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Land Of O Ch. 01


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"Shall I bring you around the house?" She asks with a kind smile as she came over me to give me a pat on my head as she led me out of the classroom.

"If you are asked to follow anyone, be it your Master or the officials without giving you the command to march, you are to keep your arms cross behind your back, palms wrapping your elbow, and remain 3 steps behind the person on the left. Understood?"


"The room you just step out of is the interrogation room as well as classroom. The other door opens to a washroom and this main hall is the dungeon. Some of your trainings, as well as events would be held there. And this room..." She said as she leads me to the third door. "This is the punishment room. I am unable to show you now as punishment rooms are off the bounds to everyone except the Master and his slave. Only Master K has the keys to this room and I believe he would give you a tour in there soon. Alright let's go up."

Emerging from the flight of stairs, we arrive at a rather normal looking house I would say; carpeted living room and dining area, open concept kitchen, a toilet and a small little utility room filled with cleaning equipment. There is also a door at the back that opens to the backyard.

Coming up from the stairs and stepping into the hall on the second level, there are 2 doors, one in front of the stairs and the other on my left. I was expecting my room to the left but it turns out to be my Master's study room cum gym. As mentioned earlier, Master was spotted in his study room and as we went in for the tour, Mary informed him that she would be wrapping up her tour but was told to leave by Master K who said that he would take over the tour.

To the right of Master's study room was a door that is connected to Master's bedroom, which is accessible through the middle door from the hall. The Master's bedroom was huge, complete with a four-poster bed, walk in closet and en-suite bathroom equipped with a bathtub and Jacuzzi. However, what caught my attention was this wall directly opposite the bed that was totally transparent and made of glass to the right on the main door.

"That's your room." He says upon noticing my 'interest' in what's opposite.

I was too shock for words as he scans his thumbprint on this machine on the wall and unlock this glass door shortly afterwards. He leads me through the glass door and into my room for the month. Although it's a smaller room compared to even Master's study room, I notice how it was fully equipped, yet at the same time I had totally no privacy at all. There is a bathroom fully equipped with a standing shower; toilet and a huge counter top sink on the left side of the glass door separated by glass walls from the bedroom while the remaining area of the bedroom fits a single bed, flat top chest and a single sofa chair in front of the bed and that's it since Master say that I wouldn't be spending much time in here apart from sleeping.

Apart from the bathroom, the bedroom is fully exposed too as I notice the wall separating the hall was now see through. Remembering that when I was outside at the hall I didn't notice a transparent wall, Master explained that the wall separating the hall and the room comes with a special technology that works three ways; the first two is kind of like mirrors in interrogation rooms whereby one end sees a mirror while the other can see completely what's on the other end, so it could be that I am able to look out to the hall while those outside see nothing but a wall, or I would be looking at a concrete wall but in fact everyone in the hall can see what I'm doing in the room, and the third is that it acts like a glass wall where I can see what's happening outside and anyone in the hall can see me too.

With this wall, my Master is able to see me do whatever I am doing as he climbs up the stairs, walk into his rooms as well as me washing up and relieving myself. The only wall that wasn't made of glass in this room was the one parallel to the hall wall, as glass walls alone can't support the roof above our heads.

"There's one more floor up." He said as we made our way up to see what looks like a dining area and a kitchen at the end. "This is the upper floor. When I have important guest coming, meals would be served here, and we'll all have fun." He smirked.

"I believe Mary has yet to show you the punishment room?"

"No Master."


I was once again being led down to the dungeon and then to the punishment room. Master K scanned his thumbprint to unlock the first security before producing a key to unlock the door. Opening the door, he signals for me to enter before him and I was told to explore the room as he stood by the doorframe after turning on the dim lights to the room. Chills ran down my spine as I force myself to look at every single detail in this room. There were rings on the walls, rings in the ceiling, tons of furniture like a huge cross with rings on each ends and the wooden horse and an array of canes, whips and flogging equipment hanging on the wall. I'm sure that there is also a stash of toys that is being kept in the cabinet against the wall. Apart from that there are also cages of various sizes.

