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Liberal Libido


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"You asked your mother for sex?"

"Well, I asked if I could ask. I know there's not much difference, but to me there is."

"Asking if you can ask reveals something about you as a person and a son, Clint. It suggests that sex with your mother wasn't necessarily on your mind that moment but if it ever was, you wanted to know if you could ask."

"Yeah," I said, knowing full well it wasn't exactly true. "Mom said we couldn't do that and it took me years and some key events to finally ask Mom if it was sex with me that was the problem or if was because the nature of the act wasn't a natural part of the group's culture."

"What did she say?" he asked me.

"She told me to ask her another time."

He laughed a little and asked, "And you thought you'd come talk to me about it?"

"Yeah," I told him.

"Why do you think your mother would want you to talk to me instead of just doing the deed within the privacy of your home?"

I didn't consider that at any point and his question threw me for a loop. When I didn't answer right away, he prompted me.

"You know the answer, Clint."

"Mom doesn't hide things from the club, and I guess because I'm here with you, I don't want to, either."

Bob slowed his bike until he was right beside me.

"Look at me," he said.

I turned my head and he was already looking at me. I didn't know what to expect but after several seconds, he just nodded at me. We rode for several miles before he spoke again.

"What happens when you and your mother have sex?"

"I don't think I understand the question," I honestly replied.

"You've had sex with your mother and the next day, we're all hanging out and someone approaches her for whatever act they're looking for. What do you do?"


"Nothing?" he asked. He wasn't surprised at my answer, he wanted to know more.

"It would be like getting jealous because a husband pulled his wife into a random bedroom the day after she gave me a blowjob next to the pool."

"She's your mother, not your lover."

"Yes, sir," I replied.

"So, what do you want from me?"

"Uh," I said before laughing nervously. "I'm not sure?" I asked.

"Well, you don't need my permission to do these things, so, why are we here?"

I thought for a while before responding the best way I knew how.

"Your opinion matters, Bob," I told him. "Our continued presence in the club is our utmost priority."

"So, you think if you have sex with your mother and I knew about it, I will somehow banish both of you?"

"I don't think it to be that extreme, but I don't know what the middle ground is," I told him. "I also don't think I want to find out."

"The middle ground is where I say it is," he told me forcefully.

He said it with such authority that I was stunned. I didn't say a word for miles.

"We drink, we ride, and we fuck. A lot," he told me. "I've never said a thing about what you drink and we helped you build that bike that's currently tearing up the road. What makes you think I care who you fuck?"

When I didn't have an immediate answer for his question, he doubled down and became more aggressive.

"You brought me out here and you seem to not have a roadmap about what you want to accomplish. I'll ask you again, why are we out here?"

I hesitated again and apparently for longer than he liked.

"Stop up here on the right and shut your bike off."

I followed his lead and parked my bike behind his. I shut it off, dismounted, and removed the helmet. I didn't know what to expect, really. He approached me confidently and stood a foot from me, appraising me.

"So, why are we here, Clint?"

Just then, a heard of bikes approached and surrounded us. I quickly recognized them as other club members and from the looks of it, it was all of them. They all shut off their bikes, removed their helmets and watched Bob.

"Why are we here?" he asked, a little louder.

When I didn't answer right away, he stepped just slightly closer and asked again. I panicked and took all the random and incomplete thoughts that had been brewing in my head that day and put them into words the best I could.

"I guess--" I started.

He gently interrupted me.

"Speak louder and stop guessing."

"It's not the act. I respect you and when I realized I wanted something... someone out of the ordinary culture of our club, it simply made sense to approach you about it. You have the right to know and here I am standing in front of you telling you what I want, and I leave that decision to you."

He narrowed his eyes at me and appraised the genuine nature of my statement. It felt like he was staring into my soul and would rip it to bits if he saw insincerity in my intent. After a few moments, he raised his arm and snapped his fingers. Someone dismounted their bike and approached us slowly.

