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Life's a Bitch and then You Die


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Zorran looked over at the three crushed people.

Zorran addressed Susan. "I suggest you get off your fat ass and get a job. You are going to need an income to support you and the two leeches over there."

"As for you two," Zorran said through tight lips, "If you have not figured it out yet, the gravy train just pulled out of the station and you're not on it. I feel it is too late for you to pull your grades up for academic scholarships, but who knows, maybe you can qualify for something. Again reaching into a drawer, he pulled out two much thinner folders. "These contain a list of all the trade schools in the state, also a listing of the military recruiters here in Raccoon City. I would not suggest you utilize the latter as you are truly NOT cut out for the service... but I would be remiss if I did not mention it. Mike, I think you need to get out from under your brother's influence. Get your own identity. Otherwise, you are going to be his flunky for your entire life."

Zorran looked down at his desk and began to write some notes; after a few minutes, he looked up...

"You're still here? Is there anything else you want or need to know? Good. get the fuck out. Oh, Susan, as Bill has left already; please see my scheduler on your way out and pay my bill. Skip on it today and I will have the cops on your ass by tomorrow. Have a good day."

Zorran returned his gaze to the papers on his desk, effectively dismissing Susan, Frank and Mike.


Yup, just a fantasy; but you could tell that already. I mean REALLY! Who packs a revolver in today's world of autoloaders?!

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AngelRiderAngelRider3 months ago

Lol. This was hilarious. Do you know how many times I have wanted to tell my patients and their families exactly what I think of them? This was wild. Thank you 😊

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Very good story, no 1, thanks for sharing. Maybe ole Zorran had a Smith Model 29. Those monsters will take the fight out of just about anyone. Too bad about good old Tyrone, sounds like he had a terrible accident. At least he was in the shower, accident like that probably would’ve ruined the carpet. I really wish there had been one more page, I would have liked to have seen how the whore and her two leeches handled life without Bill’s money coming in to subsidize their worthless existence. Again, excellent story, no 1, for my money it’s definitely a 5 star effort.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Bill was a fuckin’ wimp. Go to the hospital, document injuries, have her BBCs arrested. Restraining order against her. And fuck those two worthless kids.

Agree, would have been funny if she got knocked up too.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

If there’s any justice, Tyrone would have knocked Susan up before his balls got sucked down the drain. But I mean seriously, who has a shower drain with enough suction to suck down a set of nuts? I smell a rat here. Wonder if his name is Zorran.

Thanks for the story, no1, I loved it. 5⭐️s.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Revolvers DO have their place. Especially in a desk drawer. Great story. Ole bill at least had balls, and getting your ass whipped don't mean you're a pussy. 5 stars man

Loved this. S. F.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Zorran for president...or at least attorney general.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

*i wipe a tear from my eye* That was beautiful.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Much appreciated. Not too long and note too short but a perfect fit and perfect conclusion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The wife deserved to take a dirt nap, along with the two jiggabulls. The fact that they attacked him twice he should have grown a pair bought a heater and ended all three of them, and easily got off any charges as it was self defense, the bitch must have been hit by a "stray" bullet...... and yes they not only deserve it they also deserve eternity in hell "if there is one" I for one would sleep better knowing that's exactly where they and all like them will be.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Who packs a revolver? The guy who knows he's got the only gun in the room.


AkSh4BloOdAkSh4BloOdover 1 year ago

Where is the next part.... Where....

Unfinished... Unsatisfactory.

Toooooo much babbling bullshit and then Fusssss.


Totally rushed ending.

Where are their punishment... Their lament...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Magnificent! Just the chortle I needed at the end of day.

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 2 years ago

Bill is hitting the highway with out the wide load

Leejeff5456Leejeff5456over 2 years ago
Life's a bitch and then you die?

I always thought it was life's a bitch and then you marry one

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Feminist are able to do what they do because even amongst gonad carrying members of the male tribe we have many in our midst who have not checked their balls for a long time..some wear panties and makeup to feel in with the crowd…and the remaining have lost the ability to think rationally and have transferred permanently their grey matter somewhere in the tip of their dicks! Shortly as soon as some scientist develops a way to implant a semen/crest semen in the lab…men will be an extinct animal!

WetheNorthWetheNorthalmost 3 years ago
Loved it

The Pinko Lefty Constabulary must be apoplectic by now. Fuck-em

decathlondecathlonabout 3 years ago

I love this story and how it evokes the scorn of all the woke feminists. Yes, there is another half of the population.

Leejeff5456Leejeff5456about 3 years ago
New title

The new title should be "Life's a bitch and then you marry one"

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I love revolvers … never had one jam. I can’t say that for automatics!

DGHear2DGHear2over 3 years ago

cool story, liked it.

DG Hear

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

Loved your story again. Just realized the irony.of Raccoon City.

robnilrobnilover 3 years ago
who packs a revolver ?

someone who doesn't want to worry about the gun jamming ; )

iameaseliameaselalmost 4 years ago

I can see what you were going for but it came up short.

