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Locked Out on My Honeymoon

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Locked out by his bride, a groom gets sweet revenge.
3.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/03/2024
Created 07/02/2020
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So, there I was, on my fucking honeymoon, locked out of the main bedroom in the grand suite, because my new bride got drunk and took some guys back with her to fuck her there. The guys didn't like that I was present and felt deceived or betrayed or whatever that she was married, so they took it out on me and locked me out of the main room in the suite until they were done with her.

This wasn't what I had in mind when I granted Jill a hall pass and demanded one in return for the duration of the honeymoon. It was her idea, which was funny because she had been the one to convince me that she could give me enough to make monogamy worth my while. No sooner did we get married and go on our honeymoon, but she pulled this stunt out of left field. It didn't look, or feel good for that matter. She asked me to tag along to..participate, but the other guys stopped being cool with that once they knew that I was her husband.

I wasn't sure what exactly Jill had been drinking other than tequila. Given that the last sex that she and I had was on our wedding night itself, I wasn't in the mood to put up with it. No sex, not even the hot, messy, steamy sex that we had that first night, which included anal, was worth being kicked or locked out of my own bedroom. The fact that it wasn't our home master bedroom wasn't the point. This was a serious breach of contract here and there would be hell to pay.

At this point, I didn't care what she did or thought or if she was sincere about my own hall pass or not. I was going to fuck another woman, maybe two, maybe three, and then I would leave, probably just go home early. Part of me wondered if I could cash in the rest of her credit for the round trip ticket. It would be fucking hilarious to leave Jill stranded back in Barbados while I went home and changed all of the locks. Yeah, I was pretty sure that I was done with her.

Hell, since we didn't have kids together, I could just cash it all in, catch a cruise, or slip away to another part of the same island and fuck anything that moved. Or I could leave for Europe or Cancun or something. I didn't have to put up with this shit from anyone and I refused to do so. Jill's behavior since our arrival the day before had just gotten weirder and weirder still. I didn't need this crap and I refused to stick around for more like a glutton for punishment.

I grabbed what I could pack together and crammed into my suitcase, jumped into the shower to clean up from where I had apparently puked out my guts, and then dried off quickly. I brushed, flossed, used mouthwash, and got dressed in a hurry. I didn't want to see Jill, not right now. I didn't want to lose my cool to that extent. She had broken our pact and I was livid enough that I didn't trust myself not to commit murder or something like that in a fit of rage.

I took what I could get, grabbed my keys (this was an older building that had physical, manual locks and keys, no fancy key card system), and took them to the front desk. The concierge was a bit surprised to see me, until she realized that I was alone. Her big, beautiful brown eyes became as wide as saucers as she grasped my intentions. She knew that I planned to go to the airport, fuck someone in a quickie along the way, and/or join the Mile High Club on the plane, and then I would be out of Jill's life for good.

"Um..what if I could get you another suite, sir..for a discount price? There's one just emptied unexpectedly, as the police had to arrest the occupant. If you don't mind the bloodstains on the carpet, it's actually pretty nice. It would be a shame for you to miss out on holiday just because your wife betrayed you. And since she went black, two can play that game, right? I assure you that I will satisfy you as much as I can," she winked at me, now looking much younger than her apparently forty years on this Earth.

"Okay, I'll bite!" I grinned at that prospect.

I loved the notion of tormenting Jill by screwing another woman blind the whole time that we were on our honeymoon where she broke her word. As the concierge handed me the keys for my new suite in place of my old ones, I resolved to take a separate flight, of course, and leave at least a day early nonetheless. Until then, I could kick back and have fun. As long as I returned enough ahead of Jill to change the locks, it would be worthwhile.

I chilled for a while in my new suite before I fell asleep, finally able to doze off. I didn't notice the hands on my cock until they were already there, and before I knew it, I felt a wet, warm mouth surround my prick. I opened my eyes and there was the concierge, her lovely black face smiling at me as she sucked me good and hard. How did she get in..oh, that was right...she would have spare keys for each suite, wouldn't she, including all rooms?

