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Liberal Libido


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She leaned in close to me and whispered, "It's more fun when not a word is said."

I decided since we were able to be so candid with each other that I would pursue my original intent with my question.

"So, I could ask you?"

Mom recoiled slightly at my question.

"Wait, you're asking me if you can ask to have sex with me?"

I nodded confidently.

I saw a strange reaction in her face for a split moment before another reaction took over. It almost seemed as if the first was a more natural reaction while the second was perhaps planned.

"Oh, Clint, we can't do that. I understand that what we have here is unconventional, but not that much," she told me.

"Ah, okay," I replied.

Internally, I was a little disappointed. I would have liked an opportunity to be with Mom, but I understood and was prepared to not push the issue.

"Baby, you want to have sex with me?" she asked in a motherly tone.

"I mean, not necessarily right now, but if the moment felt right, I don't see how it would be different than one of my friends taking a moment from playing video games to have sex with you."

She looked around as if searching for an answer.

"You know their mothers are also fair game, right?" she said.

Turned out she wasn't searching for an answer but wondering why what was obvious to her didn't appear obvious to me. It's not that it wasn't obvious, I just never explored it. I took Mom's question as more of a redirection and made her feel like she was successful in that regard.

"I do now!" I said with a chuckle.

That concept got me thinking. There were a few of the older women I would not mind getting with. I thought about it so intensely that I became hard. Out of what seemed to be instinctual behavior, I lowered my shorts and relaxed against the back of the couch. I stroked myself to the thought of a new opportunity.

"Did you have someone in mind?" she asked.

"I feel like Bill's mom was eyeing me the other day," I said.

"Oh, she's a good one!" Mom said as she slid her hand inside her panties. "I had her before. She eats pussy like nobody's business. Her husband likes to watch us, too."

"Oh, fuck, that's hot," I grunted while still jerking my cock.

It was a nice thought at first, but the previous thought came rushing back to me as soon as Mom lifted her butt and pushed her shorts and panties down. She spread her legs and dipped her middle finger inside her pussy. I loved the arrangement we had, and I wanted to continue to have it, so I told Mom about my continued thoughts about her.

"I also like seeing you naked, Mom," I confessed.

"There's nothing wrong with that. We just can't have sex with each other," she reminded me.

I felt my cock harden at her words.

"Why?" I asked.

"Why?" she parroted, stopping her masturbation, and sitting upright to address my question. "Mothers and sons don't have sex with each other, Clint, that's why." It seemed like she was annoyed but there was something different in her tone that I couldn't place.

"Yeah, but why not? Not too long ago I would have told anyone who asked that it wasn't cool for moms to have sex with their son's friends, but I literally watched you do it. I liked watching it."

Mom stared at me for a while before leaning back and spreading her legs. Her finger found her hole and she resumed her self-pleasure.

"What did you like about it?" she asked, locking eyes with me.

I held her stare while still stroking myself.

"I liked how you stared at him the way you're staring at me now," I told her. "I liked watching your pussy open and accept his cock."

She inserted another finger.

"Did you like watching him cum on me?" she asked.

"I did."

"Are you going to cum soon?" she asked me.

I nodded.

"Come over here and stand next to me."

I did and waited to hear what she intended.

"We're going to play a game," she said while continuing to finger herself. "You have to jerk your cock while I watch closely but you're not allowed to cum until I do."

"That's it?" I challenged her with a smirk on my face.

"You're not allowed to stop stroking, Clint."

She used her other hand to manipulate her clit.

"If you cum on my face before I cum, you lose. If I cum before you do, I lose. It's a game of who can hold off the longest. The best possible outcome is we both give up and cum at the same time."

I was all in. What I knew was that I had the advantage by standing. I was never much for jerking off in that position. Getting blown by a stripper is one thing, but I preferred to jerk my cock sitting or lying down. I was able to hold off much longer than she was. It took a while but she eventually had to give in.

"Fuck!" she said, throwing herself back onto the couch, letting loose.

I watched her and felt a renewed enthusiasm for the game.

"When you're done, sit back up here because I'm waiting for my trophy."