Too over the top to actually be amusing.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 4 years ago
Never happened!

Great story. That was fun. It was easy to hate her, but the ending made it worthwhile. Not a chance it would ever happen that way, but who cares?

KayaknhKayaknhabout 4 years ago

Sarcasm? Parody? None of the above. Just flat out stupid. Stupid. STUPID.

LT56linebackerLT56linebackerover 4 years ago
Anyone who doesn't want the thing to jam...

Great story!!! The only thing wrong is it was way too short,. Loved it. Bill can become my hero. 13 stars. ( Again, I can't count, as you may know. ) The Bear DEFINATELY approves. More, more, more please.


lee5456lee5456over 4 years ago
Way to go!

Please write a sequel to this story. I loved it

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

The lazy device of every writer, the cliche BBC and the pussy-whipped husband. Frankly, I expected more from you. You write very well, this was a shitpile.

jtwheelsjtwheelsover 4 years ago
Wish I could see their faces


robroy93robroy93over 4 years ago

I like this guy Zorran . Sounds like on of the best counselors in the LW stable. Good story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Re: Anon 11/10/19

You aren't exactly correct, at least in Michigan support can be ordered beyond age 18 if the "child" is in college, at least when I was in court years ago.

"Before he packed everything in for the day, he managed to get hold of his friend Moe, a paralegal at Skrewwum, Skrewwum and Howe for a reference to a divorce lawyer. Moe, was able to get him in to see one of the partners, Lawrence "Curley" Howe, the next day." Personally I'd take Bud and Lou over the Stooges.

"I mean REALLY! Who packs a revolver in today's world of autoloaders?!" You do realize the one big advantage of revolvers over pistols? If a pistol misfires it takes two hands and time to clear it, if a revolver misfires you just pull the trigger again. Of course I'm talking about modern double action revolvers. Thanks for the fun, but then again I'm not too it was just a fantasy, it sure didn't seem like it when I went through it. Signed: BTW

BlueHemiBlueHemialmost 5 years ago

A very good story. 5 stars!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
The "Anti-Counselor"

was an interesting twist. Authors should stop with the "and you'll have to pay for college" bit. It isn't true in the vast majority of states.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Excellent Story

Anonymous 11/01/19 looks be another Susan in waiting! She is now afraid that her husband will find out that she has been screwing Tyrone’s two brothers. Her comments were just trying to save face so as Zorran says “Tell the bitch to fuckoff!”

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

I love when ignorant writers perpetuate the, "women biologically need more sex than a single male can provide." That may be the case in YOUR life, you dickless moron, but not for the rest of us.

26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago
Like it

Good story about taking the shrew. A little over the top, but so are most fantasy stories. Racist? I don't think so. The bbc starring in this story are exactly the same as in any LW story, here only as sex objects for degrading "inferior"White men. Nothing degrades you like.having.your wife go dark. This time the black bullies got what they deserved.

Bebop3Bebop3over 5 years ago
Was That It?

I'm sure if you try real hard you can make you next story even more racist. Hard to believe, I know.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Ha! Loved it. Very original

Hey, no1...thanks for the fun addition to the pile of 'same old, same old' that clogs the files here at Lit.

danoctoberdanoctoberover 5 years ago
Well done.

Nice guy gets a reality check. His wife was a horrible individual, but his sons were complete garbage. What those 2 young men needed was a swift boot up the ass. Thanks for sharing no1specific.

cybojicybojiover 5 years ago

No comments about this being racist. A brother is dead another maimed. Great job. 5

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Anon 5/13/18

Damn, Anon, if you hate the stories her on Lit. so much, why do you torture yourself by reading them? As for “misogynistic”, I don’t think you understand the meaning of the word. I thought the story was a little bit over the top, but that’s what satire is about, isn’t it? But there was one thing that really, really bothered me: Zombie Polka bands? Good God, what has the world become?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Well, Duh....

Those that DON'T want to leave "EVIDENCE" behind.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

is zorran a manufactured name? slap hapy papy #9

BaddestmanaliveBaddestmanaliveabout 6 years ago
Re: Detroitrockcity

If you don't think this is funny then you had no brain cells to begin with.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Anon 5/13/18, DetroitRockCity, Ezrollin et all

You guys need to grow a sense of humor. You must think comedy is an ugly growth on humanity that should be carved out and replaced by a more sensible alternative. This story is the answer to all the husbands screwed by an unfair system that is blind to reality. The law firm of "Skrewwum, Skrewwum and Howe" was the funniest thing I've ever read. Hopefully Bill has seen the light and will take his balls from his wife's purse, take them in his own hands and get out from under the cloud of darkness posing as a wife and boys. This easily earned a 5 star.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
What A Waste Of Time

I mean if it was funny or well written one can overlook the ridiculousness, misogynist and racist tone of the story. But it’s so poorly written and uninteresting! Only LW readers where it seems so many of the fans seems to be wounded little men would a drivel like this get such a high score.

