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Leah, is it you? Ch. 01

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I loved Leah. Or two Leahs?...
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As a carefree 25 years old, my life as a single male was almost perfect. I was a software analyst in a growing upstart company, with no money worries, and no dependents to take care of. I was 6'2", 180lbs, and blessed with good looks according to my former girlfriends. Every weekend I'd meet my group of friends in one of the houses or the nearest bar. We loved watching sports and discussing our successes with the other sex. Of course, failures were rarely mentioned. Failing to score with girls was considered embarrassing and most of us with fragile egos were hesitant to talk about it.

One evening we went to the bar and started drinking. Some guys went to play pool and I chatted with my best friend Joe.

All of a sudden from the corner of my eye I saw from a distance somebody staring in my direction. I looked back at her and she turned her head in another direction. I continued my talk with Joe and again she gazed at me. My eyes met hers and I smiled at her. She returned a smile.

I told my friend that I needed to go to the bathroom to pee. I did my business and on my way back I walked around to look up close at the girl who was gazing at me. She was sitting with another girl. She looked about 20 years old, with long dark hair and a nice figure as much as I could judge since she was sitting down.

I returned to my seat and glanced constantly in her direction, trying to capture her eyes. A minute later she gave me another look. I lifted my hand 'Hello'. She smiled again. I signaled that I wanted to approach her. She nodded 'Yes'.

I walked to her table and the 2 girls eyed me. They were giggling.

I came close to them and introduced myself, "Hi, my name is Harry. You girls seem to have a lot of fun around here. May I buy you all a drink?"

The other girl chuckled, "Hi to you too. My name is Janet, and this is Leah. Thank you for being generous. Would you like to join us?"

"Oh, thank you. I am here with my friend, should I bring him too?"

Janet stared at him for a long moment and blurted, "Sure, why not."

It was obvious that Janet was the more extrovert among the two girls. She also looked good but for some reason, I preferred her girlfriend. I brought my friend and told him that I set my eyes on Leah. He had no qualms and was happy to try his luck with Janet.

In the beginning, our chat was forced. Janet was the more verbal one. Slowly all 4 of us found common subjects to talk about. We all love movies and social media. As time progressed, Janet and Joe started their private discussion about the risks of putting private data on Facebook and Instagram.

I glanced at Leah and told her that it was too noisy for me. Would she join me on the attached balcony?"

She grinned, "I was thinking the same thing. The volume here is too high for me, that's why I usually avoid going to bars."

"So how do you spend your free time?"

"I read a lot, watch movies mostly on Netflix, and chat online with friends."

"I like movies as well, but I'd rather go to the movie theater to see them. I find the large screen more fun than a TV one, even when a large TV is available."

"Harry, seeing a good film on a large screen is better, but my friends are too lazy to move away from the comfortable seats at home unless it's going to a bar to meet boys..."

"Leah, we've just met, but will you accompany me to a movie theater? You choose the movie you like and I'll go with you."

"Do you mind if I select a non-horror film that doesn't show too much blood?..."

"Be my guest. In the worst-case scenario, I won't like the movie, but I am willing to take the risk. I simply wish to spend an evening with you in a quiet place."

She smiled, "It's a deal. Funny that again I had a similar idea, but you were the one who verbalized it."

"Leah, will you tell me something about yourself, please?"

"Sure. I am a 21-year-old student at UW Madison, majoring in English literature. In addition to movies and reading, I like photography and travel, although I did not have much time to visit faraway places yet. And what about you?"

"I am 25, single, and work as a software specialist. Unlike you, I am not into reading unless it's part of my job, but I like traveling. I already visited several countries in Europe and South America."

"I am jealous! Which country you liked the most?"

"It's tough to say because each country has its charm. How can you compare Italy to Chile? Or Spain to Brazil?..."

Leah looked at the time, "I need to go back. I liked talking to you. Let us exchange phone numbers. Will it be OK if we go on Thursday to the movies? I'll check what's playing and text you everything, OK?"

"Girl, I liked our short chat too. Don't forget about me. I'll be waiting..."

She smiled again and reentered the bar. I waited a couple of minutes and then also went back in. The noise was deafening and my friends were busy drinking, and playing and 2 of them were trying their luck with a couple of blond girls. I wasn't in the mood and drove back home.

