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Liberal Libido

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A mother introduces her son to a whole new lifestyle.
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All characters are over the age of eighteen. This story has been in works for a couple years and almost abandoned a few times entirely. I'm still not sure how I feel about it, but it is what it is.


I grew up in a house where words like 'modesty' and 'shame' had no meaning. Mom was a biker chick who raised me in the rough and tumble world that that lifestyle provided. She was careful what she did around me as I grew, but her casual and dismissive attitude towards anything and everything rubbed off on me. I took school as a joke growing up. I often failed simply due to complacency which made it not failing in my eyes.

I didn't care for the traditional roles people took up in their lives and neither did Mom. She pushed me through school with the motivation that one day, I'll be able to pursue fulfilling my dream of being a biker full time. She was fair with me, though, and routinely reminded me of the opportunities that the world offered me if ever I chose to go after them. I unintentionally closed the door to those other opportunities when I failed two grades. I saw it as the world closing its doors to me once again and my dream to become a biker solidified inside me.

Mom was a tall, well-tanned woman who maintained her hair in a braided ponytail. She carried knives, knew how to use guns, and would curse you out if you crossed paths with her in a way she didn't much approve of. She would hug you the first time she met you, and comfort you if you were a friend in need. She also used her body any way she liked. Don't get me wrong, Mom wasn't a hooker by any means. She just had that hippy, liberal mindset where friends can fuck each other and not get attached. These were the things I learned on my eighteenth birthday.

She took me to a local strip club where the gang hung out on Saturday nights. She explained on the way there that I was to go around to the back and I would be let in there and taken to one of the champagne rooms. I knew why. The club was twenty-one and over only, but the Sheriff always turned a blind eye to the gang because they were good for business and good for the town.

He always said, "I can't stop what I can't see and that I ain't got time to go snoopin' 'round lookin' for trouble."

Mom met me in the room, gave me a beer and sat directly next to me. She liked being close to me, but because of the noise of the club, she needed to be close if I was to hear what she had yet to tell me. There was a change I saw in her. She wore her clothes loosely and wasn't shy about her body around me anymore. I saw the woman she'd been hiding my entire life. She spoke differently and the way she touched me was certainly something that I wasn't accustomed to.

We had a long conversation and it started with her telling me what was going to change at home immediately. She put her hand on my thigh and leaned in close to talk to me.

"I had a lifestyle before you were born that I gave up until today. It was for your own good but now the responsibility of figuring out what's good for you is now yours and yours alone. I will wear whatever clothes I want to wear in any fashion I care to wear them. I'm not afraid of showing my body and I'm not afraid of sex, Clint. I know you've been exposed to porn movies, but that stuff ain't real. I share my body with who I want, and I'm not scared of sharing where other people can see. You may see things at home or in the shop, club or wherever that you've not been exposed to before."

I followed every word, unsure how she kept it all away from me through the years.

"In our club, sex is just something fun we do. Yes, I'm bisexual and you may see me flirting with men and women. Hell, you might even see a lot more than that. The choice is up to you, though. If you want to watch, you can. If you don't, that's okay, too, Clint. Don't matter much to me, either way. You may even see me gettin' myself off somewhere that's not my room. You're welcome to watch that, too. Hell, you can get off watchin' me if you like. The point is, we do a lot of good for this community and we're a very special group. We keep it that way by being free to do what we want as individuals and not gettin' jealous, understand?"

I nodded but was still wildly confused.

"And to show you what I mean, Miss Libby would like to come in and give you a present. Come on in, Libby!" Mom said.

The door opened and a scantily clad woman walked in. Her panties barely covered her, and her bra was see-through.

"Most mommas wouldn't even do this for their sons. If any did, I guarantee you they would not sit here and watch. I'm going to, though, if that's okay with you?"

"I- I guess so," I muttered nervously.

"Well, good!" she replied. She got up and hugged Libby and kissed her lips before taking her by the hand and sitting her next to me.

"So, this is the birthday boy?" Libby asked.

"Yep, and I don't quite think he understands what's about to happen in this room," Mom said.

