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Lawyer Ravished and Enslaved Ch. 10

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Ravishment, revenge, resolution of sorts.
8.1k words

Part 10 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/27/2019
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The Fallen - Part 10.0

Chapter 28 - Post-Sale

Monsieur, that was very nice, even if I found it odd to break up my story at that point with more lovemaking. Of course, you knew my story could not end as badly as I believed it would as I was led away from the auction. As you know, we are in my bed in Room 215 of the Pleasure Palace. I did not die as a helpless sex slave in the basement of some Asian bar. Like Dr. Rieux, I have lived to speak of the plague that struck the city.

But about three years ago, nude, with a rope around my neck, I was led like a sacrificial goat through the warehouse door. In my gut, this was the worst moment of my life. There could be nothing good about going from being a sex worker in a city where people knew me and would complain about obvious maltreatment to being in a place where my life was worth 155,000 € to be depreciated rapidly. The door loomed through which I'd pass to some sort of vessel that would take me to hell.

About two feet out of the auction hall, a number of men seized the man who had been leading me. Seconds later, a mass of police officers and plainclothesmen ran into each door, guns drawn, with others covering each window. I heard several shots as I was led by an agent to a van.

In the van, there was clothing for me. Cathy was already dressed. The nurse in the van gave us a morning-after cocktail and said we would be examined carefully in a hospital before being taken home.

After the lengthy examination, a nurse told me that I was remarkably healthy and there was a driver outside to take me home. I recognized the driver as the Jim who had been among the party that had kidnapped me five years before. As he drove, he smiled and said, "please to see you again, Ms. Lightkind," chatted about his job at the federal attorney's office and handed me an envelope containing an electronic key to get into my condo as I left the car.

Home. Home really home? Monsieur, I was in the condo I had left before I headed to my office the day I was ravished and enslaved. Someone had dusted and taken care of the mail. Nothing was rotting in the refrigerator. Everything was pretty much as I had left it except that the suit I had worn to the office the day I was kidnapped had been dry cleaned and left hanging on the closet door doorknob.

On the television was a report of a large-scale sex slave business being busted in Baytown by federal officials with over 20 arrests and more men sought for questioning. There were no details on victims, just pictures of the warehouse and men being taken into custody with their faces concealed.

I opened a bottle of wine for the first time in five years, had a glass, and went to sleep for about 12 hours. I woke up about 4 AM the following day. I read a romance novel for about a half hour, thought about how hard it would be to stay on a diet and get enough exercise once no one was forcing me to do it, went back to bed, and slept until there was a knock on my door about 10 AM.

At the door was Bert Sturmer or Alan Storm depending on what you want to say. He had breakfast bagels with lox, some fruit and a flask of coffee. We ate like we were having a quick meal during a break in a trial. He did not apologize for anything. He said that the films they had confiscated of the gang rapes of Candy and me and the sales at auction should eliminate any need for me to testify.

Do not ask me why Monsieur, but I was overcome with an urge to either kill him or to take his cock into my pussy immediately. I'm sure you know what happened.

Afterwards as we showered, I had to ask him if he could not have at least warned me that I was going to be used as bait for the Baytown slave auction raid. He said that they did the raid on sort of on an impromptu basis and did not have time to get a message to me even if they had wanted to. He added that they would have caught more traders if they'd had more sales items to offer than me and Cathy. They were lucky, though, that a lot of guys who would not have been in town just to bid on two women over thirty, were in town because of the gun show at the convention hall.

Naturally, I asked him how he got Cathy to do this. He said she had volunteered. I asked incredulously how she could have volunteered knowing she would be gang raped and sold at auction even if, unlike me, she knew she was going to be liberated. Sturmer said that you just never know about the private kinks of people around you. Boring legal secretaries might have fantasies you cannot imagine. At least the mystery of why Cathy was so remarkably calm during the auction was solved.

When I asked him if Cathy had volunteered to become a sex worker at the Pleasure Palace five years earlier, Sturmer said that we were not going to discuss anything older than the last year anymore ever. "Look to the future, Stacy," he said, "you have a bright future ahead."

