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Lady of Flanders 03: Brood Mare

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Aleid falls into a routine, servicing Master and fucking Gia.
7.1k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/23/2022
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Aleid the brood mare

Remember Aleid was used by the privateer crew as a cum vessel, then sold at auction.

Her wagon ride was circuitous, avoiding main thoroughfares and passing behind what were probably businesses. Her ass became bruised from the jouncing ride over badly-laid stone.

They eventually stopped behind what was clearly a butchers' from the bones and stripped carcasses piled into barrels. Was this the shop of her buyer? Surely not!

It became instantly clear why they'd stopped. The African climbed into the box of the wagon, his rampant cock clearly visible sticking out of the leg of his short pants.

It was as thick as her arm, and clearly far too long to be contained by her cunt. She retreated as far as her bond would permit. He smiled, grabbed the cord and reeled her in like a snared rabbit as she scrabbling at the wagon bed uselessly.

He simply picked her up as easily as a newborn calf, and laid her face-down in the straw piled in the wagon. Pressing on top of her, straddling her, pinning her beneath his body, she felt the breath driven from her small frame by one enormous hand pressing her down.

He was immensely strong, his arms like bands of oak, his torso ridged with muscle, his calves bulging, thighs thick and hard. She had no hope of resisting whatever he wanted to do with her.

He wasted no time, opening his pants and raising her skirt. She felt what seemed a large limb, worming between her legs. But it wasn't his arm - it was his cock!

She was suddenly afraid for her life, uncertain what this thing would do to her body, but could only gasp and whimper. Uselessly she attempted to crawl away with her arms, but only flailed at the straw. He laughed.

Clasping her hip with one huge hand he raised off her, the other hand forcing her legs apart. He ran his cock tip across her cunt, wet despite her fear. But instead of plunging that monstrous member into her sex, once wet he pulled back and began probing her buttocks.

He entered her ass like an animal into a burrow, stretching her sphincter, easing further into her gut. She could feel the monstrous thrust from inside her belly!

His hand removed from her to guide his stiff dick, she arched her back, looked down and saw the thing bulging her stomach, moving, stroking her insides from pubic bone to belly button.

Like a small animal alive inside of her, it's tip could be traced as it drew across her torso inside her flesh. She stared, unable to look away from her body, violated by that immense member.

With a powerful hand he pushed her back onto the straw, joined to her at the hips now by that stiff rod, and began using her in earnest.

Struggling, gasping, her gut responded to each slow stroke with spasms. She craned her head back, flailed her arms, grabbing bunches of straw and flinging them pointlessly, thrashing her legs, emitting choked cries.

Her cunt clutched but with no dick filling it her convulsive clenches were deeper than she'd ever experienced. Could she cum from this animal intrusion inside her body?

This question was immediately answered. On the fifth measured stroke she felt his warm spunk erupting deep inside herself, pulses moving along the length of his member and out the swelled tip into her gut.

Her empty sex convulsing, she spurted her orgasm out her cunt and onto the straw, her head back, trying to bend double under his assault.

The pulses slowed, he withdrew as her cunt clenched and unclenched, the indescribable feeling of his member exiting her body causing her eyes to roll up in her head.

Satisfied, he paused a moment to fasten his pants and climbed back onto the drivers seat. His member was clearly no smaller than when he started, still fully erect with the slick purple head visible sticking several inches out through the waist band of his garment.

She levered herself up slowly, panting, then drew her legs underneath herself to squat unsteadily in the straw she'd wet. With pops and burbles, his cum began leaking from her ass. In spurts and blobs it joined her wet ejaculations on the wagon bed.

After regaining her breath she remembered to draw her skirt back down over her exposed midsection.

It took another half an hour to reach their destination, on a hill behind the town. A clock somewhere began to toll the hour as they topped the last rise.

The harbor was visible in the distance, the ship she'd spent weeks(?) imprisoned in, like a toy at anchor in the distance, blurred by the humid air. How harmless it seemed, and how far away already.

There was no sign of her ship. Probably destined for some breakers yard or another merchant port, lost to her forever.

The great man's house was large, built into the hillside with main house, courtyard and two wings. What lay behind was not visible, but a high stone wall lined the front and led off around each wing.

The wagon entered by a gate into a flowered courtyard. Passing the main entrance they pulled up beside one wing.

