutting across the freeway, through some of the standing still cars around her. Suddenly her passenger side door was thrown open and the door to the backseat too. Three rough looking men quickly piled into her Jeep and slammed the doors!

Kitty yelled as the men got in.

"What the fuck? What do you think you're doing?"

Al just held up his gun, making certain to keep it low but visible to Kitty.

"Shut up!" he demanded. "We need to borrow your ride for a bit! And I'm sure you won't mind!" He gestured menacingly with the gun. "Will you?" he added.

Kitty's eyes went wide with fear seeing he gun pointed at her. She shook her head.

"No. Anything you want. Just don't hurt me" she whimpered.

Al looked at the shaking woman in the driver's seat and then looked around at the vehicle they found themselves in. They had made a good choice, he decided. Big, roomy car, older model, apparently good AC on this scorcher of a day and, only a single driver. Al eyed Kitty appreciatively. Only one driver, and a damn sexy one at that!

His eyes moved down her body, lingering on her large tits, damp with sweat and nipples poking up, probably due to the AC. She was wearing shorts, so her legs were on full display. She had a little meat on her, but she looked like she kept it pretty well packed and firm. He grinned as he met Kitty's eyes.

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