I thought to myself that if Cathy volunteered to become a sex worker five years ago, she most certainly had helped Kroesek, Mayor Murphy and Sturmer catch and enslave Donna and me. Yes, if she was that treacherous, it would work perfectly for her. She would have received a lot of money to help turn me and Donna into sex slaves, have gotten away from her boring husband, and engaged in her prostitution fantasy for six months before outwardly returning to life as a legal secretary. But I don't know what happened. Maybe she was raped as Sturmer told me in my office and enslaved for six months as Alice Wissen thought.

Sturmer left for his office and I looked out of my 30th floor balcony. The City of Orange had changed a bit physically. The big casinos and the convention center were new. The billboard on which I had advertised my law practice now advertised the "loosest slots in town." I could imagine the jokes that created particularly among those who had seen the ads with my picture on the sign before.

For three years now, I have been free. I've been a grand success. So far, even with the last pregnancy and my fifth child, I have been able to keep up my figure and strength, as you've noticed. It has been hard to diet and exercise without someone torturing me if I failed to do so, but I've done it.

Chapter 29 -- Aftermath and personal decisions

Yes Monsieur, I will try to tell you what happened in Orange and to all the people involved in the sex slavery operations as villains or victims the best I can. Much, though, is still unknown and I am sure you do not wish to hear of all the legal and political maneuverings that followed. I will summarize what I know.

One of the men in the hall made things simpler by being stupid enough to pull a gun. He was instantly killed by the federal agents.

The others involved in the auction, including Jimmy, quickly surrendered. The fact that many of the men in the warehouse were foreign nationals kept numerous domestic and foreign agencies busy. Some of the slave traders were wanted in many jurisdictions. A huge number of freshly purchased weapons were confiscated.

I would like to tell you that all the criminals got what they deserved. Most did not. Truth can be stranger than fiction. It is almost never as tidy or morally satisfying as fiction. In this case, where the prosecutors were as concerned to cover facts as to disclose them, guilty pleas were accepted for rather light sentences even when they made no sense.

Initially, Jimmy and all of the other men caught in the warehouse auction hall were charged with kidnapping and a smattering of other offenses. Charges involving the rape and kidnapping of Elizabeth Stewart, Hanna Kathy and a few other women taken in the last few months soon followed. Bail was set at levels Jimmy could not afford. I hope he was raped in jail.

The men swept up in the warehouse got long sentences here or abroad except for two that had some sort of diplomatic immunity and the support of their government.

As to the rest of the crooks connected with the brothels, no one piece of evidence that federal attorneys Storm, Rausch and others collected was decisive. But the combined weight of the legal and political pressure brought about the fall of the mobster Junta and bankrupted many of their quasi-legitimate partners.

The pictures from the camera I slipped to Tucker or rather Eduard helped convince Nitto, Satyrioni, and Tong to accept deals that would end their control of the brothels. They all claimed not to know that what their underlings were doing. Nitto, Satyrioni, and Tong did go to prison for a few years after pleading guilty to racketeering and tax fraud charges based on the facts that they had deducted expenses from the income of their brothels for money paid to women that was never paid out and had skimmed funds from the businesses.

Dick's Delight and the Playroom had purported to pay women but never did. The Pleasure Palace did pay some money into the accounts Sturmer had set up for me and other women and paid taxes until Kroesek left. Then Nitto decided to take 100% of the money from our sex work for himself and his partners.

Obviously, the fact we were not paid implied that we were slaves at least the last year, but no one sought to draw that conclusion. The federal prosecutors never presented evidence as to any victim except the women enslaved long after Kroesek and Murphy were gone.

In general, foot soldiers who were involved in kidnappings but who knew little, were given long sentences. The ones who knew more were given shorter sentences.

Jimmy should have been given a sentence that would keep him in prison for life given how many kidnappings and rapes he'd committed. After negotiation between Alan Storm and Jimmy's lawyer, Ray Hohn, Jimmy got a sentence that might get him out in 15 years. He got this sweet deal supposedly because he agreed to testify against Tom Sklaver, the Pleasure Palace manager, who supposedly was the main one responsible for starting the kidnappings. In reality, I know Storm did not throw the book at Jimmy because he agreed to keep his mouth shut about what Kroesek had done, which naturally would have implicated the Thinker. Sklaver might get out in 20 years.

