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Live on Me

Story Info
Layna finds herself with a dangerous opportunity.
8.4k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/02/2020
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Hello Readers,

My name is Samantha, and this is my first time writing an erotic story. I started to write this story to reflect my anxieties and fears, as well as my deepest desires. Ever since I was young, I read romance stories about women who fall in love, so please don't hate me too much for maybe being a bit tropey now and again.

This story contains some difficult feelings, and I completely understand if you need to stop reading or just want to skip this story all together. So, if these topics bother you, please consider your mental health before reading:

Kidnapping, suicidal thoughts, aphrodisiacs (mind alteration?), severe anxiety, biting, use of force, and traumatic past relationships.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy my story.



When I woke up that morning, my mind was consumed by a dream. The images felt so far away and hazy, but the feelings I had were clear as glass.

I wiped my eyes and sat up. My hands were shaking. I must have dreamed about her again. I took a deep breath, and I carried my heavy heart to the bathroom to clean myself up. The cool air was intensified by the sweat encompassing my body from the night.

"When will she leave me alone...." I muttered to myself, turning on the shower and stepping in after the water heated up. As per every morning, I took some soap into my hands, lathered up, and made sure every inch of my body was touched by the sweet scent of the suds. Given my unfortunate height, it took longer than I would have liked.

I took my razor into my hand and delicately shaved my face, following the same pattern I had repeated for half a decade. Unlike other girls, my genetics were not so kind to me, and unlike other transgender women, I didn't have the money to take a more permanent approach to hair removal. Fortune, and hormone replacement therapy, did bless me with lighter and thinner hair in the key places, so at least I had that.

I hopped out of the shower, put my still dry hair into a ponytail, and brushed my teeth before getting dressed and heading to work. As much as I would have loved to wear something pretty and nice (and describe it in detail), management at Whole Basket Trader was very clear that we needed to fit a certain standard appearance, so as not to impress or offend anyone.


I was five hours into my shift, and as per usual these days, I was making my way into the women's room, eyes down and headed to the back stall. I closed the door, went to the far corner of the stall where not even prying eyes could see me, and sat on the floor. I held my head in my hands and sobbed softly, trying not to let out the cries I so desperately wanted to express.

Why did he have to target me? I didn't even do anything. Does he hate me? Is he transphobic? Is he going to fire me? What am I going to do if I lose this job? I'm going to lose everything and have nowhere to go. I just want to disappear. I don't want to suffer anymore.

For whatever reason, my boss had pulled me aside and asked me to look over the produce floor plan. In a very annoyed tone, he told me to point out where the pineapples are. I was confused and scared. He rarely talked to me, and all of a sudden he was grilling me on where pineapples belonged. I didn't even stock the fruit sets most of the time. By the time I was turning to the fruit section of the floor plan, he chimed in.

"You're not going to find them on the floor plan because we have them in a different set for a sale. So why are there pineapples that aren't on the sale set?"

I stammered in shock, unsure of what to do. His face displayed expectation, but his voice merely sounded mocking, as if I was being tested and had failed before even getting the chance to stand up for myself.

A customer approached me and asked if we had any more radishes. My boss didn't answer and I couldn't unglue my eyes from my shoes. I tried to respond, but words failed me. Then I felt the familiar lump in my throat. Before I could crack, I walked away.

Did he want me to cry in front of people so he could fire me? Does he want to get rid of me?

My anxiety was spiraling and my cries began to come out, first as small squeaks, then as quick, hitched breaths. I heard the bathroom door open and I tried desperately to quiet myself but the wave of fear couldn't be contained. I clutched my knees to my chest harder and covered my face. If I couldn't see the world, maybe a miracle would happen and I would disappear from all of this. After some time, the latch on the stall clicked and my anxiety grew, joined with shame.... Shame for being weak and helpless and a failure.

Please save me from this place, please save me from everything.

I felt arms wrapping around me and a warm breath near my ear.

"Layna.... Layna, I'm here. You're safe," the voice said. I yelped in surprise, the sweet, feminine voice smoother and softer than a pillow. I peeked out from my hands and the woman's face was peering at me with concern. I didn't recognize her, and she wasn't an employee. An employee wouldn't show this level of care.

