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Lemon Combo Point


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I shrugged sympathetically and tried to put her at ease with a friendly smile. "Hi, again," I said.

"Hi, Joel," she said in a resigned voice. "Look, I didn't want to be here again. I can't believe I missed." She steeled herself. "But okay, look, it's like last time, except this time you're going to grab me."

I must have looked confused, because I thought that's what I did last time. It sure as hell felt like I grabbed her tit last time. I recalled the sensation fondly. I don't think I'm ever going to forget that sensation of gently holding this girl's breast up in front of this parking garage and squeezing. Lemons.

"No, I mean, this time you really grab, ... you know,..." She brought her own hand up to her shirt where the smooth, rounded shape of her breast was. The built-in sports bra in her top, or whatever it was she was wearing under there, didn't let any sign of her beautiful nipples through. It was pretty heavy duty athletic wear. No pokies. She swiveled her hand at me in the air next and made a demonstrative pinching motion with the tip of her thumb and first finger. Even in the low light I could tell that she was blushing.

"I mean, you pinch it," she said. I raised my eyebrows in surprise and cocked my head. Then I nodded in understanding. I visualized that bold nipple right there under her shirt.

Then she unexpectedly flipped her hand back towards herself, and through the fabric of her shirt gathered up whatever flesh was beneath it and pulled it out towards me. It was a little alarming-it must have been her nipple she was grabbing through the shirt, which made a little cone of fabric back to her breast. It looked like it would have hurt. Tough girl! I imagined what was under there, since I had already seen from last time. Jesus, that was a turn on. But then it got even better.

"Then you're gonna twist, like, first one way, then the other." I was speechless as she demonstrated this on herself. But the slippery fabric popped out of her fingers as she twisted. We both watched her top pop back to its smooth round form over her breast.

"Well, um, I'll be..." She shrugged. I think that was her way of telling me that she'll be naked again and I won't have that problem. I remember thinking, don't worry yourself, I can take care of that part! I was excited beyond measure, but also I liked this girl enough at this point that I didn't think I could follow her instructions without a major guilt trip. I sobered up and tried my role as a white knight.

"Look, Samantha, we gotta talk." I put my hands to my head. "As much as I would love to go through with this, and by the way, you are an extremely beautiful girl and thank you for the opportunity," and at that I bowed my head towards her and I thought she smiled slightly. "But this whole thing is pretty messed up. What if I just pretend to do it for your asshole friends? They can't see from over there."

She looked frankly at me, assessing. "You are a nice guy." She paused. "Thank you." She stopped again, thinking, deciding. "No, I gotta do it. I don't want people to know that I chickened out."

"I wouldn't tell anybody. I promise you that." I summoned my courage and added, "I'd only charge you one dinner date as compensation, you know, without any boob squeezing. Pretty good deal!" I paused for comedic effect. "It's my usual offer in this situation."

She laughed a little. "Yeah, right. Look, I trust you wouldn't talk, but maybe I'd give it away or they'd find out somehow. Then this would all be for nothing," she gestured back to the group on the field. "and it would be even more embarrassing. It would linger. At least this," and she pointed back and forth to me, "will be over quickly."

I rocked my head up and down as I processed this, forming a puzzled pout with my mouth. "Well, okay, I'm not going to complain too much," I said, trying to set her at ease. We both looked at each other. I thought maybe this time we exchanged something meaningful.

"And maybe it doesn't have to be that quick?" I ventured, attempting a little bit of a flirt.

She flushed but then joshed back at me, "It better be, buster!" I smiled back at her in appreciation. I don't think I'd have the same sense of humor if I were in her situation.

"Well, ... do I choose again?" I asked, pointing to her breasts.

"Yeah, same thing," she replied with a resigned head shake.

"Okay, if you want to play the game, let's play the game!" I said, in a teasing voice, with a bit of a devilish smile playing across my face. I decided to go for it. "You gotta show me my options clearly, Miss Samantha. I got to see my choices. It's too dark. Stand up straight!"

She frowned at me. "Joel, seriously?"

I nodded with a mock serious expression.

She rolled her eyes. "Oh my God, I've created a monster. I can't believe I agreed to do this shit."