"Well, let's get started!" Libby said, tugging at my pants.

I stood up and let her pull my pants down. My boxers came with them, releasing my already hard cock out into the smokey air.

"Oh, this is a nice one," Libby commented, wrapping her hand around the base, and pointing it toward Mom for her concurrence.

Mom looked it over and said, "He didn't get that from his father, I can tell ya that much."

Libby stroked me and asked, "Is this going to be your first blowjob?"

I nodded nervously. She just smiled and took me in her mouth. It didn't take very long before I felt the urge to cum. I looked around in a panic trying to figure out what to do.

"Are ya gonna cum, baby? If so, all you have to do is tell her. Let her decide what to do with it."

"I'm- I'm going to cum if you keep goin' like that," I told Libby.

Her eyes looked up to meet mine and she just kept sucking me in and out of her mouth. My knees shook and I was hardly able to keep standing without bracing myself on something. Mom stood up and put her arm around me.

"Looks like she wants you to cum in her mouth," she said as if the entire situation was normal.

I looked at Mom just as my orgasm hit me. I clenched my teeth and my legs jerked hard as the first shot left my cock. Libby held eye contact with me as she drained my balls into her mouth. Mom also spared encouraging words, but they were never dirty. It sounded more like when she was teaching me to ride a bike for the first time.

"There you go!" she said. "Libby doesn't like a mess so, I figured she would have you do that."

It was as if it were something all moms did. I knew it wasn't, though. When I finished, I fell back onto the couch.

"Whoa, that was amazing," I said, almost out of breath. My cock had gone soft and was just laying against my stomach as I slouched.

"Welcome to a whole new world, Clint. Now that your mind is clear, there's other stuff to tell you."

She waited until I restored my clothes to keep telling me about the world I was just thrust into.

"With the other bikers, we do this a lot. It's very casual and nobody hides their sexuality. If someone wants a hand job, they simply can ask for one. They'll get one more often than not, but they don't go running into another room to hide it. The others also don't make a spectacle out of it. Imagine twenty other people in this room while Libby sucked you off. Some of them may have watched you but most would just ignore what was going on. If you've watched porn movies with orgies, it's not like that either. We share each other when the moment suites us without regard to who's there."

"So, you can just have sex with someone, and nobody bats an eye about it?" I asked.

"Yeah, pretty much. It took a long time to make this club into what it is. Finding people who think like us ain't easy."

The rest of the night went well. I got some presents from the guys in the biker club and a few of the girls came into the room and danced for me and Mom. It was interesting watching her be as handsy as I was toward the women. I had so many questions, but I wanted to wait. Eventually, the night had to come to a close and Mom requested I drive home.

On the way, she asked me my thoughts on what she had introduced me to. I told her I kind of liked it, but it would take some getting used to. She agreed that it would and asked me how I felt about her sexuality. I told her it didn't really bother me. I knew she wasn't particularly modest so really, none of it was overwhelming.

"I'm glad you said that because between watching Libby work her magic on you and those girls rubbin' themselves all over me, I am worked up beyond belief!"

Mom proceeded to unbutton her jeans and push them, along with her panties, down to her knees and spread her legs. Naturally, I stared, having never seen Mom naked before. It wasn't how I would have chosen to see Mom that way for the first time, but I knew she was excited to let loose.

"When I said you can watch me, I didn't mean at the expense of our safety, boy! You drive and let me cum," she said.

She shifted about in her seat until she was comfortable and began masturbating right next to me. When she said I was thrust into something new, she sure meant it. Mom didn't moan or grunt or anything like that. She took her time. Her head was tossed back as if she was sleeping but her hand still toyed with her pussy. I caught as many glimpses as I could if it was safe. I knew in that moment that I enjoyed Mom's body and looked forward to seeing that new side of her.

Soon, I saw her legs shake slightly and her fingers slow until she let out a large breath and smiled widely. She waited a while before looking over at me.

"That was good," she huffed as she restored her clothing. "See, it really is that easy."