When she was told, she looked up at me from her relaxed position and asked, "What's the trophy?"

"Your face with my cum all over it."

She smirked at me as she brought her face closer.

"I'm not opening my mouth," she told me.

"Did I ask you to?"

Just as I got cocky with her, I began erupting. Watching my friend fuck her earlier that day and having just played the hottest game ever, I had a huge load to deposit on Mom's face. She took it like a champ, but I knew she wasn't happy about losing the game she came up with. She stood up and got close to me.

"How's your trophy?" she asked.

"It's an image I won't soon forget," I said, trying to keep as serious a face as I could.

She lost control and belted out a laugh which made me do the same. She put her hand on my shoulder and told me she was going to get cleaned up and reminded me we had a club get together later that night.


Over the next couple years, I became adjusted to the new norm. I enlisted the help of the club to build myself a custom bike and they came through. We spent months building it and once it was done, I joined them on their rides. Mom took her own bike on the rides but sometimes sat on the back of mine, and I enjoyed feeling her hold onto me tightly.

I also developed my own group of favorites in the club. I liked a variety and certainly built my own little harem that reflected that. Mom often made fun comments about who she saw me having sex with. She sometimes watched. Other times, she would tell the ladies that they were allowed to tell me no as I was having sex with one of them.

"He's good, I've been told, but you're allowed to make him beg for it," she told one of the women as I had her bent over the garage workbench.

It all seemed to be a part of life at that point. Everything was great until my twenty-first birthday when things changed. That day, I went through the front door of the strip club near home and was welcomed loudly by all the patronage. It was amateur night and beer was half price. It had been three years since I walked into the club for the first time, and I was about to get another night of surprises.

The club was closed off to the general public. I saw the sheriff talking to the owner of the bar in the back corner of the club. Mom told me it was just a friendly reminder to keep it safe for the evening. A small donation to the station was always made on nights like that and the deputies were on station to keep the peace. She laughed when she told me that it meant keeping the rowdy ones in and the curious ones out.

Beer flowed like water and it didn't take long for all of us to be hammered. Mom was especially drunk. She had shed enough clothing that it became hard for our drunken eyes to differentiate between her and the strippers. As it turned out, it wouldn't matter.

At midnight, the DJ announced that the professionals were done for the night but that the party wasn't over.

"Any of you fine young ladies wanna get up on that stage and give us a show, it's all yours!" he shouted into the mic.

It seemed he was almost as drunk as the rest of us.

Mom leaned over to me and shouted in my ear, "Wanna watch me strip?"

She didn't wait for an answer before heading to the stage. Her first song was all about removing the rest of her clothes. Her bra got tossed in one direction and her panties another. Her shoes ended up being lost somewhere off stage. For the second song, she pranced about the stage, inviting man and woman alike to come sit on the only chair on the stage as she danced for them. It was apparently noticed that I was watching her intently.

"She's pretty hot up there dancing," Kathy said to me.

Kathy was one of my friend's mothers and was next to nude as she sat next to me. She asked me if I was interested and I told her I was, of course. She removed the rest of her clothes and mounted me right there in the booth. Mom winked at me as Kathy rode me.

"You know, she was the first woman to eat my pussy," Kathy told me.


"Oh yeah," she said. "I sat in her lap one day out of nowhere without any intentions and felt her hands begin to roam all over me."

"She told me that happens a lot," I said, thrusting my cock in and out of her.

"I wish someone would have told me. I was nervous and she must have saw that in me. She took me to one of the bedrooms and we had a talk."

"You mean she fucked you?"

She laughed and said it was a mutual affair.

"She's the only woman I let near my snatch to this day!" she said louder, still bouncing on my cock.

"I can imagine why, she's hot!"

"Imagine?" Kathy asked, resting on me. "Have you two not had sex yet?"

I looked at her quizzically and asked, "What do you mean?"

She tried focusing on me and I tried retaining my erection. Our drunken minds weren't cooperating with us.

"I mean you haven't fucked her?" she asked again.

My brain was working on the answer to the question when Mom suddenly plopped herself down next to us. It didn't register in the moment that it was her and I finally blurted out an answer.