An hour later I got a text from Leah, 'I hope you were serious about the movie. In the budget cinema, four movies are playing - Jerry McGuire, The Bridges of Madison County, The Bodyguard, and Four Weddings and a Funeral. Any preference among these?'

I texted back, 'If it was up to me, Jerry McGuire will be my first choice because I like Tom Cruise, but whatever your heart desire is still good. Just let me know the time and where do I pick you up.'

'Tom Cruise movie starts at 6 pm. I'll drive myself and meet you at the ticket counter 5 minutes before starting time.'

'Thanks, girl. See you there.'


For our movie night, I dressed nicely in ironed pants, a white shirt, and a jacket. It felt weird. I couldn't remember when was the last time I had a jacket on, except for important holidays and weddings.

Leah arrived 2 minutes later and looked amazing. Her long dark hair served as a nice frame for her pretty face. The midi-style black dress had deep cleavage, displaying the top part of what in my mind represented beautiful breasts... A 2" heels shoes completed the ensemble.

I ogled her up and down, "Dear Leah, your look is breathtaking! I liked talking to you at the bar, but I didn't realize until now how stunning you are!"

She blushed, "Thank you. You look very nice yourself. Shall we get inside?"

"Lady I was awestruck by your beauty and forgot for a moment all about the movie..."

She had a bright smile, "Harry, I appreciate the compliments, but let's go in. We can talk until the movie starts."

The place was mostly empty, as expected on weekdays in budget theaters displaying old movies. I bought popcorn and soda and we went inside. We sat in the middle of the back row, munched the corn, and chatted about trivial events in our lives. In retrospect, I couldn't recall what we talked about... By the time the light went down, we finished the popcorn.

Leah moved closer to me and I could smell her sweet floral perfume. Boy, she smelled great!

I bent her way and whispered in her ear, "Girl, you look perfect and smell wonderfully too!"

Leah didn't answer. She raised the separating bar, moved closer still, and leaned her head on my shoulder. I kissed her head softly. She put her palm on my hand. It felt soft and warm.

The movie started and we both concentrated on the screen. I have never seen the movie, but I read the plot beforehand. In the initial part of the film, Tom Cruise moved from being a successful sports agent to getting fired for being too honest. And then there was the sex scene with Kelly Preston. Leah watched it and her small hand squeezed mine. Her breathing intensified.

I moved my closest hand behind her back and hugged her shoulder. She raised her face to me and gazed into my eyes. I stared at her delicate face and kissed her lips gently. Her lips opened for me and my tongue penetrated her warm mouth. She tasted like a sweet melon. Her hands hugged my waist and we continued to focus on the movie. Some time later Leah sat back with my hand caressing her shoulder.

When the relationship between Tom Cruise and Renee Zellweger warmed, Leah pulled my hand to her front and placed it on her covered breast! It was unexpected. On our first date, we already kissed and she let me touch her chest!... My stunned reaction did not last long. My hand began gently touching and massaging her covered boobs. The exposed upper part felt smooth and enticing. I felt my cock begin to stiffen in my pants. Leah let my hand trail freely on her chest, which increased my arousal. Two of my fingers fumbled with the top of her dress, trying to find their way under the cloth. However, her ample breast was pushing hard against it and I was about to give up when Leah bent forward and helped me achieve my goal with her hand.

Her smooth firm tit felt warm. My fingers touched her nipple and she quivered mildly. The nipple hardened immediately under my touch. Leah's respiration and heart rate increased and her body clutched to mine. She glanced at me again, silently asking me for another kiss. I was happy to oblige. This time her tongue probed my mouth as my palm was tweaking her marvelous tit.

Then I felt her hand on my thigh, moving slowly up toward my groin. My prick was now fully erect in anticipation of her hand's arrival. When her soft hand met my bulge, she caressed it gently. I was so horny, that I thought I'd cum right there and then.

Fortunately, she removed her hand seconds later and whispered to me, "Let's finish the movie, and then we'll go to your house..."

It was a dream come true! I would have never guessed that this pretty girl would offer herself to me on the first date... The rest of the movie became blurry. I could not concentrate on it and in my heart I was praying to god to end the movie soon.

Leah tried to watch the screen, but whenever my hand stopped playing with her gorgeous breast for a while, she placed her hand on mine and moved it asking me to continue playing with her tits.