Here was a servant's entrance, graceless and functional. The manservant said not a word, waiting in the driver's seat as two maids emerged and took charge of her, one old and heavy and one younger, slight. They unfastened her cord, helped her down, led her inside through a kitchen to a wash room.

Here they removed her clothes, cutting the laces, pulling the garment over her head and discarding it. She was not sorry to see the rags go, as they were beyond filthy.

A tub of water simmered on a coal heater. Fully naked and sat on a rough stool, they appraised her light hair, fine skin and delicate features with evident envy. Each fingered her hair, ran fingers over her body.

Then taking soft cloths, they soaped and rinsed her hair and limbs with practiced efficiency. Finding the trails of cum on her thighs the younger giggled, taking a drop on a finger and tasting it, giggling again.

Filth sluiced away and skin pink and scrubbed, they turned to a bowl of oil warming near the burner. Dipping some into a palm they rubbed their hands together and began to massage her flesh, working the oil deep.

It felt like heaven. The first kind gesture she'd encountered since the mate's gentle fucking all those days ago, she burst into tears. The horrific events of the last weeks bubbled up and over, overwhelming her emotions and leaving her sobbing, her breast heaving, unable to even take a breath between anguished wails.

The women paused, alarmed, but shook their heads and continued rubbing.

The tiny maid, slight as a fey spirit, shushed her. She kneeled in front of the stool. Ignoring her tears she began working the oil into Aleid's breasts. She carefully oiled every inch, her warm hands spreading gently above and below. Taking care over her nipples she rolled them with her fingers, working the fragrant oil into them until they swelled.

As her sobs subsided, the girl smiled at her, said "Gia". That was apparently her name. With a final friendly tug on a nipple, she stood.

Fetching a gown from a chair in the corner the diminutive maid bunched it up and stood on her toes to place it over Aleid's head. Aleid raised her arms, cooperating in donning the soft fabric.

Once it was in place it was clearly small, two sizes too small! The neck plunged, barely containing her breast and leaving half of each nipple exposed. The hem didn't begin to cover butt or cleft, but ended just below her belly, with only a fringe playing peek-a-boo with her bush.

Simple straw sandals were provided. No underclothes of any kind were offered. A blue ribbon for her hair completed the outfit.

The maids had her stand up, admired their work. They seemed well satisfied, adjusting the straps and tugging at the fabric so that it would be more evocative, not less. They tried leaving one breast entirely exposed, but it apparently ruined the effect so they tucked her back in.

Finished for the nonce, the smaller girl (Gia?) led her by the hand out through the kitchen to a room off a hall. The door had a lock, but a latch only on the outside. She was clearly still to be a prisoner. In a gilded cage, but a prisoner regardless.

Furnished with a soft bed, a chair and a dressing table, there was a door to a garden behind. She tried the door, and it was unlocked. Walking tentatively into the garden, the maid Gia stood watching her as she examined her environment.

The garden was completely enclosed by high, smooth stone walls. No gate was in evidence. The garden contained several flowering shrubs, some vegetable beds, a stone bench. A small hut that proved to be a latrine.

So this was her world now? It was larger than a sail locker to be sure. Prettier by far. Day and night would be clearly distinguishable.

But it seemed that her duties would be little different, given the uniform she was to wear.

Returning to 'her' room the young maid was gone. She tried the exit but the stout oak door to the hall was fastened. No ally in Gia; she was still on her own.

It was afternoon before she met another human. Small colored birds had perched in the shrubs, their calls musical. A stone circle in the garden proved to be a well, accessed by pulling a rope staked to the ground, and raising a small bucket. A pitcher on her nightstand could be filled as she wished.

The latrine was clean and fairly odorless. She availed herself of this facility, reveling in the chance to defecate without being faced with the result.

She laid on the bed for just a moment, but when her eyes reopened it was late afternoon. A noise in the hall proved to be the master returning. After some muffled talk and excited replies from the maids, her door rattled and opened.

She stood, faced the door to size up her captor.

The master entered and looked her up and down, clearly pleased with his purchase. He closed the door and turned to face her. Trying several languages, they settled on Spanish. She'd have preferred Flemish of course, or French, but he knew nothing of those.