"What do you think of this room?" He whispered into my ears as I ended my tour around the room and made my way to him, where he caressed my face, then move his hands down my arms as if trying to keep me warm.

"Very intimidating Master"

"Will I be expecting obedience from you then?"

"Yes Master."

"Confidence~ confidence~" He sang a little with a smile on his face as he close the door. I know I am bound to be sent here at least once, maybe I shouldn't have given such a definite answer to my Master but instead reply that I would try my best.

"I believe Mary has briefed you on everything you need to know about the Land of O, and hopefully she did mention something about me." He said and smirks when he notices me shake a little "Any other questions regarding the house and town?"

"No Master."

"Now for my set of rules as well as things about the Land of O that I have to specifically brief you about. First of all, the Land of O restricts safe word."

"What?!!" I let out and immediately cover my mouth with my hands before I apologize to my Master. "Sorry Master."

"Slap your lips and end it with your apology till I say stop." He gave me a serious stare as I immediately brought my hands up and alternates the slaps with my sorry.

*smack* "Sorry Master" *smack* "Sorry Master" *smack* "Sorry Master"

It was only when my lips felt numb did Master than gave me the command to stop.

"The Land of O expects you to trust your Master and submit at all cost. We have sluts who faint and even have to be sent to the Hospital because of this but you have to have faith in me and all the Masters here at the Land of O, trust our years of experience training subs that we would stop when you are at your limit. Also have faith in yourself that you would be able to take whatever your Master has up for you. Those sluts that faint have no faith and gave up their trainings."

"And now for my rules. I hope you wouldn't be one of those weak sluts for if you are to be admitted into the Hospital as being admitted would earn you a tainted record and even be kicked out of the program, never to be able to enroll again and have to live your live as a slut. If you're lucky and is released from the Hospital without being banished, you life would be like your tainted record and I would not give in to you just because you're weak, in fact trust me that I would make you even stronger so that this wouldn't happen again."

"In terms of banishment I believe Mary had brief you on that. A slut is banished if they do not recover from the hospital within 5 days. But banishment is not that simple. Banished slaves would be branded with a hot iron-branding rod while these useless slaves' name and picture would be in our Hall of Shame and you would be known as a bad example to all sluts and even alumni slaves. We have sluts who come beg us to train them again and to lift them off the Hall of Shame after they have been teased by alumni when they spot them on the streets, either by recognizing them on the Hall of Shame or from the special banish branding."

"Banished sluts would also have to pay back 2 times the amount of money that the Master bid on them only through acts of prostitution in our prostitution business around the World through random postings as well as participation in our pornography recordings. We have sluts who have been sent to war-torn areas to feed those hungry and deprived soldiers as well as an ex-slut of mine that have been taking 12 customers a day for almost 2 years, serving in a parlor in a well-known city and is one of the highest place we charge customers for raping them, yet that slut have yet to pay off even 1/10 of what I spent on bidding for that useless excuse, much more double the price. Are you going to be a weak slut and choose to suffer for years?"

"No Master."

"As such I require 2 hours of gym from you every single day. It wouldn't be easy, even for a gym rat, but I expect you to do it. There is no fix time in your schedule for gym. If you're lucky and I have got something to settle in the day, I might get you exercising in the gym while I work in the study room. However if there isn't time in the day, and night due to gym, you are still require to fulfill the hours even after your tiring trainings do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Master."

"I expect daily attendance in the gym. However if for some reason you can't fulfill that little command, either fully or partially in a sense where you only did even 1 hour and 59 minutes, you are to compensate 2 full hours the following day, on top of your daily requirements making it 4 hours that day, but this time with a trainer for a even tighter and tiring routine to make up for the missed time. Also for your future gym time, you are to practice the new routine as missing of gym time indicates that you're too weak to catch up with my trainings. Understood?"

"Yes Master."

