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Learning to Love Myself Ch. 03


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I obeyed and began to run my palms over my big mounds and to squeeze them. My nipples were already hardened into knots, so I pinched and rolled them as well. This only increased my acceleration toward the cliff of orgasm. Angel turned the vibration speed up a little to help me on my way. Then she put her thumb against my clit and started to firmly rub little circles on it. Almost instantly I had a small orgasm and cried out Angel's name, but unbelievably I continued building inside.

"What happened?" Angel asked intently.

"I just a small orgasm but don't stop," I panted. "I'm still building. I'm starting to feel like I have to pee too."

"The girl at the store said that was natural, and that you wouldn't actually. I'll keep going. Do you like me rubbing your clit? Do you want me to keep touching it while I'm fucking you?"

"Y-yes… please.. oh god," I hissed though clenched teeth and had another small orgasm. "That's t-t-two orgasms. Keep going, don't stop. Oh, I really feel like I have to pee. Are you ssssure that we're okay? Uhhnnn."

"The girl said it wouldn't happen, so I'm going to keep going," Angel said. She was also panting with excitement and turned the vibration speed up a little more. "I'm fucking you Elain. I'm fucking your beautiful pussy with this cock. Cum for me baby. Cum for me."

If you've never had a G-spot orgasm, I've been told that it's the closest thing we ladies can have to a man's orgasm. My normal orgasms are like contractions and waves, either in my vagina or clitoris, but a G-spot orgasm is different. It's just as intense as a normal orgasm, and the only word I have to describe the unique feeling (other than orgasmic, naturally) is that it "pumps". You feel like you fill up and burst, fill up and burst, fill up and burst, etc.

All of a sudden my pussy rippled and clamped down on the vibrator. Then it was like an explosion occurred through my whole pelvic area and everything let go in a pulsing kind of rhythm. Needless to say, it totally blew my mind, and I kicked and screamed and generally raised hell through the whole experience. I was vaguely aware of Angel saying something while I was cumming, but I was lost in the ecstasy of the moment and would not have cared if the house was on fire.

As I slowly came back to earth I became aware of Angel giggling madly. I looked over my breasts at her and saw that both her hands were dripping wet and that she appeared to be spattered elsewhere too.

"What happened?" I asked dreamily.

"Your pussy blew up!" Angel laughed loudly.

"Wh-what?" I murmured. "I don't understand."

"It exploded. I'm covered in cum!" Angel laughed. "I've never seen this before, but I've read about it. You actually gushed liquid all over my hands -- and some on the bed and some on my tits and some on your legs and some on my legs…" she babbled excitedly and tapered off into more giggles.

"That's never happened before," I said as my sense or reality returned. "It's definitely not urine?"

"Definitely. I'd say we must have hit the right spot inside you!"

I began to laugh then, "That must have been what Kim at the store meant when she said that something would happen. I didn't know I had it in me!"

"You don't have it in you anymore! It's all over everywhere!" Angel continued to shake with laughter.

During my orgasmic reverie, Angel had managed to turn of the vibrator, but it was still inside me. I reached down, carefully slid it out of my pussy, and set it on the bedside table.

"Come here glamorous Amazon," I said and held my arms out. Angel laid her body between my open thighs and placed her head on the pillow next to mine. Her massive breasts pillowed on my own, and I wrapped my legs around her hips as I embraced her.

'Thank you Angel. That was indescribable. I don't know what else to say, except thank you."

She looked deep into my eyes for a moment and said, "That was just awesome. I wasn't too rough was I?"

"Not at all. I loved it. I'm kind of tired now though."

"Me too, but I will tell you that I was cool with everything we just did. I haven't hit my comfort limit yet. You know I'm still pretty certain that I'm not bisexual, but I'm also certain that I have the hots for you. You're just amazing."

"I love you too big sister," I said, and I could tell it made her feel like a goddess.


The rest of the evening was normal. We washed Angel's bedclothes, cooked a simple dinner, watched TV, etc. We even got dressed to walk over to campus and check our school mailboxes, since we had not already done so that weekend. There was nothing an outside observer would have found odd. Things were quite different though.

