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You believe what you earnestly want to believe.
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Did you ever want to believe something so badly that you ignored information that contradicted it and attached more credibility to things that supported it than they deserved? That is what happened to me. I should have known better, but because I so wanted so much for it to be true I was fooled.


I'm Gabe Gaston. Since my never-used middle name also starts with a G I guess that my parents loved alliteration. I'm a fairly normal guy, maybe a little bit bigger, smarter, and fit than normal but nothing special. At 28 I wasn't married, not having found the right woman -- or at least the right woman that I knew was interested in me.

Because I'm a nice guy who never says anything bad about anyone else and will help out anyone in need I have lots of friends, some married, some single. Two of my married friends that I'm closest to are Bill and Audrey Scanlon. I do lots of things with them as a couple, and individually.

I met both Bill and Audrey in college; they're both a year older than I am and have a couple of young kids. Bill and I often go to sporting events together (Audrey has no interest in them) and we also team up to play tennis doubles. Bill hates stage plays while Audrey loves them so many times when it's not date night for them, and when I don't have a date, Audrey and I go to plays together. Not only does Audrey love plays but she has a real interest in them because she used to be a fairly accomplished actress and makeup artist herself in college and Community Theater before they had kids. Audrey and I also sometimes work out at the same health club at the same time.

At a barbeque hosted by Bill and Audrey I met a single friend of theirs by the name of Gina Grayson -- a "GG" just like me. Gina was 27 years old and probably the sultriest woman that I had ever met in my life. Apparently Audrey knew her from Community Theater where Gina often had the female lead in plays. I was stricken by Gina upon meeting her -- maybe the elusive "love at first sight" for me.

Gina had a very interesting and distinctive gravelly voice. I could see how that would intrigue audiences and business contacts alike. Also she had a distinctive perfume that while understated was intoxicating.

Audrey noticed my attraction to Gina, and seemed to encourage it. Audrey had always been super friendly and nice to me -- even in college -- and seemed happy that I liked her friend.

Although I initially had a good time at the barbeque I ended up bummed after Gina's date arrived -- late. Her date, Winston, had everything over me when he made a grand entrance in his Ferrari convertible including looks. I had to reluctantly admit to myself that Gina was out of my league. It seemed like Audrey could sense my angst, hugged me, and gave me a quick kiss on my cheek, ending with the line -- just to make me feel good I'm sure -- "Any woman would be honored to mate with you."

It was maybe two weeks after the barbeque when I had almost forgotten about Gina when I got a call on my cellphone at work early afternoon that said "Unknown Caller" on my Caller ID. I really can't take calls at work in the early afternoon because I work with a team where we always meet from 1 p. m. to 3 p. m. on weekdays and individual calls are greatly frowned upon (and forbidden if the boss is in the meeting).

After work that day I checked my messages -- I had three. The first two were just my sister asking a casual question and Bill wanting to know about going to a game the upcoming weekend. The third one was interesting.

The third message-leaver had a gravelly voice that I immediately recognized as Gina's. Despite having almost purged her from my mind the second that I heard her voice my nether regions started to tingle.

The recorded message was: "Hi Gabe; I don't know if you remember me but this is Gina Grayson; I met you at Audrey's party a while back. I thought that we had a very interesting discussion. Maybe we could continue it sometime. My number is xxx-xxx-xxxx. Sweet dreams!"

"What the fuck!" repeated itself for a full minute in my brain. The sultriest woman I had ever seen in my life -- who I thought had a stud boyfriend -- was calling me? And what was the "sweet dreams" ending -- did she suspect that I dreamt about her after the barbeque (I had)? I tried not to attach too much significance to it -- to get my hopes up -- but I sure was intrigued. I called her back and got "Hi; this is Gina. I can't answer right now but please leave a message."

The voicemail I left was something like "Uh...hi Gina, this is Gabe returning your call. It was nice to hear from you. I would love to talk with you some more; when convenient please give me another call. Bye."

