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Lady in Red Ch. 22

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The City of Light.
8.5k words

Part 22 of the 65 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/11/2013
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"Look! It's the Eiffel Tower!" exclaimed Stephanie as she pointed out the window of the shuttle van. "Everybody get lots of pictures and we'll share them all when we get home. I have to thank you again, Gwen, for making me part of this great adventure. I'm lucky to be your cousin."

"You're lucky to be so pretty and shapely. You're lucky to have such understanding parents. You're lucky that Steve, for whatever reason, decided to take a chance on me that day at the mall. We're all lucky that Sparta won that first football game. I'm lucky I'm not in tears right now because I'm so happy!"

"We're all happy, Sis, but you've got more reason to be happy than the rest of us girls. Tonight you're going to go to bed a girl and waking up a woman," stated Kate with genuine happiness for her sister. "Spring Break in Paris with your hunky boyfriend. I don't think it can get much better than that!"

"It would get better if everyone left my personal life out of their discussions. I'm still trying to figure out who let the cat out of the bag about Steve and me, Mother. I know I don't have to ask you to not mention anything about my personal life in your reports, Amber, but I will anyway. Please don't mention Steve and me finally getting together here. That's not for public consumption."

"I understand your feelings perfectly. You're right that you don't have to tell me not to mention it on the news. It would make some great headlines, but I know I'd lose your trust if I did something that stupid and hurtful. I'll report all the good things, keep the personal things to myself, and consult you on anything I'm unsure about. If you and Steve do personal stuff in public, you're fair game, but anything done in the privacy of your room will not be mentioned."

"In public? You and Steve don't plan on doing it in the Eiffel Tower or in the gardens at Versailles, do you?" teased Kate.

"Actually, we were hoping for the Louvre, in front of Mona Lisa so she'd have something to smile about. Of course we're not doing 'it' in public and we need to not talk about this anymore. Steve will be scared off!"

"I suspect that Steve may be scared 'stiff' but not 'off', although he'll be getting off," offered Jordan with a huge grin. "I wish my first time was as romantic, and I had my family's support. I had way too much to drink at a party one night and woke up without my cherry. I'm not even sure who my first guy was. I've never had a man actually make love to me. I've never been with a man that I loved, or even had strong feelings for."

"I thought that if I told the girls about you and Steve doing, well, you know, they'd be sure to leave you alone and give you the privacy that you deserve. I never intended for it to be discussed and bantered about like you were getting your nails done or something," explained Paula.

"I'm sorry to hear that your first time was such a disaster, Jordan. That's what I'm trying to teach Kate. She needs to wait for the right boy and the right time. This is far too special to take lightly, and then regret forever."

"So, Mom, do you remember your first and where you were?" asked Kate quickly.

Paula looked at Kate for a few seconds and then smiled. "Yes, I do. It was on my honeymoon with your father."

"Aunt Diane, tell us the truth! Mom was only a couple years older than you. Do you remember her first time?" quizzed Kate.

Diane looked at her sister and then turned to Kate and grinned. "It was on her honeymoon with your father. Mine was my honeymoon with Will. Please remember that, Stephanie."

"Oh, I'll remember, that you told me that. I've seen your old year books and read some of the stuff guys wrote in it. It didn't sound like you were waiting for your honeymoon; but if you say so."

"Oh, my!" exclaimed Diane nervously. "You weren't supposed to read them. You didn't show them to your father, did you?"

"Mother! Dad's read them before me. I saw him looking at them one time. That's what made me curious," admitted Stephanie. "Maybe Dad isn't as clueless as you think. Maybe he married you because he loves you, not because he was, or wasn't first."

"Well, Gwen is right! We shouldn't be talking about this. It's very personal. We don't want to ruin everything for Gwen and Steve, or make them self conscious," insisted Diane. "Look how tall the Eiffel Tower is!"

Stephanie and Kate exchanged looks and began to giggle while Diane turned a bright shade of red. Steve had been silent during the entire conversation and realized that silence was obviously the best way to handle prying women. The whole thing was both embarrassing and uplifting. Gwen was so comfortable with her family and her position in it that she was discussing having her first sexual experience with all of them, ahead of the fact! Steve never would have believed a family could talk about something like that if he hadn't seen and heard it.