When the movie ended I had a sigh of relief. Then the lights switched on and I saw tears in Leah's eyes. She whispered, "I was distracted by your large hand playing with my boob. Having it on my chest felt pleasurable and arousing... But I still loved the movie.

It was 8:30 pm.

I held Leah in my arms and asked, "Do you want to grab something to eat?"

"I am not hungry... for food, but if you are, we can stop somewhere and eat something."

"Dear girl, I am not that hungry either. Do you want me to take you to my house?"

"Yes. I hope it's not too far from here. You awaken the devil in me!..."

"I am horny as hell too. You look terrific. Feeling your glorious breasts just took me to the next level..."


We hardly entered the main door and our clothes started shedding on the floor. We entered the bedroom naked. She stood in front of me with a provocative look, as if challenging me to find an imperfection. She didn't have to wait for my reaction. My pole was at full mast, revealing my opinion about her divine body without the need for words.

Leah grinned, "Harry, you are a hunk! Tall, handsome, hairy chest, big cock, just the way I love... Are you planning to stare at me for much longer or be more active?"

I smiled back, "Darling, you look so amazing and erotic, that I froze. But now that I recovered, I would love to play with you the game of love."

"Harry boy, let's forget about the game of love for tonight. I am too aroused now to play a prolonged game. Please fuck me hard with that huge thing you have there. Starting tomorrow, we can do things differently."

Her directness surprised me. My previous experience with pretty girls was different. They wanted to appear gentle and somewhat reluctant, at least in the beginning... Leah on the other hand had no shame or unease in asking for what she wanted!

Great! I also didn't have to pretend. My body was ready.

We were on the large bed in no time. She moved in my direction, climbed on my body, and blurted, "I always liked to ride a Mustang." Leah's hand groped my tumescent member, massaged it lightly, forcing it to reach its maximum size, and then crouched on it gradually until it was all the way in. She sighed, "Your penis is huge! It fills me to the rim." Subsequently, her body began riding on it up and down.

As her movements intensified, her ample tits bounced from side to side. Both my palms caressed them and then pinched her rubbery nipples. She moaned loudly and her head stretched backward. I loved to watch her riding me with abandon, knowing that in this position I was able to postpone my climax.

As I felt her body starting to shiver, my hands held her waist tightly and I countered her bobbing with my pelvic rising in synchrony. Her orgasm began with a loud cry, followed by a convulsion and then she leaned backward breathless on my rising knees.

I allowed her a couple of minutes to regain her pulse and respiration, before turning her on her back and pounding her pussy like a jackhammer. She wasn't expecting it and initially, she opened her eyes and gazed at me in disbelief. A moment later another strong climax took over her torso and it began to move from side to side uncontrollably. The faster my strokes shook her body her whimpers grew noisier. I was closing fast on my orgasm. Watching her lifeless body jerking around purposelessly augmented my arousal further and seconds later I erupted in her vagina with a groan. As I was cumming, I realized that I forgot to ask Leah about the need for a condom...

We rested in bed for a while and then she looked at her watch, "I need to go. Please drive me to my car now. I like you and would like to see you again. but I know that many guys are reluctant to meet a girl after they had sex with her. So if you want to continue seeing me, text me."

I put only my pants on and drove her to her parking car. Before letting her go I kissed her lips gently, "Leah, you are very direct and slightly too cynical, but I like you. I loved the intercourse, but I also liked talking to you. I definitely want to see you again... and again!

She smiled, but there was a tear in her eye, "I hoped you'd say it, but I wasn't sure, so I pretended to be nonchalant about it... Thank you." And then she left.


I texted her an hour later, 'I thought about it long and hard. Yes, I do want to see you again. Say when."

Two minutes later my phone displayed her message, 'My sister and her boyfriend decided to go tomorrow to the best restaurant in town. How do you feel about a double date?'

'Sure. Where and when shall I meet you?'

Leah texted me the address and asked me to be there at 7:30 pm.

The next evening before leaving the house I shaved well, showered, and put on decent clothes. I arrived 5 minutes early. A moment later I saw Leah coming in my direction. I smiled at her, but she ignored me. I waved to her. She looked at me as if I was a stranger.

I approached her, "Leah, what is going on?"

She tried to move away, "I am not Leah. I am Mia. Let me go please before my boyfriend catches me talking to you."

