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Life and Time of Lady Vargos Ch. 12

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Constance offers Martin a divorce plan.
2.2k words

Part 12 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/25/2018
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"The Way Home"

Martin made his way to the study which was also where he did his daily domestic chores of over seeing the manor. Actually the decision making process had already been done it just needed his signature, but he reviewed some of the documents anyway trying to find something that would help him escape his relationship with this man. The Baron was now out of town on a prolonged business trip with a beautiful blonde concubine that was introduced to Martin just before they left.

It was customary for any concubine to be introduced to the wife before having any sexual activities with the husband. Martin found her very attractive and mature for such a young girl. Not the cute bimbo mentality that was Tiffany. But all Martin could do was stand there as Mrs.Vargos, crossdressed man of the house, while the pretty concubine smiled amused taking in his feminine appearance. She promised Martin she would take good care of his husband and she would make sure his sexual needs were fulfilled and he was comforted while on the trip.

Martin could care less who took care of his needs as long as it wasn't him.

Martin's nipples were still aching and sensitive from the suction cups this morning and his hair was still in curlers which the concubine couldn't get her eyes of and even giggled when the urge became too much. Leanne had said she would style him for dinner. One of the domestic maids passed him in the corridor.

"Good morning sir," she said smiling as she bowed her head and gave a quick curtsey in her little maids dress.

Martin said nothing and headed to the study. He closed the door and sat down in the chair behind the desk. He threw his head back only to have his curlers hit the chair.

"Damned hair curlers," he said sitting back up now.

Martin was dressed in a bright yellow sleeveless sundress. It had a full skirt that hung to his knees and he was wearing a pair of 5" high heel yellow sandals. His makeup had been done elegantly as usual and he was wearing false eyelashes again.

He began going through his papers when he was caught by surprise.

"Hello," a woman's voice said opening the door.

Martin noticed it was Constance and she helped herself into the room.

"What do you want," Martin said in a steady tone.

"I want to see you. Let me see, it's Martin correct?" she said with a knowing smile.

Martin was stunned and not sure what to say. This woman always intimidated him when she was around. She was a mean person.

He watched her walk towards him with a devilish smile on her face. She knew something, and she was here to let Martin know. She stopped in front of the desk.

"Tell me Martin, how does a wealthy twenty eight year old heterosexual man like you get placed in a same sex arranged marriage by his family?" she laughed for a moment. "Were you a bad boy?" she said again finding amusement in her words.

"I'm here against my will. I don't want to be married to your son," he sneered.

"Of course you don't. That is what makes it even more interesting isn't it. You, a grown man allowing total strangers to dress you like a woman and parade you around town then you start acting like one too. How quaint."

"Are you here just to make fun of me?"

"Yes, that is part of the reason, and I want to put some pieces together. So you will answer some of my questions." Constance looked at he feminized man with a determined glare.

"And if I dont," he said trying to stay firm.

"I'm talking about a divorce from my son Martin. Do you want that or not?"

Martin looked at her suspiciously. He knew that she hated this marriage and the image it brought to this family, but how could she affect it?

"You expect me to believe you can get me a divorce?"

"Yes, I do. You see Martin I know what is happening now. I had people look into you and your family. I have been in contact with some of them myself."

"I don't believe you," Martin stated bluntly.

"I do not appreciate being called a liar. I will slap your face for that," she said in a matter of fact way as she moved about the room thoughtfully.

"Slap my face?" he said at her bold assumption that she could do that. "You are not slapping my face woman. I am not a child," he said in an angry tone now.

"Yes I will Martin and I will be adding another for telling me what I can and can't do in my own house," she said looking at the bookcase. She turned and looked at him with a confident and intimidating glare, "And you will let me do it before I leave this room."

"I don't need this. Get out of here," Martin yelled across the room.

"Here is what I need from you before the divorce," she said now ignoring his demand that she leave. "You have made a public spectacle of yourself in this marriage and now taking this public Vow. You have caused my family name much shame and public humiliation."

"I didn't do anything! Why are you saying it's me?"

"Because you are a weak man Martin. You allow yourself to be used and degraded, so why should I feel any sympathy for you when I need to use you. You should have been a man about this from the beginning, not become some sort of perverted pawn, but that is what you are now Martin. A pawn in a game of Life Chess and it's my move."

"You don't know what they did to me to make me do this," he said tearing up in aggravation.

"Nor do I care. Here is what you are going to do though to end it all." She walked back to the desk.

"I just want to go back to my old life," Martin said lowering his eyes ready to listen to any real solution.

"Sit down." she demanded, "I want you to listen very carefully. Understand what is important to me and what I want to happen here. This is not open for discussion I just want it done."

Martin sat down. He reached the back of his head and scratched an itch caused by one of the brush curlers in his hair.

"First, my son must be seen as the victim here. The public must see him as having been deceived by you and then betrayed. This I insist on. It will repair the family name."

"I am the victim. Why should I have everyone hating me for something your son did?"

"What do you care? You will get your divorce and leave the country, never to return. That's what you and I both want. I will still be here. My family honor is being questioned because of your presence and that needs to be cleared up."

"What is it I have to do that you feel will clear your family name?" he knew it would be something he didn't like by the way she was approaching it.

"First of all, you will have an affair with another man. You will be seen with this man publicly as friends while my son is away and rumors of your indiscretions are developed that it is more than just a friendship."

"So it's a deception. I'm not having sex with this man," he stated firmly.