"As you know, we've been flying all night. We're eight hours ahead of home, time-wise," calculated Paula. "We'll check into our rooms and nap a few hours to offset the jetlag. We'll have a lunch at noon and operate on local time after that. Diane and I have a two bedroom suite reserved so Stephanie and Kate will be with us. Amber's station was going to put her in a dump a few miles away, so Jordan has agreed to let her stay with her since Gwen plans on being with Steve. Any questions on the sleeping arrangements?"

"If Gwen gets cold feet, or her conscience won't let her go through with it, I'd be willing to trade with her, just because that's the kind of friend I am," volunteered Jordan.

"Thank you, Jordan. Gwen, you're so lucky to have friends like Jordan," stated Paula sarcastically. "She's willing to take a bullet for you, if the need arises."

"Gee, thanks! I don't think I'll need any help, however. I have all the protection necessary, so those 'bullets' will not be hitting the intended target. There's really no need to worry about me. I'll make sure that the gun is empty by morning."

"That's how class valedictorians talk these days?" demanded Kate. "A few months ago she hadn't ever been on a date and now she's talking about single handedly unloading a dangerous weapon."

"I never said anything about using my hands, at least not tonight!" laughed Gwen, as Kate was the one to blush this time.

"If I may change the subject once again, we're invited to a costume party tonight at a local club. This invitation is from the French President's daughter, Michelle. We'll be going to a shop to try on outfits for the party. The theme is 'heroes and villains' and they can be real or fictional," explained Paula. "As will be the policy for the entire trip, no one under 21 will be drinking any alcohol, regardless of any local laws or customs. We will conduct ourselves as ladies, and will not create any international incidents."

After a leisurely lunch, Paula and Diane led the group into the costume shop recommended by Michelle. They had just begun to look at the rows of outfits when Michelle swept into the shop. She immediately made her way to Steve and hugged him tightly and then kissed his cheeks. Then she kissed Gwen, Jordan, and Kate. Paula introduced her to Diane, Amber, and Stephanie and they quickly received their kisses on each cheek.

"I'm so excited that you could come to visit me in Paris! My friends will be at the party tonight. I told them I had a special surprise, but didn't tell them who was coming. I'm curious to see if they recognize you in costume or if I have to reveal your identities. I've taken the liberty to reserve outfits for Steve and Gwen, if they are willing to follow my suggestion. I just know that they'll be the hit of the party if they wear these costumes!"

Steve glanced at Gwen and shrugged. If the French President's daughter wanted them to wear a particular costume to the party, who were they to argue? "I just hope its Lady Godiva for you!" whispered Steve to Gwen.

Everyone in the group wore coats to the club, since it was a cool evening and they wanted to cover up. Appropriate dress for a costume party is not normal street fare. Paula had to spend some time with Steve and Gwen to convince them to not disappoint Michelle.

"Look, kids, this is a party. Michelle is young and her intentions were sweet. You can't wear something else after she made such a point of picking these out for you. I admit that they wouldn't be my first choice, especially when many of the upper crust of French politics will be in attendance. We do not want to hurt Michelle or damage her reputation among her friends and peers. If it comes down to it, I'll impose my authority, vested by Ted, to order you to wear them tonight. Don't make me do that. Steve, will you wear that costume as a personal favor to me, the mother of the woman that plans on deflowering you this very night, with my blessing?"

"Aw, that's low! I'll go naked, or whatever you want since you put it that way," groaned Steve with a blush.

"Now for you, Gwen. You don't want me to rescind the sleeping arrangements, do you? If you're mature enough to sleep with this young man and give him your greatest gift, as the writers of old would call it, you're mature enough to not create a rift in our relations with France over a little costume, aren't you?"

"Little is the operative word here, Mom! I can't believe that my own mother would insist I parade around in Paris in such a suggestive outfit," complained an agitated Gwen.

"You'll be wearing less this week when you model those little bikinis at those promotions you'll be doing. I would strongly advise that you shave everything to avoid any embarrassment caused be a stray hair or a dark area in certain lighting. It'll also help get your boyfriend's motor running later on."

"Oh, no!" gasped Gwen. "You think this outfit is transparent? I can't wear it! And I don't need any help getting Steve's 'motor running', as you put it. Steve, tell Mom you don't need any help, that I get it running very well as it is!"