"Do you want me to take you away, Layna?" she asked.

I nodded, my face flushed and stained with tears. I felt a small prick on my back where the woman's arms were, and all the tension in my body released.

How does... she know... my name...?


As I stirred from my sleep, I felt a soft warmth around me. It reminded me of my mother, clutching me, her small child, as I slept in her bosom. As my eyes opened, I saw the soft glow of light through slatted blinds, and a small table with an ornate lamp and a glass of water.

Under me was the soft skin of another and loosely around me was their arm. As I went to look up to see who I was with, I realized that I had no idea where I was. My body tensed instinctively and jumped to action, but as if they had predicted my very thoughts, the person underneath my head clutched me in place.

"Shhhhh, just relax Layna, you're safe."

It was the same voice from before, she was the one who offered to take me. I let my head rest back down, but my breathing was still somewhat frantic. I felt my heart beating through my chest and she surely felt it too. She let her grip loosen and lightly stroked my arm.

"Wh-where am I?" I stammered, letting my eyes drift upward to try and see her face, but with my head tucked in right under her shoulder, I was unable to see.

"You're in a safe place, away from anyone who wants to harm you. You're at my home," the woman said, her voice smooth and calm. She pulled her other hand out from under the covers, and with a finger, carefully moved some of my hair from my face. My cheeks flushed and I tensed up again, her arm instinctively holding me tighter again.

I noticed that she was not wearing a top, and the covers only barely covered her breasts. As strange as the situation was, and as many questions as I had in that moment, I still felt a rush of heat in my body in response to the position I was in. It had been a long time since I had last been held, and maybe the first time I had ever been held in such a seemingly calm and caring manner. Regardless, it was all too weird to just accept.

"How did I get here? How did you get into the bathroom stall I was in? How do you know my name?! Who are you?!" I asked frantically, the woman's arm still holding me in place as I tried to lurch up.

"Hey, hey, it's okay," she cooed. "I'll tell you soon Layna. Please, just relax and rest. You had a hard day. It's all over now." She paused and her grip loosened again as she resumed rubbing my arm. Slowly and softly, her hand ran down to my hand, skipping a small section of my wrist on the way. I noticed a pressure that had been there since I awoke, likely a small bracelet or maybe a shackle. Just as the thought occurred to me and I opened my mouth to protest, she brought her hand down and interlocked her fingers into mine, squeezing my hand. She brushed a finger from her other hand across my lips.

"Shhhh, do not worry, little one," she whispered, holding her finger in front of my lips before pushing it slightly into my mouth. I shuddered as I instinctively wrapped my lips around her finger and sucked, like a needy child.

"On your wrist is a small bracelet. It won't hurt you. It is a sign of your safety," she said, pulling her finger from my mouth and slowly running it around to my ear, rubbing around the lobe and up the side. I squeaked from the pleasant sensation that I had craved on so many nights for years now. How was she pushing every one of my buttons so expertly?

"With your permission, I took you from your workplace and brought you to my home. You don't need to worry about your employers, they have been dealt with and your attendance is no longer required. As you slept, I took care of any issues that could arise," she stated, the reassurance reaching my mind but sweetened by her careful caresses. My voice began to slip out in moans as she traced around my ear with her finger.

"In our home, you have the choice to stay or go," she said. Her finger left my ear and moved to my chin, she adjusted herself and lifted my head. Her face came into view just briefly before getting too close to focus on. "But I do hope you'll stay, Layna."

Her lips met mine and I felt a shock of pleasure run through my body. Her lips were warm and soft, caressing mine with care. She pushed harder and my moans escaped into her mouth. I couldn't help but let my tongue explore, but when my tongue touched her lips, the pressure released. As she moved her lips away, I could feel her breath on my face, and without a thought, I leaned toward her to try and reclaim the gentle comfort of her lips.

Her finger moved forward to block me, and she smiled.