After a moment of looking at me defiantly, she must have decided to show me what's what, because she stood up at attention like I asked, and even pushed her chest out a little towards me, highlighting her tits with a slight wiggle of her torso. I really smiled broadly then. She was absolutely gorgeous, and that she was flirting with me, even just a little, turned me on you like you can't believe.

I think this girl did know how good she looked, even if she was modest in real life. I'd uncovered a hidden bit of daring personality here. Her eyes had a sassy, "check me out" attitude and she had her hands on her hips. This time she was facing directly at me and wasn't paying any attention to the girls behind her on the field. Her tits were perfectly symmetric. Of course I didn't care which one I'd get to tweak.

"Well, let me see," I overacted, faking a stage voice, rubbing the stubble on my chin with one hand. "These are attractive options. How about... this one!"

With my left hand outstretched flat, I reached over and pushed firmly into her right boob, pressing it against her chest through her shirt. Like a button. I pushed pretty hard and might have rocked her whole body back, but she was an athlete with rock hard core muscles and stood firm in her stance. As a result, her breast bulged out noticeably to the sides under my hand.

She looked at me with an open mouth in surprise and then down at where I was mashing her boob. She was like, hey bud, maybe you aren't so sugar sweet after all. I loved seeing her show this fire. If she suspected that I wasn't interested in playing along with this hazing because of my white knight attempt, this resolved all doubt in her mind. I was definitely having fun here, and it showed.

She sassed me back while I still held my hand pressed into her breast. "Wait, I didn't quite feel that, Mr.-so-called-nice-guy. Which tit do you want?"

"This one," I said, and moved her whole breast up and down, and even squeezed it with my fingers a couple times through her shirt.

"Okay, you are definitely getting too into this game." She wrapper her her hands over mine and thrust me firmly off of her chest, pushing my hands back to me. It wasn't really a smile she gave me, but a little bit of a smirk.

Then after glancing over her shoulder to guarantee that her idiot friends weren't leering at her, she pulled the right half of her top down for me with her left hand. She wasn't as slow and deliberate this time, but it was the same glorious sight as her other tit popped free from her top, just like before. I closed the distance between us and slid my left hand around her back to pull her towards me. She looked down at my arm and back at my face, curiously. Our faces were only a few inches apart. The times in my life that I had been this intimate with a topless girl, the next move was to kiss her, but I knew that wasn't in the plan tonight.

I took a good look down at the lovely curve of her breast, highlighted with that bold nipple protruding towards me. She watched me intensely as I moved my right hand in, bringing my thumb and forefinger gently onto each side. Her momentary courage with the flirting seemed to fail her as the reality of her being naked in front of me sunk in, with me about to tweak her tit.

Slowly, I pinched into the tissue of her breast, sliding towards the areola and then bunching it up as I pressed into the nipple. Earlier, for the lemons game, I had barely grazed her nipple, but this time I took an unapologetic grasp. It was super sexy, and I worried that I was getting a huge boner in my shorts. She might not end up being the only one embarrassed tonight.

I looked up into her eyes as I held this pinch on her breast. "You doing okay?" She was silent and I couldn't read her expression, but she nodded slightly.

"Here comes the twist," I said aloud for some reason. I had a solid hold on her, but her breast was firm and I couldn't rotate very far before it went taut. I didn't want to hurt her. Now I understood the source of Preesha's "ouch" earlier.

"Is that good enough?" I asked with a mix of honest curiosity and some devilish impudence.

She flashed mock or perhaps some real annoyance to this guy fondling an intimate and sensitive part of her body, and still hanging onto her like a clothespin. "Yes. You twist it like a combination lock. Get it? Combo?"

I opened my mouth and raised my eyebrows as I comprehended. My grip had slackened but in an inspiration I pinched more firmly and rotated back to the right. "Got it, yes! To the right to 24..."

I rolled her nipple bud just the merest bit back and forth between my fingers as if I had all the time in the world, then I relaxed the tension from my twist. Then I let go and carefully gathered the nipple again. That felt so good that I released and stroked the sides of her nipple with my thumb and fingers. It was hardening up as a result of this attention.

"Joel!" She said abruptly, scolding me, and looked down where I was tweaking her tit. She frowned, then looked back up at me with an accusing expression. Your time playing around here is over, the look said.

I got a last good grip and twisted the other way.

"Now to the left, go past the 24, to the..."