"Of course you're going to have sex with him. That will create the adultery charges you will face. The public will be so angry especially after the Vow you took in public."

"I can't just do something like this. Don't you understand? I don't want to have sex with a man."

"You will pretend to be hiding your affections for this man but you will be seen making out and maybe a little more and this information will leak out also."

"How?" Martin said softly.

"I have given that reporter of yours, Phoebe Mills and her photographer the rights to be on the property. I have also indicated that there may be some hanky panky going on with you and the Vow was just a deception of yours to hide the fact. This will get the gossip going in the social circles, and you may be photographed in some compromising situations without even knowing it."

"I doubt any man will go along with this plan," he said looking away from her.

"Oh sure. I will bring in a concubine from out of the area and just pay him to do his part. Would you like to select him?" she asked as she giggled.

"How do you know this will work? Your son may not care. He has perverted needs and you can't be certain."

"Oh honey, I'm positive he will grant the divorce. I know something you don't. I know why he is doing this to me. I just need the face saving events for the public and my family name."

"Doing this to you? I'm the one being victimized," he hissed at her in anger.

"No honey, you're being used. You're just a pawn as I said. I'm the one this is all intended for, and it will all end as soon as you do as I ask."

"If you can end this and you hate it so much, why not do it now?" he looked at her suspiciously.

"I could if I wanted. It could end tomorrow, but the public mess this has caused needs to be cleared up first."

Martin was hopeful yet so furious. She would do this to him purposely to create a public deception to protect her name while he performed with another man to purposely degrade his own name and standing in the public eye. But he would be free to leave and never return.

"That's all I have to do is entertain this one man and make people think I am untrue to your son, then I can leave." he said trying to clarify the terms.

"No, I will want a public divorce proceeding, in court with a jury hearing the evidence of your case. I want to show a history that you were manipulating and after my sons wealth and desired social standing with him so you could dress as a woman for your on perverse needs that this country's laws allow and it had nothing to do with my son."


"And you can do all this just for me." Constance put her hand to her chest in a silly pose of acceptance.

"No. I will not. Why should I do all that if you can turn it off right now?"

"I thought you might say that," she smiled. "Would you like to have breast Martin?" she asked with a wicked smirk. "I can make that happen. It's up to you."

Martin looked at her shocked.

"You are going to make me do this through blackmail?"

"If need be I will. You will be seen as a gold digging nympho faggot of a man with uncontrollable sexual desires for other men and you have always wanted to live dressed as a woman. This will happen. Whether you have breast or not when it is over is up to you. It will be you that convinces the public of this story and the sooner it is done the sooner I can get you out of my life."

"I don't want breast," he said softly.

"Good, then it is settled. You will begin tomorrow," she said holding up a key.

"What is that," he asked.

"The third key to the chastity device you are wearing. I won it of course. We will release you so you can flirt with the domestic male help."

"What? How am I suppose to do that?"

"Exposing yourself or touching yourself as if you think they will be attracted to it."

"You're a sick woman."

"I get what I want, now get over here in front of me."


"So I can slap you."

"You think I'm going to just let you do this?"

"Yes. Hurry up, I have things to do. I am offering you a divorce Martin. You should do as I say and never challenge me, because nobody else can pull this off but me."

Martin reluctantly stood and walked over to her. Constance moved in front of him taking his chin in her hand. She tilted his head back.

"Put your hands behind your back and close your eyes."

Martin slowly did as she said. Constance could see now how weak willed Martin truly was. She seemed happy with the ease that she could control Martin's actions and felt her plans would go without a hitch.

"SLAP" the palm of Constance right hand struck Martin's cheek with a shocking force.

"Damn it that hurt," he said looking at her as she helped back into the same position in front of her.

"It was suppose to hurt, and you will let me do it again." she said tilting his head back and telling him to close his eyes.

"SLAP" It happened again, this time knocking one of Martin's curlers loose in his hair.

"You will be advised what you need to do tomorrow. Remember it's your divorce you are working toward. Be somewhat enthusiastic with that in mind as you perform your adulterous act."

Constance left the room satisfied she controlled this situation.

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rik581rik581over 5 years agoAuthor
The Reason I Do


Very nice comment and thanks. Really inspires me.

To everyone, I made a decision to put all my stories on one site. An archive for my stories.

I chose Literotica for numerous reasons.

I want a place where the stories can be enjoyed without me having to monitor or constantly work them.

So you are see my old stories reworked and placed here.

As for the BLOG. I will let you know when I can do something new and if I can do it. I have not been well this year and will know more in the coming weeks. I like to keep private things private, but with so much WTF type of badgering comments, I am feeling that I needed to and wanted to respond to protect myself. I will try and write you a story.

You are right anon, it is pretty amazing I still have any fans at all.


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

WTF...this story is years old, why are you posting it now? You have people waiting for more of the "A Lady No More" series on your blog, and as usual you keep them waiting forever, while you dick around with other shit. I honestly don't know how it's possible that you have any fans left. For someone who showed such promise you've become very sad as a writer.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Love the story. It makes me longing for to be married of myself.

I would love if Martin/Marcia woke up one morning with a splitting headache and a lovely set of D-cup titties... Just to complicate things and to ad on to his humiliation.



AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Whenever you’re ready, all the fans that you’ve fucked in the ass are over at your blog waiting for another chapter

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
me too

Hands up how many want to me Martin/Marcia! me for one !

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