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Lemon Combo Point


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She was quieter this time. "Joel, before you get too excited, this is the last one, okay? There's only three parts to this stupid game."

Her subdued demeanor triggered a protective reaction in me. I believe I can be gallant when there is a damsel in distress. Any damsel I would hope, but especially a pretty one.

"My offer still stands. Look, Samantha, please, I can just pretend to do whatever this is, and no one will ever know. It will be our secret," I said quietly. I didn't know what crazy thing she was going to ask me to do now, but I was sure I could fake it convincingly enough for the crowd of idiots back there in the dark.

"No, I need to finish this thing, for real. I've come this far already. I've already let you swing my boobs around, for Christ's sake."

"Yeah, you did..." I thought back fondly. "But wait, before we do this one, though ... is there any chance I can see you after this? Just normally, I mean, on a regular date, none of this weird hazing shit."

"I don't know, maybe it depends on what you do next..." She said, with a faint sign of returning confidence, but then her hesitation overcame her and she went quiet. We had an awkward moment of silence between us. I took this as an indication that I had to choose again, so I started reaching out to one of her tits.

"No." She stopped me by wrapping both her hands over my outstretched arm. Her touch was surprisingly sensitive for such a strong athlete, and her long fingers closed around mine, up to my wrist. If I hadn't had a hard-on already, this simple touch would have done it, combined with her look right into my eyes. She gently pushed my hand back towards my own chest.

"This one is 'double'. It's what it sounds like. You get... the whole enchilada." To illustrate this unique take on Mexican food, she pressed on both her pretty breasts through her striped blue shirt and mashed them up and down. The whole of her chest moved delightfully in response. As she did this, she flashed a small, resigned smile at me. "Lucky you. Not that you haven't seen what I'm packing already."

"Lucky me, again" I said, trying to be sympathetic. I smiled wryly back at her. "By the way, what you're packing is mind-blowing and I'll cherish another opportunity."

"Yeah, I bet. And I'd say, don't push it, again, except that you kinda have to this time, by the rules." She paused. It looked like she was trying to figure out how to best phrase what was next. She finally took the plunge.

"Okay, so this is what we do. I show you my whole rack, everything I got," she used her hands to gesture at her breasts, and then swung her arms to point at my face. "And then, all right. I'll just say it... You suck on my tits."

My eyes opened even wider than they had for Lemon and Combo. Holy shit!

She continued. "Make them into points, get it? It's really stupid."

I digested this one. Lemon, Combo, Point. More heaven than I thought possible. Jesus H. Christ!

"Look, Sam, I think you are an amazing person. And incredibly pretty. And I think you shouldn't..." I didn't know what else to say to talk her out of this. I honestly wished she would pull the plug based on her reluctance, even with the obvious benefits in store for me.

She was resolute. "Let's just do it, and then it will be done, okay?"

"Really? Samantha, you really want me to do this?" I hemmed.

"Wait," she interrupted. You can bet that I waited. She had that vulnerable look again. "Joel, honestly, no joking around this time, can I ask you something?"

"Absolutely, of course! Anything," I said seriously. I was ready to stop this right away. I looked right into her eyes to see what she wanted, and cocked my head. I would do anything for her. It was clear that the confident playfulness she showed earlier had slipped away, and she looked more vulnerable now than she had during this entire bizarre scenario.

She gathered her courage. "It's just that, ... I'm kind of shy to say it, but, well, Joel... like, no teeth, okay? ... I don't want that." She paused. "I don't want you to hurt me if I stick... if I stick my tits into your mouth."

Jesus, of course I wasn't going to hurt her. "Samantha, look, it'll be embarrassing for you, I know, but you will be fine. Trust me. This whole crazy thing..." and I waved my hands in the air, "If you insist on it, I'll do it, but then you'll be done with this whole shitshow. Okay?"

I reflected further.

"You know, I think your teammates are shit for making you do this. I'm very glad you refused over the last four years, especially with those fuckers." I thumbed back to Wife Beater man and Mike the muscles.

A small tear had formed in the corner of her eye as she had gathered the courage to tell me not to bite her. What the hell did she think was going to happen? Christ, maybe there was something to the team taunting her about being a virgin. In any case, an incredible urge to protect her welled up inside me. And to beat up those asshole bullies back there on the field.

I reached out and wiped her tear from her cheek with my fingers. I said, "Samantha, if it has to be someone, I will say I'm glad that it's me. For my sake and for yours. I'm honored to be the chosen man." She lightly smiled at my stupid attempt to lighten things up. "I promise you that I'll be very gentle."

She nodded, visibly biting her lower lip. Her eyes had teared up, I could see the shine from the reflected street lights, and I was afraid this pretty girl was going to start crying on me here while she had me suck her tits, which for me would be a most unique and troubling combination of emotions. She reached up to grab the straps of her blue top.