I froze and looked up at her, still torquing her nipple, and said in mock panic, "Wait, I forgot the combination!"

"Joel! Damn it! Come on."

I twisted further, holding the tension a few seconds, and looked again at her face. She had closed her eyes. Whoa! Maybe the combo lock was opening something else besides the locker door!

I rolled her nipple gently back and forth in my thumb and finger for a few moments, like I had done before, probably too long, then finally let go and gave her breast a soft caress, and pulled my hand away.

I stood back and gathered myself to run back to the field. She was still standing there, facing me. She hadn't pulled up her top yet, but she had snapped one hand over her naked breast after I released my grip, gently massaging her covered nipple with her palm. I'm not sure if this was an emotional or physical recovery from my manipulations. I felt bad, that maybe I had done too much again. I realized with some shame that like any regular dumb guy would, I had taken her flirts as too strong a signal. She was looking down at her chest and not saying anything.

I paused, then said without any joking, "Sam, look, I'm sorry that I took that too far. We're done, right?" I ventured, when she didn't seem to be making any motions to get back to the field.

She looked right back at me, still soothing her tit with her hand. "No. There's more."

"No shit? Seriously? To the Combo thing?" I actually didn't believe it.

"Yes, seriously."

"It's almost as if they wanted to maximize the humiliation."

"Yes, that is the point!" She glared at me. "This is hard enough already, you jerk. I'm standing here screwing up my courage to do this shit, to let you paw on my tits," at that point she looked down and pressed on her breast, tightly to her body, in a protective emphasis, "and your jokes aren't helping."

"I tried to talk you out of it!" I protested in a show of innocence, and shrugged my hands up beside me.

"And I told you I've got to see this through!"

She sighed, then held her free hand in front of her chest and made a twisting motion with her wrist. "Okay, so it's supposed to be like a combination lock, right? You've already 'twisted the dial', right?"

"Yes," I smiled broadly. "That was awesome."

She pursed her lips at me, and continued. "So now you've got to ... " and at that point she raised her hand in front of her breast and yanked it up in the air suddenly. "Open the lock."

I popped my head back in surprise. "Jesus, Samantha. What the fuck does that mean?"

"It means you pull up." She still was covering her breast with one hand.

I held out my hands, palms up, and mimed lifting her breasts upwards. "I pull up?"

"No," she said impatiently. "You pinch me." she motioned down from the top with the fingers of her hand towards the tip of her breast and mocked a pinching motion again. "And then pull up."

My mouth dropped open as I understood. I had to swing her tit up in the air by her nipple.

"Then you shake it," which she demonstrated in the air with her hand.

"I shake it?" I asked incredulously.

"Yes. I'll count to five. I just want to get this over with, okay? Can we do it already?"

"Shit! That's one tough combo lock." I observed, astutely. I remembered Preesha's counting. "Look, I don't want to hurt you."

"Yes, I'd prefer that you didn't," she said, annoyed.

"Okay... wow. I gotta think on this a second." She hadn't changed her basic position in front of me, covering her breast with her hand. I thought for a moment, then said, "Okay. I need you to do one thing, though."

"What's that?"

"Move your arm and let me at this lock."

She cocked her head and sighed. She looked at me, gathering her courage.

"All right, you jerk. You don't deserve it, but here you go." She pulled her hand away and there was my favorite sight again swaying gently in front of me. Her nipple looked rock hard now after what I'd done, followed by her own soothing massage.

I reached over to her chest and slid my hand carefully down her sternum. Instead of just pinching her nipple straight off, I encircled her whole breast with all my fingers as I slid my hand down and slowly moved in until I firmly grasped the tip. I wormed around to make sure I had a good hold. The nub felt very pleasantly solid in between my fingers. I could hang on here for a while.

She was annoyed by this process, and looked down to where I was basically just feeling her up. "You sure you got a good enough grip there?"

"The subject should be quiet during the game," I quipped, in a mock serious voice.

"Oh my God," She shook her head and looked up in the air in disbelief.

Then I pulled upwards gently on her breast, but I couldn't lift it far before it went tight. I'm pretty sure I wasn't hurting her, but it must have been uncomfortable to say the least. The skin of the areola made a little tent, stretching up into the tissue caught by my fingers. I could see the full underside of her breast now which was a lovely, lighter skin. That part of her body didn't see the light of day very often.