"So, if I wanted to, I could just jerk off on the couch in the TV room while you're in there?" I asked.

"If you wanted to. Clint, there wouldn't be a need to go to your room, cum, and then come back out. I would know what you were doing anyway. Just skip the bullshit and relieve yourself there. Hell, if something on the TV made ya horny, it might have done the same to me. We can both cum and move on with the day, ya know?"

I had questions I was nervous to ask, and Mom knew it.

"You want to ask me something?" she asked.

"I mean, I guess I could understand all this if you were anyone but my mom. I can understand being comfortable around someone but how is it that you're suddenly so comfortable not only being nude around me but engaging in sex acts while I'm nearby? It seems like a big leap to me."

"You're a man now, Clint. I will treat you as such until you give me reason otherwise, got it? If you're really a man, I expect you to be able to handle the way I want to live my life now that you're of age."

"So, just like that?"

"Yeah, just like that! I'm not tryin' to be mean to ya, son, but if you don't like seeing me nude, touchin' myself or having sex, then off ya go!"

"Alright, alright," I told her with a laugh.


Over the next few weeks, I tested the new rules. Everything Mom said was absolutely true and I came to learn what she meant. On several occasions, she casually walked from one place to another in the house completely nude, but it was always due to an inconvenience of some kind. I thought that when she first told me about our new routine at home, she was telling me in a roundabout way that she was a nudist but she meant exactly what her words were intended to convey. Nudity wouldn't be a common occurrence but when it happened, I shouldn't be shocked. For the first time during those first few weeks, though, I wondered what her thoughts would be if I ever saw her body and desired her.

On one of those occasions, she walked past me nude on her way to the laundry room.

"One day, I'll learn to bring my dried laundry into my room the night before if I intend on wearing it the next day," she said, acting put out and without further comment.

I liked seeing Mom nude. It was a new side to her, and it was intimate to me. Not in a sexual way, but that we were free to be the people we were born to be. I had hoped that seeing Mom nude wouldn't cause a reaction within me, but I felt my cock harden a little just watching her and I knew my eyes trailed her a little longer than I normally ever would have. It was the first time I had a physical desire for her.

On another occasion, we were watching a racy show when I began to feel horny. I hadn't masturbated in front of Mom up to that point and was nervous to do so, despite what she told me. She didn't hesitate. I watched her open her robe and masturbate in the dimly lit room. My attention shifted between the steamy scene on the TV and her. It seemed she sensed my hesitation.

"Clint, if you want to get off, you're more than welcome. It's okay."

I fished my dick out of my pants and slowly stroked it. I knew how I was doing it wasn't what I really wanted, and Mom did as well.

"Come on, is that how you really do it? You need to let your balls out and enjoy getting off."

I got comfortable and leaned into the corner of the couch. I watched the scene play out and eventually, I came. Mom followed my lead and had her orgasm shortly after. She looked over at me and laughed.

"Now I see," she said.


"You cum on your shirt all the time?"

I nodded, oblivious to what she was getting at.

"You may not have ever noticed, but it can stain your clothes, son."

"Oh. Shit. Sorry," I said quietly.

"I guess I could've had you start doin' your own laundry a while back and told you that. My bad," she said as she got up. "Go clean up and we'll finish the movie."

We became closer and our self-play was never inhibited again. It even got to the point where Mom would ask me to get her vibrator, or I would ask her to get me a tissue while we were mid-action. It didn't bother either of us. Masturbating in front of each other became something we just did.

Mom also began hosting club events at the house. Before my eighteenth birthday, she always left to hang out with her biker friends, and I was never allowed to go. Now, they all came over and were all happy to see me. I spent a lot of time watching everyone during the first few events. I didn't doubt what Mom told me, but it was hard to believe. Sure enough, though, everything she said they did was true.

I often spotted Mom sitting on one of the guys' laps or one of the girls sitting on hers. Sometimes she would give the guy a hand job or slip her hand down the front of the pants of the girl. They didn't focus on each other. They continued conversing with those who surrounded them. It was rare when someone reacted mid-conversation to what was happening to them. When they did, though, nobody thought twice about it. It was just something they did. I noticed, though, that Mom usually interacted sexually with the same people. It was like she had favorites.

