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Latina Granny Ch. 01


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Up until now I haven't even mentioned what I was doing with my own granddaughter's boyfriend and how wrong it was - and I know it was wrong, believe me. I can only imagine how Lucy would react if she discovered her own grandmother had stolen her boyfriend.

Well, maybe stolen was too strong a word. I had definitely borrowed him and worse, I had used him for my own selfish purposes. I hadn't felt this alive, this attractive, this gratified and aroused in many years. I felt desirable. Knowing that men - young men and lots of them - found me attractive and fuckable made me a little weak in the knees and put butterflies not in my stomach, but in my pussy and made me want to spend far more time in the future with my legs spread wide with a young man between them.

What I had done over the past twelve hours was brazenly wrong. If you had told me yesterday that I was going to have a twenty year-old stud in my bed all night long to drive me crazy I would have laughed until I cried. Well, I'm not crying now.

I like being desired. I cherish the way Trent has been so attentive and eager to please me in every way. To be totally honest and a little raunchy, I love having my bell rung. I love it that Trent finds me so attractive. It made me wet (a tall order for a lady my age) to think of all those young men at his fraternity giving me the eye. Knowing I could have seduced any one of them put a new spring in my step.

First bottom line: I would do everything in my power to make sure Lucy never found out about my newly awakened cravings and never would she learn about all the filthy uses I had put her boyfriend's ever ready young cock to.

Ultimate Bottom line: I love being a GILF! I am not about to give up all these wonderful new feelings.

"Trent, honey, we need to talk," I began. We were sitting across from one another at the kitchen table. We had just had another round of glorious fucking on this very table. When we finally gathered our wits about us once more I had fixed eggs and toast for us both. Neither of us had dressed after satisfying one another and I felt a little safer for the moment knowing that Trent's lovely young balls were drained and we were sitting far enough apart that we could engage in a conversation that didn't involve a lot of grunting on Trent's part and a lot of cursing in Spanish on mine. Still, I felt slightly wicked cooking in the nude, my pussy still tingling and a satisfied young man sitting across the table. I just knew I wouldn't have the willpower to stop him if he wanted to kiss and caress me and spread me out on this table again and make a gooey mess of me one more time.

"What we are doing isn't fair to my granddaughter, Lucy. I don't feel right about this," I went on.

Trent's confidence had grown. After having me for his own willing sex slave for the night he was more self-assured, particularly when it came to the matter of our relationship. "You mean you don't feel right about cumming so many times in a row while I pounded the daylights out of your wonderful pussy?" He sounded almost indignant when he said this.

"You aren't going to tell me you didn't like what we did all night, are you?" he added.

"No, no - god but you don't know how much I loved everything about last night. Even now, I'm scared you'll make some sort of move on me. I honestly wouldn't have the willpower to resist you. I have been very selfish, Trent. And I let Lucy down," I told him. After thinking some more I added, "We can't let this happen again."

"Well . . . there has to be something or some way to work this out," he said,

I could tell he was thinking about this all. I just couldn't tell if he was thinking with his heart or cock. It turns out he was using both.

He thought for a moment and the tiniest smile began to curl the corners of his mouth. He thought a bit longer and his face lit up. He took my hand and pulled it across the kitchen table into both his hands and began by asking, "You're sure you aren't saying you enjoyed last night just to be nice?"

"Yes, but-!" I started to explain.

Trent cut me off with a smile and a "Sh-sh-sh!"

"You enjoyed last night and you would like for the hot sex to continue?" he repeated.

It was my turn to grin and nod my head like a silly bobble-head doll. All that sex had made me feel alive. You can't replace a good, old-fashioned round of foreplay and a thorough fucking to wake a girl up and make her feel like a million bucks! It also doesn't hurt one bit to be reminded that the opposite sex finds you attractive and desirable.

"What I'm going to suggest is a little risky, but I think you might enjoy it," he said as a beginning for his suggestion.

I was all ears.