KenfromIndyKenfromIndyover 6 years ago
Good parody

I was laughing at the end! I assume that was intent of the story if not sorry it was to my reading pleasure!

Please keep writing and I will keep reading

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

This may be, hands down, one of the most ridiculous stories I've read here......I think I lost brain cells reading it.

BestOfAllWorldsBestOfAllWorldsover 6 years ago
My Dear Ezrollin...

It's called parody.

EzrollinEzrollinover 6 years ago

Your story has no basis in reality. What state do you live in that would let a man come into your home, assault you, fuck your wife and then punish you in court...well other than California? The only question here would have been which one of them I would have shot first. The fact this story has a rating of over four is why I give ratings little credence.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
"I mean REALLY! Who packs a revolver in today's world of autoloaders?!"

A good wheelgun will never let you down. Good story otherwise ;)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
I split my gut laughing!

But I have a question. Why does swingerjoe continue to review comments about his comments? Then make anonymous comments supporting his comments. There was a hand signal in high school which explained swingerjoe's behavour, you point your index finger straight up on your right hand and stick your right hand thumb at 90 degrees! That is what swingerjoe is |_ (a Loser), lmao!

JbRobertssonJbRobertssonabout 7 years ago
I think you got most of the common clichés...

Yes, it was over the top and chock full of clichés. The husband is/was a complete wimp, but maybe he'll do better in the future. Wife and kids had no value whatsoever. Still, Zorran was fun and the only real man in the story. Thanks for the laugh.

carvohicarvohiabout 7 years ago
I'm a demonic moron!

God bless that was awful! Awful good!

I keep thinking of all those poor slobs who've really been screwed over by their wives. This story just seems to be what they need to hear.

Sure it was make believe, but who cares. I mean really.

Write some more like this and you'll be running for president... and winning!

Jedd Clampett

no1specificno1specificabout 7 years agoAuthor
#42 Express Bus


The man was hit by the "Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything" from "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams.

I think it has symmetry that he is smacked down by the meaning of life.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Express Bus 42

Jackie Robinson

DevotedWifeDevotedWifeabout 7 years ago
Well, that was fun!

And thank you for the education regarding the Zombie-Death-Polka genre. I never knew the origin of your title, and enjoyed all the different musical references in the song, especially since I love Klezmer and clarinet music. So...that is what is created at high altitudes...

no1specificno1specificabout 7 years agoAuthor
42... think about it

If only someone could answer me why we are all here... if only there was a white mouse somewhere in the whole large UNIVERSE who could answer a simple question

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 7 years ago
Express Bus?

The 42 throws me, probably because I am less erudite than #1spec. But I do find an Express Bus long after rush hour to be unusual! But, not as unusual as slipping repeatedly and getting your cojones caught in the drain! Especially for guys who have great rhythm.

lickitandstickitlickitandstickitabout 7 years ago

This was actually really funny,, I thought it was going down a different road, but the good doctor saved the day hahaha.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 7 years ago
Carrying a revolver

Clearly he's old school so that explains the revolver.

teedeedubteedeedubover 7 years ago

Yeah! Go for Zorran. We need him as a political consultant. Think of what a hard dose of reality would do to DC........ thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Yes it's a fantasy, but. Who cares? It was fun.

Yowzah yowzah yowzah!!!!

It's a feel good story about righting wrongs.

Realistically many guys have to go to ground. It's our own fault. We agreed to those changes in divorce laws. Now there seems no way to get back to parity.

no1specificno1specificover 7 years agoAuthor
#42 Express Bus

Come on people.... no one caught the meaning of the bus number???

Seriously, thanks for all the comments; good and bad. If I can get you to react, I am doing my job!


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
love love love

Hell yes...... loved the story, and then the Yul Brennner reference.... awesome. thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Loved it

Wow, made my day. Terrible that any person would have such low self esteem but it sure saved his butt in the end with a giant push from his advisor. I am still smiling and probably will be for the rest of the day. Thanks!

no1specificno1specificover 7 years agoAuthor

Just to set the record straight, I own.....

a Beretta 96

a S&W99

a Raven in .25

and.... wait for it.... waaaaaaait.... a S&W K-Frame, Model 10 in .38 Special

this of course does not catalog long guns, shot guns, clamors, etc. etc. etc. (the last part is said in a Yul Brynner "The King and I" accent

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

This is a total piece of garbage and appears to have been written by a mentality deficient old male.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
A little over the top,

But I loved the 3 Stooges references! Thoroughly enjoyed this tale and I hope to read more. 5*, easy!

maninconnmaninconnover 7 years ago
Heh heh

Ok, I'm laughing. A lot. Ok, my sides hurt!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Bill is a peace of shit

Wimp tale

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