She paused, then sighed, then pulled them both down, off her arms. I got the full visual of her beautiful rounded breasts hanging there.

Mike yelled out from the field, "Hands on your head, princess!"

She let go of her shirt and folded her hands above her head and looked at me. Jesus, with both straps off and nothing holding it up, the shirt slid down to her waist. I was looking at her completely nude torso. Her abs were indeed flawless, and so trim. Even white trash boy back on the field must have been getting some side boob action at this point, if he could see that far in the dark.

Jade yelled over, "For DOUBLE, you gotta touch your elbows!" And Preesha chimed in, "Don't forget to close your eyes!"

Sam rolled her eyes up in exasperation. "Shit! That's right." She closed her eyes and brought her arms back down beside her again. Then she pulled her arms back behind her, and flexed to attempt to touch her elbows together behind her back. This motion separated her round breasts and aimed them slightly outwards. Her nipples were standing at full attention for me.

I really don't know what came into me, maybe it was the tension we both felt, but I couldn't resist making one last joke.

"Am I aiming for a particular kind of pointy shape, here?"

She snapped her head to me and clasped her hands over her tits in embarrassment. Oops, I had tripped her temper with that last crack. I was in for it, now, I could tell. Her eyes were blazing.

"Jesus Christ, Joel! I don't even know you. I'm sitting here next to this fucking parking garage," her hands were occupied so she pointed with a head twitch to the brick wall behind me, "sticking my fucking naked tits out for you and asking you to suck on them, for God's sake. At least you could be serious!" She glared at me in indignation. She was beautiful.

"I'm sorry," I said honestly. "I was just trying to lighten up the situation for you a little."

"Well, think a little bit what I'm going through here, you jerk! Oh my God. You want to drop your boxers for me, so I can pull your dick up in the air and make jokes about your balls?"

I thought about that. "It might have certain benefits," I japed, at which she glared even harder at me. I sobered up and revised my answer.

"I mean, no, definitely not. Look, I am sorry. I wasn't trying to make it harder for you. That was my bad." I looked at her, still holding her hands over her breasts. She was staring directly back at me, with heat, but at this point after what we'd gone through, I thought I could get away letting my gaze wander over her body. I could see the rounded shape of her breasts all around the perimeter of her hands. I don't need to say, but it was a pretty fucking awesome sexual pose. Especially knowing that she was going to have to open back up for me in a minute, assuming she didn't change her mind about going through with this.

"You are super pretty when you are mad. And topless."


"That was a pretty good crack about my balls, though."

"Oh my God! Maybe I won't go through with this. It would serve you right for fucking around so much." She hugged her tits protectively in sympathy with her comment.

"Samantha, seriously, I am still game to fake it," I offered. "Don't you get it, I care about you enough already that I don't want you to go through with this!" I paused to give her a chance to think it over one last time. She didn't respond.

"If you want to, though, we'll just do it and then it will be over. Okay?" She didn't make any motion.

I gave her a final ultimatum. "You really want to do this? Last chance to say no."

She nodded, still covering her breasts with her hands. Her anger flash had passed and she got quiet again.

"Okay, my beauty," I said, figuring I would take the initiative and guide her through this. "Then let me show you what we're gonna do."

I put my hands over hers, which were still covering her breasts tightly. I lined up my fingers with hers on both hands and wiggled back and forth a little. I liked feeling her body through her own hands. I could feel the warmth of each finger. Then I leaned into her in an attempt to be reassuring and we locked eyes for what I finally was sure was a moment that meant something.

"First, you're going to close your eyes." I waited, and she complied.

"Then, I'm going to move your hands over here," I gently tried to pull her hands away from her breasts. She resisted and tried to hold her hands in place-I think she hadn't forgiven me for my jokes-but I maintained a gentle pressure until she relented. I widened her hands until I saw nipples, then the full circles of her rounded breasts right there again in front from me, with her hands at her sides.

"Show me everything you got, my lovely. Stand up straight, now." She had slumped over a little, protectively, but on my command leaned back and pushed her chest out. I paused to take it all in. She must have been nervous because I saw slight quivering in her nipples, suspended as they were in front of her.

"Whew, that is one good looking enchilada. I got to go out for Mexican more often."

She protested again with a "Joel..." but this time it was quieter, and she didn't move to cover herself. She had her eyes closed and her head tilted back.

"Very nice. Then we're going to put your hands behind your back." I guided her hands back to the position behind her. "You gotta try to put your elbows together, I guess." She frowned, but complied by stretching further, and her tits stuck out even further from her chest. Her nipples were standing at attention for me just asking to be sucked.

I paused to look at the scene. Ah, this was one to remember.

"Joel...come on, I'm dying here," she said up into the air, pleading for me to get this over with.

"We're coming to the main event, hang on," I said. "Keep your eyes closed."

