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Lady Truckers Are Motherfuckers Ch. 02

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Lorna deals with her lesbian lust.
1.4k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 03/27/2004
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Author's Note: You guys are the best! I enjoy reading your great comments and advice, and I will try to use some of your suggestions in future stories. I have had a few suggestions about finishing a story before starting another. I see their point, but as the majority of the stories are "series", I'm writing them chapter by chapter, which works better for me, time-wise.

* * * * * *

The dominant truck driver's expert oral pleasuring of her most private orifice had driven all shame and revulsion at having sex with another woman from Lorna Fitbaugh's mind . I didn't ask for this, she reasons, she's forcing me. I don't have a choice; she'll hurt me if I don't give in. She trembles with a lust she's never known before as the hot, probing tongue swabs the inside of her rectal passage and her thick, stubby fingers piston in and out of her now-sopping cunt. Her husband is a wham-bam-thank you-ma'am type lover and not at all inventive. Lorna wasn't a virgin when she married and so her Lou's is neither the smallest nor the largest cock she's ever had; though she's had better lovers, Lou stacks-up well in respect to penis-size (she's measured him at almost 8" fully-erect). If only he weren't so conservative! He's never even tried to fuck her in the ass, and he just goes through the motions when giving her head, which is rare. Normally, it takes the sexy mother at least half an hour to warm-up: this woman has her creaming and on the verge of cumming within 10 minutes! How can this be? She's not a lesbian, and has never been attracted to another woman...has she? When Madonna tongue-kissed Britney Spears she told her friends and neighbors how disgusting it was, but secretly she'd felt a little "twinge" in her stomach each of the one billion times she'd seen it run on television. She's hotter than she's ever been, and she wants to be fucked –HARD!

Lulu stands suddenly and stuffs her tongue into the panting blonde's mouth, not at all surprised when the kiss is returned hungrily by her over-heated captive. In the back of her mind, Lorna is aware that the salty tang she tastes as their tongues tangle is her own cunt and ass-juice, but she is past caring.

Lulu quickly and efficiently strips her of her blouse, skirt, and panties, leaving her bra on. The front snap on her bra comes-apart easily, and Lulu's big palms catch and cup her melonous breasts as they plop free of their lacy containers. Her nipples are hard and long as bullets; dark purplish-pink, with very wide, but nearly invisible aureoles. Lulu can't resist the tasty-looking nubbins, and bends her head to sample one. "Ooooo", the squirming mother whimpers, as her throbbing teat is bathed in warm spit. Her partner gives her breasts a lot of attention, nibbling and sucking and lightly biting the thickening stubs until Lorna is nearly wild with desire. All thoughts of her dear friend, Donna, have left her mind. The only thing that matters now is that Lulu go on suckling her tits forever...

* * * * * *

Donna is having issues of her own: a tall, coffee-colored woman burst into the room where she weeps

And shivers, feeling sorry for herself and her friend Lorna and praying that their husbands are able to raise the necessary cash to buy their freedom from this awful place. She is scared shit-less, despite her assurances to Lorna. The conservative housewife and mother is way out of her element here, and over-powered by her feelings of helplessness and despair. She is hungry, cold, and frightened. She starts to pray again just as Magic Moreau, Lulu's accomplice, storms in . Before she can move, Donna is yanked to her feet, turned-around so that is facing the wall, and shoved-up against it, banging her nose and lip against its hard, unforgiving surface. She sees stars and tastes blood, and so is unaware for a few seconds that Magic has grabbed the front of her blouse and yanked hard, scattering buttons in all directions and sending her E cup titties tumbling into the open. As she begins to regain her senses, she is vaguely aware that her shorts, then her underwear, are being tugged down over her hips and down her long, shapely legs. "DAMN, you fine!" the kidnapper chortles, running her hands over the brunette's luscious curves.

"Wha-what are you doing!?" Donna manages to gasp. "Get your filthy hands off of me!"

"OWWWW!" she screams, as Magic delivers a hard, stinging slap to her shapely, ample backside.

"You need to adjust your tone, bitch!" she snarls, delivering another blow to the brunette's wobbling ass. "You don't give no fuckin' orders here, you follow 'em, or you will fuckin' wish that had" Magic adds, in a lilting Cajun accent. "Or do I need to show you who's in charge?"

"NO! N-n-no; I'm sorry" Donna whimpers, "I-I won't give any more orders" she adds, sniffling.

Magic is suddenly contrite. "Thass better, cher. Much better...is better to be nice to Magic; make your time here much easier. Can you be nice to Magic, cher?"

"I-I don't know what you mean" Donna manages. "I'll try, but please don't hurt me"

Magic's hands slide under and around the shivering woman to heft a heavy mammary in each palm.

