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Kritika's Dilemma Ch. 03

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Cracks start to appear in Kritika's Marraige.
3.9k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/09/2021
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It had been 6 months since Kritika and Anish first consummated their marriage. The memories of their first sexual encounter were still fresh in both their minds. Things did not improve much between them. Anish was still struggling to hold his erection inside his wife and Kritika still had not orgasmed with him. Effects of this were visible on their relationship as well. Kritika was starting to realise the problems within an arranged marriage set up. She was bound to a man who seemed to be incapable of making her cum and it wasn't for the lack of trying.

In the month that passed, they tried a lot of things to achieve the pleasure but it wasn't meant to be. They both were aware of the fact that a lot of women can't orgasm from a vaginal sex alone and so Anish would try everything he could to make her orgasm, whether it was going down on her or using his hands to finger her till his arms gave out, he just couldn't get her past the finishing line. She would get frustrated with him at times and it was getting more and more difficult to hide her disappointment with him.

What was frustrating her the most was the fact that she was capable of orgasming on her own. Looking back now, the problem wasn't his technique but his attitude towards the whole situation. He looked upon it as challenge to make her cum rather to bring pleasure to her. Even when he went down on her, his aim was to bring upon a body shaking orgasm no matter what it cost rather than focussing on his wife's pleasure. He would read upon techniques to make a woman cum and try it on her, but for some reason would not ask her what she would like him to do. She would try and reason with him and urge him to just let go of his mental blocks and be with her in those moments mentally but he just wouldn't listen.

It was her idea to bring toys into the mix and while he did not object, it was huge blow to his ego. Anish thought of himself as a progressive man and in many ways he was. But the suggestion of using sex toys by his wife showed him a mirror and what he saw was a man riddled with insecurities.

"Am I not man enough?" he asked himself.

"Kritika would rather have a piece of silicon inside her than her husband" his inner demons were starting to surface.

He was nothing more than a typical Indian man with a fragile ego hiding behind a mask of progressiveness.

Kritika, however, never looked at those toys to replace his husband. Despite the sexual incompatibility, she had come to like him a lot and no matter what he was the man she the time.

And so, she made him use the vibrator on her and it was a success. She came and she came hard unaware of the anger that was building inside Anish. Unaware of how he was only putting up a façade. His brain could not process "losing" to an inanimate object. He would often shut down and not communicate with her what he felt. In a span of 5 months, he went from "doing anything possible to make her cum" to "hating her vibrator induced toys". Their sex while often was fast losing the intimacy it deserved.

Ever since Kritika "forced" him to use the vibrator, duration of his erection started getting shorter and shorter. He could barely hold it up for more than a minute. He was in hell, but he never let her know. Why? Because she seemed content with their sex life. What more could he ask for? He was ready to force himself to lead a life like this if it meant that his wife was happy. It took some practice but he learnt to not let his anger come to surface.

Kritika could feel his anger. Even though she never saw it explicitly, she could sense it. She could feel the lack of enthusiasm from him. She could feel it declining ever since she started using vibrators. She liked the sex initially and thought that all her problems would go away now, but what went away was the intimacy. Her first time with him was a disaster but at least there was an effort to make her feel good. She could see the love in his eyes. But now there was nothing. She was crossing the finish line now but it was as if she was running alone. This is not what she wanted when she introduced the idea of sex toys. She also didn't anticipate him losing the ability to get hard. Sex was no longer fun. It was no longer pleasurable. She had no idea what to do or say Anish that would make it all better. All she knew was that if he were to find out that she wasn't enjoying it with him, it would crush him. And so, she resigned herself to a marriage with terrible sex.

"So what?" she thought.

"There are thousands of women marrying every day to complete losers. Women who have no respect and are merely seen as house help or a means to reproduce by their spouses. At least my Anish loves me and respects me and will do anything to make me happy. Sex isn't all that necessary to live a happy married it?" she would console herself at every moment she could.