Eventually, another aspect of this new lifestyle presented itself. My circle of friends evolved to include my peers from the biker club exclusively. The club had truly become a family where outsiders just weren't there. Not that they wouldn't be welcome, but as Mom said, it was difficult finding people who were as open and accepting as we were. We would sometimes host community events or partied with other bike clubs, but we weren't as open with them as we were with each other.

The sex was the only true secret the club kept to itself but it was everywhere we were as a private group of select friends hanging out together. I still had more to learn, though.

Life had become a series of new events for me to witness. It seemed to be a process of indoctrination into how the rest of my life was going to be.

One day, while a friend was over, we were playing video games in the living room and Mom moved past us nude and it surprised me. For me, the surprise was that she did that while my friend was over. For him, the surprise was that she was home.

"Ah, I didn't know your mom was home. Is she busy?" he asked.

I shrugged and said, "I don't know, why?"

"She was with someone the other day at the picnic, and I didn't want to interrupt. I figured maybe she might be interested now," he said, getting up and walking after Mom.

I felt I knew what he was talking about but didn't realize that the activities she described also extended to my friends. I sat for a few minutes sorting out what was going on before I got up to see what was happening. I went looking for them and found them both in the laundry room. Mom was sitting on the dryer, and he was standing in front of her with his pants around his ankles. She was jerking his hard cock while they casually chatted. Mom saw me in the doorway first.

"Hi, Clint, what's up?" she said as if nothing was amiss.

"Um," I said, trying to figure out what I was going to say, "this is also normal? Should I expect all my friends to do this?"

I wasn't mad, it was just a simple question.

"Well, I told him the other day that someone got to me first. I told him I would take care of him next time," she said.

I watched him move closer to her and push his dick into her pussy. She jumped slightly but giggled and welcomed him inside her.

"Oh, that's nice," she said. "You're gentle with this for someone your age."

I watched them move together. He paid attention to her needs, and she leaned back, watching him move in and out of her. I realized it was nice to watch Mom be pleasured like that. It didn't matter who was doing it, which I then realized at that moment that it was the exact point that she was trying to get through to me. I watched them until the end where he asked where she wanted him to cum.

"Um, just cum on my tummy here," she said, rubbing her hand on her stomach.

A few pumps later, he pulled out of her and came where she said. Spurt after spurt landed on her skin and oozed down her body. Most of it pooled in her belly button and the rest ended up gathering around the little bit of pubic hair she had.

"Get me that washcloth, honey," she told him.

He got it for her, and she wiped up the mess. She hopped off the dryer, kissed his cheek and thanked him for the quickie.

"You're going to be one of the favorites among the girls in no time," she told him.

I shrugged off the whole thing and told my friend that the game was waiting. We resumed playing it and it almost seemed as if nothing at all happened out of the ordinary. I couldn't get the image of my mother having sex with someone right in front of me out of my head. It wasn't that it was one of my friends, but the act itself. Up until then, it was just us getting ourselves off. I had more questions.

"Mom," I said, approaching her not long after my friend left, "should I expect that kind of thing often?"

"Sex?" she asked.

"Yeah. I didn't know all this extended that far and most of all, included my friends."

"Well, let's talk about it," she said. She led me to the living room, and we sat and talked.

"So, does any of it bother you?" she asked.

"No, I guess not, I just didn't know," I admitted.

"Okay, well, if it doesn't bother you, let me be clear about this. I have sex with people as freely as you and I masturbate together. I like cumming whether it's me doing it or someone else."

"What about me?" I blurted out. I initially regretted asking but then realized she didn't catch the meaning I initially intended.

"You can do the same. All the same rules apply, though. Anyone in the club is fair game for you to ask. That's the important part, Clint. You simply need to ask and accept whatever answer you're given. You'll come to learn that asking is often more than asking the question. It can be literal, but mostly it's body language and implied consent."

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