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Lady in Red Ch. 02


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Amber Stahl, with the zeal of a young reporter, smelled a story and decided to hang around after the game. If she was noticed videoing the first dance by the homecoming queen and king, it wasn't mentioned. Half the crowd had their phone cameras pointed at the couple. She just had time to get her report back to the station in the state capital before the eleven o'clock news. It was a slow news night and the lady sports director quickly scanned the video to glean the highlights. Her curiosity aroused, she played more slowly the highlights that interested her. Then she called the news director over to view the video from Sparta.

"Ms. Walker, my YouTube videos had a real shot in the arm Friday night," revealed Dave Kite as he took his seat in homeroom. "Channel 4 carried highlights of our win over Crawford, the crowning of our homecoming Queen and King, and at least fifteen seconds of their first dance of the evening. Somehow they found out about our class YouTube account and mentioned it. The hits are around ten thousand, with the top one still being the swim suit edition. The senior class is actually getting some cash into its building fund, but a few videos and some car washes and bake sales haven't exactly put us over the top."

"I never said that it would be easy, Dave," responded Ms. Walker. "We are gaining momentum, thanks in large part to your efforts with the internet. We have to keep marketing every good deed, every accomplishment, and every newsworthy action by any senior. Then we'll start hitting the local businesses for contributions, or even marketing deals."

Gwen heard Dave Kite's observation that the building fund was pretty much floundering and decided she had to be more proactive to raise monies. "Charlotte, after school today we're going to stop in at some businesses. We have to make them aware of our goals and try to get them to consider helping us in some way, preferably with cash. I think we'll stop at the bank first and talk to Tyler's dad. He should be willing to help since his son is a senior."

"So that's what we're trying to do, Mr. Smith," finished Charlotte as she and Gwen sat back to listen to Tyler's dad express his opinion.

"Tyler mentioned all this to me a few weeks ago. It's a very ambitious endeavor. Building wings on hospitals is extremely expensive. The big thing that you have going for you is that everyone in town would like a bigger, better hospital. I'd love to help, but I have to be conservative with how I spend the stockholders money," worried Ralph Smith. "We're only allowed so much for advertising and that's pretty well spent for the year. We'll have to determine some way that the bank can obviously profit by the publicity. I'll mull it over a few days and get back to you two. I have to admit that I'm very impressed with the professional manner you two ladies presented yourselves, as well as your goals. I know you both have plans to become doctors, but if that doesn't work out for some reason, look me up. I can always use smart young ladies in the bank."

The next stop for Gwen and Charlotte was the Ford dealership next door to the bank. "That's our goal, Mr. Governs," stated Gwen as she wrapped up their presentation. "Do you think Governs Ford would be interested in helping us in some way?"

"Gwen, I've asked you to call me Mort," responded the young businessman while ignoring Charlotte. "I wouldn't be surprised if we could think of a few possible ways to help your project. Let me pick you up tomorrow evening and we can discuss it over dinner."

Charlotte barely concealed her shock as she listened to Mort Governs ask Gwen out to dinner. He had to know about Steve! He was at the dance. Heck, he was the guy Steve outbid for the dance with Gwen that pretty much created the whole "Lady in Red" phenomena. She waited for Gwen to set the guy straight.

Gwen kept a poker face when Mort Governs asked her out to dinner. She felt stressed about chairing a successful fund raising committee. She saw Mort as an up and coming businessman and Gwen thought he could benefit the project greatly. A simple dinner to work out a strategy wouldn't hurt.

"Okay, Mr. Gov....I mean Mort. I'll be ready at six. I can't stay out too late since I have school the next day. We should be able to formulate a workable plan. Thanks, and I'll see you tomorrow at six," smiled Gwen as she stood to leave Mort's office.

"What the hell are you thinking, Gwen? That guy wants to get into your panties. He's twenty five or six! He's been around the block. I've heard rumors that he's quite the ladies' man. I know you've heard them, too. What about Steve?"demanded Charlotte as they climbed into Gwen's car.