"Good afternoon, darling..I see that you like the surprise wake-up call. For the duration of this honeymoon, think of me as your bride instead of that stupid cunt who betrayed you with those ruffians. I've found out who every last one of those blokes are, and none of them are even a little respectable like you and me. Two of them are my cousins and they are complete nutters, too. It pays to be friends with hotel management, wouldn't you say? I'm Karissa, by the way. Karissa Thorne," she told me before she resumed sucking my cock with a vengeance.

Not even two minutes later, I was on the bed in the master bedroom of the suite with Karissa riding me and pushing her tits in my face. She rode me bareback, too, much to my delight and surprise. I wasn't sure about her motives, but I had to admit that she was the best lover I ever had, bar none. When she switched to reverse cowgirl, that opinion was further cemented in my head as well as my heart. My cock certainly agreed from seeing those gorgeous black buttocks of hers.

I found myself in a blur, almost, having Karissa ride me into next year. She took me three or four times before she stopped, even showing me the stimulant that she slipped into my rum on our first break. The wink in her face told me that she was far from done with my dick..and the rest of my body, too. I wasn't sure what her agenda was, but something told me that she had one, one that she wasn't telling me yet, or anyone else, for that matter.

I woke up yet another time and it was already evening. The sun had set and I was in Karissa's arms, her sweat pouring off her body and mixing with mine. I couldn't believe how quickly I had been charmed and seduced by a total stranger, except when one considered the rebound factor and my wounded pride. Something told me that this was more than revenge sex for both of us. Karissa treated me better in less than a day than Jill had in years.

"Want to shower and join me for supper? Lots of folks will be green with envy. Maybe your wife will be one of them. I so want to make that stupid bitch suffer, just as you do. A fine man like yourself, being treated as a third wheel while she locks you out of the room and pulls a fucking train for strangers!

"Perhaps you'd like the holiday to continue and just never come back. Think about it. I think that you have enough money to buy this hotel if you wished and just live here with me for good. I don't care if you're faithful. I won't pretend to be, but that's the difference between her and me. I admit what I am.

"I love sex. I don't want to turn anyone down. It's just that're different. I want to be your wife and I will go out of my way to convince you that it's a good idea..and keep you convinced," Karissa licked her lips as we hit the shower together.

"So..swingers, open marriage, something like that?" I clarified while soaping down her luscious flesh.

"More like me being your cum whore and you being my stud. Call it whatever you like, but I do want to see you..fuck lots of local women. For that, you'd need to stay here, love. Trust me, if you stay in Barbados with me, you'll soon be glad that you did and never looked back. I'm not a selfish, lying bitch like Jill.

"I can tell that she was loath to let you stray, even if she grudgingly gave you the hall pass. I won't be like that, baby. Not at all. That silly wife of yours has no fucking clue the can of worms she just opened, does she? But she'll know when it's already too late," Karissa told me with several kisses that let me see her spotless teeth.

I let her shave me, though not too closely. She left me a goatee, telling me that it looked "badass," to use her words. She also shaved my head, and then rinsed my head before dressing me like some kind of valet, much to my shock. Then Karissa dabbed some aftershave on my face, brushed her teeth as I brushed mine, and put her lovely arms around my waist to kiss the back of my neck.

"How do you know that the owner or owners would sell this place to me, assuming that I have as much wealth as you seem to believe?" I asked Karissa while fondling her nice, thick, black booty.

"Well, it's clear that you're very affluent. A woman like Jill wouldn't bother gold-digging from anyone who wasn't filthy, stinking rich. As for the owner, well, that's me. I'm the owner. Yep, little ol' me. I'm not as wealthy as you are, far from it, but I'm not poor, either. I can show you the deed and title, and soon as you wire me the money, this place is yours.

"I want to keep my job and I want to marry you to make sure that I have..still..some stake in it. If that makes sense. This hotel has been in my family for sixty years. It's just gonna be easier to improve if a much richer person owns it. And frankly, I want to be your wife. I've always wanted to marry a Yank. Now I will. Something about some Yank cock and that fine-ass Yank accent of yours turns me on big time!" Karissa explained to me.