"Oh and one more thing. Additional expenses such as hiring of trainers, in-house doctors and nurses, hospital bills as well as purchases are considered your debts. If you're banished this cost would be added to the bid amount and then be doubled as your final debt. While in course and out of training hours, you may request to pay back your debts by taking up some jobs in the village. If upon graduation you still have not clear your debts, you would be put on auction and another Master might decide to bid for you, however that means a new round of 30 days training and maybe more debts, which builds on your remaning debt. But if you're lucky, you might just be allowed to stay in the village without a Master and get some jobs here and there until you pay back your debts. Then again having no Master means you belong to no one but the public and everyone including slaves and sluts in training are free to use you, or as I would say rape you and there is nothing you can do."

"The trainer is coming in later tonight when you're done with trainings today. The first training is compulsory so it wouldn't be charge under you. I have more rules for you but I'm getting bored talking. Shall we start with the trainings today so that you might get a chance to catch a wink tonight?" He asked with a smirk.

"Yes Master."

"Follow me." He said as he now lead me to the washroom.

The public toilet was bright, unlike the dark dungeon, with a row of urinal, bathroom stalls and a mirror wall. Master made me stand facing the walls with my legs at shoulder width, my palms behind my neck with straight forearms while my nose, breast, knees and toes are to touch the toilet walls. I hear him pull something into the middle of the room and get something out of the cabinet at the side before he called me over.

"Have you administered an enema before?" He asks, throwing the towel to the side and I remain in my position since I haven't gotten his permission to get up.

"Only once Master."

"You are to be clean whenever you present yourself to me in the morning. As such you would need to give yourself an enema at least twice a day. Since it's orientation today I'll help you with it but from tomorrow onwards you are to take the initiative. There's a kit ready in your washroom."

Maybe it has been quite some time since my last enema, it was rather uncomfortable and I couldn't keep it in long enough then my Master expected even from a beginner as he experience his disappointment in front of my face. Even when he threatens me with punishment, I could only keep it in me longest for 10 minutes, 5 minutes short of his expectations. As such, I receive my first homework for the training, which is to train myself to hold on longer and I was to record it in a logbook and report to Master every morning on the timings.

"Move." He says as he leads me outside to the dungeon.

"Your postures are all messed up, or should I say you have no idea how a slut should present themselves. As such your first lesson would be on postures and I expect you to move into your position as soon as I give my command." He said as he drag a chair and sat in front of me. "Remember, your back is to be straight, breast and pussy to be trusted out regardless of whichever position unless otherwise stated."

"Posture 1, also known as the 'Stand and Present' posture. Legs shoulder wide, palm wrapping your neck, forearms straight so that your arm is at 45 degree to your shoulders. What are you waiting for? Get into position!" He said and I did as told."

"Posture 2 'Present' is similar to posture one. Go on your knees, butt resting on your heel. Spread your leg as much as possible to expose your pussy. Keep your hands the same."

"Posture 3 is the 'Instructions' or 'Park' posture. Just bring your hands down to rest on your thighs, palms facing up."

"Posture 4 is the 'Furniture' posture. Go doggy style kneeling on the ground supporting your body with only your forearms and knee. When I'm sitting and giving the command 'stool', you are to present yourself like this with your butt facing me while for command 'table' you are to present yourself parallel to the where I'm sitting."

"As for Posture 5, which is also known as 'Hair', you are to bow from the waist 90 degrees with hands behind above your butt."

"Posture 6 is for you to lie on your 'Belly', hands to your side with legs spread as wide as possible."

"Posture 7 'Back', same as posture 6, the only difference is that you would be on your back."

"Posture 8 is the 'Dog' position. Similar to Posture 4, your palm instead is supporting your weight now instead of your forearms. Legs spread wide."

"Posture 9 is the 'Display pussy' command. Lie on your back, legs spread wide and hands to spread your pussy lips. A similar command 'Bridge' would see you displaying your pussy by raising your hips so that your knee is 45degrees from your knee. Your arm is to be on the ground by your body as a form of support."

