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Life and Time of Lady Vargos Ch. 19

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Marty and Darren meet up for another public excursion.
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Part 19 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/25/2018
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sex.


Martin stared out the car window as he was driven to meet Darren once again. He was in the back seat of a different car than the first trip and it was no limo by any means.

Martin's thoughts were swirling around things he was beginning to notice. He was being allowed out without any escort. No security at all, unless that man driving the car was somehow working for Constance, but then again she probably wouldn't care if he ran away. And though Martin still wore the demeaning PCP around his neck he didn't have to wear the security collar he wore after the wedding.

He thought he had seen Dorothy at the front gate arguing with the security person. His nerves had been on edge all day expecting Dorothy and his goons to show up anytime and hold Martin down so they could inject his nipples. It was odd that the last two times he communicated with Dorothy it was by phone or note. Perhaps Constance didn't want anyone around Martin as he disgraced himself. He hadn't seen Lisa today either. Leanne had announced she would be leaving very soon.

Was this all happening because Constance was stepping in to implement her plan and the Baron was out of town? It was more encouraging to Martin if that was the case. Or was this all just a dream that Martin would soon be rudely awakened from, jarred back to reality as he is pulled across the bed by his hair down to his husbands crotch to take care of his morning desires.

Martin didn't care now what people thought as long as his actions led to him being divorced and allowed to leave. Martin was wearing the bright red summer dress and 4" high heel red sandals. His legs were crossed, bare, and cleanly shaved. He looked at his different color toenails. How high school girl his toenails looked to him with the toe rings and ankle bracelets to tramp up the image. He would not be able to hide them from the public eyes, and they were such a demanding point of attention.

He flexed his toes, "I'm sure Darren will like them," he snorted under his breath at the thought. Then smiled and chuckled about what kind of man would find such a thing hot at all. "Perverts," he thought as he now turned his foot to the side and wiggled his toes. Darren had been nice and understanding though and he in some strange way hoped Darren would enjoy looking at them.

Martin got out of the car, at a restaurant that was at least in a better part of town than the last place they met. Not the sex ridden red light district part of the city.

Darren walked up to meet him. Martin was very nervous around Darren and had mixed feelings. He wanted to befriend the man who was sympathetic to his plight, but then Martin was still standing here in front of him feeling ridiculous dressed as a woman, and would be performing the part of a nympho with him soon. Something just felt strange about it all.

"Hello Marcia," Darren said handing Martin a single red rose.

"Really?" Martin said looking at Darren.

"You look very hot in red if might be so bold," he said kissing Martin on the cheek then checking Martin out head to toe at arms length. "Nice" he said looking at Martin's toes. Martin wiggled them feeling himself blush as he did. Knowing a man was standing in front of him getting horny just looking at his feet was bad enough but playing along was absolutely mortifying.

"Uhm, well thanks Darren," Martin said looking at the rose unable to turn his masculine thoughts off and be the platinum blond bimbo quite yet. It was going to be difficult for Martin.

"Marcia, I have someone for you to meet," he said softly in Martin's ear.

"Who?" Martin asked surprised and cautious. He hoped he had not been tricked in some way and Dorothy and her goons were waiting to inject him or something.

"Shhhhh...Trust me."

Martin was reluctant to do so. Trust? That was a word Martin didn't understand the meaning of anymore. Every time something like this came up he was used for some purpose that had nothing to do with him.

Martin placed his hand inside Darren's arm and gripped his elbow. His beautifully manicured and long red fingernails displayed nicely for the public. Martin held his purse with his other hand and they walked into the restaurant together. Martin walked purposely looking only straight ahead ignoring the looks and recognition from the other patrons in the restaurant.

There was a reserved table in the back corner. It was somewhat secluded yet could be seen if someone really looked that way. There was a beautiful woman sitting waiting for them. Martin was mesmerized by her beauty, her long dark hair that framed her face, and the sexy black cocktail dress she was wearing. Martin wished he didn't have to sit with this sexy woman right now dressed as he was. His looks only made a mockery of his feelings. He wished he could meet her as the man he was and try and impress her with his wealth and status. He lowered his eyes feeling ashamed. That's how he would have done it before. Now, he would suffer her perceptions of him.

"Marcia, this is Sarah. She is the legal counsel I told you about," Darren said referring to the conversation they had the day before about Darren's girlfriend. This was her? Wow, Martin thought.

"Hello Marcia," Sarah said smiling then standing and extending her hand. Martin and her shook hands rather daintily. Both had beautiful manicured red nails, the only difference was she was a woman and proud of her nails and Martin was a man dressed as a woman and totally mortified.

Sarah stared at Martin for a moment with a smile on her face after they were seated. Martin began to fidget wondering what she was thinking. Sarah's thought ran wild with amusement.

