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Living The Dream Ch. 01

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Couple discovering new fantasies starts a dangerous journey.
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Authors note:

This story will include topics such as wife sharing, cuckolding and cheating, and might go down a dark path later on. If a story about a wife being sexually corrupted and taken from her husband is not to your liking, please don't continue reading.

This is my first story ever. Critique and opinions are highly appreciated.


Sitting at her desk in her old classroom, Lara listened to her professor's history lesson. The room looked exactly as she remembered.

Lifeless grey walls, sparsely decorated. The lack of colours reminded her of her life back then, just going through the motions without much thought about what she wanted to do with her life.

The lesson was not a new one. It never was. She clearly remembered hearing Mr. Harrison talk about it many years ago. But Lara didn't mind. It's not like she was here for the lesson anyway. She was waiting for someone.

Someone who would drastically change her life. But for the better. To finally give it meaning.

Minute after minute passed as Lara kept listening to the boring lesson. Her professor's words entered her mind through one ear only to escape it through the other.

Suddenly Mr. Harrison stared directly at her. Her heart stopped for a moment.

Would he scold her for not paying attention? She remembered him doing that once, years ago.

Lara was already an adult at that point, but he made her feel like a stupid child.

No, that's not the way he was looking at her this time. This was something different. She remembered him looking at her like this a few times aswell, but didn't understand what it meant.

She looked away, unable to keep up with this staring contest as he kept his eyes focussed on her's, making her feel more and more uneasy, but also.. something else.

Finally, a knock on the classroom door. Her head spun around in an instant. She almost jumped up from her chair, all feelings of uneasiness gone and replaced with pure happiness.

"It's open, come in!" Lara almost yelled, excited about seeing the person she had waited for.

The person who would take her out of the grey and bring colour into her life.

As the door opened a young man walked in. She immediately recognized her husband Peter.

His short brown hair, his blue eyes, a smile on his face as he walked closer to her.

The next moment Lara wasn't sitting on her chair anymore. Now she was standing right in front of her husband. There was no one else in the room anymore. It was just her and him.

Lara couldn't help but notice how handsome he looked in his black business suit. "He must have come straight from work," she thought while taking a step forward to hug Peter.

She would embrace her husband and feel safe in his strong arms as he took her away into her new life.

Just when she was about to put her arms around him, Peter opened his mouth wide and cried like a baby.

Dumbfounded, Lara stood in front of her husband. "Um... sorry, what did you say?"

Still with a smile on his face he put his arms around her. His face slowly lowering to her's, he opened his mouth and cried like a baby again...


Lara Wellington opened her eyes as she woke from her recurring dream. Most dreams come and go, just a fleeting memory gone after some hours. Sometimes even just minutes. But this dream she always remembered clearly since it happened so often.

The same lesson with the same professor. Everytime he would teach the same boring old lesson. Everytime he would then stare at her that particular way, making her feel uneasy until her husband arrived and that feeling was replaced with nothing but joy. He would hold her in his arms and kiss her gently before she woke up.

Lara registered that tonight's dream was basically the same as usual, if not for the abrupt ending.

The young wife could feel the first rays of sunlight on her face, shining through the bedroom window. Lara had always loved feeling the warmth of the sun on her face as she woke up. But there was another thing she loved even more about waking up in the morning.

A quick peek at the other side of the bed confirmed that the love of her life was right next to her, sleeping soundly. She knew she had to get up, but she still took a few precious moments to look at him. Merely watching him like this was enough to make Lara smile.

It seemed way too early to get up on a saturday morning anyway and if the situation was any different, she would just lay down again, snuggle up to her husband and close her eyes.

But today was an important day. She knew she had to get ready. And if the day wasn't important enough, it also didn't take Lara any time to realize why she heard her husband cry like a baby in her dream. As she got up from the bed, she heard another cry and quickly made her way to their baby's room.

On the short way the young mother looked around in melancholy, taking everything in, remembering the happy moments she and her husband had here, in their home.