I didn't know if I was supposed to use only my mouth. But I thought, maybe it will be more gentle this way: I circled both my hands around a breast and pushed against her flesh. I moved my mouth in and squeezed, focusing the nipple right up to my mouth.

"Time to score some points," I said under my breath. I took a last look at the nipple squeezed in between my hands and aimed right at me. I let go and then squeezed again, slowly. The nipple was already firmed up. "Looks like my work's about half done already!"

I knew I was pushing it, but I had given her plenty of chances to pull out of this and she had been insistent, so I didn't feel that guilty. This was her game, not mine, and she was the one who wanted to go through with it. She didn't say anything in response. Her mouth was slightly open but she was past the point of objecting to my juvenile commentary.

I guided her nipple to play gently on my lips as I wiggled my head back and forth slightly, then I pushed the hardened nub through my lips to my tongue. I held my teeth way the fuck back in my mouth. I was determined not to freak out this beautiful woman in her delicate state. I sucked super gently on her nipple, pumping the flesh of her breast with my hands a couple times to squeeze the nipple further towards me. I felt her nipple harden. I flicked it with my tongue just a little to test it.

I released after probably too long. But I mean, come on. I thought it was better for her, and of course for me, to do this thing right. Right? Sensual like, not some asshole chomping on her nipple, if that's what she thought what was going to happen. It might have been what would have happened, too, with one of those other dudes.

"Okay, one down, one to go. Hang in there, my girl." She had her eyes closed, still. I saw her shake her head, like, why the fuck am I doing this and when is this going to be over.

I repeated the same motions on the other side. This time I cradled her breast in my hands even more sensually, and used my tongue to give a couple love kisses on her nipple afterwards.

I let go of her.

"Samantha, you are a beautiful woman. Thank you."

She opened her eyes and looked right at me.

"You owe me big for this, you sneaky bastard," she said in a low voice.

I wasn't sure if she was really pissed, but then she flashed me just the hint of an accepting smile after she said it. So I knew it was okay, what I had done. I had fucked around with her more than I should have, I knew, but she didn't seem to hate me for it.

Still bare breasted, she took another long look at me. Only then did I realize that this time, she didn't seem in a hurry to cover up. I think by going this far, something in her had changed. She was confident now. She looked me right in the eyes.

"This is gonna be something you remember for a while, bud?" she asked suggestively, still topless, her arms gesturing to her tits.

"Oh, hell yeah," I stammered back, surprised that the conversation had taken this unexpected turn. She pulled her graceful hands around her own tits and gently focused her nipples right at me.

"You going to think about these when you're back at your place," and her voice took on a mocking, fake sympathy, "all lonely, spanking the monkey?"

I laughed. Damn, where did this new Sam come from? Just getting through that experience, I guess. It was over now and she was in control, so she could fuck around with me for a change. I certainly deserved it, and once I got over the surprise, I started to relish it.

"I thought making jokes about my balls was only an idle threat!" I jibed back at her, and looked right at her tits with the nipples hardened, and whistled. I reflected on her question about the monkey. "Yeah, you can pretty much bet on it."

"You going to tell me that you're an asshole and I've got the best rack you've ever seen?" She gave me a challenging look, with a smirk.

"Samantha, I am most definitely an asshole, and you have by far the most beautiful body that I've ever seen." I put more sincerity into that than I expected.

"You want one final look to think back on?"

"Oh, yeah..." I said, and hoped I wasn't actually drooling.

"All right," and she looked down at her own tits. "Take a good last look."

She compressed her hands on her tits and squeezed all the way down to the nipples. She tugged on them like she was trying to express milk, and then pulled her nipples back and forth to each side. Then she pushed her breasts together from the sides so her nipples were almost touching and there was a vertical crease of flesh all down her front. She ended this show by wiggling her whole chest back and forth, twisting at the waist, seductively. Her breasts swayed with the movement.

I was staring right at her this whole time without any hesitation with my mouth wide open. There is no way in hell I could have predicted this performance!

Then she smiled a bad-girl smile at me, which I bet was a first for her, and she slowly pulled up her top. She had to wriggle into it since it had fallen down low on her waist, which gave me one final, fantastic visual.

She sobered up after all that and looked back at me, normally. With her clothed and standing next to me on the grassy field, the real world rushed back to both of us.

"Don't tell anybody about that last part," were her final words to me that night.

That ended the game, and my crazy night with the soccer players. From then on, she confidently told anybody to fuck off who teased her about not playing some stupid game in the team house.

As for what has happened with Samantha and myself since that night, there is a whole story there, and I find it quite a compelling narrative, I have to say. But I'm going to keep that one just for myself. You gotta find your own soccer girl to learn about that.

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TentaclePr0mTentaclePr0mover 5 years ago
Fun stuff

Charming and fun characters, would love to see where they go.

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