Gina and I played telephone tag for at least the next five or six days. Her messages were -- in one word -- provocative. I started to hope that maybe she really did have an interest in me; I sure had one in her. Finally I did get ahold of her one Thursday night. "Gina here -- my caller ID says it's you Gabe, is it."

"Oh, we finally get to talk," I chuckled.

For the next few minutes we just chatted about things going on in our lives. It was odd that there was a significant delay between when I said or asked something and her reply. When I inquired about the delay she laughed and said "I'm playing with myself so don't be concerned."

My dick instantly inflated when she said that. I was at a loss for words and then even more lost when after another delay she followed that up with "Say, Gabe; I have a very unusual situation. I don't have an exclusive relationship with Winston -- you know the Ferrari guy that you met at Audrey's house -- but despite the fact that he dates other woman he gets really pissed if he thinks that I'm going out with someone, but I want to keep him interested for reasons I'd rather not go into. What that means is that sometimes I get horny and need a release. Is that something that you might be willing to provide?"

I was at a loss for words; and I was also sure that I hadn't heard her right. After I stuttered something unintelligible for a few seconds she interrupted and continued. "Sorry to lay that on you but Audrey says that you're a guy who can keep a secret and may have some interest in me. Why don't you think about it for a while and we can talk more; bye, bye, and sweet dreams." Then she terminated the call.

The hell with "sweet dreams;" I masturbated as intensely as I ever had before in my life shortly after I put my cellphone down and was more drained than ever after I squirted a record number of times.

The next day Bill and I went to a sporting event while Audrey watched the kids, and Saturday Audrey and I went to a matinee while Bill watched the kids. I was anxious to talk to someone about the situation with Gina and the only one I could talk to was Audrey. However, even with Audrey I was nervous.

As we went for coffee before the matinee started as she put one hand on mine Audrey said "OK, Gabe; spill. I know that you're agonizing about something and you're nervous to talk about it but you know that you can with me. I'd never betray your confidence."

I looked in her eyes and sighed. "That obvious, huh?"

"Sure is," she chuckled, "let me have it never to be repeated to another."

I sighed and then said "I've been talking with your friend Gina on the phone; and she said something very provocative the last time that we talked."

"You have?" Audrey asked, apparently quite surprised.

"Yeah -- has she said anything to you about me?"

"Well she did ask some questions about you, including about whether you could keep secrets. I told her that you could be trusted completely to keep a secret. I didn't think much of it because Gina is a very unconventional woman who sometimes has random thoughts and proclivities. I didn't get the impression that she was going to talk to you, however. I thought that she has a fairly strong -- though not exclusive -- relationship with Winston."

We talked some more; I told her what Gina had said at the end of our last conversation. She smiled and told me "If things progress you should go for it; what do you have to lose?"

Then she hit me with a surprise. "By the way, the play that we're going to today at Community Theater stars Gina as the female lead -- what a coincidence."

"You're serious?" I asked -- Audrey usually gets the tickets for the plays (I insist on paying her for mine every time) and I trust her taste since it conforms almost exactly with mine so it's not unusual that I don't know what the play is that we go to together until slightly before it starts.

"Yes," she laughed. "You may not be able to recognize her because she wears facial prosthetics and a wig, but we can see her in the dressing room after the play; she's invited me."

"Uh...yeah...but won't it be awkward after our phone conversations?"

"I don't think so; she certainly won't say anything about them and you shouldn't either; just pretend that they never happened," Audrey replied with a big smile.

"Sounds like good advice," I responded, then I paid the check and we walked arm-in-arm the two blocks from the coffee shop to the theater.


Audrey was right about not recognizing Gina by sight; she looked entirely different. However, her voice was easy to recognize and was even more intriguing in a stage play than it was in normal conversation. The play was an avant-garde play by a relatively unknown American playwright who I wasn't familiar with. Both Audrey and I enjoyed it, and Gina and the male lead were both excellent.

Fortunately, Gina greeted us warmly backstage -- still in her facial prosthetics and wig -- and the conversation was not the least bit awkward. She was surprised when as we were talking a messenger brought her a dozen roses with a card that read "From Audrey & Gabe," which I didn't know anything about but which Audrey had obviously arranged. Gina gave both Audrey and me a hug and a kiss on the cheek; her kiss with the facial prosthetics was very unusual. I noticed that again she had the same understated perfume on that she had at the barbeque.

