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Love for the Azure Rose


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She walks back to the stool and slips back on her shoes. She slowly dances. She's like a ballerina that suddenly had a need to change clothes while she danced.

First the skirt drops away. She acts like it's an accident, like she had mistakenly undone a button.

Then her top and the garter belt. I watch her under her blue light. All her smooth skin glowing. She turns her back to me and unhooks her bra. I can't help myself I lift her stocking to my nose and breath in her scent.

She turns slowly towards me with her hands covering her bare breast. She seductively walks towards me and the side of the stage. She looks at me starring at her and quirks an eyebrow. Her hands drop to her hips and she gives me a haughty smile.

"Like what you see?"

Her breasts are full and hang from her chest with a perfect symmetry. Like each was cast from the same mold then placed there by an artist. I smile when I see the silver pasties covering her nipples.

I watch her walk down off the stage and over to where I sit. She runs her hand up my arm. With a quick spin she drops into my lap. My cock is pushed almost painfully against her panty-covered ass. She leans back till she's pressed against my chest.

"Feels like you're enjoying the show so far. What to see more?"

I nod, then find my voice.

"I would love to see more," I tell her softly as my hand comes to rest on her warm thigh.

She gives a soft chuckle and leans into my neck. She gives me a soft kiss on the side of my neck then nibbles her way up to my ear.

"Sorry lover, but the management wont let me take off anymore," she starts to nibble on my ear lobe. "Look down though."

Glancing down I see her hand resting on her breast. When she moves it I see she has pealed back the pasty to show me a wine red nipple standing firm up off her creamy white breast. She quickly put it back in place after a second.

She plants a light kiss on my lips.

"Give me a minute then come back stage," she tells me softly. She hops up and with her lace panties struggling to hold all of her in she prances off. She does a bump and grind up the stairs. She turns by the side curtain and blows me a kiss.

The second she steps off stage the blue light disappears. So does the popcorn smell. Now all I can smell is dust and a moldy wet scent. Looking up I see that all the windows are now boarded up. The place feels cold.

I walk quickly up the stairs and step around the moldy tattered curtains. The floor is littered with trash that my feet kick aside. Clouds of dust rise up from the floor with every step.

I see her standing in front of a mirror. The lights around it are the only lighting I see in the theater now. They glow brightly with just a hint of smoke rising from their dusty bulbs.

She smiles at me in the mirror. When I step up behind her she stops checking her hair and turns to face me. She drapes her arms around my neck.

Our lips meet in a hot passionate kiss. I feel her warm near naked body pressed up against me.

Several minutes later when our lips part I open my eyes to see her looking at me with a soft smile.

"Was the show everything you always thought it would be like?" she asks me with a blush reddening her cheeks.

"Everything and more. My god Rose you are so beautiful," I tell her gazing into her eyes. My hands rest on her hips, my fingers pressed into the soft silk and lace.

"Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it," she tells me softly. There is a sad note in her voice now. "Would you grab my coat for me, please?"

I see it on a hook by the door. When I turn back to her the lighted mirror is dark, the glass shattered and dust covered. She slips her arms into the coat and pulls the front of it across her chest hiding the pasties and her full breasts.

When the last button is done up she grabs a small purse.

"Where are we going?" I ask curious.

She shakes her head after a second or two.

"I'm going. I've got to catch a train to the next show. Will you walk me to the station? The stage door Johnny's are lurking around outside."

"I'll go anywhere with you," I tell her getting the door.

We step out into a trash-strewn alley. As I walk with her beside me I feel eyes on us. On her.

I drape my arm around her and pull her in next to me. She smiles up at me sadly. We walk past boarded up theaters, burned out restaurants. Bullet holes have peppered the side of one nightclub.

"What is this place?" I ask her as I look around. I catch shadowy glimpses of figures by doors, in windows, looking through the slats in a fence.

"It's no where. There is the train station." She points down the road in front of us.

Ahead I see a massive structure of silver and glass. As we step inside the feeling of being watched slowly fades away.

Ahead of us I see the train. Silver and sleek, a design not seen in decades.

"I need my stockings back. Will you put them on me?"

I nod, pulling them from my pocket.

Kneeling down she lifts one foot and I slowly roll them up her calves, thighs. First one then the other. I feel my finger brushing her soft skin the whole time. Just as I go to hook the tops she stops me.

"Before you do that I have something for you."

As I watch she slips her hand under her coat. Her panties come down her legs. She reaches down and stuffs then in the front of my pants. Her fingers, hidden behind blue silk, brushes across my hard cock. She looks around quickly as if to see if anyone is watching. Her hand wraps around my cock and slides the blue silk up and down the length. I feel her hand slowly withdraw. She catches me under my chin and I stand up till I'm looking her in the eyes.

