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Life and Time of Lady Vargos Ch. 13

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Martin accepts divorce proposal and meets a man.
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Part 13 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/25/2018
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"The Price of Freedom"


"Why am I even thinking about going along with this?" Martin thought to himself as Leanne was putting the dryer over his freshly set hair, and Lisa was preparing the nipple suction cups.

The entire divorce idea that Constance had suggested was absurd. Her plan wasn't about him getting the divorce itself as much as it was about creating a public opinion about him before getting the divorce. Martin looked in the mirror and saw the reflection of himself wearing a pink bathrobe, strapped in Leanne's styling chair the same way he was every single day since he arrived. He hated this routine.

"You know Mrs. Vargos," Leanne said pleasantly, "I think a new hair color would suit you very nicely. Especially for the holidays. What do you think Lisa? A new hair color for Lady Vargos for Christmas?"

"Oh how exciting. I think that would be wonderful," Lisa gushed as she placed the suction cups on a table next to the styling chair. "Would you like that Mrs. Vargos?"

Martin glanced at her then lowered his eyes. He wasn't going to give them any energy for their little boy being dressed like a girl game.

"That would be fine," he said emotionless. He just hoped that Leanne wouldn't do something crazy like green hair or dark blue, but he hated being a red head and any other conventional color would be fine. What difference did his opinion matter anyway. This was one of the areas of his new life he had absolutely no say in.

With the dryer on his head Lisa opened up his robe pulling it slightly off his shoulders to reveal his chest and nipples. She methodically placed the suction cup over his nipple and pumped it vigorously. Martin's nipple and the flesh around it were pulled up into the cup and the valve closed so it remained there.

Martin tried not to react to the discomfort of his nipple being stretched. His facial expressions didn't change, but his red painted toes couldn't help but curl under as it was being done.

"There," Lisa said picking up the second suction cup. "One more. You're doing so much better with this," she said in her cute energetic voice, then repeating the process again.

Martin winced as the second cup was filled with his other nipple. It was very uncomfortable but not as painful as in the past. His nipples now filled the cups where as before they only were stretched inside the cups.

Since Martin was not being medicated for erections he was able to feel sensations when stimulated. His chastity belt was removed each morning for his bathing and would normally be replaced just before he was dressed.

Leanne had left the room to do some other things while Martin's hair dried. Lisa finished and turned Martin to face the mirror with his robe open exposing his chest with the two cups and his hair in curlers being dried. When she turned the chair his robe opened more to expose his penis. It wasn't erect but it was obviously being stimulated.

"What have we here Mrs. Vargos? Are you getting excited about something?" Lisa said noticing the beginnings of an erection in his crotch. "I can see now why you have to wear that chastity device of yours," she giggled.

Lisa reached down and picked up Martin's penis and rolled it in her hand for a moment. The physical stimulation caused a quick reaction. Martin tried hard not to become erect trying to control his thoughts.

"It's ok Mrs. Vargos. A lot of women are very stimulated by their breast. It is nothing to be ashamed of Mrs. Vargos. Getting excited over having your nipples pumped is kind of cute actually," she said smiling. Then she changed her light hearted tone and thought for a moment. "But I'm not sure as the wife of the Baron you should be having such masculine displays of pleasure in front of me."

"Stop touching it then," he snapped at her, "It is unintentional," Martin said looking at her unable to control his physical reaction and having been caught.

"I should report that you did have an erection this morning while your nipples were being pumped."

"Why don't you just do what you have to do to me in here and let the rest just be," he said in a heavy breath. Martin was afraid that such a report of nipple stimulation would result in large breast for sure. "It's just a morning thing not the nipples so stop touching me!" he insisted.

Lisa continued the stroking of him now making sure he had a firm hard erection. She didn't seem to be concerned about the fact she was physically stimulating him, she was unsure on what should be done about this. When she realized he had formed a rather hard erection for the first time since his marriage to the Baron she stopped immediately. She then stepped in front of him and took a picture of his erection to place in her report.

"What are you doing? You did this. You can't just say I had a erection like this, this morning. That's not true."

"Relax Mrs. Vargos. I will get with Leanne and show her the picture of your erection, then we will discuss what the appropriate actions should be in these cases."