"The house needs a part-time house mother. It would only be one or two days a week when Mrs. Hall takes time off, but it would mean you'd spend a night or two each week staying over in the house. You'd have to do some light housekeeping - the guys are supposed to clean their own rooms - and you would have to fix an evening meal each night for up to eight of my brothers."

Trent paused to see how I'd respond to the idea of being left alone in a house filled with intelligent, hard-working young men. These were the same young men who had ogled me. They were young men who, if Trent was right, would happily have done unspeakable, raunchy and deliciously wonderful things to me if given the opportunity.

I weighed the pros and cons quickly in my mind. Trent smiled, knowing, I think, that he had just thrown the ball back in my court. He wasn't trying to sell me anything. He wanted to see how badly I needed a lot more of what he had just spent the whole night giving me. I suspected but was not certain that his fraternity brothers would be grateful to have me. If I took the bait I'm positive the operative words in that last sentence would be 'have me.'

Almost a minute had passed and I was still thinking. Trent wasn't making it any easier by stroking my hand and caressing my arm. I was not at all sure I could survive two nights of non-stop sex every week if they were to be like the night I had just experienced. I wasn't sure other young men would find me as attractive as Trent. Young men could be extremely crude and hurtful in these matters. I wondered too how I could fit two sex-filled nights each week into my schedule while working forty hours at a regular job. It was all so confusing!

"How about this," Trent began finally when he could see how much difficulty I was having.

"What if I speak to Larry and find out how they go about hiring someone for this job. I'm sure there would be an interview. Maybe you could try it out. Then - if you don't like it, you can quit and there won't be any hard feelings," he offered. Suddenly he seemed almost too eager for me to try his offer but I chalked that up to youth and all those adorable male hormones that had turned him into such glorious and appreciative beast the whole night through.

"Let's eat and I'll think about it," I told him this to buy some time.

The scrambled eggs, toast and jam provided some much needed energy and time to for me to clear my head. Trent was young but my goodness was he a fast learner! My head was clearing, my heart wasn't racing anymore and a plan was taking shape for me.

In that moment I grew certain I could manage any advances Trent might make, though I fully intended for him to ring my bell at least one more time before I sent him on his way. It shocked me how downright comfortable I felt sitting here in the nude, a handsome man one-third my age seated across from me, nude as well, the jet-black hair covering my puss thoroughly matted and still slightly damp from Trent's valiant efforts to set every nerve ending in this old body aglow. I normally would have flinched at the very thought of going nude outside the bathroom even in my own home. Yesterday I would have died to think a nineteen year-old would see me like this. Today I was reveling in the rapt attention I commanded. He openly stared at my tits and ogled my ass like it was candy. I was on a real high that showed no signs of stopping and I was loving all of it.

With breakfast finished, I was ready to consider Trent's part-time job prospect. I had already hatched a plan. I just wanted Trent to think at least part of it was his idea.

"So - do you think I have a chance if I apply for this house mother job? I mean, who would be hiring me? Would it be on the weekends only?" I asked. I still wanted to make sure this was not some cockamamie idea Trent cooked up for the benefit of his fraternity brothers.

"I don't know about some it," he answered honestly. "I just know Steve and a staffing committee have a say in it - but I suppose Mrs. Hall would interview you too. I can find out."

"Do," I replied. The sooner the better suited me. I was afraid I might change my mind if he waited too long. "Let me know later today if you can find out," I added, a little shocked now that I was even considering it. And yes, I know what you are thinking. I was thinking it too. Taking a job like this, given my behavior last night and then with Trent all night meant if I got hired I would be a fuck-toy for all those young men in the frat house.

I could think of worse things. Besides being a GILF was beginning to mean something to me. Overnight I had come to feel I had a reputation and a certain status to uphold. The reactions of all those college boys at the party last night and the way Trent had become so smitten with me made a sea-change of difference. I was hot. I mean that in its most raw, sexual sense. Handsome, intelligent young men lusted after me - and I liked it.