"This is just a dinner meeting. Steve doesn't even have to know about it; at least not until we start getting some decent sized donations to our building fund. He'll be proud of me for being so resourceful. Besides, he trusts me, which sounds like more than you do. I'm not going to sleep with the guy or anything. He's a successful business man and I'm networking. That's all."

"For your sake, I hope that's all, Gwen. I don't think that you'll get anything from Mort until you give him something in return, and this project isn't worth it," reasoned Charlotte. "Things are going so well right now. Don't screw it up!"

That same afternoon, Steve ran into Dave Kite on his way to football practice. "Steve, I received an email today to the YouTube account. It was from an Amber O'Leary and she asked for your phone number and/or email address. I don't give that stuff away, so I told her that I'd give her email address to you. To that end, here's her email. Do with it what you will."

After practice, Steve sent an email message from his phone. A short while later, his phone rang. "Steve! It's me, Amber,... Amber O'Leary. I've been visiting my parents here in Monroe and saw you on television Saturday night. I had no idea you were even in this state, let alone so close. I've got some business down that way and I was wondering if we could meet for dinner tomorrow night, my treat."

"I'd be glad to see you, Amber, but I'll buy dinner. It's the gentlemanly thing to do," laughed Steve. "There's a nice Italian restaurant just off exit 58 on I-37 called Dominick's. I'll meet you there at six."

"Steve, you've got a date, but bring your "Lady in Red" anyway. I knew you'd land on your feet, but wow! That girl's a beauty by any standards. I want to tell her all about her boyfriend!" giggled Amber.

"And that's exactly why I won't be bringing her, Amber. She doesn't know anything about that part of my life and I'm not sure how she'll take it. I'm hoping to break it to her gently, not have a gorgeous red head blurt it all out at once. I don't think she needs to learn my story from a beautiful woman," stated Steve. "I'll see you tomorrow at six."

"So you think I'm beautiful? Thanks, Steve! You sure know how to butter a girl up," cooed Amber. "See you tomorrow at six!"

"Sis! I can't believe this!" groaned Kate as she watched her sister putting on her makeup. "You've got the guy every girl wants and you're risking it for this daddy's boy? What happens when Steve finds out? I hope this guy seems worth it to you, but I can't see how he can be. Steve is the best guy ever!"

"Kate, there's no reason for Steve to find out, unless you or Mom tell him. This is a business dinner. We're discussing ways Mort can help the senior class raise money. That's my job as the chairperson of the project," insisted Gwen. "Don't make such a big deal out of it."

"Don't make a big deal out of it?" repeated the stunned Kate. "You're not the only one that can suffer here. What if Steve doesn't want to have me around anymore when he breaks up with you? I like having the team quarterback and school hunk treating me like something special, even if it's only because he's dating my sister."

"We won't break up, so don't worry about it. But if we do, it sounds like you'll be first in line to catch him on the rebound. Maybe he'd settle for the younger sister. You're beautiful and he already knows your family," laughed Gwen. "Dad won't have to give him "the talk" again."

"Sis, that's not funny! If Steve dumps your cheating ass, I'll be all over him, and I'll treat him right! That is if he'd have me." Kate retorted hotly.

Paula Anderson was torn. She really liked Steve. She even harbored her own secret fantasies after seeing Steve in swim trunks at the pool party. He had transformed Gwen from an almost reclusive scholar into a confident, lovely young woman. Paula knew that Steve wasn't responsible for Gwen's beauty or ability, but rather the confidence to show the world some of the many things of which she was capable.

On the other hand, Mort Governs was educated and financially secure in a very good position in his family business. Most parents would be quite pleased to have their daughter dating such a fine young man. Paula held no illusions that Gwen was going on a business dinner. Mort was a red blooded male and Gwen was enough to make any man's blood race. Gwen needed more experience in relationships and one of the best ways to gain that experience was to date more than one man. Still, Paula felt dread for her daughter, but knew that the decision was Gwen's to make and that she could not interfere.

