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Luanne Ch. 08

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This woman is weird.
3k words

Part 8 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/26/2022
Created 10/08/2007
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8 - That's Kinky

Dammit! I'm in the middle of writing up Luanne's story about her first sexual experiences when the phone rings. I hate interruptions most times, but now – whew, I'm really in to this. Fortunately I can hear the answering machine from my den and hear Luanne's voice so I pick up the phone.

She starts right in with, "Would you be up for something a little kinky to put in your next story?"

Now, overall, I'd rate our entire relationship as kinky. She has a boyfriend that she's doing about once a week and he always wears a rubber when they fuck. Her problem, and what brings me into it, is that she absolutely loves cum and misses the feeling of having it squirting into her. So she enlisted me to be a sperm donor. Each time she fucks Pete, her boyfriend, she turns around and comes to see me so I can fuck her real quick and pump some jizz into her pussy.

Well, what the hell, so I say, "Why not, as long as it involves my getting inside you."

I hear a chuckle over the phone and then she says, "Okay, I'll be down in a few minutes and tell you what I'm thinking about."

The line goes dead so I hang up and then wander out into the kitchen to refill my coffee cup while I watch her walk from her house to mine. She has reached the point where she never knocks, just walks in and today is no different. She comes into the kitchen, stretches up to give me a quick peck on the lips, and then grabs my coffee cup. "Thanks, I didn't have time to make any this morning." Then she goes in and sits down in the dining room.

I pour another cup of coffee, then follow her to ask, "So, what's this kinky thing?"

She smiled and said, "Didn't you say you and your wife once taped yourselves screwing?"

"Sure, doesn't everyone when they first get a camcorder?"

"Yeah, I know we did. Anyway, do you still have your camcorder?"

"Yeah, it's an old VHS model, but I still have it. Why, you want to tape us?"

She grinned impishly and said, "No, not us, I want to tape me and Pete."

"Okay, you can borrow it whenever you want. Oh, the battery's shot, so you have to plug it in to use it."

"Does it have a remote?"


"Okay, can you rig it up somewhere in the living room to cover the couch?"

"Uh, what living room?"

She pointed over her shoulder and said, "That one."

I was lost, but somehow managed to say, "Uh, you're going to screw Pete here in my living room?"

She smiled as she said, "Yes, right there on your couch."

As is so often the case with Luanne I have no idea where she's going with this, but I answer, "Sure. I can put it on a tripod right in the middle of the room."

"No, that won't work. I want it hidden so he doesn't know we're being taped."

Yep, I'm lost. I walk into the living room and start studying the layout and she follows along behind me. I point and say, "That would probably work. I could put it on the end of the gun cabinet, put a plant or something in front of it to hide it, and run the cord down behind the cabinet to the outlet. Would that work for whatever you're planning?"

"Maybe. Could I use the remote to zoom in on what's happening?"

"Yes, but because you couldn't see what's on the screen, you wouldn't know what you're zooming in on."

"Oh." She almost looked like she was pouting.

"Don't worry, I can set it up, hook it up to the TV, and you can practice with it."

"You mean I can watch on TV whatever's being recorded?"


"Great, how quick can you get it done?"

"I don't know, I have to track down all the cables and everything. Maybe a day or so."

That pout again and, "That won't do. I need it all ready to go by nine tomorrow morning."


"Yeah, Pete's leaving tomorrow morning on business for two weeks. I promised him he could have a piece before he left."

"Uh, won't he think it strange you're doing him here?"

"No, because he knows I don't like doing it at home where the kids might notice. Besides, I already thought about that, I'll tell him I'm house sitting for you."

I thought a moment and then said, "Okay, I'm pretty sure I can do it." I grabbed her hand and led her to the couch. "Get up there on your hands and knees."

She did and said, "Oh, you want to see how it's going to look?"

I was pulling off my shorts and, as soon as I pulled hers down she screeched, "What are you doing?"

I'll never be able to explain it. We were standing there talking about technical details and I got turned on. It probably had something to do with picturing her lying on this very couch, my couch, with Pete's cock plunging into her pussy.

I pulled off her shorts and pushed her legs apart as I moved behind her. "I'm collecting the advance on my salary. This is going to be a lot of work."

"But, Al, I have to get home and get lunch ready."

Even though she was protesting, I noticed that she stayed on the couch and even pushed her ass back toward me a bit as I parted her pussy lips. "Well," I said as I spit on the head of my cock, "you're going to be fixing lunch with cum running down your leg." And I pushed.