"Trent, dear, it might not be right for you to go on fucking me like you have. You are after all my granddaughter's boyfriend - but I would appreciate your guidance. You see, as a new GILF I feel it is my duty to dress and act the part. Would you do me the honor of escorting me to the mall tomorrow afternoon for some shopping? I need to make some serious changes in my wardrobe and I'll need your advice on what's proper for a GILF to wear."

I couldn't have knocked the big grin off his face with a baseball bat. He stared some more at my tits and then he answered, "Sure."

A moment later Trent froze and the silly grin disappeared suddenly from his face, "But we can't have any more sex?"

There was sadness in his voice. My heart went out to him.

"Well," I began as I stood to clear the table, "Maybe - if you're a good boy and go shower right now while I check on Lucy - maybe we could do something. One last time as a farewell couldn't hurt."

At my words the young man suddenly became all business. His dishes were in the sink and he was on his way to the bathroom before I could even put the jelly away.

"Don't get too far ahead of me!" I called out, "I may want to join you - and maybe - just maybe I'll let you give me a little trim." I drew my fingers through the thicket of my jet black pubic hair to make my meaning explicitly clear and that same big silly grin spread out across his face once more. "If you think I need it."

I watched down the hallway as the poor boy's dick shot straight up at that.

Lucy was much improved. It wouldn't be long - perhaps four or five more hours before she could stay awake for more than two minutes and begin to eat something solid. My baby was getting better. It also meant I had only a short time to spend with Trent.

The water was nice and hot when I slipped in with my young stud.

"Were you serious about trimming you pussy patch?" he asked me immediately."

"Yes, but on one condition - well two, really. First you gotta promise to be gentle," I began, "And second you gotta promise to try eating my pussy once you get all this underbrush cleared away."

"Oh god yes!" he gasped before taking me up in his arms and smothering me in another one of those knee-weakening kisses of his.

Five minutes later when he had soaped me all up - and lathered up too - we toweled each other off quickly. Trent was excited. I could tell by the way he kept running his hands down over my belly and between my legs that my suggestion to trim my "Bermuda triangle" had struck a very hot nerve in him.

"Here," I said when I had a razor, shave gel and scissors spread out on the counter for him. "Why don't you get to work on this shag carpet."

I spread my towel on the counter, placed my bottom on it, spread my legs wide for him and waited.

I didn't have to wait long. He grabbed up the scissors and hastily began to eye the expanse of thick fur tapering off from my belly down between my open thighs. His hands were shaking. I couldn't tell if he was nervous or scared but the shaking worried me a little. It had been years since I had had anything like this done to my sweet little beaver. The last person to barber me like this had been my husband and he had been out of the picture for eleven years.

He laid a pair of fingers over my twat, the fingertips just touching my clit. He went to work at the crest of my triangle, trimming the pubic hair down close but never touching the blades to my belly. He worked his way carefully down until he neared my labia and clit. It was then that he pressed his index finger directly on my clit. It felt so lovely I let out a soft moan. I would have rolled my hips against his tormenting finger but thought better of it when I remembered the scissors were a fraction of an inch above my clit and cuntlips.

"Take your time, Trent. I'm really enjoying this. As a suggestion, you might try moving your finger in circles right where it is now," I offered. "Yes-s-s-s! Just like that!" I cooed when he followed up on that idea.

In another minute or two he prodded me to lift my legs high. I was afraid he was going to take advantage of me then and there. His cock was certainly hard enough. In fact, it had been hard as a baseball bat ever since he had headed off to the shower. Instead, he trimmed carefully along both sides of my slit all the way down to my rectum.

The next minute he was filling the sink with warm water and soaking my belly with a washcloth. He took great care to stroke my pussy carefully, lovingly with the warm cloth. He had once again brought me to the verge of cumming and I muttered yet more curses in Spanish to let him know how I felt about it.