"As you know, we don't jacket new members unless they're over twenty-one and even then, it takes a certain event to solidify our decision to do so. You came to me with respect about something that is very much inconsequential. You think I don't know that Blake and Kathy are fucking?" he said, pointing at the bike that had Blake as the driver with his mother holding him tightly. "You think I care that Cindy and her father are fucking?" he said, pointing at another bike with the young woman, holding her father tightly. "I don't give two fucks about that, Clint!"

Just as the man who was walking up to us stopped and waited, I noticed movement from another bike. I saw Mom dismount the bike she was riding passenger on and stand waiting.

"As of this moment," he told me, pointing to the ground intensely, "this moment right now, Clint, you are a full member of this club. You've demonstrated the humility and respect that we require of our members."

The man that stood beside me took his helmet off and I saw him to be the strongest father figure I'd known my entire life, even though all the men in the club could reasonably be considered as part of the same role. He took off his dusty leather vest and offered it to me,

"He's been wearing this vest for you the last three years. We don't give our members new vests. We make them blend in as if they'd always been a part of us and you are now a part of us."

I was fitted with the vest and my chest swelled with pride. Bob pointed to Mom and directed her over to us.

"I believe you have a question to ask her," he told me.

Mom walked up to me and spoke confidently.

"Ask me that question again."

I thought for a moment before I realized what she was referring to.

"What if the idea of family relation was of no consequence?" I asked.

Bob took over.

"Every one of us has had a trial they have to overcome. Your mother was ready for you when you asked, but we all needed to know more about you. Well, son, now we know. We know and now you know that there is no consequence. Your mother has been waiting patiently for this day. Now, we ride back to the fort and celebrate your ascension."

He leaned in closer and spoke softer.

"And if you want to fuck your mom, you won't find a man or woman here who cares."

I stood there dumbfounded. I had become a full-fledged member of the club and Mom was there ready be a part of my harem. I needed only to ask the question I've always wanted to ask her. I turned to her and she looked excited for me to ask her.

"I suppose I can ask you now?"

She nodded quickly.

"If you're willing, I'd like to have you," I told her.

"Then you will have me, son. A feast is waiting for us but before you eat pork, down your beers or fuck any other woman, you will take me."

It wasn't a request. She was demanding that she be my first for the night. The other bikes took off, leaving me and Mom alone on the side of the road.

"I've been waiting for this moment for three years, Clint. I know you sensed something was off about me when you originally asked me and Kathy's drunken admission didn't help but everything that happened was orchestrated to get us all to this point; you most of all. You're not only a man but a tried member of this club. I know I always wanted you to have the world, but deep in my heart this is all I ever wanted for you."

"Did Kathy have this talk with her son?"

"I think the more important question is did Blake have this same conversation with Bob?"

I stared at her.

"We all have had a discussion with him, son. It's part of the process," she told me, stepping closer. "Trust is the mortar that holds this whole thing together. That's what this day was all about. You placed your trust in him as we all did and with that, he placed his trust in you to bring you fully into the fold."

She looked me over and focused on the growing bulge between my legs.

"Looks like you're ready," she said with a sly smile.

"I am ready, but I feel like everything is changing now," I reflected.

"Oh, you have no idea. You know all those masturbation sessions we've had?"

I nodded with curiosity.

"That's all done," she said.

She held up a finger as soon as I went to protest.

"Now you can just fuck me whenever the mood strikes."

We both laughed heartily.

"Come on, Mom. We have food to eat, beer to drink and I have a woman to fuck that I've been salivating over for three long years."

"Salivating?" she asked as she followed me to my bike.

"Yeah," I said as I put on my helmet.

Mom put hers on as well and we headed back. She held me tightly as we rode, and I felt her hands wander often. I was the happiest I'd ever been. I had half a mind to just take Mom home and fuck her the rest of the day and night, but it seemed the entire ordeal was planned and there was a celebration to be had. I also knew that romancing Mom wasn't the way to start this whole thing out.

I couldn't get the idea out of my head, though.

We arrived and were greeted with raucous applause and pats on the back. I was handed a beer right away and shuttled around for individual handshakes and congratulations. Mom was courted by the ladies of the club. No doubt she was being bombarded with questions. It all took longer than I liked when Bob suddenly appeared in front of me.

"Have you had her yet?"