"I'll be wearing my costume, Paula. This discussion about Gwen's costume has gotten out of hand. I'm not going to comment on any running motors. I understand that you two are able to share just about everything, but I'm not. Let Gwen try it on for you and Kate. Tell her if anything shows that shouldn't. Kate will be honest. If she says it's safe, I think Gwen will be okay wearing it. If it's truly indecent, I don't think it would be right to insist that she does."

"That's fair enough. If I thought something would show that would make the outfit indecent, I'd never allow Gwen to wear it, let alone insist on it," assured Paula. "Kate will have a look and let you know what she thinks."

When the group arrived at the club, they were ushered in and a couple valets offered to take their wraps. Steve and Gwen looked at each other for a few seconds. Gwen's lip trembled slightly as she nodded to Steve and they removed their jackets and handed them to the attendants. The guy taking Gwen's wrap dropped it when he looked at her. Apologizing in French, he quickly picked it back up and placed it on a hanger.

Steve gritted his teeth and looked around at the crowd. He expected stares and disparaging comments directed toward him all evening long. He stood there in a animal print loincloth that barely covered the essentials, waiting for the laughter. That's when he realized that people weren't looking at him. They were staring at Gwen. He turned to face her and was stunned. He knew what her costume was but had not seen her in it. Now he did.

She was wearing a very erotic Wonder Woman outfit that showed every inch of her amazing curves. He marveled that her breasts were able to keep up the skimpy top covering the small portion of her breasts that wasn't exposed. The bottom part was French Cut and her hips were on display. Her legs looked a mile long and incredibly sexy. She had metal bracelets, high heeled boots, a tiara, and a short red cape. Her waist appeared tiny while her breasts were ample and very firm on her chest. Steve began to worry that his loin cloth may betray his appreciation for Gwen's appearance as he felt his cock stir.

Steve wasn't alone in his appreciation. The rest of his group gave a collective gasp when they saw Gwen's outfit. "Holy crap! I thought I looked pretty good as Cat Woman, but now I feel like a boy," moaned Jordan as she gazed at Gwen. "That's got to be the sexiest thing I've ever seen, at least since I showered with Steve last week."

Steve felt the weight lift from his shoulders. He had been concerned about everyone looking at him. Now it seemed unlikely. All eyes would be focused on Gwen! He could be naked, or dressed as King Kong, and few would notice.

Michelle was ecstatic when she saw Gwen and Steve. "I knew those outfits would look great on you! You actually look like Wonder Woman. It's amazing how well you wear that costume. Steve, you look like a sexy Tarzan with your muscles rippling when you move. Thanks so much for catering to a silly school girl's whims. My friends will be so impressed!"

It was a mostly young crowd. There was some wine and beer available, but drinking was minimal. There was a band and it played current pop hits for the most part. It took a few dances for Steve to lose his inhibitions about his attire, or lack of same. Seeing guys dressed as Atlas, Zeus, Hercules, and other well known, but underdressed heroes, helped Steve relax.

Gwen was constantly surrounded by young men. She smiled and chatted with them when they spoke English to her, and most of them did. Steve noticed that she declined numerous invitations to dance, so he approached her about it between dances.

"I don't dare try a fast dance dressed like this!" lamented Gwen. "I have the top stuck to my boobs with two way tape, but the girls jiggle all over when I move. I hate to think what would happen if I tried to dance."

"I see what you mean," responded Steve as he slowly nodded his head while listening to Gwen's explanation. "You could take somebody's eye out with those things if they got out of control."

"Very funny! Maybe I'll poke your eyes out when we get pack to the room tonight. I'm going to be awfully worked up by then. All of these guys are watching the 'girls' like they hope they'll pop out of my outfit any second. I have to tell you that the attention is making me horny, so be ready for a long and satisfying night, Tarzan."

Steve danced the first slow dance with Michelle, who was dressed as a rather modern Joan of Arc. "My girl friends all want me to introduce them to Tarzan. I knew they'd be impressed with you, and your muscles. That's why I picked a hero that didn't wear too much. Most of them speak English, but your French is excellent, so I'll be bringing them around to introduce them now and then. They're so impressed that I know you. The guys can't get enough of Gwen. I think they're wondering how her top stays up. She's amazing!"