"Posture 10 is the 'Display rectum' command. You are to go on your knees, shoulders and chest against the ground, and to bring your hands to the back to spread your butt cheeks and expose your rectum."

"Posture 11 is the 'Punishment' position. Bend you waist down and hold each of your ankles with your hands. You are allowed to adjust how wide you open your leg to balance your body."

"Last but not lease posture 12 is the 'Whipping' posture. Kneeling on the ground, you bring your shoulders to your knees and arch your back. You are rest your hand on the ground above your head, palms up."

"These are the 12 slave postures. Of course there are other postures you would need to be in but I would give separate instructions for that while these are the basic 12 that you would commanded to be in most of the time. There are also basic commands such as "on your toes" where you lift your heels up like a ballerina and the basic "return" command. The complete list can be found in your slave handbook which I would pass it to you later."

"It is a must to keep these postures and commands at the back of your head. If you were unable to get into position or respond to the commands accordingly, you would be punished. Also I would recommend you to practice your postures, be it this 12 basic postures or any postures that I instruct you into whenever you are free so that you wouldn't get tired easily. "

"Posture 1" He command and since it was the first posture I remembered clearly and immediately went into position.

"Very well." He says as he came towards me and started fondling my breast, then to my nipples till they are erect and aching. After which, he move his hands down to my pussy and started messaging me alternatively against my clit and outside on my pussy lips. All this while I was moaning like a wild beast as he fires my body up.

"On the table posture 10." He said. Ok now I'm confused. Not wanting my Master to find out, I quickly made my way onto the table first.

"You have displayed your breast and pussy. What next?" He helps me and once I remember I quickly went into position.

"You can't remember? Even when it has only been such a short time and no remorse is express?"

"This slut is sorry Master." I said and I could feel my whole body heating up from calling myself a slut. This is going to be hard.

"Never do anything you would be sorry for, for you would be in a sorry state in the end. Spread those cheeks." He said as I close my eyes, tears threatening to fall, as I felt embarrassed from making a mistake as well as from his harsh words.

"Never do anything you would be sorry for." He said and I immediately felt something cold against my butt hole. After coating me with an unknown liquid that I'm unsure of since I can't see, I felt something pressing into my butt hole and I immediately let out a scream, tears falling down like a broken tap.

"It hurts Master! Please stop! I'm sorry!" I scream, my hands letting go of my butt cheeks as I try to pull his hand away from my ass but to no avail as he continues to penetrate me from the back. It felt as if he was ripping my butt open with two hands but in actual fact he was only inserting his pinky finger up first joint deep since he knew I have never ever experience anal sex before.

"Spread those cheeks or you would be even sorry." He said as I quickly return my hands to my cheeks but soon let go when it hurt too much.

5 minutes felt like an hour as he continue to push his pinky finger deeper and deeper, out then in again and as soon as his fingers left my hole I was in a weeping mess. My legs were trembling and I immediately collapse onto the table I was on.

"Did I say you could return?"

"No Master." I weep as I pick my shaking body up and tried to get into position again, failing 2 to 3 times as my legs kept giving me away and it was only then did master gave me the return command.

"Let this be a lesson learn. As it is your first day I'm not going to punish you for asking me to stop, not staying in position, attempting to stop the punishment and even failure to thank me for the punishment. If you are already officially in training, I would have went ahead with the punishment until you return to your position or impose a heavier punishment. Understand?"

"Yes Master." I almost whispered.

"What is it? I can't hear you."

"Yes Master." I said with all the energy that I have left. Before I collapse, I felt Master carrying me in his arms.

Waking up, I see myself in my room on my bed, and there's Master was in the sofa chair looking at me sleep. On reflex, I quickly kneeled on the bed in posture 3, waiting for his instructions.

"It hurts doesn't it?"

"Yes Master."

"How do you feel? Be honest. You are on low protocol." I was told that there would be two kinds of protocol, low whereby I'm free to express my opinions, feelings and even suggestions using the first person narrative which is usually used at the end of the week during evaluation time; while high is all times where I have no rights to talk.

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