That night we made it a point to sleep naked in the same bed -- which happened to be my little bed that night since Angel's sheets were in the dryer. I loved the way she felt next to me. It wasn't even really sexual so much as just comfortable and intimate.

The next morning I busted Angel out of bed at 5:30 to go swimming, and she did really well. Afterward though, we showered together in the same stall and washed each other. It was like a fantasy come true for me when her warm hands soaped my breasts and her fingers caressed my ass. I held her massive breasts in my hands for the first time as well when I washed her. They were heavy! We had a laugh about that.

Nothing went further than gentle touching that morning, but it was a wonderful experience and completely indicative of the way things progressed. We were sexual with each other if it was fun and inspired, but not as a matter of practice like a real romantic couple.

We were first and foremost best friends. We just happened to like to be naked a lot, and we both had a penchant for masturbating. If the timing was right and the mood fit, we would join in with each other. Sometimes we'd masturbate in each other's presence -- sometimes we'd masturbate each other, but it was always light, playful, and loving. Sometimes we'd use the toys (Little Vibe, P.B., and G-Man as we named them), but most times we'd just use our fingers and that felt wonderful. We always slept together though, and it was always naked. Neither one of us needed any special mood or stimulation for that. It felt too good to deny ourselves.

Angel got all of P.B. inside on her second try. She said it was still too much, but she wanted to do it at least once. I tried and could only get about three-quarters of P.B. in me, but it felt really good and left enough outside to use as a handle. Angel never came like I did with G-man, but she did enjoy it. She loved Little Vibe though and abused his portability as much as I did. We both were quite satisfied girls.

I was getting the female attention that I needed and Angel was comfortable and happy with the arrangement as well. She was still open to dating boys, and I was working on coming out of my shell so I could date either a guy or a girl. We were both hard working students and were generally so active that there never seemed to be too much time to prowl for dates.

We had a blast together throughout the rest of that school year. Angel taught me how to walk more like a girl. I didn't have her hips, but I was able to do it and not look stupid or slutty. I also learned how to dance and found out I was pretty good at it. That opened up a lot of social opportunity for us both since we could go dancing together

Angel did hook up with a guy named Stephen for about two weeks during the second half of Spring semester, but there was no spark there to keep it going. Physically they never went past kissing and heavy petting, but it was enough to show me that I would have to work on some jealousy and possessiveness issues that I was trying to deny were there.

Stephen had a roommate name Robert that they fixed me up with so we could double-date, which we did a couple of times. He was pretty attractive and very nice to me, but the poor boy just wasn't very bright. We had nothing in common really, but he was fun to play with for those couple of dates. It was on the second one of these that I got my first kiss. It was nice, but awkward. The second kiss was better, and we both got into it pretty well after that.

On our third date we were in the back seat of Stephen's car parked out at a lake near campus. Angel and Stephen were in the front seat, so I felt pretty safe exploring with Robert a little. I let him put his hands in my bra and play with my breasts. He was a little rough but he meant well, and it felt pretty good honestly. He wanted to get his hands in my panties, but I wasn't ready for that and he accepted that. I did get a chance to play with his penis though. He pulled his jeans and underwear down to his knees and let me play with it some. I was uncomfortable at first, but my curiosity got me over it pretty quickly. He was already hard and he felt good in my hands as I stroked him. I was familiar with the shape from having played with our dildo (though he was nowhere near a large), but I was surprised at how warm and smooth he was. I was fascinated with his balls too. They alternated between loose and tight a few times while I played with him. Overall, it was a good first experience with a real cock.

The sexual energy in the car was heightened by the fact that Angel was also giving a handjob in the front seat, and Stephen fondling her breasts as well. As soon as her shirt came up and her tits spilled out of her bra, it made me very jealous. On one hand I felt very possessive of Angel, and on the other I wanted her to have the male attention that she craved. I also had my hands full with Robert's cock, which was showing an impressive amount of swelling and wetness.

Unfortunately two things happened simultaneously just then: Stephen came all over himself and a truckload of fraternity yahoos drove by and threw a beer bottle through the rear passenger window. Nobody was hurt, but Stephen was covered in cum (girls, help the guys plan ahead so this doesn't happen to them -- unless you want it to, of course) and Robert was covered in beer and broken safety glass. It also scared the hell out of all of us and killed the mood.

