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Krissy and Kimo Visit a Biker Bar

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A quick pit stop yields a lifetime of memories.
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TW: This story contains scenes of incest and group sex without consent. All participants are over 18 years of age.


It had been over a year since Krissy Nguyen and her little brother Kimo had taken ecstasy and spent an entire night rubbing, kissing, licking, sucking, and fucking one another as if they weren't related at all. It may have been the drugs, or it may have been the sibling bond, but in the time since, neither had had any experience that even came close to it in intensity or passion.

Nonetheless, they didn't talk about it. They never spoke of it, and had never done it again. Not that they weren't both tempted, but first of all, their folks came home from vacation just a couple of days later, so having that kind of uninhibited alone-time out from under their parental gaze became much more challenging. Secondly, though, deep down they both knew that -- as incredibly enervating and powerful as it had felt -- it was not something of which they should make a habit.

Although, they perpetuated the warm, close, and affectionate relationship that they had always had before. When Krissy came home from college for the odd weekend or break, she would always hug Kimo tightly, pressing her breasts hard against Kimo's chest. She liked to lie on the couch with her head in his lap, her hand resting gently on his thigh, and could often feel his penis grow ever so perceptibly under her cheek as he ran his fingers through her hair. Whenever saying hello or goodbye, she would kiss him on the lips and linger just a nanosecond longer than a chaste sibling kiss should last. Still, nobody thought anything of it: Krissy and Kimo had always been close and affectionate and their parents liked that they had a strong bond.

At the end of Krissy's Christmas break, a polar vortex coupled with a blizzard and what seemed to be the global malfunction of airline personnel management software left Krissy without a viable flight back to school. Classes were starting in just a few days, and she needed to get back to campus. When her father suggested that she and Kimo borrow his Audi convertible and drive her back to campus, they both leapt at the idea. Neither of them had any romantic plans, but they also both craved some alone time and this would be a perfect opportunity.

Kimo packed a small duffel bag, since he was only going to be gone for a few days. Krissy loaded all of her belongings into the Audi's trunk. Early on a warm California afternoon they waved goodbye to their parents and set off with Kimo behind the wheel for the twelve-hour drive north.

"Bro -- you remember two summers ago when we went driving this Audi up Highway 280 with the top down?" Krissy asked.

"You mean the time you got naked in the passenger seat and exposed yourself to an entire freeway full of commuters? How could I forget?" Kimo responded.

Krissy laughed. "Good times, good times. That whole summer was crazy. You face-fucking Cayleigh in front of me...." She laughed again.

"You made that happen. You made a lot of things happen that summer." Kimo said.

"Like taking your virginity on the living room floor!" By this time Krissy couldn't stop laughing and Kimo chuckled too.

"I've been with a few other girls since then, but nothing has compared to that." He responded wistfully.

"Don't romanticize it too much!" Krissy chastised him, "Sex just gets better the more you do it. And there's no shortage of good drugs and good pussy in the world. Your future is bright!"

"No shortage of dick either -- as I am sure you know." Kimo retorted.

"Oh I know, little bro, I know. Do I ever!" Krissy sighed.

Krissy put her left hand on Kimo's right thigh and stroked it lovingly. "You're the best, little bro."

"No YOU are!" Kimo shot back.

A few hours flew by, and the siblings listened to music together, talked about their friends, their lovers, school, their plans for the next summer. To pass the time they started to play "truth or truth."

"What's the largest number of people you ever had sex with at once?" Kimo asked.

"Well, I guess that depends what your definition of 'having sex' is -- there was the time you watched Cisco and your other two friends do Cayleigh and me on the living room couch -- so that was three, ish. I had sex with a girl in the bathroom at a rave with dozens of people around -- some of them watching us -- but it was just she and I having sex. Last fall I went to a frat party and a few of the guys and I had a little fun upstairs together -- there were four of them. So I guess four."

"Are you shitting me? You had sex with four guys at the same time?" Kimo asked, astounded. He had expected the answer to be two!

"Mostly it was one or two of them at a time." Krissy responded, "But at some point one of them was fucking my pussy, one was in my mouth, and I had a hand around the cock of each of the other two -- so yes, I guess."

"Whoa!" Exclaimed Kimo. "Is that called an 'air-tight seal'?"

"An air-tight seal is pussy, ass, and mouth at the same time. My ass was not part of the equation that night. But almost!" Krissy responded.