"Thank you for the compliment." She glances down at the noticeable bulge in my pants. She steps into a kiss, our lips meet as I feel her hand go back down the front of my pants. I moan softly and she catches the sound in her mouth smothering it with her lips.

I feel her fingers, warm and hot on my bare skin as she strokes the length of me.

She breaks the kiss and looks around quickly. She looks back at me then nods to a question she alone can hear.

"I don't have much time left. Follow me."

Turning my cock loose she slips her hand out and hooks my belt. She leads me that way constantly looking around to see if we are being watched. She pulls me into the Women's bathroom. She looks around inside then turns back to me.

Out lips meet in a wet caress of lips and tongues. My fingers find their way to her buttons and as soon as her coat is open my hands move onto her hot naked flesh.

She moans and pants as I cup her soft breast in my hands. Then my hand leaves one of her breast, crossing her stomach my fingertips brush through soft wiry hairs. I feel puffy lips move slick and wet under my fingers.

"Oh Martin."

I look down into her eyes as she moans my name. She gasps in soft whispers then her hand comes down and catches mine. I feel her quivering against my chest. Thinking it's one thing it takes me a second to realize it's another. She is crying silently against my chest.


She gives a sniff, wipes her eyes and looks up at me.

"Sorry old memories. They spring up at the worst times."

I kiss her softly. Her lips kiss me back, but I notice a change. She seems distracted now. I pull back and look down at her beautiful face.

"What is it Rose?"

She glances at the door. When she looks back there are unshed tears making her eyes sparkle. They roll slowly down her cheeks.

"I want you so badly Martin, like I have never wanted anyone in so very long," she whispers.

"But?" I ask softly.

"But I can't miss my train."

I nod.

"Come on. I'll walk you to your car," I tell her as I pull her coat closed. She starts rebuttoning her coat not looking at my face but looking down. Then she stops with only two buttons left to do. Her beautiful breasts are still bare almost to the pasty covered nipples.

I watch her as she slowly shakes her head.

"No. Not you," she looks up at me, our eyes meeting. "I've teased thousands of men hard and then left them to suffer. Even enjoyed knowing I had done that to them. Not you Martin. You were so kind to me, when no one had been in so very long. Not you."

Her fingers come up and rest on my chest. I feel pressure and she pushes me backwards till my back hits the white tile walls.

Her hands drop to my waist. In frenzy her fingers unbutton and unzip my pants. She's on her kneed in front of me even as she takes me out my underwear.

"Oh my god Rose!"

I feel her mouth on me in a hot embrace. Her mouth is both hotter and wetter than anything I've ever felt before.

Her lips run the length of me, from tip to base in long slow strokes. Her tongue is a constant caress on the underside making me shudder with lust.

I lean my head back onto the cool tiles. Looking up I see myself in the mirror on the wall. I look at my own face watching myself being driven to worlds of pleasure I've never before experienced.

"Rose that feels wonderful."

I moan softly as I feel her beginning a hard suction of the head. Her tongue lashes the tip as she curls her gentle fingers around the base. I feel her long fingernails dig into the skin of my balls as she starts to stroke me.

Only a short time of this follows till I reach down and catch her face in my hand. I pull her back from me. She looks up at me with an unspoken question in her eyes.

"I'm about to cum Rose," I tell her softly.

She smiles. Leaning in she places a soft kiss on the head then looks up. She smiles at me wickedly.

"I know."

She slowly takes me back into her mouth. Her fingers begin to stroke me harder as she licks and sucks.

I feel shivers run up my body as my knees tremble.

"Oh, Rose."

She sucks hard as I feel the cum surge up and out of me.

I see my face in the mirror as I cum for the first time in a woman's mouth. Panting I shudder and shake. My legs tremble to hold my weight. I press my hands against the cold tiles digging my nails into the grout lines.

I hear a train whistle just as I feel the last sucked out of me.

She springs to her feet. Her lips are wet as they slam into mine. She breaks the kiss after only seconds.

"I've got to go, but I wanted you to know I haven't done that but for a few men in my life. I wanted you to know how special you are to me."

"I love you Rose," I tell her softly.

A single tear runs down her face. She presses her fingers to my lips then hurries from the bathroom.

In the mirror I see myself struggling to get my pants back in order as I rush after her.

I catch her just as she steps up onto the already moving train. Her fingers are pulled from mine as it builds speed faster than I can run.

"Rose I love you!" I scream after her.

She holds up her hand and I watch her fade into the distance.