"I got here and was shuttled away and--" I started.

"You know, a few of them didn't wait to come back. Some fucked right on the side of the road. Others went home to be alone and passionate. Why'd you come here to do the deed?"

I had a moment of clarity and spoke confidently.

"It's not about passion," I told him. "It's about being the man I always wanted to be and having the woman I care most about, even if it's just for a moment in time."

I smiled softly as I continued.

"Variety is the spice of life, yes? Mom isn't just another woman but she's not in line to be my wife."

"That's all well and good, son. She stopped mothering you three years ago. What is she now?"

"She's still my mother," I told him.

"That's right," he said proudly. "You have a bright future here and you may one day replace me."

"That's a discussion for another time, sir. Right now, there's a woman I'm dying to fuck!"

He let loose a hearty laugh, slapped my back and pushed me toward the group crowding Mom.

"Ladies! If I may interrupt?" I asked, looking at several of them. I knew them all but recognized several as occasional lovers. Each of them looked upon my mother with expecting eyes.

"There appears to be someone I have to do at the moment," she said holding her hand out toward me.

We didn't go far from the group. Mom took the lead and got on her knees in front of me. She quickly retrieved my cock and put it in her mouth quicker than I'd seen her put anything in it. She looked up at me as my cock hardened in her mouth. As I got stiffer, she began loosening her pants. I watched her push them down her legs eagerly.

When I was ready, she knew it.

"Fuck me, son. I've been waiting for too long," she said to me.

I got behind her and pushed my cock into her pussy and held it there. I lifted her up until I was able to access the buttons keeping her shirt on her. Typically, we only ever shed the clothing needed to fuck but I was intent to have Mom naked and, on her hands and knees as I fucked her. Soon, that was exactly the case.

The only clothing that remained on her were the pants still bunched around her knees. I began fucking her like she was any other woman but with so much more desire. I was about to cum much sooner than I liked considering who I had my dick in.

"I'm going to cum, Mom," I told her.

"Do it!" she said loudly. "Dump that load in me!"

I gripped her hips tightly and pushed all the way into her as the first shot left me.

"I can feel your cum," she hissed as she ground her ass back onto me.

I dumped the rest of my load into her and nearly collapsed onto her as I held her closely. We were both breathing heavily. I was expecting my cock to grow soft and slip out of her but I surprisingly remained hard inside her. Without saying a word, I moved back and forth again.

"Oh, shit, again?!" she asked, looking back at me.

"I guess so, huh?"

I was happily fucking my mom again. Kathy had made her way over to casually watch us and she coached us on.

"Again, Clint? Damn, I think you're going to have a sore cunt in the morning, love," she said to Mom.

"I can keep going all night," she said. "Looks like the young stud here might be able to do the same."

I was glad to keep going but Kathy made me think about the things Mom and I could get up to later that night. I fucked her for several minutes before pulling her back up as I had her when I removed her shirt.

"What do you say we stop this now and spend the night in your bed tonight?" I asked her.

"You're going to fuck me all night, aren't you?"

I smiled widely.

"Well, I'll do my best but if it's not all night then you know I'll be waking you up in the morning for it."

Several strokes later, I pulled out still hard and tucked it into my jeans. Kathy ushered Mom away. I learned later that they went to talk about Mom's first experience with me. I hung out with Blake until later that night when Mom announced that she was ready to go home.

"Yeah, I think it is about that time," I told her.

I was congratulated again by most of the club as we left. Bob stopped us just before we hopped on my bike.

"You did well, Clint. I wasn't kidding about you leading this rowdy bunch one day, either. You have a promising future ahead of you and now you know there's nothing you can't talk to me about."

"Yes, sir, I do know that. I think I knew that before, though. I just needed to get over the hump."

"Yeah," he said, looking back at the group still partying, "that's how it goes. Speaking of humps... you better take this lady home and finish what you started."

"Yes, sir!" I said with a grin.

When we got home, we didn't go at it immediately. We talked for half the night. We spoke about fucking and passion and what they meant to us.

"I'll fuck anyone I want," I told her. "My passion, though, is yours until I find the woman I intend to stay with."