Donna lets out a soft, trembling "Ahhhh" as the soft, knowing palms squeeze her tits through the cups of her bra. Her big nipples, already hard, grow harder still in response to the intimate fondling.

"P-P-Please" she groans, a hot little ball of want beginning to grow deep in her belly. She is shocked by the sudden wetness in the pit of her womanhood; what is the world is happening to her? Why is she responding to the touch of this woman? She's a wife and mother! A Deaconess in the church! She's been married for 18 years; she has children! She doesn't like women: not THAT way!

But she can't deny the fact that is aroused, maybe more aroused than she's ever been. Her husband Bill is a kind, generous, church-going man, a good provider and good in bed. Her life with him has been very happy. From time to time she has had fantasies of what it would be like with a woman, but has never even entertained the idea of finding-out. She is heterosexual, damnit!

Magic Moreau grins evilly, secure in the knowledge that this big-titted rich-bitch is now hers. The sexy lesbian has bedded dozens of married women in her time, and it is her theory that she can "turn" any woman, straight or not. She is beautiful, with long, silky braids, gorgeous skin, and a shapely, if muscular figure. This kidnapping gig has awakened a taste for rough, forced sex; they've taken four women off the highways in the last six months, and they've fucked each one of them so hard that two of them still call to let them know when they'll be back in the area!

"Please, what, sweetie? Tell Magic whatjoo wan', hmmm? Say it"

"I...I want you to...to..." Donna can't bring herself to say the words.

"C'mon, cher; the words" Magic coaxes gently, sliding a hand down over Donna's soft belly to cup her pubic mound. Her fingertips press inward, molding themselves into the moist slit, causing the boobacious brunette to groan pitiably.

"I want you to fuck me" Donna finally manages to whisper, then blushes furiously.

The Cajun woman grins in triumph. "Bend over baby; show me that pretty pussy"

The submissive housewife does as she's told, spreading her legs and bending slightly at the waist.

She jerks as a pair of slim fingers invade her juicy gash, then something big, hard and greasy presses against her opening. "Ohhhh, my!" she moans as the big black rubber cock magic has freed from her jeans pushes its way past her labial folds and into her hungry pussy.

* * * * * *

Meanwhile, Lorna is on her hands and knees; her throat aches as Lulu has just finished using it as a cunt. It's been many years since Lorna has sucked a cock so big. The latex leaves an odd after-taste in her mouth. Lulu is behind her , pumping her cunt full of that same hard man-made dick. Her toes curl each time the fat head of the prick grazes her cervix; she can't remember any man ever being this deep inside her! She trembles as a mini-orgasm sends a burst of woman-jizz spurting from her cock-stuffed twat; Lulu is angling the shaft so that it scrubs against her un-hooded clit with each stroke.

Raw, unbridled lust courses through the busty blonde; she is being fucked like no man has ever fucked her.

Part 3 is on the way...

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Just kind of trashy, no value here.

becca_boobs27becca_boobs27almost 6 years ago
I gave you 5 STARS!

ONLY because I couldn't give you anymore

patty_parker60patty_parker60almost 6 years agoAuthor
I;m anxious for your feedback (please)

I have a small favour to ask: one of the key methods one has of gauging his/her progress/digression as a writer is the comments (both positive and negative) submitted by the readers, and the rating given. Once you have finished reading, please comment and or rate the submission, preferably both. Thank you in advance! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

patty_parker60patty_parker60over 6 years agoAuthor
Anonymous (Niagra On The Lake)

Thank U so MUCH, Dear...I'll be starting a new chapter SOON (target date Mid-October?)

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I really LIKE your story. Keep up the good work!

Btw I love your pic on the bio page!

Best regards,

???, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

want more pain with pleasure

lila_lusciouslila_lusciousalmost 21 years ago

The transformation of the two women from reluctant-to-willing is well-handled and damn hot. I, too, want more but I know it takes a while to get these written and accepted. Still...


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 21 years ago
I want more

You leave me begging for more....I know we are pushing you but hurry and continue this series

sista_strappin_it_onsista_strappin_it_onalmost 21 years ago
U make me wet

I think keeping us guessing at what is cumming next is torture...but I LIKE IT! Thanks for NOT bringing men (or DOGS,etc) into the mix. It is fine just the way it is. I luv'd your original pic, but he new ones is hot, too!

britisha_luvs_anlbritisha_luvs_anlalmost 21 years ago
You darling!

I took a break from "wanking off" to write you this breif note to congratulate you yet another fantastic story. They are easy to read, hot, sufficiently nasty, and quite decadent. I'm very glad that anal is a prevalent theme in your stories, also the bdsm.

lila_lusciouslila_lusciousalmost 21 years ago
Patty...what can I say?!

I cum 2 this site a couple of times a day looking for your stories: specifically YOUR stories. I luv you and your work. Please keep more chapters cummin'

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