"My god, how did you get into such a situation? A grown wealthy man forcibly placed in a gay arranged marriage?" She had to laugh in her mind at the complete absurd notion of it all yet here he was in front of her. Then her professional side took over before she spoke to him.

"I took the liberty of looking into your public records to see what your true situation was and if there is anything I could do to assist you," she said pulling a file out of her case from the floor. "Darren tells me you are in an unwanted same sex, arranged marriage with Baron Vargos. You are not a gay man and you wish to get out of this marriage any way you can."

"Yes," Martin said looking to Darren, "Can you help me?"

"She may be able to help you," Darren said softly touching Martin's hand.

Sarah looked at him and smiled.

"Something amusing you," Martin asked looking at the smiling woman.

"No, your appearance is much more appealing in person than what I've seen in the tabloids." she said softly.

"That is not a compliment. I don't want to be appealing. I want out of here. What can you do to help me?" Martin growled in a low voice.

"Well in reality I see little I can do to help you in the actual divorce. You are tightly bound in that respect, but I can help you after, and during the settlement proceedings to make sure you receive what is due you and your rights protected."

"Rights? I have no rights. I am a slave."

Sarah smiled, "You do have certain right Marcia. If you were adjusted to your lifestyle they would be much more evident, but you are not accepting your place and fighting it, which I can't blame you, but the keeps you blinded to other right you have here."

Martin had not considered the fact he had rights or that he could loose all his wealth if he wasn't careful. He wanted to get away so bad he would just walk away from it all if given half a chance.

"You can compensate me after the settlement based on how we do. Do you want my assistance?" she enquired.

"Yes," Martin said with an emotionless tone. He would take anyone that seemed to be on his side now.

"Fine. Sign here and here. That will give me the ability to dig further into your affairs and this retains me as your divorce lawyer if and when the proceedings begin," she said handing him a pin.

Martin reluctantly took the pin and signed his name, Marcia Vargos to the documents. Sarah took them and put them in her briefcase and stood up to leave offering her hand to Martin.

"I will leave you two to your date . I will be in touch."

She then left the restaurant.

Darren looked at Martin with a calm smile.

"She is very good you know. She will protect you," Darren said taking Martin hands.

Martin flinched at Darren's touch not quite ready to play the bimbo game yet, that would lead to his divorce.

"You have no idea the suffering I face each day Darren. People staring at me right now because I'm wearing this red dress, and I must say I agree with their reactions in some sick way," Martin said looking about the room. "I'm sure I would be laughing at a fag wearing a dress too... if I weren't the fag wearing the red dress." his voice tapered off at the conflicting thought. "These people don't understand. I don't deserve this."

"We want to help you as best we can," Darren said caressing Martin's hand.

"Why," Martin said softly.

"Because it is wrong Martin. The extremely wealthy have to much control over the governments social thinking. These type of laws only benefit them."

"You like me dressed like this."

"I think you look stunning from my fetish eyes, but it is not right for you to be forced to live this way if you don't want to. There are other men that I can have fun with that want to this with me, and I'm sure your husband could have found the same if he had tried. I would never force you to dress like this for me if you didn't want to."

Martin noticed a man from across the room that appeared to be observing them at their private table. Martin then noticed he had what looked like a camera. He was obviously tipped off about the dinner date. Probably Constance letting Phoebe know so she could start some hot cheating gossip in her tabloids.

Martin lowered his eyes and moved over next to Darren. He looked at Darren and softly touched his face.

"Darren," he said softly in his ear. "Please remember I am only doing this because I so desperately need to get away from here. I am using you for that reason and that reason only. I have no real sexual or attraction feelings for you."

"I understand," he said softly.

Martin slipped his hand into Darren's crotch and rubbed him as he gave him a passionate kiss on the lips.

"Uhmmm. Use me all you want," Darren said smiling when Martin released the kiss.

"Shut up Darren," Martin said as he kissed him again, running his fingers through his hair and still rubbing his crotch.

Finally Martin sat back in his chair.

"Well I guess that will be enough cheating pictures to condemn me," Martin said looking back at the man sitting across the room.

"Can I get you two something to drink?" the waitress asked as Martin snuggled close to Darren. Martin ordered water and Darren ordered a drink.

"Are we getting a room afterwards?" Darren asked Martin with a hopeful grin. Martin looked down and noticed the lump in Darren's pants.

"What for? We are just doing some public fraternizing for gossip sake. What makes you think we should get a room?" Martin said looking at Darren.

"Oh nothing at all. Was just wondering."

"Darren, I'm not going to jerk you off or have sex with you every time. I only do what I have to do and that's it. I don't like doing that. Do it yourself later."