She moaned and pushed backward saying, "Oh, this is so wrong. I'm going to be walking around with cum soaking my panties."

I pulled back and pushed again, and then again, finally burying my cock all the way inside her hot little pussy. "Don't worry about it, you're not wearing panties," I pointed out.

She moaned again, wiggled her ass against me, and then moved forward so I could pull her backward, thrusting myself deep inside her. "I know, that means the crotch of my shorts is going to be wet."

She pushed herself upright and turned her head so we could kiss as I moved slowly in and out of her. She pulled away and said, "I really do have to get home, baby, make it a quick one, okay?"

I kissed her again and then pushed her back down against the back of the couch and really rammed my cock into her. For the next five minutes or so I just ignored whatever she said or did and fucked her. I finally grunted, "Okay, this is just for me, I'm going to fill that little pussy of yours." I pulled back on her hips and jerked my hips forward and upward, driving myself as far into her as I could, and started squirting inside her. "Here, you like cum, here's some cum. Ahhhhh!"

I strained and jerked for a few seconds, emptying myself inside her as she moaned softly. When I finally relaxed she pushed herself upright again and turned so we could kiss. After just a few seconds she moved forward pulling my cock out of her and then turned around, leaned down, and licked me clean. "Mmm," she said, when she was finished, "That's good, thank you."

As she finished pulling her shorts back on she kissed me lightly on the lips, and then started toward the door. "I have to get home and you have a lot of work to do. I'll see you in the morning." At the door she stopped, turned, put her hand between her legs, and then brought it up to her nose. "Oh, yes, this is going to be a nice afternoon." And she walked out.

Setting stuff up turned out to be fairly easy. I have a large ceramic candlestick with a hole in the handle which is just about the right size for the camera lens. Putting it in place, I set the camera behind the hole, used some pieces of wood to hold the camera in place, then ran the power cord down behind the cabinet, plugged it in, and ran another wire from the camera to the VCR input. I turned everything on and then fiddled with the placement of the camera while I watched the view on the TV. I went over and sat down on the couch and used the remote to zoom in and out to make sure the aim was right. Last thing was to rewind the tape and everything was set.

By eight-thirty the next morning I was wondering if she was going to go through with it because I wanted time to show her how everything worked. It wasn't until a eight forty-five that she finally showed up. She was wearing a simple shift and, seeing the way it clung to her curves, I could tell she wasn't wearing anything underneath it. I reached out to stroke her side and she pushed my hand away and said, "No time for that. You have to get out of here. Pete'll be here any minute. Is the camera ready?"

"Yes. But what do you mean get out?"

"Well, you didn't think I'd let you stay here while we were doing it, did you?"

Nope, I hadn't really thought about it. "Uh, couldn't I just hide in the bedroom?"

"No," she said, pushing me toward the door. "Oh, no time to teach me how to use it, just turn it on and let it run." I did and she pushed me out saying, "He'll probably be here about a half-hour, go somewhere and don't come back until his car is gone."

And just like that I was shut out of my own house. There is a small shopping center right down at the end of the street so I figured I'd go over to the coffee shop and grab some donuts. Good timing, as I was just at the corner when I saw Pete's car drive by and I watched as he pulled into my driveway. Then I killed time for a half hour and walked slowly back home. Pete's car was gone so I walked right in.

Luanne was walking out of the bathroom, adjusting her shift and she had a very contented expression. "Well," I said, closing the door, "I can tell you had a really good time."

She came over to put her arms around my neck and leaned against my chest. "Oh, yes, it was great. I just had to do a little clean up work." She pulled my head down and pressed her lips against mine and we stood there like that for several very long minutes. It didn't take long for me to slide my hand down her back, over her ass, and then between her legs.

Yes, before you ask, while I was waiting for him to leave I had been mentally picturing what was happening on the couch. As we kissed I slid my hand back and forth between her legs and then slipped a finger inside her pussy. I pulled back and said, "So, Pete's dick was in here just a few minutes ago?"

She smiled at me and said, "Why don't we watch the movie and you can see for yourself?"

"Sure," I said. "Uh, I hope you realize that it's going to make me horny and you're going to be invaded again."

"Well, I don't really need it right now, but I know how much you're going to want it, so okay." Then she pointed at the couch and said, "But not out here, okay? Let's go into the bedroom to watch it."