From moving in after they got married two years ago when she was just 21, to decorating their baby's room just a few months ago.

She would never forget the day she cheerfully announced to her husband that she was pregnant. It was one of the happiest moments of her life.

Luckily they had a small spare room that could serve as a makeshift nursery for their son Jack, but the happy couple knew all along that this appartment was too small to start a family.

Today, with Jack being half a year old, they would finally move into their new home.

Lara took care of her son, changing his diapers and breastfeeding him while she pondered how her life would be in their new house, starting a family of their own. Jack was definitely not going to be their only child.

She had already talked about it with Peter and they both agreed to have at least one more child, but weren't quite sure about the right time.

Lara had just put her son down again and almost startled as she felt two strong arms embrace her from behind, pulling her into the body behind her, firmly but also lovingly.

"Good morning, sweetheart," her husband whispered in her ear. "How long have you been awake?"

Lara turned her head around to smile back at her husband, surprised he was awake at all.

"Not long. Jacks crying woke me up." She gave her husband a quick kiss on the lips. "You were still sleeping when I went to take care of him. I guess he woke you up aswell as I was on my way here? I'm sorry darling, I should have been a bit quicker."

Peter just chuckled while holding her tightly. "Don't worry, it was my alarm. The movers are gonna be here quite early and I figured some breakfast and maybe a shower wouldn't be too bad before they arrive, don't you think? And besides, I love waking up to see my wife and our son first thing in the morning."

He gave her a quick kiss on the lips just like she had done a few seconds ago. "Any interesting dreams last night?" he inquired.

The young mother smiled at her husband and told him about her dream. She mentioned as many details as she could remember and also brought up its rather abrupt end.

Peter had known about her recurring dream for a while, but this new way for it to end made him laugh.

"Apart from the funny ending it sounds like the same dream you have already told me about a few times. After attending so many lessons you must be a history professor yourself at this point, Mrs. Wellington!"

Lara laughed back at her husband, noticing how he looked just as handsome as in her dream, even without his business suit. Everytime he smiled at her like this, she almost lost herself in his blue eyes. She realized she was not any bit less in love with Peter as the day they started dating four years ago.

"Well, don't tell the professor, but I never pay much attention to the lesson. The man I dream about is much more important," she answered softly, turned in her husband's embrace and put her arms around him aswell, pressing her breasts against his chest in the process.

The sudden pressure on her breasts surprised her, still not being used to them being this big since the pregnancy.

"Oh, is he? I didn't know your history professor was so important to you," he replied cheekily.

Lara laughed heavily at his remark. She remembered her history professor Mr. Harrison well.

He was probably in his fifties when he taught her. An overweight man with a balding head. Not a pretty sight to look at. Especially in comparison to her fit and muscular husband, she thought.

Always so serious during the lesson, she couldn't remember ever seeing him smile.

But what she did remember was the way he looked at her. Not when he scolded her, though she remembered that very clearly, too. No, it was the other look, that she kept experiencing in her dream. It made her feel weird in a way she couldn't explain.

Lara shook the thoughts of her dream and Mr. Harrison out of her mind. "How about we go back to bed, and I show you who I'm talking about?" she seductively whispered to her husband.

Hugging him so closely, she could feel a bulge growing in Peter's sleeping pants. The young wife was just about to put her hand on it as her husband surprisingly released her from his embrace.

"That sounds very tempting, but we don't have the time. The movers should be here in an hour. Why don't you shower first while I prepare the most amazing breakfast? Should take around 30 minutes."

Lara was disappointed for just a second. She knew her husband was right. They would have all the time in the world once they arrived in their new home.

"Alright, but tonight I am going to have my way with you, Mister," she promised, giving him another quick kiss on his lips before making her way to the bathroom.

Peter Wellington still couldn't believe his luck while he watched his wife leave the room to take a shower.