Steve managed to smile and make small talk with the girls that Michelle introduced to him. He did his best to make Michelle look good to her pals. She constantly beamed as he spoke to the girls about what good friends they had become. Then Steve finally saw Diane alone and swept her onto the floor for a slow dance.

"I have to tell you, Diane, that I never dreamed you'd look so amazingly good as Marie Antoinette. You're an eyeful!"

"You're trying to tell me that my boobs are bigger than you realized?" laughed Diane. "This outfit really pushes them up and out, doesn't it? I had Stephanie take a bunch of pictures that we emailed to Will before we came here. I'll be sure to tell him that you approved and were properly impressed."

"Don't get him upset with me!" worried Steve. "I don't want him to think that I'm rude or disrespectful."

"You're funny! You're young and don't know how men that have been married for years think. He'll be delighted and excited when I tell him that you couldn't take your eyes off my charms. That makes me look even better to him. He'll be all over me when I embellish any encounters I have tonight. He'll be excited to know that other men were looking at, and wanting that which is his alone."

"I'm old enough to understand that! Seeing the way that the guys here watch Gwen has been driving me nuts. I feel like dragging her into a room somewhere and attacking her. But every guy here feels that way, or so it seems."

"I think that I'm feeling your 'approval' of my gown against my stomach. I'll be telling Will that my cleavage did that to you, even if it's really from you thinking about Gwen," revealed Diane.

"To be honest, I was okay until you pressed against my chest a minute ago. You're a beautiful woman. Tell Will whatever you like, because it'll be true. You definitely have that effect on me. He's a very lucky man."

Steve managed a fast dance with Stephanie and later with Kate. "You've got to be the best looking Supergirl I've ever seen, Steph! You're really filling out that costume nicely and you're a super dancer, too."

"Thanks! I'm having so much fun. These guys all want to dance with the 'American girls' and most of them speak some English. They're doing wonders for my self esteem. Tyler had better show more interest when we get back home because I know now that a lot of guys like what they see when they look at me. You and Gwen have really made my life a lot more fun. Thanks for everything. If Gwen runs off with one of her admirers, call me!"

Later Steve managed a dance with Kate. "I've never seen such a great looking Lara Croft! You're packing some pretty big guns."

"I'm glad you noticed! And they're still growing. I may be as big as Gwen yet, or at least as big as Lisa. You like big guns, don't you?" teased Kate.

Steve felt his face heat up as he listened to Kate. "You know I was referring to the ones in your holsters, not your halter. You don't have to be as big as anyone else. You're a beautiful girl. I mean that. You're blessed with a great face, a wonderful figure, and maybe best of all, a wonderful sense of humor. Kate Anderson has no need to be like anyone else. She's great as Kate Anderson."

"I'm going to show them to you when I'm eighteen! You've seen all the other women in the family, including Mom. I want to tease you like Lisa and Gwen do, and I will. I don't care if you and Gwen are married by that time. More likely you'll be in the Naval Academy. I'll visit you just to finally tease you with my 'girls' like Lisa and Gwen do."

"I'm looking forward to it, Kate, but don't go out of your way for this fantasy. That's a long trip for such an unusual reason. Maybe you can save it for a holiday, like Thanksgiving."

"You think I'm kidding? Just wait. I've been thinking about it since we first met. I know your Gwen's boyfriend and you'll be her lover really soon, but she's cool with Lisa prancing around in front of you and I'm going to insist on the same privileges. You'll love it!"

Steve had to get a little pushy to claim Gwen for a dance. Once her admirers realized that she wouldn't do any fast dances dressed as she was, they became insistent when a slow dance played. Gwen had to choose a partner from half a dozen boys every time she danced. Most of the boys were polite, but a couple of them were too familiar with their hands. The worst offender was a big guy dressed as Batman. He was in his early twenties and was quite determined.

A slow song started and Gwen was relieved to see Steve head in her direction. Before he reached her, Batman grabbed her wrist and began tugging her toward the dance floor. Gwen's temper flared at the man's arrogance, so she stood her ground. The fellow quickly became annoyed and jerked her arm to bring her closer. Steve's hand closed on the man's wrist.

"That's no way to treat a lady," smiled Steve grimly as he spoke in French to Gwen's harasser. "Release her arm, step away, and don't come near her again."

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