As I retrieved the tape and followed her into the bedroom I thought, Clean up? She doesn't need it? Does that mean he finally came inside of her?

She sat down on the edge of the bed while I loaded the tape into the VCR and turned on the TV. I turned, pulled her to her feet, and then pulled her shift over her head. "No use wearing this, it's just going to get in the way."

We lay down on our sides, spooning, facing the TV and I hit the remote. The first couple minutes was nothing more than a picture of the couch with Pete and her talking in the background. Then we could hear Pete say, "Oh, baby, I need to taste your pussy," and they moved into view on the screen.

I watched Pete pull off her shift and drape it on the back of the couch and then she lay back as he undressed. She was lying on the couch with her legs spread wide when I pressed PAUSE on the remote and said, "You know, all the times we've done it, this is the first time I've ever seen your pussy."

"What are you talking about?"

"Think about it, every time we've done it has been either standing up with you facing away, or you sitting on me and your skirt was in the way of my actually seeing your pussy."

She was quiet a moment and then said, "I guess you're right. Keep watching, because Pete's about to do something nobody has done for months and it's something I really like. Maybe it'll give you an idea and you can get a better look at my pussy."

I kissed her neck and then said, "Yeah, okay, but I think it's a real bitch that the first time I see your pussy, it's with another guy's dick in it."

I pressed PLAY and watched as Pete sank to his knees in front of the couch. Geez, I wished she had the remote at the time because her pussy was dead center in the screen and a closeup would have made a great shot. As Pete pushed his face into her pussy I slid my hand between her thighs. She opened them a bit so I'd have easier access and I watched as Pete's finger slipped inside her on the screen. At almost the same time I pushed my finger into her hole.

For five minutes we watched Pete lick and suck on her clit while his fingers went in and out of her. She moaned a bit as I pulled one finger out and gently pushed it into her asshole. "Oh, what are you doing?" she asked.

I kissed the back of her neck as I pushed my finger deeper and then said, "I'm watching television. Now, shush, I don't want to miss the program."

On the screen I watched her start having a climax. She started jerking her hips, driving her pubes against Pete's face. He actually looked funny with his head bouncing up and down as she strained and jerked in ecstasy.

As she watched herself climax on the screen I slid the head of my cock into her pussy.

After her climax on the screen she grabbed Pete's head and pulled, saying, "Come on up here, I need you inside me."

As he moved up on the couch he said, "Oh, yeah, baby, I need you now."

He paused long enough to roll a condom over his dick, and then moved into position. She had one leg on the back of the couch and the other on the floor, leaving herself wide open and he was on his knees between them. As his dick slid into her pussy she moaned a bit and then said, "Remember your promise."

"What's that about a promise?" I asked.

"Wait until the end and you'll see," she answered quietly, almost whispering.

I jerked my hips really hard, driving myself into her depths. She moaned at that and then again as she watched Pete drive his cock deep into her pussy on the screen.

The minutes crawled by as we watched Pete's cock alternately slide in and out gently and then pound into her. In exactly the same rhythm I slid in and out and then slammed into her and she started having another climax at the same time as she had one on the screen.

On the screen she was just coming down from her climax when Pete stiffened and grunted, "I'm going to cum."

She nearly screamed at him, "On my stomach. Pull it out and cum on my stomach." He was just in time as he pulled his cock out of her, stripped off the condom, and then started squirting his hot jizz all over her pubes and stomach. She reached down and rubbed it all around and then licked her fingers clean. As he was finishing she pulled on his thighs and said, "Come up here so I can clean you off." He scooted up on the couch and she took his cock into her mouth and sucked on it and then licked him clean.

I kissed her ear and said, "So that's what you meant about the promise?"

"Yes, I made him promise that he'd do that. I thought you might like to watch it." She paused as I kissed her ear again and then she said, "So now I know what I look like when I'm fucking. Did you like that video?"

My only answer was to pull back on her hips, thrust my cock even deeper, and start squirting my cum into her pussy. When I was finished I reached around to squeeze her breast as I nuzzled her neck and then said, "Give me a few minutes to rest and then what say we watch it again?" I stirred my cock around inside her pussy and then added, "Maybe we'll have to watch it two or three times."

She wiggled her ass against my crotch and said, "How about four times?"

Wow, not only is she going to spend the night, but she has already guaranteed me that I'm going to get some more pussy.

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