"Well, we get off together and I came on her face once," I admitted.

Mom leaned over and turned my face to hers. She looked as sober as I've ever seen her.

"Are you talking about what we did?"

"Yeah!" I said without a care in the world. "She asked if we fucked yet!"

"It's okay!" Kathy said to Mom. She leaned over a little too far trying to speak into her ear and she fell off me. "Blake and I have sex all the time!"

That was the last moment I could recall from memory with any degree of certainty. I woke up the following day in my bed with a massive hangover. I recalled the events of the evening up to that point. Everything else was a blurry image of nudity, drinking and random words being said.

Blake fucks his mom, I thought.

I squinted my eyes and held my head tightly.

God damn, why does this hurt so bad?

I stumbled out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to get motrin and water. I shoved an 800mg horse pill into my mouth and guzzled water straight from the tap. I kept the light off which caused me not to see Mom approach the door.

"Having fun?" she asked, sounding annoyed.

"I'm never drinking again," I muttered.

"Yeah, you will," she told me.

I continued guzzling water.

"Get a shower, you'll feel better. When you're done, we need to talk."

After replaying the events of the night before in my head, I felt bad. I told someone what Mom and I did in the privacy of our home, and she clearly was unhappy with me about it. I took the shower and felt surprisingly better physically but was not ready to face her after what felt like me betraying her. I went back to my room, got dressed and met her in the kitchen. I was surprised to find Kathy there.

"Here, eat this," Mom said, sliding a plate of greasy breakfast food to me.

"Can I just--" I started before Mom interrupted me.

"No!" she announced loudly.

"Fuck! Please don't yell!" I said almost as loudly.

"Sorry. I'm just a little overwhelmed right now," she admitted. "Kathy came by first thing this morning and we had a long talk. What do you remember about last night?"

I spoke between bites of food but ended up saying that I remembered Kathy mounting me, but I was too drunk to stay hard.

"That's it?" Kathy asked.

"Well, I remember you telling me you have sex with Blake after asking me if I fucked Mom yet."

Kathy sighed.

"Listen," she said without looking at me, "we were all drunk and I didn't mean what I said."

As I finished my food, she went on to tell me that she may have thought about it before, but it never actually happened. I watched her and Mom intently and something about what they were saying didn't seem right. In the moment, I couldn't tell if it was what they were saying or how they were saying it.

"It wouldn't bother me if it did, that's all I'm sayin'," I told her. "Mom was telling me about how the club was after I turned eighteen and in all the craziness, I simply asked if we could have sex if I asked. She said no and that was that."

"We never did, though, did we?" Mom asked.

"Nope. Doesn't mean I would turn you down if you changed your mind, though."

Kathy looked at Mom in a weird, sort of approving manner.

"What?" I asked.

Mom looked like she was hurriedly trying to come up with something to say.

"What?" I demanded.

I looked at each of them back and forth several times before I figured out what was up.

"You did actually have sex with him?"

Kathy looked at me with the same pleading eyes as if begging me not to make her admit it.

"I don't care, Kathy. I don't! If you want to have sex with Blake," I said, making sure I never addressed him as her son, "then that's between you and him. Just like if I wanted to have sex with Mom, that's between me and her. I honest to god do not care what y'all do."

Neither Kathy or Mom responded and I wasn't up for the games.

"Well, now you're going to tell me," I told Kathy. "Did you?"

She nodded slowly.

"Why is that so fucking hard?" I said, annoyed. "It's no different than me and you having sex last night. Well, as much as we tried to."

That returned a quick smirk from Mom and a somewhat forced chuckle from Kathy.

"Look, if Mom told me right now that she was down for some sex, I'd probably jump on that," I admitted, and added, "and her. But I'm not going to force the issue here. I am hungover, incapable of bullshit and quite frankly, horny! Would you be interested in a quick fuck?" I asked Kathy.

"I normally would, honey, but I need to head back home. Are you sure you're okay with all this?"

"Yeah," I told her, "We're all pretty liberal with our thoughts on sex and I'm actually surprised this isn't something that's been broached before."

Mom spoke up and said, "It might be the only thing that we never talk about."

