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Maggie's Slutty Fantasies Ch. 05

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Maggie starts to live out her fantasies.
3k words

Part 5 of the 9 part series

Updated 07/06/2023
Created 09/17/2020
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How was I going to get home?

I hid next to the dumpster to cover my nakedness from the world and give me time to think. I was a few miles away from the apartment; I had the bag to slightly cover my front but... I brought my hands to my breasts.

"MMPH!" My nipples were still so sensitive and sore to the touch.

I reached down, unable to bring myself to look while touching my poor used pussy, biting my lip at the pain from its soreness, so that I didn't scream out. I could only imagine the state of my asshole, but couldn't bring myself to touch it. I had much bigger problems at the moment. Like trying to figure out a way of getting home without being seen, arrested, or worse.

I got up, my legs feeling a bit stronger than they did before, but still a bit wobbly. I heard a siren in the distance.

"He wouldn't call the cops on me?" I said to myself.

I had to get home quick, I kept behind the shop and ran across the back parking lot and down the alley behind the adjacent stores, all the while my backpack rubbing up against my poor sensitive nipples. The backpack felt like sandpaper on my chest and was slowly becoming too much for me to handle and slowing me down. I moved it to my back having to expose my chest.

"Where's the fuckin bathroom!" I heard a man, yelling close by.

"Just go anywhere man, stop being such a pussy," another man answering him.

Scared, I hid behind a car close by, hearing their footsteps getting closer. In a panic, I didn't know what to do, so I crawled under the car. Face down in the dirt; thankfully it was an SUV, giving me a little extra room to move.

"I'm going to piss my pants at this rate!"

Next thing I heard was the sound of a zipper being pulled down followed by the sound of liquid hitting the ground.

"My luck couldn't be this bad," I whispered to myself.

Before I knew what was happening a stream of urine had made it's way to my cheek. Flinching back, I hit my head on the underside of the car with a bang.

"Did you hear something?!?!"

"First time ever taking a piss outside?"

"No I swear to god I heard something!"

"Probably a stray cat or something, maybe you should go catch it, with your luck that's the only pussy you're getting tonight," the guy laughed as he walked away.

If they only knew what kind of pussy was hiding so close to them.

I waited for him to finally leave, more scared of being accidentally run over by this car then of these two drunken guys finding me. I could obviously outrun them, but I couldn't come back from the dead. I made my way behind the last stores, almost to the houses that were now the only things between my sister's apartment and me.

"Just got to take the trash out, then I'll get to the damn prep work!" A man yelled swinging the door in front of me, nearly clocking me right in the face.

The door closed and I stood there frozen, there was no place to hide and he was going to see me! My heart was racing, head getting light; legs were shaking and wouldn't budge.

"I'm a damn sous chef, not a trash boy, why the fuck do I have to do this just because Joey is late again for his shift."

He threw the garbage into the dumpster and without even looking back, grabbed and pulled the handle and walked back into the restaurant. I slapped my cheeks to wake me up from the daze I was in and ran for the bushes, diving in for cover as the door flew wide open again; the man looking out puzzled.

"Nah, couldn't have been, must have been seeing things," is what I think he said.

He couldn't have seen me, could he? I took a moment, hidden for the first time on my quest to the apartment. My heart was racing, my head still light, I was freaking out, but I was also...wet.

"Oh my god, he could have seen me...I wonder what he would have done?"

For all I know he probably would have called the cops on me and I'd be heading to jail completely naked. Followed by the most awkward call of my life, drive home and awkward week if I was allowed to stay.

Honk! Honk!

"Fuck!" I was startled out of my daydream, hoping they weren't honking at me.

I waited for the coast to be clear and continued to the house behind the bush I was in. I tried my best to climb their fence, falling, what I'm going to say gracefully into their backyard. I saw a light coming from one of the windows and hid behind a tree, seeing if I was noticed. I could see a sliding glass door and a man sitting at his laptop with the light of a computer screen exposing him from the chest up. Between the motions of his arm and the look on his face, it was pretty obvious what he was doing. I'd never seen a guy actually jack off and the sight was turning me on.

"Need someone to suck on that big boy, why waste all that fun on your hand when you have a naked slut in the backyard that would gladly suck that cock for you."

I could almost imagine walking up to that glass door and his reaction and my hand slid down to my pussy and started rubbing my clit.


It hurt slightly, but I was so turned on, I needed to touch myself. I started rubbing my clit imagining him in my mouth, sucking on his cock, my hands stroking it and rubbing his hairy balls as he moaned. I stood up and was leaning on the tree still well hidden. I started running my other hand across my stomach, one of the few parts of me that wasn't sore. The slight pain became pleasure again from how wet I was getting and like my hand that couldn't help itself, my feet took me out of hiding and brought me slowly to the man pleasuring himself.

He could see me if he just turned his head left.

"I'm here, touching myself, completely naked, wanting to be used, to be taken, feet away from..." I was talking out loud until he slammed his laptop shut, put his cock away and stood up quick, to greet his...

"Crap the guy is married..."I hid for cover behind the wall next to the sliding glass door.