"Technically, I'm Israeli-American. I have dual citizenship. My mother is what is called 'Second Israel.' Mizrahim. Olive-skinned, Middle Eastern, Asiatic Jews. My father is a standard-fare Staten Island Knickerbocker. Full-on Dutch, and I'm not kidding you about that. We were in New York since it was New Amsterdam. My distant ancestor was a patroon, a landholder. I'm VERY old money.

"Talk about your mixed-faith parentage, wouldn't you say? Reformed Church services every Sunday, Temple on Shabbos. I'm what Vin Diesel would be if he was born with a silver spoon instead of having to work for a living," I chuckled now as I slapped her ass and she pressed it against my hands.

"So, which religion did you end up with? Just wondering," Karissa asked me out of curiosity.

"Jewish. Reform, mind you. I'm not kosher. If you stick to that side of things, it's a lot less onerous. And you can still divorce, you know. Which is what I'll do to Jill's sorry ass first chance I get. Hall passes are one thing, even gang-bangs, but kicking and locking the bridegroom out of his bedroom in his own honeymoon suite, that's just cold! Besides, I don't trust her not to try to stick me with another man's child, even if it's plain as day that it's not mine," I scoffed as we finished getting spruced up.

"Here it goes, babe. The money. Incoming!" I showed Karissa where I wired the money once she gave me the account and routing number.

"And here we go. I'm a woman of my word, as you can see. The deed and title. This hotel is officially sold to you, good sir. You're the Man. You're the..boss. Thank you so fucking much, Mr. Martin Van Root. So, does this mean that we're going..Dutch tonight?" Karissa teased me a little as I took her hand.

"Oh, hell, no, honey. You're my lady now and I'm going to treat you as such. Jill can eat her fucking heart out, and the best part? If her little boyfriends make a scene, I can have security kick their asses off the premises, leaving her all alone. That could be fun in and of itself," I smiled at that image.

The shaves must have reduced my familiarity, because it took Jill several minutes before she recognized me at supper. When she did, she made a beeline for me, just as I sat with Karissa, both of us eating some excellent local seafood with my favorite white wine. I had made the switch to a pescetarian diet years before and never regretted it. Poultry, eggs, cheese, fish, those were fine with me. I just didn't touch beef or pork.

Jill looked obviously pained as she realized that I was there with the concierge. It must never have occurred to her that I would get some strange myself, despite her giving me that fucking hall pass to mollify me. My utter disinterest in her, even ignoring her for several minutes so annoyed her that she cleared her throat.

"Hello, excuse me, remember me? Your WIFE?" Jill screamed at me.

"You're going to have to avoid making a scene, ma'am, or else I will have to cancel your reservation and have you escorted off the premises. In my current position, I can arrange that for you. It's not my fault that your disgruntled bridegroom took action to enjoy his conjugal rights at last. Rights denied to him by his rather callous bride," Karissa really stuck the knife in there, making Jill's eyes bug out.

"Okay, so this IS about last night! This is revenge sex, isn't it? The hall pass wasn't intended for that, you know," Jill snapped as she narrowed her eyes at both of us, making us both burst into laughter.

"You didn't ask me what your hall pass entailed. Kindly don't tell me what to do with mine. No restrictions were spelled out at all. They were never even suggested. As for your intentions, it's pretty obvious that you hoped that I'd never cash in my hall pass, am I right? Well, turnabout's fair play, bitch," I told her very coldly, I, who had never once called her a single nasty name before.

"Oh, so this IS revenge! All for a little drunken clusterfuck and gang-bang? Is that it? You want to use YOUR hall pass, but punish me for using mine? You fucking hypocrite! You think that you own me, do you? Maybe I should just go back for more and wait for you to get bored with your little concierge girlfriend and crawl back to me.

"You'll have to do some real groveling, but in time, but you might get back into my twat..after it's been taken repeatedly every day. And after you've cleaned out both holes..with your tongue. And after you've claimed my lover's baby. My black lovers' obviously black baby! I just don't know which one. Those are your choices: divorce or being my good little cucky boy!