Both of them got busy with their lives. Their honeymoon period lasted 1 day. It took them 6 months to come to terms to their lives. They looked like an everyday couple living a happy life. Their lives turned mundane and routine. He would go to his office and she would look after the house. She made friends with other women from her neighbourhood and would spend some time in the evening with them until Anish came back home. Then it was dinner, followed by some small talk before both of them called it a night. Sex was limited to the weekends and was now just a chore.

Every now and then she would take out her vibrator in the afternoon and pleasure herself. Those were the moments where she craved Anish and wished for their problems to go away. She would feel terrible afterwards. She sometime thought of her life before and her time with Daniel.

She hadn't let Daniel invade her mind since the last time he ravaged her in her dreams. That was 8 months ago. Daniel would try and sneak into her mind during her afternoon masturbation sessions but she would not let him enter. She resisted every time and resisted hard. There was no point to let her thoughts wander like that and the one time they did was a mistake not be repeated again.

"I think you should get your old job back" Anish blurted out while having dinner.

"Anish, if you don't like my cooking just say so," said Kritika trying to be playful.

"No.... It's not that. I was thinking you have nothing to do all day and we sure could benefit from an additional income. There was no reason for you to leave your job back when we got married other than societal pressure. Besides I know you loved that job. So why not go back?"

"Oh, I don't know... I mean, I did love the work and we surely could use some extra money, but..." she could think of no reason why she should not get her old job back.

"..... I don't even know if they will hire me back again. I've barely kept in touch with anyone from that office."

"Is that what's stopping you? Are you kidding me Kritika? What was the name of your manager...ummm...Sarthak was his name, I think. Let's invite him over for dinner and we can see if he has a place in his team."

"Sarthak left the company a month before I did. I was next in line for that promotion. Don't you remember? I told you that the first time we met. Unfortunately, I had to leave and so the position got filled by Daniel and I don't even...."

"Daniel?? You had foreigners working at that place? Damn, I thought it was a small operation," Anish interrupted.

"It's like you never listened to me or cared about my work prior to marriage. Yes, we had plenty of foreigners working some below me and some above. Daniel and I were part of a 6-member team reporting to Sarthak. He got Sarthak's job after Sarthak and I both left. And like I said, I haven't been in contact with anyone from that office and so I don't know if Daniel is still there." She was pretty annoyed at that "small operation" remark and visibly so.

"Well...It couldn't hurt to drop him a message," he said meekly.

"I'll think about it. Now bring those plates to the kitchen," she said, standing up and moving towards the kitchen.

That night they had sex and while it was still the same, this time Kritika's mind wasn't empty. Daniel was there and he planned to stay there for a long time.


"It has been a week; how long do you need to think about it. I don't understand Kritika, it shouldn't be such a difficult decision and frankly I thought you would jump at the idea of getting back to work. Did you even message Daniel?"

"No, I haven't".

"Why don't you do it now?" he said a little impatiently.

"Now??? It's 10PM. This is not an appropriate time to pester him."

"Oh, C'mon. It's not that big a deal. The worst that would happen is him not replying back, how is that going to affect you anyway."

"Anish, calm down, I will talk to him tomorrow when he's at w-"

"No, you wouldn't. You will find some excuse to delay it. Let's just admit it Kritika, you are scared. You don't wanna go back and I for the life of me cannot understand why. You said you were good at your job and you made decent money. Was that all a lie and now you're afraid you will be exposed? Did you lie about giving it all up for me when in reality it was just another worthless job? What is it huh? Huh?"

"Fuck you, Anish.... fucking.... fuck you. You know what? Fine. I don't want to go back because I am not sure if you can handle my being a working woman. It was your mother who laid down specific conditions before my family that she wanted a "housewife" for a son. You are well aware of how things are. All you guys pretend to be progressive and what not but if that was the case why would she bring forth such conditions. FUCK YOU. You want me to message him and get my job back? Yeah? Here you go" she took out her phone, fiddled with it furiously and typed a simple message on it:

"Hey Daniel, remember me? Let's catch up" and she pressed send.

"There... done" she flipped her phone to show it to Anish and just then tears burst out. She stood up crying and left the room.