Mayor Kelly was indicted because he told an undercover agent wearing a wire who was pretending to be a police captain that he was going to protect the brothels given all they had done for him. He beat that rap because it did not quite amount to confessing a crime, but his political career was killed. He did later serve a short term in a country club prison for receiving major gifts from the brothel owners that he'd never reported as income.

Alice Wissen claimed blissful ignorance of any use of force and said she had only acted to help mankind. She was never touched by the law. She was probably guilty of being part of a number of conspiracies but there was not any proof that she'd participated in a kidnapping.

Wissen did not entirely escape punishment. She received some very rough justice. I only heard second hand how Wissen was accosted by a number of men and women, but I saw the film. It was pretty hard to watch at points.

After it seemed that things had calmed down after the raid, Wissen felt she could leave her children with their nanny and go out to meet with her publisher. As she went to her car, she was grabbed by two women and a man, gagged, stuffed in the trunk of a car, and driven out to the county woods. She was held until after dark. With the sun down, she was taken out of the trunk, greeted by a crowd of at least six women and four men, stripped nude and thrown onto the very bench where Elizabeth Stewart had been assaulted.

Wissen's well maintained body was whipped with numerous switches until pink lines showed over much of her body, her head and eyebrows were shaved and swastikas were written on her body with permanent markers along with insults like "lying cunt" and "fascist bitch." Three men put their lumpen proletariat penises and sperm into her Ubermensch vagina, she was forced to serve orally the last man and all the women with her mouth and three women pegged her previously untouched anus. I'm sure she was horrified by all the non-reproductive sex.

The assailants took pictures and videos of the assault, carefully concealing the identity of everyone but Wissen whose gasping, shouting and sometimes seemingly ecstatic face was all over the presentations. It looked to me from the video that the crowd wanted to humiliate her and cause some pain but not do permanent damage.

After buckets of water were splashed on her from all directions, she was tied to a tree. The photos showed her shaved head, ugly graffiti all over her and dried sperm on her thighs. She was forced to confess with various forms of pain. The mosquitos had their way with her that night. Fortunately, she was found by a group of runners in the morning before she was seen by any of the children that play in the woods.

Wissen refused to press charges and told the police it had been a practical joke. Nobody believed that. Those who had decided to take out their wrath on Wissen kept quiet. The video of Wissen being stripped, shaved, whipped, graffitied and raped naturally appeared on the Internet along with her obviously forced confession that she was a fascist pig, a cumslut, a lying criminal whore, and a filthy cunt that deserved infinite pain and humiliation.

Those who learned of what had happened through the rumor mill and the Internet disagreed as to whether Wissen had suffered too much, too little, or just the right amount. In any case, Wissen's collaboration with the plague was not discussed openly. She has been able to continue to live in the City of Orange. I think the community has become reconciled to her. She has even earned a certain amount of bemused respect.

Although her agenda has somewhat fallen into disrepute, Alice Wissen still is pushing the idea that what she now calls "strong women" should have children. She is not on major television channels, but she blogs and occasionally appears as a speaker at benefits for elite private schools.

Tom Wissen came out as gay, no surprise there. He left the marriage as soon as he quit being paid to provide cover. Alice Wissen and her nine children are quickly using up the savings she built up when she was riding high. She has been working at the Pleasure Palace on a cameo appearance basis as an escort to men and sometimes as a dominatrix as to certain men and women. She is good at both and says she has not decided whether or not to have more children. I think she's through with pregnancy unless she can find a sugar daddy who wants to take her into double digits on offspring.

Wissen and I have not exactly become friends but we do interact politely. She has not apologized for her role in overseeing my forced pregnancies. She insists she did me a favor by protecting my health and helping me propagate my fit genetic material. She says that she has always respected my intelligence even if my morality is twisted and I have failed to appreciate my role as a strong woman who must carry on the species by reproducing. Alice does like me much better as a result of my having another child after I escaped slavery even though she knows I will raise it very differently than she would.