On the way back to the Scanlon household I humorously chastised Audrey for not telling me about the flowers. She laughed "I didn't know when I arranged for them about what you told me in the coffee shop -- but I can only see it helping you."

On penalty of me turning her upside down she finally agreed to let me pay half for the flowers -- I gave her $20 and shoved it in her bra, which caused her to laugh and then smack me on the shoulder. We walked into the Scanlon house and were mobbed by her two little rug rats. After I scuffled with them for a while and showed them a lame magic trick -- which they were mesmerized by even though any adult could figure it out -- I shook Bills hand goodbye, Audrey gave me a hug and a quick friendly kiss on the lips, and I went home to contemplate my "relationship" with Gina.


Over the next two weeks I got more provocative messages from Gina and started leaving them on her phone too. Despite the fact that I told her that I couldn't answer the phone between 1 and 3 p. m. on weekdays she continued to call during that time and leave messages, explaining that she had fun making me wait to hear what she had to say.

After some of her messages I called or visited Audrey and asked for her take on things or advice. She was always encouraging. Her normal mantra was "Look, Gina is a flake but very passionate; you should she what you can do about tapping her keg."

Finally things came to a head. On Friday I got a message from Gina that said "Time to put up or shut up Gabe. After the play this Saturday I'm going to the Holiday Inn on Chester -- Room 214 -- in my prosthetics and wig. If you want the ride of your lifetime show up at 10:15 p. m., not a second sooner or later, and be ready to have your dreams fulfilled."

After listening to the message after work on Friday I called Audrey and played it for her. "What are you going to do?" she asked. "Before you answer, you're fricking crazy if you don't get there at 10:15; don't be a moron!"

"I guess I know where you stand on it," I laughed.

We talked some more, I terminated the call, and then resolved that I would show up Saturday night even breaking an engagement with a couple of my male friends to go bowling.

I was nervous when I knocked on the door of Room 214 at the Holiday Inn on Chester Avenue Saturday at exactly 10:15. My cock instantly inflated when Gina -- in facial prosthetics and wig -- answered the door naked except for a pair of high heels and an ankle bracelet that looked identical to the one she wore at the barbeque -- not that I noticed. While the room was completely dark I got a good enough look at her naked body to be impressed that it was even better than I had expected it to be -- and that's saying something.

When I walked into the room she quickly closed the door and then gave me a quick kiss -- the prosthetics made it feel funny just like at the theater -- while rubbing her hand over my crotch. I could smell her distinctive understated perfume and wanted to stick my tongue down her throat but the prosthetics didn't make that easy.

The prosthetics didn't in any way interfere with body enjoyment, however. It wasn't long after I entered the room before she was on her back on the bed with her legs splayed and I was eating her pussy and sucking her clit with alacrity.

I thought it funny that her orgasmic screams didn't have the same gravelly sound as her normal voice and were a couple of octaves higher. After her second orgasm she said the first -- and maybe the only words I heard during our sexcapade -- "Fuck me!" The words sounded a little remote, but their meaning was clear. I shinned up on her and buried my tool in one thrust. She groaned loudly as I penetrated her snug pussy. Then she wrapped her legs around my waist and we were off to the races.

Perhaps because of the buildup to this situation, perhaps because she was wild in her movements and could pulse her pc muscles, perhaps because she was really the sultriest woman that I had ever met, and perhaps for many other reasons, this was the best fuck of my life. I came so hard and so long that I passed out for the first time in my life. I think that I was only out of it for a handful of seconds, but whatever the length of time it was the most delicious period of my life up to that point.

I wanted to turn on a bedside lamp to look at the fucking goddess on the bed because the shades on the windows were light-tight and there was almost no light in the room except for an eerie green glow from the bedside alarm clock, but a seemingly remote gravelly voice said "Don't turn on the light; I want it just like it is; turn on your back."