Anish sat there stunned. He didn't know what just happened in front of him. He was too stunned to speak and was still processing the information he just received.


"It was really surprising to see your message the other day" said Daniel, sitting on his chair in his office.

"It was even more surprising to hear that you wanted your old job back. I was under the impression that you wanted nothing to do with the corporate world now that you were getting married. So, what changed?"

"Well, I got tired of being a housewife and started to realise how much I missed this place," said Kritika sitting across the table.

"I hope you have prepared well for this interview and most certainly hope that you won't expect any favours... am I right?" he asked calmly.

"Yes sir, I am" she said meekly.

"Why would you call him sir? What's wrong with you?" she thought to herself

Daniel smiled at hearing the word "Sir" but didn't spend too much time focussing on it. His focus was on nervous beauty interviewing in front of him. He never expected to ever hear from Kritika. He thought that chapter of his life was closed forever. But that one single innocent message brought all those memories back. All the times he was with her, fucking her, ravaging her, dominating her. Its as if he could smell the sweet aroma of her pussy again. What was even more surprising was her intention of getting back to work. What kept bugging him though was why was she coming back? Were there problems in her marriage so soon? Surely that can't be it. She was pretty adamant about not coming back. Anyway, he wasn't going to bother himself with her reasons for coming back. What was he going to do about her was his focus.

Over the course of the next 10 days that he received the fateful message, he talked to her almost every day. More he talked to her more he wanted to get her back. He could sense a sadness in her voice or so he thought. He had convinced himself to get her back under him. Obviously, he would get her the job but he wasn't going to look desperate in front of her either. And so, he set up an interview with her. He told her that while he would love for her to work under him, he couldn't just give her the job and she would have to go through proper channels. She said she understood and would not want to him to go out of his way for her.

And so here she was sitting in front of him desperately trying to win him over. It's never good to come of as desperate in any situation especially in a job interview, but she was desperate especially after the big fight she had with her husband. She was going to show him up. She was going to be her old self again. One who was independent and the first step towards that was getting this job. She had hoped for it to be a cake walk given her history with Daniel, but he was acting as if there was never anything between them. Did he not remember their fuck sessions or did they not mean anything to him. She understood professionalism but to be treated like any other candidate surely hurt.

After an hour, that felt like a whole day, her interview was over and she was informed that her old job was hers if she accepted it. She would start at exactly the same position as she left at the same salary. The only difference being her working under Daniel. And Daniel being Daniel insisted on being called "Sir" at all times during work hours.


There was a clear and visible distance between Kritika and Anish ever since the fight. They both were courteous with each other but Anish never really apologised to her. They both never acknowledged that conversation and acted as if it never happened. She informed him about her getting the job and he was truly happy for her. They celebrated that night by going out to dinner but Kritika was never there mentally. Her thoughts were still in that office building. She was still sitting in front of Daniel and admiring his handsome face. She had forgotten just how manly he sounded with this thick voice. He seemed so in command. Even though he acted like an asshole for the entire me, he was still as charming as before. She could feel her pussy getting a little moist. The celebratory dinner passed by in a blur. She smiled throughout and played the part of the happy housewife for the sake of Anish but she had already forgotten about this dinner by the time they both reached home.

Anish, wanting to continue with the celebrations back at home, started to undress his wife as soon as they both reached their bedroom. He was being gentle with her. He grabbed her behind and kissed her neck softly while his arms reached around her waist. He started planting little kisses on her neck as his one hand started his march upwards and the other one down to her pussy. He lifted her dress up and slid his hand inside her panties and the other one was now fondling her breasts while his lips kept leaving a trail of soft kisses on her neck. Kritika let out a small moan, she was turned on a bit and never really resisted him. She liked his touch and for her part raised her arms and grabbed his head pulling him closer.