"You are to be my brood mare. You'll provide many fine fillies for sale, and young bloods to serve on my ships! You'll be well cared for, provided with comforts. You only have to take my seed as I require. And I require it now!"

With that he untied a flap on his riding pants, pulled his member forth and put his hands on her shoulders. She flinched, then saw the flicker of anger in his eyes. Blanking her face, she stood still as he pawed at her clothes, swiftly pulling her gown over her head and leaving her naked.

His cock was the size of a mug - short, stout and firm. He pushed her back against a wall, lifted one of her legs with his hand under a knee, stepped close and with a thrust of his hips, entered her cunt.

She was not bound in any way, could easily have wriggled away, but still felt as constrained as if he'd used ropes. His hot breath on her face, smelling of horse and sweat, his hands groping with no thought of her comfort or pleasure.

She felt used as even the crewmen fucking her ass had not made her feel. This man did not even see her as a woman, but just a way to an end.

The insemination was brief and matter-of-fact. No kissing; no affection; just some sucking of tits and pulling of nipples, a few powerful thrusts like a bull, and his semen erupted into her.

Once complete he savored each nipple again, then turned and left the room, stuffing his wet cock back into his pants. She heard the door latch click home. He had not even looked her in the eye during the entire performance.

The crewmen at least celebrated the act of completion. He had not regarded the process as more than a brief entertainment.

How could there be so many different men? Some gentle and considerate like her late officer; some raw and urgent like the pirates; some cold and unfeeling like this one.

Out in the garden, she sat on the stone bench with her pitcher and did her best to wash his semen from her. He'd been very efficient, not spilling or soiling her, seed deposited deep. It took some work to squeeze it out and wash away what she could.

Would she become pregnant? Was she already? She'd taken more seed in the last weeks than in her entire lifetime before.

If she was pregnant, who's was it? The pirate Captain? One of the crewmen? That African manservant, somehow? This new master of the house? She was certain only that it would not be the gentle mate's, and that made her deeply sad.

She slept strangely well, in a bed on dry land, safe from pirates, fed and her thirst slaked, waste eliminated with grace and convenience, her sleep dreamless.

She was awakened when the small maid, Gia she remembered, came into her room when the moon was high and cool breezes came through the garden.

She'd waked at the door latch being lifted and stiffened in anticipation of the Spanish brute coming to assault her again. But it was only the strange fey girl, naked and unafraid.

She'd padded over to the bed, her graceful body revealed in the moonlight through the open door. She slipped under the sheer cover, and cuddled up to Aleid's naked form. Aleid did nothing to alarm her, unafraid of this slight person, welcoming the human contact and curious what would come of it.

Without any preamble Gia laid a leg over Aleid's and began moving her hip, stroking her pussy across Aleid's thigh with gyrations of her torso. Soon wet, the girl slipped and slid her sex on Aleid until, with a small strangled cry, she gently came.

In the moonlight a quick flush spread across her chest, beautiful and honest.

Immediately she extended a slim arm, reaching for Aleid's sex. She felt Aleid stiffen, stayed her hand, then more gently moved to cup her bush instead.

Leaving her hand covering the warm fur, Gia raised her body and slid on top. Being so small, her head only came to Aleid's breast.

She weighed nothing. Her breath played on Aleid's neck, her breast, her nipples. They began to stiffen and when hard Gia pursed her lips and engulfed one. It nearly filled her tiny mouth.

An electric spark seemed to travel from nipple to brain, followed by a warm sense of affection. Gia was simply being kind, and it would be cruel to send her away. Kissing the top of her head gently, Gia took the hint and with two bent fingers entered Aleid's cunt.

Gia had to probe until she found wet, but once inside the wet quickly spread. Sucking the nipple gently, she slowly stroked with both fingers, spreading them slightly to open Aleid. Each stroke produces a small sucking sound as her vulva opened and closed.

When she'd opened a little more, a third finger got added, then a fourth.

Soon Gia's entire small hand, her fingers anyway, were darting into Aleid and out again, wet and slippery. Once Aleid began to respond, putting her hand behind Gia's head and cradling it to her breast, Gia grew bolder.

She slid down a bit but not losing her mouth's grip on a nipple, crooked her arm, and pressed her clustered fingers to Aleid until slowly, slowly, her entire tiny hand was admitted to her vagina.