The next day Robert and I had a bit of a falling out about how far I was willing to go with him and the nature of our dating. He wanted a blowjob, and I wanted to not have to use small words when I talked to him. I thought he was a nice guy until he got pushy. A few days later Angel and Stephen parted company just due loyalty to their respective roommates and lack of any real connection.

It turned out that Angel was only really entertaining Stephen as a means for me to have a shot with Robert. I had been going along with Robert because I though I was helping her with Stephen. We had a big fight about that and resolved to never try to "help" each other that way again. I told her about my jealousy issues, and we worked through that as well. I also told her that I really enjoyed kissing Robert and playing with his cock, even though he and I weren't really compatible beyond that. She claimed that there was hope for me yet. We'd just have to find another cock attached to a much better guy.

To celebrate being free of the guys, our mutual accord to not date someone we didn't want to be with, my first experience with a real cock, and the very real truth that we were about to get killed with end of the year exams and might not have any more free time after that weekend -- we threw ourselves a pizza and ice cream party that next Saturday night after our late swim. That next morning also proved to be another turning point.


I woke up before Angel (as usual) and carefully slid out of her arms to go to the bathroom for my morning rituals. After I got out of the shower I quietly let myself out of the bedroom and cleaned up the pizza box, napkins, and ice cream bowls from the night before. I had just finished when I heard Angel stirring around in the bedroom.

"Morning Angel," I called through the door.

"Unfortunately it appears to be," came her sleepy response. "I'm going to get a shower. I'm really sore this morning."

"That's because you started on the butterfly last night after having done breast stroke yesterday morning."

"Yeah," she replied. "Remind me to kill you later for talking me into it."

I just grinned. Angel had come a long way in a short period of time with her swimming. Once we got her a more streamlined swimsuit, she learned quickly and improved each time. I started her on butterfly at our late swim time the night before and it kicked her butt. It's a hard stroke for anyone, but if you're heavily endowed like Angel and me, it's twice as difficult.

I heard the shower start up, so I sat down in front of the TV to flip through channels while I waited for her to join the land of the living. It was early enough on a Sunday that the only programs available were news, televangelism, and infomercials. As luck would have it though, one of the infomercials was for home exercise equipment. I wasn't especially interested in the equipment, but both the man and woman in the commercial were worth watching. They were both super sexy and not wearing very much.

It was cheap entertainment, so I turned the sound off and absently stroked my pussy while I watched the two fitness models go through various exercises. I wasn't trying to get myself off really. I was just passing the time.

Eventually Angel wandered out with a towel on her head. "What are you watching?" she asked as she took in the spectacle of my nonchalant masturbation.

"His upper body and her tight ass," I answered truthfully.

"Oh, it's the Soloflex ad. I like that one too," Angel said and grinned. Then she rolled her shoulders and winced. "I'm really hurting from that butterfly stroke."

I clicked the TV off and asked, "You didn't damage your shoulders did you?"

"No, it's my back that hurts. I guess it's from arching out of the water."

"That's because your technique isn't refined yet. You'll get better," I reassured her. "What do you want to do today?"

"I think I want to lie back down, really," she answered. "I'm serious. I feel completely knotted up."

"Go get on the bed, and I'll give you a massage," I volunteered.

"Would you? That would be really sweet!" Angel said. "I don't remember the last time I've had a massage."

"Well I've never given one before, so I'll be making it up as I go. But I understand muscles, so I'll just see if I can work the knots out."

"I'm sure anything would help," Angel said as we walked back into the bedroom.

She lay face down on a carefully deliberate arrangement of pillows (those of you who have big breasts and occasionally lie on your stomachs will know what I'm talking about here) and rested her head on her forearms. I could actually see the tightness in her upper and lower back where the muscles had been abused.

"I can see the trouble spots," I told her. "Is it alright if I sit on you, so I can use both hands?"


"Okay, let me know if this hurts you," I said and straddled her upper thighs. The soft skin of her ass pressed against my pussy mound as I rested on her and reached up to begin stroking her back.