He let go of her breasts and slid her dress down. He was quick with her bra and soon it was on the ground, followed by her panties and all his clothes. He never wasted time and shoved his face between her legs. She was surprisingly wet and her smell was intoxicating. He shoved his tongue inside her pussy and loudish moan escaped her lips. She grabbed his hair pushed it deeper and deeper. He lapped at her pussy furiously while his hands fondled and twisted her nipples. For all their problems with sex, this part was always amazing. She always loved the way he worshipped her cunt, how he lapped and lapped and lapped. She was now moaning furiously; she instinctively lifted her ass up to get more and more of his tongue. Her body was craving a release. She could see that it was close, her body felt its arrival.

"Fuck me" she whispered.

This was all the motivation he needed. He let go of her body and stood up. He aligned his dick with her cunt and entered in. He was confident, he would get her over the line today. He had never seen her like this. He began moving his dick in and out. He never let go of her tits. Squeezing them hard, he began to move faster and harder inside her. She shut her eyes tight, her body felt amazing as if electricity was running through.

"Fuck me hard Anish.... claim me as yours...make me your again... Fuckkkk...."

There were tears in her eyes.

"Please Anish...pleaaaaaaseeee.... not fuckkkk.... keep g-ggoingg...please for god's sake..." tears started to fall out of her eyes.

Anish could not understand what was happening to him. He was doing so well. His mind was clear and even he was enjoying this. But out of nowhere he just ejaculated inside her. And almost immediately his dick fell limp. His mental problems were manifesting into physical problems now. He could barely last a minute this time. He cursed himself and his useless dick. He withdrew immediately from her and stood there like a deer in front of lights, not knowing what to do. He clutched his dick tightly and rubbed it furiously hoping to get some stiffness into it but to no avail. Kritika lifted her body up, tears falling down her cheeks now, stared at him without speaking a word. He looked at her husband trying and failing to get his dick hard. Suddenly something clicked in her brain. She had had enough. She was tired of feeling inadequate for him. She did nothing wrong to deserve this. She did everything she could in the past year to help him solve his problems but things have gotten worse. She loved him with all her heart but carnal desires were taking over. For the first time ever, she felt disgusted at the pathetic sight in front of her. He was still trying to get it hard but it was clearly a waste of time.

She just stood up and walked past him over to her bedside table and took out the vibrator lying in the drawer below. She fired it and leapt on her marital bed. She looked directly at Anish, meeting his defeated gaze, opened her legs apart giving him the best view of her pussy as she placed the bulbous head of that vibrator on her clit. She pressed it hard against her pussy and within a few seconds her eyes closed and her tortured pussy stared to quiver. Her body reacting to the strong vibrations travelling through her, she let out a small moan. Then a louder moan and then another one louder than before. She adjusted her vibrator on her clit to make room for her other hand which was now caressing her pussy lips very gently. Slowly she slid 2 fingers inside her, trying to reach her special spots inside. This wasn't a very comfortable position for her but she didn't care. Her eyes were closed shut and as far as she was concerned, she was all alone in that room and all she cared about was her own pleasure.

Anish just stared at his wife pleasuring herself. It was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. His hand slowed down and eventually let go of his dick, which was still soft. He was done for the night. He felt impotent. He felt useless. Here he was standing in front of the most beautiful girl convulsing with pleasure and he just couldn't do anything. He broke down and slowly lowered his body to the ground. He sat at the edge of the bed looking intently at his wife bringing herself to an orgasm. He dared not touch her; fearful of breaking her trance. He was never going to please her, was he? He was inadequate and she deserved better.

He cursed himself for falling in love with a woman he just could not make happy. He kept looking as her moans got louder and louder until they filled the room and then suddenly it all went silent. She let go of her body. Her hands fell to her side, vibrator came out of her hand and fell on the floor. Her body relaxed immediately. Her breathing starting to calm down and she came down from the massive orgasm that had washed over her. This feeling, this calm, this unexplainable tingling that followed; this was supposed to be brought on by her husband. But she understood now that he was incapable of doing so. No matter what she did or what he did, he would never be able to make her feel the way she was feeling right now. She opened her eyes and looked at him, sitting at the corner of bed. He gave her a faint smile.


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