I tell Wissen that she is the twisted one. I cannot see the point of having children to fulfill some Darwinian purpose. Maybe our point on the planet from the point of view of biology is to propagate our genetic material, but why should we care what our biological purpose is? Even if feelings of pleasure and happiness originally were an evolutionary development of the species designed to motivate us to survive and propagate, enjoying those feelings can be the goal of life now.

It is not getting the rock to the top of the hill that is our thing. Sisyphus' rock will inevitably crash back down to the foot of the mountain. Our satisfaction must lie in whatever joy we can get from the struggle to the heights and in the happy walk down the hill after the rock has again rolled down the damn mountain.

But Monsieur, I digress.

Many women who had taken similar positions to Wissen's on TV during the zenith of the plague, skipped town. I guess that they did not want to risk getting their heads shaved. The nurse who looked over me as a slave, Niki, cleared out a day after the Baytown warehouse raid although I doubt she was in any danger.

Ray Hohn, a Mafia mouthpiece as far as I'm concerned, went scot free.

To come to victims, Priscilla got compensation and several million dollars from the divorce. She left town and is living comfortably overseas. Her husband used the money he had left to buy a mail order bride from Niger.

Martha Smith lied to save herself from trouble but it was hard for anyone to fault her given what had happened to Elizabeth Stewart. However, she did not like living in a town where she would always be known as the woman who collaborated with mobsters. She left town with her children as soon as her divorce with Mr. Smith was finalized. He's still in town happily living with what's left of his money and the mail order bride her ordered from somewhere in Eastern Europe.

Smith, Stewart, and the other Spencer's Helpers were never charged with anything. Elizabeth Stewart did get a very fat divorce settlement that pretty much cleaned out Mr. Stewart as well as some compensation from the Pleasure Palace bankruptcy court. Her kidnapping was one of the few kidnappings that was ever officially recognized as such.

Miles and Victoria were granted amnesty by the Swedish government and allowed to live in Stockholm. They were there until recently.

I represented Victoria McMasters in the very complicated multi-national divorce negotiations. Robert McMasters still had the house and other physical assets worth about $ 5million but his overall financial situation had worsened considerably because much of his money was tied up in his investments in the brothels. These investments became largely worthless given all the tax and tort claims against the brothels. A number of McMasters' servants agreed to testify regarding McMasters' numerous sex acts with women kept at the mansion for months as well as his mistreatment of Victoria.

I thought we would take the asshole for his last dime, but Victoria decided to leave Robert with a few million dollars on one condition, he had to get a vasectomy in front of witnesses of her choosing. I'm sure McMasters saved some frozen sperm so that he could go on in his efforts to propagate the master race. Still, while I could not bear to watch, some present reported that it was fun to watch the scalpel go in and see his vas deferens seared and tied. I would have liked it to have happened with him strapped down without painkillers.

This year, Robert permanently left town and Vitoria and her three children moved into the mansion with Miles after they were pardoned for their actions relating to the Swedish consulate incident by the new governor. She married Miles and is now pregnant with his child.

Of the men who assisted in my kidnapping, those who did not leave the country or die - Eduard, Rex, Jim and the other guy whose name I can't remember - all work for the federal prosecutor's office or the governor. Nobody said anything about the Thinker during any of the legal proceedings. Governor Storm, having made his name as an anti-corruption prosecutor, is doing fairly well in his first term.

The former Jennifer Racey, now Jennifer Storm, looked very beautiful during the inauguration. She has managed to maintain a very active sex life, little of which is shared with her husband. As mentioned, he thinks she's too thin and prefers me.

Somehow the investigation into the tax problems of The Church and the Whytes were dropped shortly before The Church announced that it was supporting Alan Storm for Governor. While Whyte Jr. quietly regretted that Storm's wife had been a swimsuit model and a courtesan and that Storm was not personally pious, he publicly applauded Storm cleaning up the brothels and insisting that the sex tourism business be better regulated. The Church members voted solidly for the new governor.

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