"It's alright Marcia. Whatever you say."

After a few minutes Martin spoke up again.

"Do you really think your friend can help me with the divorce?"

"Just the post divorce matter, I think she could be very helpful for you."

"She is a very attractive woman, what made you break up the relationship?" Martin asked.

"I guess I'm not meant to be restricted in my private life. At least not yet. It just wasn't the time. Another pretty woman will be there when it is time." he said taking a sip of his drink.

She was very sexy in her professional way and all Martin could do was stand in front of her dressed like a woman hoping she didn't burst out laughing at his appearance. He missed the thrill of pursuing and dating women. Touching and caressing their soft bodies and breast and feeling the warmth generated from between their legs. Their loving and gentle caresses back as they slowly became sensuous and intimate desiring acts of lust and love.

Martin sat quietly. That was not part of his life now. He looked at Darren, the only sympathetic person he now knew and then lowered his eyelids.

"I have become a passion piece for a man with perverse desires," he thought to himself. "I have a husband and a boyfriend, I'm crossdressed and forced to present myself as some deviate to the public." He finished the thought as he looked around the room.

"Darren honey, unzip your pants for me please," Martin said now with some conviction.

Sometimes Martin got in these moods. If they wanted a pervert he would give them one and today he was feeling it.

"What? What's up Marcia?"

"Just unzip your pants and pull your dick out under the table cloth."

"Alright, whatever you say babe," he said unzipping his fly as discretely as possible. He pulled out his half limp dick.

Martin snuggled up close to him again and took his dick in his hand and began a rhythmic up and down stroking motion. Martin sat with a nonchalant look on his face as he jerked Darren's hardening cock under the table. It was very obvious to anyone that looked what must be happening under the table, but no one could really see anything at all.

After several minute Martin looked at Darren and smiled.

"Feel good?"

"Yes, it does," Darren said in deep breaths.

"Do you think many people are watching me do this right now?" Martin asked looking around from their dimly lit corner booth.

"I don't really care," Darren said.

"Do you want to fuck me tonight Darren. Pin my knees behind my ears and pound my ass hard, making me scream loud uncontrollable sounds of passion and pleasure like a girl with one of those so called prostate massaged orgasms?"

"OMG yes," he said on the verge of losing control.

"Ok, let's go," Martin said stopping the handjob immediately. Martin stood up grabbed his purse and insisted Darren hurry and come along.

Darren desperately tried to put his full erection back in his trousers. It made quite the site when he stood up and he had a tent affect in his crotch. He didn't care, he didn't know these people and it would be a ten second walk out of the restaurant. That's all they would see of him.

"Is there a motel nearby?" Martin asked.

"I don't know, but we can get a cab and he will find us one."

"Sounds good," Martin said kissing Darren in front of the large storefront window.

Martin stared at the on coming cab.

"I will tighten up with these two as much as I can." he thought holding Darren's hand. "I need to keep them interested in my situation and if being this guys bimbo gets me there for now, so be it."

Martin now had a good feeling about all this coming to an end. He also knew the road could get a little bumpy.

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BJGoodheadBJGoodheadover 5 years ago
Is there hope?

Yet again with the paradigm shift....Martin has been so thoroughly abused and broken he is now willing to do anything! Whatever it takes, to get a divorce and freedom.

This chapter expertly summarizes his attitudes and desires, contrasting them with his state of captivity and "marital duties" as a forced straight male bride.

Is there hope for Martin? Will Sarah actually be able to do anything to help him? And what exactly are these rights Martin allegedly has to which he is currently blind?

ryanrose1ryanrose1over 5 years ago
this has been one of my favorite stories

I have really enjoyed it for such a long time. But I can see the frustration of some of your fans. And I understand it. We can see you started this story in 2011. its posted here

and its 2019. and we want to see how it concludes and we have been waiting for close to 9 years.

but, I can understand whats taken so long. I think you bowed to reader pressure to change the stories direction and that caused a block in your writing. You wrote yourself into a corner and it destroyed your enthusiasm for the tale.

That, and many real life issues hit you in the past few years

Now that you are writing this again, I hope we can finally and eventually get to the conclusion of the tale.

ryanrose1ryanrose1over 5 years ago
this has been one of my favorite tales of all

and I can agree with much of your fans frustration here. What you consider the mean comments. Well, as we can see here, from your original posts in 2011. Its been nearly 8 to 9 years here without a conclusion. I understand why, and can sympathize with your condition and the difficulties in continuing. I think you bowed to much to pressure to change the tale. And that put you in a block where you couldn't continue with what you had in mind. and destroyed your enthusiasm for the tale.

That, and other real life problems.

I hope those are taken care off, and we can finally see a conclusion to this tale.

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