"You are so precious," she giggled, her dark red eyes barely visible in the dim light. "Can I trust you to not run away if I get up and make you something to eat?" I was still lying there, stunned by the energy of her kiss and voice. I nodded, unable to voice any opinion in that moment. I wanted more, and while most of me didn't care about anything but that feeling, there was a small part of me that was terrified.

She left the room, and my eyes stuck to her form as she walked. She was wearing nothing but a lacy pair of black panties. Her lithe body moved out of view and the sound of her bare feet upon the wooden floor faded down the hallway.

When my eyes were unlocked from her, I let out a breath that I had been unconsciously holding in. My eyes wandered around the simple room, spotting my clothes from work, folded up on a wooden dresser near the door. My face flushed at the thought of that woman undressing me. I got up, letting the blankets on the bed fall from my body. I strode to the dresser and dressed myself, the smell of food and sweat lingering on my clothes from earlier in the day. I checked my back pockets, but my phone had been removed. A quick glance around the room, and I noticed it charging on a vanity that I had not yet noticed.

I tapped the screen to life and flicked the emergency phone on. I called 911 but there was no connection. A part of my heart sank, feeling like a cornered animal, but looking at the door that was ajar, and the lit and empty hallway, the feeling was quelled just enough to keep me on my feet and walking out. As I rounded a corner and entered a sizable room with a long couch and entertainment center, I heard the clinking of pans and plates. I followed the sound to a doorway in the room to find the kitchen, fully furnished and spotless. My captor was cracking eggs into a bowl.

"I'm glad you took the opportunity to get dressed and walk around," the woman said, turning to face me. She wore a black apron, which was surprisingly clean. Her dress reached down to her calves and flowed around her as she turned. She picked up the bowl of egg yolks and began to scramble them. "But I must admit, your current clothes do smell quite... corporate. Please help yourself to any of the clean clothes in your room." There was a silence in the air, and then she poured the scrambled eggs into a pan, and they sizzled.

"Why is my phone not working?" I asked bluntly. She had clearly said I had the choice to stay or go, but all things considered, I was worried that she was pulling me into a false sense of security. The woman let out a sigh.

"I'm very sorry Layna, but it is only temporary. I didn't want complications to arise if I had to attend to any business. After we eat, you have my word that you will be able to make phone calls at your own leisure," she said, mixing the eggs around in the pan and only briefly glancing over at me. Her eyes radiated the warmth of a mother soothing her distressed child.

"I understand that you don't feel like you can trust me," she sighed. "But I have no intention to hurt you. The exact opposite is true really. Your comfort and pleasure is my top priority."

She finished cooking the eggs and some toast popped out of a toaster on the counter. She laid out the eggs on a plate with the toast, and retrieved a stick of butter and a jar of peanut butter from the fridge.

"You can follow me to the dining room," she said, passing me on her way out of the kitchen. I stood in the doorway, still trying to process everything that was happening, and then I followed reluctantly, keeping my eyes peeled for a way out of this possibly dangerous situation. She led me to a room with a moderately sized wooden table, large enough to seat half a dozen people. She set down the plate and pulled out the chair in front of it, moving around the table to the next chair and taking her seat. I sat down and my stomach growled as I looked at the food. I hadn't realized just how hungry I was. On the wall across from me, a large window was covered by a dark curtain, small rays of orange light peeking through the edges.

"I do hope the food is to your liking," the woman smiled. "Seeing as how you have been asleep for a few hours, I thought breakfast would be appropriate." I gave her a sideways glance and began to eat, the food tasting quite good, either because I was hungry, or this woman just knew exactly how I liked my eggs.

"To answer your earlier question, my name is Jessica Harper, and I work as... well, I guess you could say I rescue those in need," Jessica crossed her arms in front of her on the table, leaning forward and giving me a clear view of her cleavage. Even under the dress and apron, I felt magnetized to them. To think that I had been lying my head just inches from them earlier made my mind buzz, but it mixed so strangely with the confusion and fear from being kidnapped and brought to her home with no way to reach the police.

But she has told me her name, so maybe she really will open up about why I am here....