I wake with my eyes flooding with tears. I curl up on myself crying. I lift my hand to my face to wipe away the tears. Scratchy lace brushes my cheeks.

My eyes pop open and focus on the handful of blue lace and silk. I clutch it in tight fingers as I shakily sit up. I turn on the light and my eyes go to the picture by the bed. Then to the blue satin and lace panties in my hand.

I'm out the bed and grabbing up clothes even as I sprint out the door. I slam my shoulder into Todd door as I turn the knob sending it bouncing into the wall. He pop ups in bed his eyes opening in shocked fright. He looks at me as I grab his car keys off his desk.

"I'm borrowing your car!" I turn and rush out the room.


If there is a stop sign or red light between the college and the rest home I don't remember them. That I don't have a flock of blue and red lights behind me is as much a miracle as the bit of lace I still clutch.

It doesn't matter.

The ambulance has been there long before I could have ever gotten there. The nurses try to comfort me as they wheel her out under a blanket. I'm incoherent to their sympathies. I sit on a bench by the door rocking back and forth clutching at my ribs as the tears run freely down my face.

The assistant dean of the college arrives in a bit. Someone must have seen the student parking sticker and called the school. She gets me into her car and drives me back to the Row. She gives Todd the cab fare to go get his car. My frat brothers help me back to my room not understanding what has happen but clearly seeing I'm torn up inside.

Rose performed on stages with George Burns, and Bob Hope. She was still dancing when Dean Martin was just becoming famous. I find it almost a crime against her that the only people at the funeral are a few of her friend from the retirement home and one geeky college kid who can't stop crying. They come by and pat me on the shoulder as they leave to go back.

I sit for hours, long after her grave is filled and covered with flowers. It will soon become a familiar place for me to be.

In a few years I get my degree. I start to teach history at a local school. I'm popular because they say I'm so passionate about history. I Inspire they say.

A few times as the years pass I dream of the theater again. It's always cold and dark. No blue light, no smell of popcorn. I race out the side door down the haunted street hearing the train whistle.

I even catch a glimpse of her a few times. She smiles and waves as the train takes her away from me no matter how fast I run.

My twenties fade, then my thirties. Hell my forties are hardly a blur they go buy so fast. Before life turns around twice I'm the gray haired old history teacher.

Oh I married. I loved her for all the years she was with me, till time and a drunk driver took her from me one rainy night.

But I never forgot my Azure Rose.

One warm summer night, when I'm in my late sixties, my eyes close as I sit in my rocker on my front porch.

When they open it's to a fading blue light and a disappearing smell of stale popcorn just teasing my nose. I clutch the armrest and looking down at my hands I see them strong and smooth again. I push myself to my feet. Rushing backstage I skid to a halt in front of the mirror. The glass is slowly cracking even as I look into it. I lift a hand to a face I hardly recognize.

I look twenty-two again.

The lights around the mirror are out but I see pale drifts of smoke rising from the dusty bulbs.

My young legs carry me out the door and down the road. The empty building are filled with eyes now. They watch with growing feelings of malice. I ignore the dread and run on.

The train is still there! It's just starting to move as I jump onto the metal step. I see the station disappear as I step inside. I move into the car.

I see Rose smiling at me.

I rush into her arms.

She is soft and warm in my arms as I bury my face in her hair and hug her to me fiercely. Her perfume fills my nose with old memories.

"Oh my beautiful Rose," I whisper.

"I've been waiting for you Martin," she tells me softly.

I look down at her face. She smiles up at me. It's then that I notice how fast the train is moving.

"Where are we going Rose?" I ask. I'm a little scared for some reason.

She laughs.

"To the next show of course."

Looking down into her smiling face I feel my fear vanish. I smile back.

"Will I get to watch you dance for me there Rose?"

She pulls me tight to her, laying her face against my chest. Her eyes close and I hear her answer softly in a near silent whisper.

"Always for you. My Daniel. My Martin. My love."

She lifts her face up to mine and our lips meet as the train takes us away.

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rbloch66rbloch66about 2 years ago

Amazing! I was captivated the whole way through.

Optimistic7Optimistic7almost 5 years ago
True Love is both Ageless and Timeless

What a very touching story...

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Within the last month I have visited

two theaters which were on the train route used by the vaudeville shows in the day. Both beautifully restored. One and active small town performing arts theater and one more often used for movies and the Met and similar performances shown on the screen.

In my youth, I saw Blaze and some of her contemporaries in Baltimore. You captured the atmosphere of the shows very well, and their limits.

bearsladybearsladyalmost 10 years ago

What a beautiful, passionate, moving story of love. You touched my heart. Thank you.

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