Again, something felt off about how the conversation was going.

Kathy was gathering up her stuff and heading out when she put a hand on my shoulder and told Mom, "Maybe this young stud could be the one to bring it up with Bob?"

Mom didn't acknowledge Kathy's statement. She waved at her friend and I waited until the front door closed before I took the conversation in a different direction.

"Is it because I'm your son that you won't have sex with me or because you're afraid of what they might think? I gotta tell ya, and don't take this the wrong way, but after our discussion on my eighteenth birthday, it seemed our relationship changed. By that, I mean it seemed you stopped seeing me as your son and as a man who lives in the same house with you."

"To a degree that statement is true. You'll never stop being my son, but I no longer felt like I needed to engage you that way. I showed you everything my life was about. I showed you the real woman your mother has always been. We shared no more secrets and that was all I ever wanted."

"So, what if the idea of family relation was of no consequence?"

"You mean would I let you approach me for sex if nobody cared?"


Mom stared at me as she thought about it. I held her stare and waited for her to respond.

"I'm not approaching Bob about this."

She was open to the idea, and I knew it at that moment. She didn't want to approach the leader of our club over what was apparently the final taboo line that hadn't been crossed. I was more than willing to take that step as long as I carefully planned the conversation out.

"Did I say you had to?" I asked.

She looked as if she was pouting. I smiled at her, thinking she was cute as she pouted.

"Ask me that question another time, okay?" she asked with a knowing look upon her face.

I agreed and began developing a plan to meet with Bob. I'd never spoken to him one on one about anything serious. He'd always seemed jovial to me when the gang hung out. I'd seen him with several of the women in varying degrees of fornication, but he was by no means considered the harem master. He just had qualities many of the women desired. He didn't feel like the authoritarian type to me, but I wanted to approach him one on one and gauge his thoughts on the matter without any external influence.


Between thinking of a way to approach the leader of our club, my nervousness about the conversation to be had, and wondering if it was worth the conversation I would have to have with Mom, it took me a few months until I met with Bob. I left home without letting Mom know where I was going or for what reason. I hoped onto my bike and took the long way to get where I needed to go in case I chickened out at the last moment.

When I arrived, Bob was getting his bike situated and paid little attention to me as I pulled up. When he noticed me, he waved me over to him. I shut my bike off and approached him, ready to give him everything on my mind. I went to speak, and he stopped me.

"Not here, Clint. The road is the best place to speak freely," he told me.

He looked over the helmet he had in his hand once more and handed it to me.

"This has a microphone and speakers. It's paired with mine and we can talk over the sound of the bikes.

He was direct with me and I wasn't about to try and take over. I even started to think twice about going through with my plan. When he suggested we get going, I knew it was my last chance. I zoned out. I stood in the driveway; a grown man acting like a child afraid to talk to his father. He was one of the several father figures in my life, but it was more than that. It felt like he was the village elder and was about to drop some bomb of wisdom on me and I was ready.

We tested the helmets and got on the road. I followed him and waited for the proper road. I learned all the roads within a hundred miles of our base and I knew once I got there. He did too, it seemed.

"What's on your mind, kid?" he asked.

I was surprised at how clear I heard him over the sound of the motor and the wheels over the pavement.

"After my eighteenth birthday, Mom spilled the beans. She told me everything about the life she lived before me and the life she couldn't wait to resume."

"It's not for everyone. What do you think of the way we do things?"

"I love it," I responded sincerely. "I never expected it, but I can't imagine anything better. I get to do everything on my own terms and at my own pace." I paused for a moment before adding something that was important for me to say at that moment. "I can also do so much without judgement from my friends."

"All of those things are very important to us all. I'll ask you again, Clint. What's on your mind?"

"Over the last three years, I've feasted my eyes on all the women that surround us. I've had several of them. I am truly surrounded by the best people."

"Clint," he began but I stopped him.

"I'm getting there. I asked Mom all the questions I ever had about everything and she enthusiastically answered them all, whether I liked the answer or not. I learned about all the boundaries that exist in our group. One day," I said, pausing to think about my next words, "I tested another boundary."

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