"Appropriate? What does that mean? It's none of your business what my dick does and doesn't do. This doesn't involve you."

"I don't know ma'am. There are many options and I'm good with all of them. Maybe you should have the chastity device replaced right after your bath, or god forbid you be allowed to jerk off after your nipples are cupped like some over sexed teenager."

"It's not the cups damn it." he growled at her.

"Then again this may be seen as a totally inappropriate reaction and brushing may be the desired approach to this."

"You are not serious," he glared at her.

"As I said before Mrs. Vargos, I'm good with whatever decision is made for you."

Martin was frustrated. Once again things were being misrepresented purposely at his expense. The truth was, Lisa was wearing a dress again today revealing her long sexy legs and wearing 4" high heel pumps. She moved about so gracefully and was such a feminine pretty young girl to be such a tyrant. He hated the fact that he became stimulated at the sight of her. He couldn't tell her the truth though. Who knew what would happen to him if it was revealed that just the sight of her sexy legs gave him arousing feelings as a man.

Lisa adjusted his chair again so he faced the mirror and then she left the room. Martin was left there waiting for his hair to dry, alone. He was quite the site with the suction cup therapy pulling on his is chest and his erection standing up straight and tall. A hard on that would make any man proud, the purple head now oozing and desiring to be finished off. Martin couldn't be proud of this manly display though and hoped no one else entered the room to see him like this before his erection went down.

"Am I going to go through this stupid plan of Constance's because I feel I have to because she is dictating terms, or because I want to get this over with?" he pondered.

In a way it was going to be a bit of both. He knew he had to do it because it now seemed the only real way out of his ordeal. He believed that her passion for removing him and restoring her family honor were sincere, and he wanted out of this nightmare so bad that if having an affair with another man would achieve that goal, it was now an acceptable evil.

He remembered how Dorothy had said the day he first met him in the garden. Dorothy had said if he had been given the opportunity to run down Main Street in the middle of town bare naked in 6" high heels while his dick was swinging side to side and tits flopping up and down while everyone watched and laughed, he would have willingly done it. If doing it had meant it would end his feminine ordeal, he would have cherished the thought. He would endure the ridicule and humiliation for freedom.

At the time that doing such a thing sounded so ridiculous to Martin. What man would do such a thing? Martin realized now that he would do the same thing if given the opportunity.

An hour later Martin emerged from the room as the elegant Lady Vargos, to begin his day.

Martin was dressed in a deep green ruffled gypsy dress today. He wore a pair of green 4" high heels and stockings that were attached to the girdle he was wearing underneath.

The was a sealed envelope on Martin's desk with his name on the front. He looked at it suspiciously.

"What now," he said as he opened the envelope. He read the note.

"Secrecy is of the essence. The family name is priority and must be restored. The young man's name is Darren. He awaits your affections in the garden this morning. Remember it is a not so secret, secret affair. Do it right, do it properly and you will be rewarded. Remember to act appropriately. You are a slut after all. Shred this message and go to the garden."

Martin took a deep breath to try and control his anger.

"Bitch. You want me to be a slut for your plan? Fine," he said putting the note into the shredder.

Martin stormed out of the study and walked aggressively down the huge hallway his high heels pounding the floor loudly with a determined look on his face. He didn't acknowledge the domestic maids as they curtsied when he went by. He stepped out of the house and walked down the path grumbling to himself.

"Bitch," he kept saying to himself.

Martin was psyched for this encounter now.

"You want a show? I'll give you a show."

As he came around the corner he saw a man standing near the bench that he himself had occupied on several occasions. The man seemed very average and not like the other hard body concubines he had been with in the past. Rather average looking he thought, but that didn't matter. Servicing that man was the start of the end is the way he saw it.

Martin and the man made eye contact now as he approached. Martin's determined gaze as he approached seemed to unnerve the man at first. Martin walked right up to him without saying a word and embraced him kissing him very passionately on the lips.

The man seemed to be caught off guard by Martin's sudden aggressive move and show of affection.

Martin pulled back off his kiss and looked at the man's lips.