Pausing to suckle a while and let Aleid adjust, catch her breath, she teased at a nipple with her lips and tongue, then gently held it in her teeth, not biting down but just poised there. Aleid gasped at the sharp twinge.

This was her signal. Gia began pressing her hand firmly, as if to put her whole arm inside. Aleid thought that unlikely, but with what the African had done she was no longer certain of anything.

When her wrist was just disappearing inside Aleid, Gia relented. She paused then began removing her arm and hand from her body. When just the tips of her fingers remained enfolded by her vulva, Gia reversed direction and her hand again disappeared into her insides.

Aleid drew in a breath and held it. Continuing this reciprocating motion, fucking Aleid with her hand and then arm, speeding up as her sex opened further, Gia began alternating sucking and biting her tit.

Confused as to which sensation to attend to, Aleid's exhaled completely. Her breathing became shallow and rapid.

The juices produced by her excitement lubricated Gia until her hand met no resistance at all, free to plunge her arm into Aleid's core and pull out again with a sucking sound, faster and faster.

Aleid reeled at the new experience, her back bucking off the bed reflexively, carrying Gia with her. Gia giggled, paused in her shameless stimulation, then clamped onto Aleid's thigh with her legs and redoubled her efforts.

Her arm became a blur, her lips latched onto a nipple and pulling and sucking without mercy, riding out Aleid's rising excitement like a small boat on a stormy lake.

It took little time for Aleid to climax with this relentless assault on her tits, cunt and vagina. Bucking abruptly, she crushed Gia's face to her breast, grabbed her small arm with her other hand and crushed it into her body, plunging it nearly to the elbow as she pulsed with pleasure.

Her back arched, lifting her hips into the air, shuddering out her orgasm while Gia struggled, pinned to her breast and cunt like a toy, riding out the spasm. Gia felt a rush of fluid, her arm and hand hugged by convulsions of the violated vagina as Aleid's juices were expelled violently.

Dizzy, disoriented, Aleid panted a while, then opened her eyes to see Gia looking up at her, a little put out.

Gia's body lay half off the bed, dangling by her trapped head and arm but legs splayed over the side. He elfin face shone with sweat in the moonlight.

Releasing her, Gia began to slide completely over the side. She hiked herself back up using the arm still embedded in Aleid's cunt!

Levering her slim body back on board, using her cunt as a fulcrum, Aleid felt her sensitive sex pulled hard to one side. It was almost too much for her; she raised one knee and tried to sit up, doubled over by the intrusive sensations, then relaxed. Gia appeared to take no notice.

Kneeling beside her now, Gia slowly extracted herself from Aleid's body, her arm slipping and sucking as it pulled free. Wet from elbow to the tips of her fingers, Gia spread her hand, admired the slimy strings stretching between her fingers. She stuck each into her mouth and began suckling them clean.

Once satisfied with the state of her hand she slithered gracefully under the covers, pasted herself to Aleid's side from face to toes, wriggled to get comfortable. Laying the wet arm across Aleid's belly, Gia took a deep breath and exhaled.

To Aleid's amazement, Gia appeared to be immediately asleep.

It took Aleid a little longer. The events of the last few minutes replayed in her mind. What did it mean? Did it mean anything? Was this just these people's way of accepting her? Did she owe Gia something now?

Not able to get any answers with Gia's petite body in deep slumber, her jet black hair a hopeless tangle, face mashed against Aleid side and her tiny lips blubbering in adorable snuffles, she gave up thinking. She just smiled down at Gia, kissed her head again, put one arm around her, and drifted off.

In the morning Gia was gone. Somehow she'd slipped out of bed without waking her and left the room, though Aleid could see no latch or keyhole to open the door from inside. Where would she have kept a key anyway? Someone must have fetched her as she slept.

Out in the garden on the bench, she admired the dawn. The morning breeze played with the hem of her brief dress, stirring her pussy hair gently. Her thoughts went back over the activities of the night.

She scooted forward on the bench, leaning over and craning her neck, but she couldn't really see her cunt very well without a mirror.

With two fingers she probed her body, pulling at the folds of her privates, exploring her vagina. Had Gia expanded her body permanently?

As far as she could determine, and she hadn't ever dared thrust into herself as deeply as she did now, everything had more or less gone back to normal. She was still fairly tight, as only two fingers would conveniently fit very deeply.

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