"Why not? It seems like you're always doing varsity-level sex stuff -- why not that?" Kimo asked.

"I've done anal," Krissy answered, "but it's not my favorite thing in the world, and when there's already a dick in my pussy, it just seems like a lot. You know?"

"I do not know at all!" Kimo laughed, "But I can imagine."

"I can tell that you can!" Krissy said, flicking her middle finger against the bulge rising in Kimo's jeans.

"Hey -- be gentle with him!" Kimo chastised her while chuckling. "That's not industrial grade! At this rate you might have to help me take care of him!"

"No way, Kimo. We can't do that again. But you can take care of yourself while I watch -- just like the good old days!" Krissy offered.

Kimo was slightly disappointed, but he agreed with her -- sex between siblings could become a bad habit. "Yeah, ok." He said as he started rubbing his penis through his pants.

"Hold on!" Krissy said. "Before you do that, I need to pee so bad! There was a sign for services up ahead -- let me take care of my bladder first."

Kimo took the next exit, and they both scanned the roadside for a gas station, but all they saw was a road-side dive bar with half a dozen Harley-Davidsons and a couple of pickup trucks out front.

"I don't know, Krissy -- I don't see any services, and this place looks a little sketch." He said, warily.

"I'm just popping in and out -- it'll take two minutes. Come on -- what's the worst that can happen? We meet some big bad bikers?" Krissy taunted her little brother.

"Fine." Kimo said, and turned the car into the gravel parking lot, steering it to rest between two large trucks. They unbuckled their seat belts and hopped out of the car.

"Are you going to come in and protect me?" Krissy taunted him again.

As they opened the door and stepped into the bar, the question seemed more prescient. There were a dozen or so people in the smoky room, mostly men, mostly white, mostly wearing biker gang leathers, and all heads turned to gawk at the attractive young Asian couple who had just entered their sanctum. The room smelled of stale beer, tobacco smoke, and faintly of vomit. A little voice in Krissy's head said that they should turn around and find someplace else -- heck, she could just go behind a tree somewhere -- but it was not in her nature to be intimidated. She steeled herself, grabbed Kimo by his hand, and marched up to the bar.

"Hey there little lady," said the bartender, looking Krissy up and down luridly. She was wearing a tight white t-shirt and a short denim skirt, and realized that her nipples and long tan legs were on full display. "What can I serve ya?" He pulled two cleanhighball glasses up and turned them over onto the bar.

"My boyfriend and I were hoping you would let us use your bathroom." Krissy said -- hoping that announcing Kimo as her boyfriend would somehow shield her from the gaze of every man in the room.

"Bathrooms are for paying customers only." Responded the bartender. "There's a county rest stop on the freeway thirty miles north, though."

"I can't possibly wait that long. We'll have a couple of drinks and stay a minute. What kind of wine do you have?" Krissy asked as Kimo stood by quietly taking in the uncomfortable scene around them.

The bartender rolled his eyes slightly, "We've got lager, ale, and whiskey."

"Two whiskeys, two lagers." Krissy responded.

The bartender poured two fingers of cheap whiskey into each of the highball glasses, and drew two pints of lager from the tap behind the bar. "That'll be sixteen dollars." He said.

Kimo drew a twenty-dollar bill out of his pocket and set it on the bar. "Keep the change."

"Oh well that's very kind of you, sir. Much obliged." The bartender said with a derisive tone. "There's just one bathroom -- it's over there." He pointed toward the far corner of the bar, where there was door, propped open, and a sink visible just beyond it.

"Thank you so much!" Krissy said before making her way toward the rest room.

The bathroom looked like it hadn't been properly cleaned in years. It featured a single stall with no door, a urinal, and a sink. The once-white subway-tiled walls were completely covered in graffiti, and the entire floor was damp, especially around the toilet and the urinal. The smell of vomit and stale piss was strong.

Krissy made her way into the stall, pulled her thong down to her knees and sat gingerly on the toilet, staring at her toes as she emptied her swollen bladder into the bowl. At that moment, one of the bikers came lumbering in through the open door, gave Krissy a leer, and opened his belt to relieve himself into the urinal which was directly in front of the door-less toilet stall.

"Uhm, occupied." Krissy protested in an uncharacteristically weak voice.

"Sure is!" The biker responded, "by both of us! If anyone else comes in, they'll have to use the sink!"