"That's the correct answer, son. We have one final rule, though."

She took on kind of an ominous tone.

"What's that?" I asked, sipping on my beer.

"When you do find that love, access to me is gone."

I leaned back in my chair and considered her words as I stared into her eyes. She held my stare in a way that was all too familiar. It wasn't a suggestion at all. I had no choice in that matter. While it seemed there were really no rules, passion was passion and we only shared it with one person.

"That's fair," I said. "I can't imagine taking you to your bed tonight if my father were around still."

"It's not just that, Clint. It means we will never have sex again when you find that one girl who's meant for you."

"No, I get that. Until then, though, you're all mine!"

She smiled widely and held her beer up.

"Here's to our new life. May your cock remain hard, and my pussy remain wet," she said.

I tapped my bottle against hers and offered my own words.

"Here's to a bond that will never be broken."

She nodded, took one last sip of her beer and got up from the table.

"Let's go, I want more of that cock."

I took Mom to bed that night. We spent hours with each other's bodies underneath our fingers and tongues. Mom was great at sucking dick, and I got my fair share of compliments while sucking her clit. We fucked in every way imaginable, and she showed me a thing or two. We fell asleep sweaty, covered in cum and exhausted. The following morning, I woke her up wanting more and she was ready to oblige.

Mom and I continued having sex for several years. Kathy sometimes joined us for threesomes but outside of that, our routine was as it was those three years between my eighteenth and twenty-first birthday. We hung out with the club, fucked whoever we wanted and did whatever suited us. I eventually found the woman I would marry.

"I found her, Mom," I told her one evening after a lengthy session on the couch.

Mom was cuddling up to me as she recovered and noticeably sighed at my announcement.

"Jill?" she asked.

I nodded as my fingers worked through her damp hair.

"She's a good girl," Mom said.

We sat silently for a while. I thought about all the good times with Mom over the last several years. Mom's hand gently glided up and down my thigh.

"What are you thinking?" I asked.

"I'm genuinely happy for you, son," she said without delay. "The rules haven't changed, though. Jill knows them just as you and I do. She'll expect your intensity to be hers to enjoy alone."

"She does. She knows I'm spending time with you tonight for that very reason."

"What reason is that?" she asked, looking up at me.

"Enjoying my last night with you," I told her.

She nodded and a smile crossed her face.

"Night's not over, though, is it?" she said with a devilish grin.

"It certainly is not!"

"Let's get a shower and maybe you can fuck me all night long, what do you think?"

"I dunno," I said with an exaggerated exhale, "I'm not sure if this old man has it in him anymore!"

She slapped my leg.

"If this old hag can take a cock all night, you can give it!"

I took Mom to the shower for the last time that night. She sucked my cock and got me rock hard before leading me out of the shower. We didn't bother with towels. We fell into her bed and she mounted me quickly.

"I will miss this cock, but I know it'll be in good hands," she said as she rocked back and forth slowly. "If it's all the same to you, I'd like to just take it slow for now."

"Of course," I told her.

I placed my hands on her ass and kept her slow pace. We smiled at each other and enjoyed our closeness one final time. There was no need to be rushed. She continued rocking as we looked at each other. I was in deep thought and I knew she was, too. It didn't matter, though. We were enjoying ourselves regardless of what our minds were doing.

She came first that final time. She picked up the pace and I felt the walls of her pussy take hold of me and I felt her legs quiver on both sides of mine. When she was done, I carefully swapped places with her and fucked her missionary style.

"Where do you want me to cum, Mom?" I asked as I felt the inevitable begin.

"Cum inside me one last time."

I did exactly that. I moved in and out of her with each stroke getting faster and harder than the one before it. Finally, I pushed in and released the contents of my balls in her pussy.

"Ah!" she gasped.

"Holy shit, that was a good one," I moaned.

I remained inside Mom as long as I could. When I slipped out of her, I allowed my body to fall beside hers.

"Sleep in my bed with me tonight?"

"I was planning on it," I told her.

She kissed my forehead and turned onto her side. She pushed her butt up to my softened cock and took my arm and wrapped it around her.

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