He looked at her long blonde hair falling back over shoulders, at her petite body, trying to comprehend how her body could possibly look like it did after giving birth only six months ago.

He was unable to resist taking a peek at her naked behind, a reminder that Lara preferred to sleep in the nude. They lived in a hot area, so it made sense, he thought. And he definitely did not mind.

Watching her cheeks jiggle as she walked out of the room made him look forward to the end of the day.

Peter turned around and took his son in his arms. He just wanted to hold him for a bit before preparing breakfast.

He was married to the most wonderful woman, had a healthy baby boy with her, and now they were going to move into their own house.

His job in a marketing company paid more than enough to support their family, even with Lara taking care of Jack full time.

With a smile at his son he realized that he had everything he ever dreamed of. His life was perfect.

After putting Jack down again Peter made his way to the kitchen. His thoughts drifted back to Lara's dream, laughing as he imagined how she must have reacted when he cried like a baby. She has had this dream a few times now, being in school, listening to a lesson of her old history professor while waiting for her husband to come and embrace her.

When she told him the first time about having this recurring dream every now and then, he asked her about this Mr. Harrison, since it was the same person teaching her in her dream every time, never any other professor.

She jokingly wondered if Peter was jealous, but knew of course that her husband was simply curious. They were both aware that it was a common occurrence for dreams to take place back in school.

Lara didn't hesitate to quench his curiosity and told him about her professor. A not particularly good looking man, but at least good at his job. She was always looking forward to his lessons, because they were easy to follow and she loved history.

But she also told him about the way he looked at her. That unusual look on his face, that always made her feel weird and uneasy.

Peter had a sneaking suspicion her professor might have been a creep, but all of that was in the past anyway. Though any time he thought about it, he got a weird feeling himself that he couldn't quite place.

Arriving in the kitchen he realized his bulge had gotten even bigger. Natural reaction of thinking about his beautiful wife, he figured.

He shook all thoughts of Lara's dream and her history professor out of his mind and concentrated on the breakfast instead.


Lara decided not to spend as much time in the shower as she would have liked. She wanted to be done eating when the movers arrived, and drying her long hair took a few minutes anyway.

As she washed her body her hands stopped at her breasts, softly massaging them. Their size would never cease to amaze her and the young mother wondered if a second pregnancy would make them even bigger. Though she wasn't sure if that would be a good thing. Surely there is such a thing as too big.

Touching one of her her nipples sent a small shock through her body, reminding her of how sensitive they had become. Her other hand just started wandering further down when she remembered that she had more important things to do. Clearing these thoughts from her head Lara continued washing her body.

When she was finally done she put on socks, bra and panties, some short blue jeans and a loose sleeveless white shirt before making her way to the kitchen.

Lara had only just opened the bathroom door when she could already smell the food her husband had prepared. She did not remember him mentioning what it was, but was certain she smelled potatoes and eggs.

Entering the kitchen she saw Peter placing multiple small things on the table that, from the distance, almost looked like cake to her.

"Babe, this smells amazing. What are those?"

Peter looked up surprised. He was so concentrated on placing the food on the table, he hadn't even seen her come in.

"My grandmother's recipe. Pincho de tortilla. They are basically potato omelettes," he explained, putting the last of them on the table.

Her husband walked around the table to pull out a chair for Lara and made a theatrical hand gesture, signaling her to sit down.

The couple discussed the plans for the rest of the day, making sure they didn't forget any important details about the move while they enjoyed Peter's grandmother's omelettes.

This was their last day in this appartment, they realized. The next day they would wake up in their new home. At least they didn't move far. The movers just had to drive there and back a few times, and the whole thing would be done later this day.

But more importantly, they wouldn't have to miss friends and family, or worse, have to find a new job for Peter.

Neighbours will be a new thing for them. Living in an appartment complex there were so many people living above and under them, they never cared about meeting all these strange people. With the exception of the old lady next door. She was around 90 years old and the Wellingtons often helped with her groceries.