"And no more extra pussy for you, though you're more than welcome to bend over for my boyfriends and suck their dicks! I didn't choose this location for its weather alone. I wanted a place where I could rope you into cuckold status where you belonged.

"Yeah, last night was no accident. I lied about that. Now that you are clearly too smart to be my fool, you'll just have to be my knowing cuck, that's all. I'll make sure that your cock cage is one size too small...and has spikes. On the inside. Hopefully, your dick never recovers from the injuries that result. I fucking hate you!" Jill reached out to slap me, but Karissa grabbed her wrist.

"One more word or slap from you, cunt, and I'll have your sorry, ungrateful, miserable arse tossed out into the streets. Don't think that I won't, either. And your mates best behave, too. This is your last warning. And theirs," Karissa glared at Jill, while I grinned from ear to ear.

"By the way, bitch..I want a divorce," I winked at Jill, "and I'm going to marry this lovely lady here. You're all about interracial romance, so I should think that you'd approve, Miss Queen of Spades. It was never about the gang-bang. It was about the disrespect of locking me out of my own bedroom. Not that it matters anymore. I wouldn't touch you with a twenty-meter pole. Yes, I used the metric system. I might as well get used to it, as I'm staying in Barbados. I'm never coming back to the States. Best of all, it's an open marriage, so I'll get no shortage of tail. Same with her. You could have had that, but you wanted your lovers and your faithful husband, too."

"FUCK YOU, cuck! And you, too, whore!" Jill screamed as several of her buddies lined up behind her and tried to rush me.

"Guess that's the end of your holiday," I told her as security came in and seized her and her friends.

"Now, where were we?" I asked Karissa as security tossed Jill, her companions, and their luggage out onto the front porch.

"Naming our baby that's already on the way?" she winked at me, laughing, "yes, I trapped you, love, but trust me, this trap has more than enough honey to make it worthwhile."

"Somehow, baby, I can live with that," I beamed as I toasted our future bundle of joy, "to the little bambino."

"To Martin Junior..or Martina," Karissa told me, "oh, and tonight, let's celebrate by me giving you my last virgin hole. My arse."

Karissa didn't lie, even if she trapped me in a way. It was a helluva lot better surprise than being locked out of my own bedroom. Karissa wasn't made that way, thank the Gods. She was a real woman, a grown-assed one, not a selfish, scheming hypocrite like my wife.

And she ALWAYS kept her word.

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LT56linebackerLT56linebacker2 months ago

Well..... that takes care of that. 4 stars, because it was a little unreal (A LITTLE, BEAR???) But I couldn't help chuckling. what's next? No divorce. Just get an annulment. Nice move.


AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Just weird.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

If I said this story was ordinary I would be lying. It was absolutely awful with no redeeming features.

Q1000Q10008 months ago

Don't give up your day job. This is awful.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I usually evaluate a story with regard to the quality of its composition, the logic or originality of its plot, and the character development which takes place during the course of the tale.

I'm sorry to say that this story falls into the "mediocre" category, at best. I see that you have a considerable number of published stories in Literotica; I'll go read some--hopefully they are better.


moultonknobmoultonknobabout 1 year ago

I think this story is what could be described as a load of fucking bollocks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The real problem with this story is that ALL the characters were rubbish and deserved to be tossed in the trash.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So let me see if I have this right. A newly married woman flushes her fledgling marriage to a mega rich husband down the toilet in order to enjoy a gangbang with a group of black men (of course) and thinks she can lock him up in a cock cage and continue fucking around on him because of course one of the ways in which men become wealthy is by being spineless cowards, right? He considers her plan to be unacceptable so he takes up with another woman who makes it quite clear that she's going to fuck around on him just as much as his bride was planning to do and he's OK with that. And what's all this shit about hall passes? What does anyone expect from allowing such nonsense? Was the author under the influence of a mind altering substance while writing this? What a mess!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This person should give up now and just go and hide.

moultonknobmoultonknobover 1 year ago

What a load of fucking rubbish

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Reminds me of a weird dream that I forget by mid-morning.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

That was just awful. Both the premise and the writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Very poorly written story with no flow or sense of timing.

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