The biker finished peeing, and turned around to face Krissy, his large white cock still in his hand. She didn't really want to see it -- wanted even less to be caught looking at it -but it was large. Even flaccid it looked to be seven inches long, and girthy. He shook the last drops of pee off the head of his cock and onto the floor before stuffing it back into his jeans, zipping up, and refastening his belt. Krissy assumed that this must have been what passed for flirting around those parts.

"Still not done?" The biker asked her.

"I'm done -- I'm just waiting for you to go so I can wipe and straighten up." Krissy responded. "Unlike you, I'm a little shy." She lied.

"Oh, don't let me stop you!" Said the biker. "No need to be shy - I don't bite. Take care of your business."

It didn't really sound as much like a request as an order, and Krissy didn't want any trouble. She focused on the task before her. Krissy spread her knees wide, pulled the front of her skirt up to her belly button, exposing her moist lips and the groomed triangle of dark fur above them to the biker's hungry gaze. wadded up some toilet paper and pressed it against her vulva, before standing, turning to give the biker a nice view of her firm butt cheeks, bending over to pull up her thong, flattening down her skirt with the palms of her hands, and flushing the toilet. She turned around to face the biker, who was still looking at her. He now had a pretty good idea what she would like naked, she supposed. Good thing Krissy wasn't actually shy at all.

Krissy walked over to the sink to wash her hands, and then remembered the biker's comment. "Do people really urinate in this sink?" She asked.

"Every day, and every night." He responded. "And it's still not the dirtiest thing in this bar." He reached down and ran is hand across Krissy's denim-covered ass, before giving it a quick spank.

"Ow! Hands to yourself, cowboy!" Krissy chastised him. She looked at the sink, made a skeptical face, wiped her hands on her t-shirt, and followed the biker out of the bathroom, all four of their hands unwashed.

She returned to the bar where Kimo was sitting. He hadn't touched his whiskey, but he had taken a few sips of his beer.

"Everything ok, sis, I mean Krissy." Kimo said, catching himself for breaking character, and hoping that nobody heard. "I saw that biker go in after you, and I was a little worried."

"He was harmless." Krissy said. "Just an old lech. He just wanted to see some pussy."

"Did he?" Kimo asked, both eyebrows rising.

"And then some!" Krissy responded, and then kissed Kimo gently on the lips. "It's all good." She drank half of her whiskey and took a big sip of her beer.

"Ok -- good." Kimo said, not feeling particularly relieved. "Now it's my turn." He stood and made turned towards the bathroom.

"Kimo!" Krissy said, "Don't use the sink. In fact, don't touch anything in there."

Kimo turned back to her with a mild look of alarm on his face. "Ok?" he responded.

Just then the bartender plopped another whiskey and another beer in front of her. "This is from Dale over there," the bartender said, nodding his head across the room towards the biker from the bathroom, who gave Krissy a wave and a wink. She waved back, which he took as an invitation. He stood to come over to Krissy from the table where he had been sitting with three of his biker friends, and planted his fat backside on Kimo's bar stool.

"That's my boyfriend's stool." Krissy said.

"Well, maybe I'll let him arm wrestle me for it!" Dale the biker joked. "I'm Dale -- what's your name, little lady?"

"People call me Krissy." She responded. "My boyfriend is Kimo." She still clung to the hope that her use of the word 'boyfriend' would operate as some kind of shield or forcefield, but she was starting to have her doubts.

"What are y'all, Chinese?" Dale asked.

"We were born in California. Our family is originally from Vietnam." Krissy said.

"My uncle fought in Vietnam." Dale said. "The stories he used to tell me about his adventures over there. He told me that the Vietnamese prostitutes had pussies that ran sideways instead of front to back. Can you believe it?"

'Trotting out racist tropes, great,' Krissy thought. "Yeah, that's not actually true." She said. "I've heard that bikers sell drugs, share their girlfriends with one another, and have nasty orgies all the time."

"Oh, well, that's definitely all true." Dale chuckled. "But getting back to the topic at hand - your slit definitely seemed to run from front to back." Dale said, loudly enough for the bartender and the other customers at the bar to hear.

"You shouldn't have been looking at it, Dale." Krissy admonished him.