"Somebody's hot and wet," Angel chuckled.

"It was a stimulating infomercial," I chuckled back.

"Did it make you want to buy the product?"

"No, but it did make we want the exercise models," I said. I was using the flats of my hands to make long strokes down Angels back in order to warm up the muscles. Every time I leaned forward to reach her shoulders, my fuzzy mons pressed into the soft swell of her ass. It was circumstantial, but I didn't do anything to stop if from happening either.

"Yeah, that guy is really sexy. He's muscular, but not gross muscular like some bodybuilders."

"Yup. He looks good in those little shorts too," I said. "Is this helping at all?"

"Yeah, it feels really good."

"I'm just trying to warm the muscles up, and then I'll try to work out the knots."

"Sounds good. You take as long as you like. I'll just lie here, melt in luxury, and think about sexy fitness models in little shorts."

Several minutes later I said, "That girl is really something too. She's got a great back and an awesome ass." I had begun stroking across Angel's back to separate the now warm muscle fibers and hopefully get them to unclench. The sight of it made me think back to the female fitness model.

"I hadn't noticed her so much," Angel said. "But they wouldn't have put her in the commercial if she wasn't worth being on camera, I suppose."

"True, but you and I are at least as sexy, of course. We have bigger breasts, too," I said. "By the way, your back has really developed a lot from the swimming."

"Yeah, it's time to go bra shopping again. All of mine are too tight in the band now, and it wouldn't surprise me if I have gone up a little in the cup size too. My mom said she didn't stop growing until she was in her late twenties. I wouldn't hurt to get re-measured."

"I wasn't going to say anything, but they have felt bigger lately."

"You've noticed?"

"Yeah, in the shower when I wash you," I said. Her upper back had loosened up considerably, and I was moving my hands down to work on her lower back. "You've put on some muscle in your back and lifted your bust a little, but I think your breasts have grown some too. Mine did that when I first started swimming. You'd figure it would work the other way and make them smaller, but it didn't."

"Well maybe the extra up top will help balance out my big ass," Angel said.

"What are you talking about? You have a fantastic ass."

"You don't think it's too big?"

"Not at all. You just have real hips. Don't you think all the swimming has affected your lower body too? Your ass is high and tight and you have a narrow waist. It's a true hourglass shape, and that's supposed to be the ideal right?"

"Thank you Elain. That makes me feel better."

A few more minutes passed, then, "Why did you think you had a big ass?"


"Carloswas a big ass," I said. "You need to forget anything he ever said."

"Yeah, I know," she sighed. "I need to find a new boyfriend for some positive reinforcement."

"Well I'm here as your best girlfriend to tell you that your ass is incredible. It's tight and shapely, and it feels good too."

"How do you mean?"

"I've been pushing my pussy against it for the past twenty minutes, and it feels great!"

"It's feeling good to me too," Angel laughed. "My ass is sore too though."

"I'll massage it too if you like, once I'm finished with your back," I said, only half-joking.

"You're just trying to take advantage of me because I'm at your mercy," Angel said smiling.

I deliberately leaned my pussy into her and said saucily, "Do you mind?"

Angel arched her ass against me and replied, "Not at all. You are free to massage as much of me as you want."

"I will then," I said and concentrated on her lower back. I could feel my pussy growing wetter as I looked forward to rubbing Angel's fantastic ass.

"You're so much fun," she said and relaxed.

"And horny," I said.

"Me too," Angel sighed again. "I'm not sorry that we let go of Stephen and Robert, but that was the fist real cock in a while, and I enjoyed playing with it."

"Me too. Did you see Robert's cock when I had it out?"

"Only briefly, but he looked pretty much normal from my experience."

"Yeah, I had guessed that as well. I was fascinated by his balls though. They felt so good to roll around in my hands. He seemed to like it too."

"I think most guys do as long as you're gentle."

"I didn't get a look at Stephen's equipment. What was he like?"

"He was kind of small honestly. He just filled my hand plus a little extra."

"Was that disappointing?"

"Not to me. He still felt good, and he came like a fountain. Did you see how much he shot out?"

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