"I think we'll stop right... here," I said.

"One, two., ..." she started counting quickly, loud enough for the idiots back behind her to hear. She got to five before I remembered the shaking.

She snapped her hand over herself and looked at me, resuming her soothing touch. This time she might have needed it for real, but I didn't know how I could have pulled her sizable tit up in the air by the nipple with any less stress than what I did.

I started saying, "I forgot to..." when Jade yelled over from the field.

"Way too fast, bitch. You gotta do that again!"

Preesha tagged on. "Nice and slow this time, girl."

"... do the shaking thing," I finished. And then smiled at her in a sly tease, as we both realized I'd get another chance.

She looked down, her facial expression showing her frustration, and muttered, "God damn it," under her breath. I thought she might really bail at this point, but she gathered her courage and looked back at me. She sighed. "Ready?" she asked.

"Sure, I could do this all day. But, let's see. Miss Samantha, you are nicely endowed, I have observed. If I'm going to hold it that long, I might need both hands." I smiled my devilish smile again.

"Jesus Christ, Joel. Really?" She shook her head in disbelief. "I'm going to get you back for this."

Jade yelled again from the field. "LET'S GO, BITCH!"

I put my hands up as if in question to her.

"Yeah, do whatever," she said, shaking her head in capitulation. She pulled her hand off, exposing her breast for me again.

This time, I reached with one hand to cradle the underside of her breast, and I lifted it up so I could get a firm hold on her nipple with the fingers of my other hand. Then I moved her breast upwards with both hands together. I grabbed not only the nipple, but some meat of the breast too, so I was able to lift her breast higher than before. She shifted uncomfortably at the pull.

"One," she counted in a loud voice and paused. Evidently, I was going to have time to play around here. I firmed up my grip on her nipple and let go with the other hand so her breast was swinging freely, held only by the nipple. I hope I wasn't hurting her. It felt nice and solid in my grip. She had a pretty chunky nipple for such a sweet girl, and I found that super sexy.

"Two," she said, eyes glaring at me. I wiggled her nipple a little. It was delightful the way the wave rippled down her breast. The only thing that would have made it better with the counting would have been a little spanking, too. Just call me Mr. Grey!

"Three." At this point, I went ahead and gave her tit a good shake, as I had been directed to, wiggling back and forth, but then her nipple slipped out of my grasp. Her tit bounced down to its normal position.

"Oops," I said quietly. I got a major frown for that.

"Four." She yelled out and glared at me again but left her tit exposed. I quickly grabbed her breast and suspended it in my hand, heaving it up from underneath. When I grabbed her nipple from top-down with my other hand, as before, the hard nub was rock solid now.

"Five," she said and quickly swung her hands in to push mine away from her body. She covered up her tit and pulled her top up all in one swoop.

"Man, that was a hard lock to open," I deadpanned. "I'm definitely getting one of those Kryptonites next time."

She looked at me, mad, holding still without an expression for a few seconds. I expected and deserved to get an earful of her indignation again. But something about this ridiculous situation, and my bad jokes, and maybe the tension released by her knowing it was now over, combined to make it funny. We could both sense it. She cracked just the merest smile, then let out a small laugh. I joined her.

"Oh my God, why the fuck am I doing this. I hate you, Joel. I'm going to get you back for this, somehow."

Then she sobered up and looked at me frankly and ended our session as before. "Now, I mean it. I really don't want to see you again like this."

We went back and played some more with the group, and it was dark enough that I wasn't sure if we were going to stop before any more fun would be had. But then a big play came when I faked a kick to my right. Samantha leaned forward, probably because she couldn't see me that well in the dark, and then I easily went around her and into the goal as she tumbled forward and sat in the grass with her legs in front of her with a frown.

"You didn't even touch it. That's a DOUBLE!" Jade yelled. "Oh yeah, princess Sam gets a double POINT!"

I walked over to Sam and extended a hand, helping her get up. Together she and I assembled on the back edge of the field for a third and evidently final time, judging from the game's triplet name. I could get used to this routine. I was going to find out what POINT was. Definitely not a point for goal, I could guess that much by now. I was thinking about getting those delicious nipples into my grip again, how it felt gently rolling them back and forth, feeling them harden up under my touch.

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