When Mort arrived at the Anderson house, he sat in his car in the driveway, hoping that Gwen would simply walk outside and get into his car. He wasn't anxious to chat with Gwen's parents. He remembered Ted from the two dates he had with Lisa several years ago. When Gwen didn't appear, Mort took a deep breath and walked to the front door and rang the bell. It was immediately opened by Gwen's younger sister.

"Come in, Mr. Governs," invited Kate politely. "Gwen will be ready in a minute or two."

"Thank you," replied Mort in his most gracious manner. "You're another beautiful Anderson sister. I'm trying to recall your name. Was it Kathy?"

"Actually, it's Kate. Gwen tells me that you may have some ideas on the class fund raising project?" stated Kate with a questioning inflection.

"That's what we're going to discuss this evening, Kate. I think I may be able to help her efforts to raise money. I own a very successful dealership and we sponsor a lot of worthy causes."

"Here comes my Dad, Mr. Governs. He probably has a few things to say to you. It was nice meeting you," added Kate more politely than she felt.

"Hello, Mort. You remember me? We met when you dated my oldest daughter, Lisa. I sort have developed a short speech I like to give young men that date my daughters. It helps clear the air and avoid any misunderstandings," asserted Ted. "Do not use alcohol or drugs at any time in my daughter's presence. Always drive and conduct yourself in a responsible manner or I will not allow my daughter to go out with you. Treat her with respect at all times."

Gwen and Paula were putting the finishing touches on Gwen's hair when they heard Ted give his spiel. They looked at each other and smiled as they listened to Ted recite his rules. Gwen had far less concern than the first time she heard her dad give his little talk. Mort would understand that her dad was a little overprotective.

"We're just going on a dinner meeting, Ted. Don't get all bent out of shape," replied a surprised Mort. "I'm not some high school kid you have to lecture. I think Gwen's quite capable of deciding who she wants to go out with, so just chill."

"I realize that you're a bit older and worldlier than most high school boys, Mort. That's exactly why I'm telling you that drugs and alcohol are not an option and Gwen is to be treated with respect. This is not a request. It's a condition of Gwen being allowed to go out with you," retorted Ted with some heat.

"I'm ready!" announced Gwen as she hurried down the stairs in an attempt to diffuse the building hostilities. "I'll be home early, Dad. Don't worry!"

Gwen grabbed Mort's hand and quickly led him out the door. As he started his car, Mort turned to Gwen and expressed his annoyance at her father's words. "What the hell's up with your father? He must be used to fuzzy faced boys taking you out. You just don't speak that way to a man, and certainly not to me!"

"Let's not let it spoil the evening, Mort," soothed Gwen as she inwardly seethed at his harsh words for her father. "We'll have a nice dinner and try to brainstorm while we eat. Dad is just protective of his girls. Don't let it worry you."

Gwen and Mort were seated at a table with a great view of the distant mountains. They had just ordered appetizers when Gwen saw a strikingly beautiful woman enter the restaurant. The maître d quickly led her past them to a small table in the corner. Gwen was stunned to see her greeted by Steve Hammer as he moved out from the corner to welcome the red headed beauty. They shared a very long and tight hug before the girl reached up and kissed Steve's cheek. The two took their seats and immediately engaged in what appeared to be an intimate conversation.

Gwen was hard pressed to determine which emotion had greater control of her feelings. She felt the pain of intense jealousy, along with overwhelming guilt. Steve was dining with a beautiful woman! Was she a lover? She looked several years older than Steve, but older women could easily be interested in a man like Steve. Then there was the concern that Steve may have recognized that Gwen as she sat with Mort! How could this happen? How should she proceed? Mort had watched the beautiful red head until she passed behind him. He never saw Steve greet her. Gwen decided that she needed to cut her loses and leave quickly.