I was confused. Did I do something wrong? As my thoughts were eating me inside, another Leah showed up from another direction! Now I got it. I was asleep and having a nightmare...

And then the second Leah called me, "Hi Harry. Sorry to be 5 minutes late. Have you seen my sister yet?"

"Leah, do you have a twin sister named Mia?"


"Geez, I thought she was you and tried to talk to her. She must have thought that I was hitting on her and moved away."

Leah chortled, "It happened to us too often. We look so much alike that sometimes when I look at her it feels like I am staring at the mirror. Another time I tell you some funny stories about our adventures, but first, let's find her and Leo."

We tracked them at the reception booth of the restaurant. Leah introduced us, "This is my obnoxious sister Mia and her boyfriend Leo. And this is the love of my life, Prince Harry..."

Mia grinned, "Sorry to have been such a jerk to you on the street."

"That's OK. I didn't know that I was supposed to meet 2 Leahs..."

I gazed unabashedly at the 2 copies of the same perfect genetic material and could not see any difference. For now, I could differentiate the two by their clothes, nothing else!

"Leah, how would I know from now on who I am talking to?..."

Both girls laughed loudly and Leah said, "Each one of us has a keyword. Next time when you see one of us, ask for the 'password' and you'll find out. My word is BLUE and Mia's is RED. The words represent our favorite colors."

The evening was pleasant. The twins were nice and chatty and I liked the way they communicated with each other. The chemistry between them was fantastic. They could complete the other one's sentence! Leo seemed more distant and more reluctant to talk. Except for exchanging a few words with Mia, he was quiet like a fish throughout the evening.

Before separating I told the two, "I am not sure which one of you sisters I envy more. Your sister is smart, funny, and gorgeous. It applies to both of you..."

They smiled. Mia kissed my cheek and whispered, "I hope you forgive me for the embarrassing moment earlier. By the way, you are good-looking and nice to be with too!"

I drove Leah back. Before leaving me she blurted, "You left a very good impression on my sister. She confided in me that this time my choice of a guy was much better than hers."

I kissed her lips gently, "Dear girl if you think that complimenting me will give you extra credit, you are sorely wrong."

She exited the car, sent me an air kiss, and then she disappeared.


Over the next 2 months, my relationship with Leah had blossomed. We saw each other at least 3 times a week and most weekends. It was springtime and we took advantage of the nice weather to hike in a couple of parks. On 2 weekends we flew to Savannah and Charleston, respectively. My attraction to Leah was on the upswing. She proved to be a no-nonsense girl, direct, unpretentious, outgoing, optimistic, and a tiger in bed... In summary, As ideal as I could find. It was one of the happiest periods of my life.

One day Leah met me and looked sad. I was fond of her, but I didn't want to bug her, so I just glanced at her, hoping that she'd share with me her 'issue'.

She sighed, "It's about Mia. Three days ago her boyfriend ghosted her and she didn't hear from him since then."

I hugged her, "I am sorry. Is there anything I can do to cheer her up?"

She smirked, "Yes. Tomorrow evening come visit me at my house and when she shows up, smile nicely and offer to take both of us out. She may refuse out of politeness and not wanting to interfere with our date, but you have to insist that YOU want her to join us."

I kissed Leah, "Of course dear, I'll be happy to do it."

The next evening I put on cool jeans pants with a nice light blue shirt. I even shined my shoes... Then I stopped at a flower shop. I asked the woman there to arrange for me 2 separate bouquets, each with fresh roses. One with red roses and the other one with white ones.

I rang the door and hid the flowers behind my back. One of the twin sisters opened the door, "Hi Harry. Nice to see you here at our house."

"Pretty girl, what's your password?"

She laughed, "It's BLUE."


"Yes dear, it's me."

I gave her the red roses, kissed her lips and then we went to her room. I showed her the other bouquet. Leah smiled, "Thank you, honey. Let me call Mia."

She left the room and returned 10 minutes later with her sister.

I stood there like a total idiot. I had no clue which one was Mia.

They stared at each other and chuckled and then one of them blurted, "I am RED."

I gave her the white roses. She smelled them and I saw tears in her eyes. She stood on her toes and kissed my cheek, "You are a nice man Harry. You didn't have to do it. But thank you anyway."


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