"Earlier, you asked how I knew your name... and unfortunately here is where things might get weird, but please Layna... hear me out." She reached her hand across the table toward mine and wrapped her fingers around mine. I looked up at her eyes and the kindness she exuded felt so genuine. If this was a ruse, she was a master. Slowly but surely though, I was coming to think she was telling the truth about my safety.

"A part of my job is linked with, well... surveillance. The company I work with sifts through all kinds of data gathered from cell phones across the nation, and figures out who is in need of assistance. Especially the kind of assistance I am offering you.".

I was more than a little floored by this revelation, but couldn't interrupt due to a mouthful of food.

"Most companies use that data to target ads or intercept dangerous individuals, but our organization uses it to direct opportunities to those who can't thrive in society. In your case, society was pushing you to a breaking point, so I was able to step in and bring you here. You would be surprised by how many people are broken by the mere act of living."

As shocking as everything she was saying was, the analysis of the situation I was in was quite accurate. I had always felt that I was unlike the people who seemed to thrive in their lives. I always felt like the competition to the top and the struggle for power wasn't for me. I just wanted to belong someplace, and to live a fulfilling and happy life. I liked to serve under other people and make them proud, but so many times I was trampled and abused.

"So... what is the opportunity?" I timidly asked, looking at Jessica's eyes. They were resolved in their kindness. "Is that what you meant by I can stay or leave?"

Jessica cleared her throat and sat up.

"I am giving you the chance to leave behind the society that you feel you do not belong in. By doing so, you will enter into a life of pleasure and service. You will be mine."

My eyes widened and Jessica seemed to notice the jarring bluntness of her statement.

"But I'm not saying you will be held as a slave or something. You'll be able to leave and see friends and family, but I will take care of you here, and you will work under me as my assistant and house maid. You'll be paid for your work and allowed to follow your passions where they take you in your life. I will be able to provide any kind of medical care or other needs, so you wont need to struggle through societal hoops and silly corporate obstacles. To be more precise, you will be taken away from the greater shadow of society and kept under my wing."

As I finished my meal and took a moment to process what she had just laid out to me, I stared at the curtains, clearly darkened as the sun rapidly set. This proposal sounded like something straight from my deepest desires. My fear rose, but not from being trapped or from Jessica... but fear that I would make the wrong choice and regret it for the rest of my life. Was my distrust going to keep me from taking a golden opportunity? Or would my desires lead me into a trap.

"There must be a catch to this," I said, looking over to her. She got up from her seat.

"There is, but let me show you something first," she took my arm and held it up, bringing a small bracelet to my attention. It shined like metal and was composed of three bands braided together: one black, one red, and one gold. The braid led to a small, golden lock.

"This bracelet is what determines your fate. While it is on, my home is your home. I will ensure that you are kept safe from the horrors of the outside world. When the lock is opened, you will be released from here and back into your life, right where you left it."

"But if you hold the key, then it is up to you to let me go." I said, seeing how clearly this choice could be withheld.

"That is why you must have this," Jessica smiled and produced a necklace from her apron pocket. She handed it to me, and on it was a small golden key. "This is the key to the lock, and you will always have the choice to open it."

"You are really giving me the key?" I asked, my surprise breaking through my suspicions like a needle through cloth.

"Yes little one. You could unlock yourself now if you truly do not want to stay, but if I know anything about you, it's that you would jump to the chance to be my most precious pet." She purred, her lips drawing closer to my ear. I shivered and my heart felt like it would burst.

All the forum posts about my desires and dreams... All the erotic stories I read and fantasies I wrote... had she read them all? Did she really know everything about me?

"Layna, I know what you crave, and I know your anxiety is fighting so hard to make you run right now. I know you are so fragile, and I know you have suffered hardship. I even know your dreams are plagued by them. Everything you have discussed in anonymous message boards and chat rooms... I have seen it all laid out before me. I decided that you are the one I want to care for, with all your faults and frailty. So please, won't you let me?" She whispered, leaving me frozen. It felt like she had opened my head and read me like a book. I wanted to run, but with each breath from her lips, I felt more and more like I should entrust myself to her. I felt that she may be able to take care of me better than I could take care of myself.

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