"Mort, I just remembered that I'm allergic to garlic. I can't eat here. Can we go someplace else? Just the smell can trigger it. I'll wait outside!" promised Gwen as she turned and quickly exited the restaurant.

Ten minutes later, Mort and Gwen were seated at a steak house. "I'm sorry about the garlic thing, Gwen. I had no idea you had that condition. I hope this place is okay," worried Mort.

"This is fine, Mort. I should have mentioned it to you. When we went into that restaurant, I thought I'd be able to fight off any adverse effects, but I quickly realized that it was getting to me. But, enough about that. Can you give me any ideas about how you could help the seniors raise substantial sums of money?" quizzed Gwen.

"I thought of a couple of ideas. It's too cold this time of year, obviously, but I was thinking that you and some of your better built girlfriends could do several weekend car washes in our lot when the weather improved," suggested Steve. "Or we could get a group of the better looking girls in your class and have a benefit where we auction off the girls for an evening of dances. That would give guys the chance to spend some quality time with the girls and maybe get lucky later on. I have quite a few friends that would participate gladly."

Gwen almost spit her Pepsi out when she heard Mort's brilliant ideas. Too late, she realized that Mort wasn't really going to be any real help to her. Charlotte was right in her opinion of Mort.

"Those are a couple of good ideas, Mort," lied Gwen. "I'll have to bring it up with the other girls and let you know what we decide."

By the time they had finished dinner; Mort had consumed four beers and was becoming increasingly obnoxious. Gwen decided to chalk the evening up to experience, and to never have anything to do with Mort Governs again.

Gwen was preoccupied thinking about Steve and the mysterious red head as Mort drove her home. It wasn't until he stopped the car in a dark, secluded area that she became aware of her surroundings.

"What are we doing here, Mort? I thought you were taking me home," stated Gwen. "Please start the car and take me home now."

"Now Gwen, you didn't think that I usually drive a big car like this all the time, did you? This is my "love machine". Doesn't that big back seat just call to you?" asked Mort as he quickly leaned over the console and began kissing Gwen.

Gwen was stunned for a few seconds before she reacted. As she attempted to push Mort back, he slipped a hand down her blouse and inside her bra! He squeezed her nipple as he took advantage of Gwen's total surprise. Gwen overcame her initial shock and shoved Mort back hard, so hard that his head bounced off the window.

"What the fuck!" bellowed Mort as he shook his head and started for Gwen again. "All I was doing was playing with those big tits of yours. There's no reason to get rough, or do you like it that way? By the time I get done with your tits, they'll know I've had them, by God! I don't waste time on cock teasers!"

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AnonymousAnonymous19 days ago

Ah youth! Despite the best of intentions, some self entitled narcissists simply don't have them. Amber knows more about Steve's latent past. (Good or bad?)


Oops...(2) Stars for this chapter!!

Mort is a pig; Gwen should have listened to Charlotte, and NEVER gone out with him. Then, he was drinking at supper, she knows her Dad's rules, as did he. Yet, Mort ignores them, then presumes to take Gwen somewhere to press himself onto her!!!!! Criminal Charges for Assault should be forthcoming.

Plus, small town...there is a rail for him to be run out on!!

Gwen exercised bad judgment, like a lot of high schoolers (myself included!!), and misjudged the intentions of an older man who has already expressed too much inappropriate interest (Red Flags at the meeting in his dealership??!!: duh!!)

Marklynda2Marklynda25 months ago

Ah the plot thickens, Mort was definitely a red flag waiting to be thrown and Amber's knowledge of Steve's 'shady past' is also a tidbit to be savored. Another well thought out and written chapter. I look forward to reading the next. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination and abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Wgats this story about!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Seemed to start ok, but a bit immature. It's obvious that ur anti-hero characters are "fat"/non-skinny or in some way physically less desireable, which is a turn off to the overall story. May I suggest u focus on personality traits as opposed to physical ones. It would make want to continue reading.

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