Still groggy I did as asked. Although somewhat hindered by the facial prosthetics Gina started sucking my cock and massaging my balls. I hardened faster than any other time in my life especially when she started sucking my balls. Soon she was on top and lowering herself slowly onto my upright cock; the penetration was delightful.

Once she was buried Gina started riding me like a rodeo champion as her prodigious tits flopped up and down. I latched onto the marvels on her chest -- they seemed to be a little bigger than I noticed when she was clothed but that just turned me on more -- and lightly squeezed the nipples. We both lasted a long time before my prostate started bubbling and Gina started to wail and clamp her pussy on my cock. I shot stream after stream into her pulsating pussy. When I finally finished the longest second ejaculation of my life she collapsed limp onto me. I think that we both either slept, passed out, or simply lost awareness for a long time. I felt better than at any other time in my life.

Some indeterminate time later Gina lifter herself off me and my surprisingly still partially hard cock popped out of her cooch. She got up and went into the bathroom. Just as the bathroom door was about to close her gravelly voice said "God that was great Gabe; just fucking awesome. Please don't hate me but you've got to leave now while I clean up; I need to rest up for the matinee tomorrow."

With that the bathroom door closed and I heard the click of a lock.

I was in a trance -- and slightly bummed -- as I put my clothes back on. When dressed I lightly knocked on the bathroom door. "Are you OK Gina?" I asked.

After a delay her gravelly voice replied "Yes; thanks so much Gabe. I'd like to do this again; I'll call you."

"You're awesome," I responded, then left the room.

I couldn't believe how wiped out I was -- or that it was midnight -- when I got to my car. I guess time flies when you're having fun. I went home and went right to bed, visions of the best experience of my life dancing in my head.


I finally dragged my ass out of bed on Sunday about 11 a. m., ate a quick breakfast, and tried to organize my feelings after the most unusual night of my life. About noon Audrey called.

"OK, Stud, how was it?" she cackled.

"A gentleman never tells," was my deadpan reply.

"You're no gentleman so spill before I come over there and improve your looks by taking a spoon to your face," she again cackled.

"You know sometimes you're a bitch," I grumbled.

"And you love me for it," was her reply; "so spill."

"It was by far the best sexual experience of my life but really weird. The woman can really fuck and is multi-orgasmic but especially after we had sex the second time she more or less dismissed me, even though she said she'd like to do it again."

"Wait -- you're complaining because after the best sex of your life she asked you to leave with a promise for another round? What the fuck!" Audrey snarled.

"I know, it sounds ridiculous," I sighed.

We talked for about five minutes more. Her concluding question and then statement were:

"Are you going to see her again?"

"I sure hope so," I replied.

"My advice -- don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Fuck her good and don't be bothered by how flaky she is; just roll with it," Audrey concluded.

On different nights over the next three weeks I "interfaced" with Gina two more times. Each time was basically the same as the first time; other-worldly sex (maybe even better than the first time, if possible) and then she weirdly "dismissed" me after going into the bathroom and locking the door.

I told myself that when you're getting the best sex of your life you should just roll with it; you may not have a future relationship with this woman but as Audrey says "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth."

Despite Audrey's advice and encouragement, however, I was getting some strange vibes. I noticed before our fourth encounter that the run of the Community Theater play had ended so I was looking forward to seeing Gina without her facial prosthetics and wig. Therefore I was surprised when she still had them when we met -- again in Room 214 -- our fourth time.

I was much more attuned the fourth time, and although I thoroughly enjoyed copulating other minor inconsistencies were creeping into my mind. This fourth time may have been the best for sexual satisfaction since I popped a little blue pill and fucked her tits before she was able to escape into the bathroom.

Even though I was completely sexually sated when I left the room there were enough nagging issues in my mind that this time I decided to wait until Gina left the room to see what she looked like and did. Hiding in the stairwell at the end of the second floor hallway and peeking out the stairwell door every time that I heard a room door open or close or footsteps in the hallway I was certain that I would see her leave regardless of what exit she took from the hotel. It was a good half hour before I heard another door open and when I peeked out I saw that it was the door to room 214.


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