"Oh, don't be that way!" Dale said. "You're the one who was spreading your legs to show it to me. And anyway, we're all family in here, ain't much we ain't all seen. I'll tell you what, though. My friends over there had heard the same stories I had heard, and they didn't believe me when I told them that your pussy looked just like any other pussy. Well, I mean -- it's definitely a very nice looking pussy -- I'm not trying to say otherwise. But you know what I mean."

"I don't." Said Krissy coldly.

"Tell you what -- why don't you come over to our table and show my friends what I saw?" Dale suggested. "You know -- so they can rid themselves of their wrong thinking beliefs about such things. If you do that, we can all be friends and everything will be fine."

"And if I refuse?" Krissy spat back.

"It wasn't really a request," Dale said, taking Krissy's wrist in his enormous hand and squeezing tightly.

She got the point. She could say "no," if she wanted to, but it wouldn't make any difference. These bikers wanted to see her pussy, so one way or another, they were going to see it. Krissy felt scared. Her eyes darted around the room. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach. She took a deep breath as she felt Dale's fingers digging into her forearm. "Ok." She said.

At that moment Kimo returned to the bar. "Everything okay, Krissy?" He asked, looking with concern at the big biker sitting on his stool grabbing his sister by her arm.

"Everything's fine sweetie." Krissy said, leaning out to kiss him again on the lips. "It just turns out these bikers have never seen Asian pussy before -- well, our friend Dale here now has, but his friends haven't."

"That's right," Dale interrupted, addressing Kimo. "Your little lady here has volunteered to let my pals take a gander at her nether parts to clear up some misinformation that's been going around. Hey, tell you what, why don't we pull up a couple of extra chairs and you two can both come join us for a drink over at our table -- how would that be?"

Kimo furrowed his brow and shot alternate glances at Krissy and Dale, trying to size up the situation. Once again, Krissy knew that Dale's 'suggestion' wasn't really a request, but she wasn't sure that Kimo understood how few options the situation afforded them. Before Kimo could voice any protest, Krissy said "Sure -- that sounds nice. Those chairs are more comfortable than these stools anyway." And she stood to walk towards the table.

Dale turned to Kimo, "Bring all those drinks over, would you, boy?" And with that, he pulled Krissy over to the far table by her wrist.

Kimo had to make two trips to move all the drinks. Meanwhile, Dale's friends pulled over a couple of chairs and placed them on opposite sides of their round table. Krissy sat in one, with Dale and another biker to her right. The other two bikers were to her left, and the other empty chair, straight across from Krissy, was where Kimo seated himself when he returned the second time.

"Gentlemen, these are our guests Krissy and Kimo. They're both Vietnaaaamese!" Dale said, drawing out the "naaaam" as if it rhymed with "ham."

"Krissy, Kimo -- these are my friends, Monkey, Bobby, and Choke." Dale continued.

"Monkey and Choke?" Krissy said with a giggle.

"They call me Monkey because I'm good with a wrench." Said the biker sitting between Dale and Kimo.

"And the call me Choke because I like to choke the ladies with my fat dick." Said the biker on the other side of Kimo. All four of them laughed uproariously, as Kimo looked around the table uncomfortably. "Naw, I'm just joshing y'all. I'm a mechanic. First thing I always ask when someone can't get their bike started -- 'did you try the choke'? True story."

All four of them were large men. Dale was perhaps the tallest at around 6'4". Bobby was the shortest at just under six feet. Monkey and Choke were both over six feet and all four of them looked to weigh well over two hundred pounds. They had large, muscled arms covered in tattoos, and calloused hands with dirt and grease that stained the undersides of their fingernails. They all had beards and could've used haircuts.

Krissy thought it was probably best to get down to business so that she and Kimo could make their exit before anything too untoward went down. "Dale told me that you gentlemen wish to be disabused of a certain racist myth. Is that right?"

"Well now, I didn't call it racist." Dale said. "I don't think any of us are racist -- we just don't know a whole lot of gooks."

"Gook is a racist word." Krissy said, dourly.

"I'm sorry -- I'm going about this all wrong. Let me start over, please?" Dale apologized. "We have all heard stories that Vietnaaaamese ladies have pussies that run sideways. We don't know any Vietnaaaamese women, so we've never had any opportunity to learn if that story is true, or just some old wartime myth. Now like I told the boys here, I saw your pussy in the bathroom, and it definitely looked to me like it runs front to back. So, we would all just like you to show us so we can put that old myth to bed. How about that?"

"Wait just one..." Kimo began to blurt.

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