But in their new home there would be a much smaller number of people living in the houses next to them. The young couple agreed that they should try and meet their closest neighbours as soon as possible to leave a good first impression in the neighbourhood.

As Lara's husband was about to start collecting the dishes, she put her hand on his. "Let me take care of the dishes. You still need to shower."

"Do I smell that bad?" he replied grinning at her.

Lara gave her husband a quick kiss on the lips. "You always smell amazing. Now go already before the movers arrive!"

When Peter walked out of the kitchen to take a shower she stared after him with dreamy eyes. Wearing just his sleeping pants nothing obstructed her view of his muscular body, which she never tired of admiring.

Lara could not possibly explain how he managed to find time for his family, his successful career, and the regular workout. Still, she was very happy he did.

She heard the shower running while cleaning the dishes when the doorbell rang. The movers were here. Lara sighed and looked around one last time, prepared to start a new chapter in her life.


A middle aged man stood on the upper floor of his house, staring out of the window to watch a young couple with a baby move in to the house next to his. It was the last house on the street, with him being the only adjacent neighbour.

The van with their furniture stopped a few times during the last hours, but finally, late in the evening, they seemed to be done.

"Probably in their mid twenties", he thought, his attention mostly on the young wife. He immediately noticed how beautiful she was.

From up here he had a great view down her shirt. He realized she didn't actually wear anything too revealing, but being a young mother even a regular shirt like that showed off her nice full milk jugs just the way he liked.

"Fuck, this girl has some nice fat tits. Probably C, maybe even D," he figured.

It was difficult for him to stop staring at her tits, but as she turned around he saw the next thing he liked about this woman. Her short jeans did not just show off her long, nicely shaven legs. They also clung tightly to her petite juicy butt cheeks.

"Holy shit, what a fucking ass. If she were my bitch, I would bury my face between those cheeks and eat that ass all day long."

The couple left his field of view as he kept staring at the young wife's ass.

"Fuck this. I need to find a way to get a closer look at her. Maybe play nice neighbour and invite her to dinner or something like that. Gotta invite the husband, too, though. There is no way he lets his girl go to another man's place on her own."

As he was thinking about the best way to get in touch with his new sexy neighbour, he saw movement out of the corner of his eyes. The couple had left their house again, but from the other end. "Are they gonna get into their pool? Shit, I can barely see anything from here. Gotta watch from another window."


"Darling, this is wonderful. There is so much space here, so much fertile ground! You know how much I've always wanted to grow plants and flowers of my own. See that bit behind the pool? I'm going to plant lavender over there. Not just will it look beautiful, it will also smell amazing!"

Lara could barely contain her happiness. For most of her life she never really expected her dream of gardening in her own backyard to become real. But here she was. In her garden behind her house already imagining what kind of flowers she would grow in which area.

Peter didn't care too much about gardening, but seeing his wife happy like this made him smile from ear to ear. He walked over to their pool, kneeling down to dip a finger into the water. It was surprisingly warm, almost hot to his touch.

"I'm glad you can finally become the master gardener you were always destined to be, but I am much more looking forward to spending some time in this pool. Coming back from a long day at work to relax in warm water with a beautiful woman? That's the life!"

Kneeling down behind her husband, Lara put her arms around him and her head on his shoulder. "Hmm... should I be jealous? Where are you going to find this beautiful woman you are speaking of, Mister?"

The man in her arms sighed, enjoying the closeness and warmth of her body. "You know, I saw the most beautiful woman when I moved in here and I believe she lives very close. I am definitely going to ask her to join me in the pool every chance I get."

The young wife laughed, knowing that he was talking about her, of course. "I'm going to the nearest gardening store first thing monday morning. Do you want to join me? You could help decide which seeds I'm getting!"

"Oh I'd love to, but I have to go to work early on monday. Besides, I don't think I'd be much help to you, babe. I know next to nothing about gardening. I'm sure you are perfectly capable of getting good seeds yourself."

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