He applied a liberal coating of shaving gel and took his sweet time working it into a lather. I managed to achieve a lovely string of small orgasms as he worked. He smiled a wicked smile down at me as I gasped and cooed with the pleasure of his dallying. He proved to be quite skillful and quick with the razor and in no time he had sculpted my pubic hair into a lovely narrow strip of close-cropped dark fur about two inches long running straight up from my slit. It felt surprisingly soft and rather fleecy when I explored his handiwork. The terrain south of my naval and running all the way to my rectum felt new and strange to my touch. I could feel even the slightest breeze stirring between my legs now. I tried to imagine how Trent's talented tongue might feel on this newly bared skin and shivered at the prospect.

My young man wiped my smooth pussy dry, scooped me up in his arms and carried me back to my bed. I shivered again when he actually did spread my cunt open with his tongue and began to draw his sharp tongue and broad nose slowly back and forth through my sweet little trough. He made me curse him again in Spanish. I even managed to come up with a few new names for the gringo devil between my legs.

"God, but I love the fragrance of your pussy every bit as much as I love the taste!" he said when I was sprawled out like a dishrag and he finally came up for air. "If they could make a cologne out of pussy I'd wear it."

"Hoo-o-o!" was all I could mutter in the faintest of voices. I intended to lie here and fall asleep still aglow with the pleasure of all these glorious orgasms and the satisfaction of knowing I had driven this young man - and several of his friends too - to distraction.

I had forgotten one very important thing, though. Trent had been sporting a glorious hardon for more than half an hour. Too late, I felt him slip between my legs, softly scoop my limp thighs up into the crooks of his arms and press the head of his magnificent young cock into the gates of my helpless little spit-covered quim. I'm ashamed to admit it but I was so slick he practically fell into me. I began to cum even before he had filled me completely.

"You have such a beautiful pussy," he told me just before he began pounding his cock into my belly with the fierce pace of a jackhammer. I would be his cum-toy for the next several minutes and I knew even in that very instant that I would thank him shortly for filling me with yet another lovely, sticky load of his man-goo. I was too exhausted this time to even curse him. I just lay there and came and took all that he gave me, happy to be the beneficiary of so much young sexual energy and so much lust-filled desire.

We lay together side-by-side, breathless and, on my part, totally satisfied. I suspected healthy young men Trent's age were never satisfied, though. I worried now that Lucy might be feeling well enough to come looking for me at any moment and I began to urge the spent young stud beside me to dress and make ready to leave. I hated to rush him but I was still worried that Lucy not discover our long night of repeated indiscretions.

"Why don't I pick you up about 1:00 tomorrow?" I offered when Trent and I were at the front door.

He was completely dressed now, down to the tie around his neck. He looked so handsome standing there still looking like he was going to a dance. I, on the other hand, stood before him completely and proudly still in the nude. I wanted very much for his last memory of our time together to be the sight of me just as I had been for most of the past twelve hours. I wanted him to remember how lovely my pussy looked after his handiwork with the razor.

"See you tomorrow," I added just before giving him a light, brief kiss on the lips and pulling back before I had time to fall victim to another of his spectacular kisses.

"And here's a little something to remember me by," I added with a sly grin. With that, I placed his index and middle fingers between my legs and drew them up slowly through my well-used slit. I knew this left them just as drenched and sticky as my pussy. I then guided his hand up and smeared his upper lip with my musky scent. I hastily pushed him out the door, closed it behind him and gloated over how wicked I had been.

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GbchrisGbchrisover 2 years ago

I can't wait to hear about Febe's adventures as a part time frat house mother.

levoyeur2levoyeur2over 5 years ago
Excellent story

A very sexy and very well-crafted story. I look forward to reading the additional chapters.

MrHenryMrHenryalmost 7 years ago
Loved This Story!

I love this! Can't wait for Chapter 2!

blackknight314blackknight314about 7 years ago
A very hot story.

I loved this story! You have also left yourself a nice path to more GILFY happenings at the frat house. Good job.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Very, Very Hot!!

I just read this here at work and can't wait to get home and read it again with the phone in my right hand and an oily left hand. And I certainly hope that in future chapters, we will see Granny's pussy and Trent's hard rod getting reacquainted.

Bravo! Can't wait for chapter 2.

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