"Hello Darren, I'm Mrs. Vargos and we are going to have an affair together." Martin said in his very male voice and immediately locked his lips on the man's once again, running his fingers through the man's hair as he did.

Martin noticed one of the gardeners watching with a shocked expression on his face.

"Unzip your pants for me Darren. I don't want to ruin my nails," Martin said in the short pause from the heavy kissing. He kissed the man several times while he watched him unzipping his pants.

"Pull your dick out for me sweetie," Martin said in a heavy sexy tone.

He did as Martin requested. Martin took the man's dick in his hand and then began kissing him passionately again. Martin noticed that the man's dick was much smaller than the concubines he had experience with in the past and much smaller than his husbands. He felt that was a plus in some ways actually.

"At least my ass hole wont be stretched so bad," he thought as they kissed.

Martin could feel the man's erection building in his hand as he fondled him. Martin began to think of how part two should go here.

"Should I sit on the bench and give him a blowjob or should he be sitting and me on my knees," Martin was wondering which image would have the most impact for those watching. Martin made his decision quickly. He wanted to do just do this and get it over with.

"Have a seat on the bench so I can give you a blow job," Martin said helping the man take a seat. Martin was being very mechanical about all this but to the outside observer it looked like he was ravishing the young man.

Martin pulled up his skirt and gently went to his knees. He took the man's erection on his mouth and began massaging it with his warm red lips. Martin knew what the game was now. He gave this man his best effort. The man squirmed in his seat as he tensed up. Martin could feel the excitement of the man coming to a climax and then he did. The man's load was nowhere as intense as the Baron's and Martin handled it with no problems.

Martin stood and smiled and looked at the man.

"I have things to do. We will do this again soon I'm sure. You were much nicer to me than all the others and I appreciate that." Martin then backed away as the man stood.

"Thank you," the man said. He then left the area and Martin sat on the bench alone for a few moments thinking about what had just happened.

"I think I can do this," Martin said to himself. "I feel like I am doing it for the right reasons now. It has a real purpose."

Martin didn't feel good about what he was doing to get this divorce, but the idea that he was doing it to get a divorce made it a worthwhile endeavor.

A couple of the grounds keepers walked by. Martin sat back relaxed enjoying the cool breeze. He crossed his legs daintily and smiled.

"How are you boys doing today," Martin said in a suggestive way as they walked by.

"Good thank you," they said in a nervous way as if they were afraid they would have to sit on the bench next while Lady Vargos administered to them.

Martin laughed to himself as he watched the panicked look in their faces as they walked away.

"I think the first outing was rather successful," he thought now amused.

A young man approached that Martin didn't know or recognize. He was young and well dressed.

"A snoopy reporter working for Phoebe or a photographer maybe that had just gotten the scoop on Lady Vargos and her boyfriend," he thought.

The man approached Martin with a smile and stopped in front of him.

"Good morning. My you are very pretty," he said looking at Martin.

"Can I help you sir? I don't believe we have met. I am Lady Vargos and you are on my property young man," Martin said with an air of confidence and a bit arrogance as well.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. My name is Darren. I believe you and I are supposed to begin a little adventure together today. I was told to meet you here. Sorry I'm a little late," the man said pleasantly.

Martin's heart sank. It had taken so much for him to do what he had just done in the way he had done it. Martin closed his eye and took a deep breath realizing he had just sucked a man's dick that had no clue what was going on, and what made it even worse was the man said nothing to stop him. Martin composed himself and reconciled that what he had just done was now history and the deed of the affair still needed to be done.

"Have a seat next to me Darren," Martin said patting the bench. Martin leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "Perhaps for today we can just talk here on the bench and maybe take a walk later to get to know each other a little better, before we have sex," Martin said bluntly but sweetly still with the taste of the other man's semen in his mouth and not wishing to perform on another man today.

"I think I would like that," he said pleasantly. "I am here for you."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
The Character here!?


avidreaderin415avidreaderin415over 5 years ago
Martin's awakening

I suspect that Darren will awaken something in Martin. Martin already seems to be appreciating Darren's kindness and loving nature. Martin will probably resist as long as he can but will realize that being in the arms of a loving caring man who wants to give him pleasure is a wonderful thing and he will begin to really enjoy being a girl then.

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