If the guy saw me, that was one thing, but I have a feeling his wife wouldn't like some 18-year-old naked girl sucking her husband's cock. I looked into the house, going from one side of the glass door to the other, I was now a voyeur looking in and it felt exciting. They seemed like a nice couple, not too old, the wife was hot, maybe mid 30's and the guy about the same age. She had long blonde hair, a fit body from the looks of the professional dress hugging her it and maybe 5'7, it was hard to tell from the shoes she was wearing. The guy had short spikey black hair, a bit of a dad bod starting to form, but still cute. I felt bad for him having to stop what he was doing when his wife came in, I heard blue balls could hurt and I could only imagine stopping midway through.

"I'm going to take a quick shower!" I heard a female voice yell out.

"I'm going to have a quick smoke and come join you!" I heard a guy yell back, realizing I could hear so well because the sliding glass door had been open and he was standing right next to me.

"Hi there," I crawled to him seeing the shocked look on his face.

For a moment, I doubt he thought I was real.

"I saw you before and felt bad, so I thought," I licked my lips looking him in the eye, "I would help you out with that."

Before he could think, I had his shorts, unzipped, his cock out and in my mouth. Couldn't have that rational brain thinking, I needed the smaller head with all the blood.

"Oh! God! I haven't had a blowjob in forever."

"You mean your wife let's all of this go to waste?" I looked up at him while stroking his cock.

It wasn't huge, 6 inches at best, but it was indeed a waste.

"Only...ever...on my birthday..."

He had been masturbating for a while, and a hot, young, naked girl just suddenly showed up in his backyard to suck his cock, he wasn't going to last long at all. I'm surprised he didn't just cum the second I put him in my mouth.

I stopped for a second just holding his cock in my hand, "Now I think you should finish this with your wife, go fuck your wife really good in the shower and maybe I'll come back tomorrow and you can tell me all about it."

He just walked back in like I had hypnotized him and gave him a command. The sliding door closed and I saw him looking back once at me, still in disbelief. I didn't realize how dark it was getting and usually in a strange town, in the dark I would have been scared. Instead the darkness felt like a warm blanket to help secure my nakedness from the world.

I went to the back gate to a drainage area between the houses, figured it would be easier than hoping fences; my legs did not have the energy to jump one fence after another. I finally made it to the end of the houses, the hardest part was over and then I saw what came next.


I had completely forgotten about the 8-lane intersection between the apartment building and me. All of the hiding and scurrying and I may as well have just walked on the sidewalk; there was no where to hide and there was no going around it. Not knowing what the time was I couldn't wait, my sister would be home soon and how would I explain walking in naked. I waited for as few cars as possible to be stopped at the light; I waited for the crosswalk to change, and put my backpack in front of my face to hide and ran.

"This is so embarrassing!" I screamed as I ran and the first step into the street I slipped on something greasy causing my hands and arms to flail around exposing everything as I tried not to fall.

If I didn't have everyone's attention already, I had it now; the headlights on everyone's cars a spotlight on my nakedness. Horns blared around me, all the attention was on me, the intersection only a couple hundred feet felt more like a mile with my feet slapping against the ground.

"Nice tits baby! Look at that sweet ass! Forget something at home sweetheart! What a slut!"

I was almost off the road, when a car trying to make a right turn in front of me, stopped on the crosswalk, making the last hurdle of my sprint just a little bit longer. In the window I could see a guy looking in shock, but then could clearly see his mouth, turn into a smile. I tried to get around him, but he moved up a little which put my chest pressed into his side window, giving him the best view of my tits anyone had ever had. I didn't even want to think what people were looking at from behind me.

I pushed myself off of the car, going behind it this time, feeling the heat of his exhaust on my legs, flowing upwards to my pussy, almost as if the car itself was trying to get it's turn to grope me as well. Finally off of the street, I decided the damage was done and just sprinted into the back of the apartment building, into the garage, making my way to the staircase and slamming the door behind me.

"Cough! Cough!" I fell onto the steps catching my breath; I've ran 10k races before and never had felt as out of breathe as I did that moment. I finally got the strength to get up and make my way up five flights of stairs. The first time, actually feeling secure, knowing everyone was probably taking the elevator so I was safe of not being seen. When I finally got to my floor, I peeked through the window in the door, the last stretch. I made sure to get my keys out and have my sister's key ready and in the process found a note in my bag with my name on it.

"I shall save that for once I get to safety," tucking the note back into my bag.

I threw the door open, ran to the apartment door, fidgeting with the key taking forever to get it inside.

"Slam!" jumping at the sound of the door shutting and finally getting the key in and unlocking the door.

I didn't say a word, not knowing if my sister was home or not, I just ran to the guest bedroom shutting the door behind me. I wrapped a towel around myself and immediately went to the bathroom and turned on the shower.

The water felt so good on my skin, all of the sweat, dirt and I'm guessing cum was slowly getting washed away. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes and the first image that shot into my head was I, naked, bent over and bound to a stool being fucked at both sides, like I was watching myself from outside my body.

"Like the view?" John said sitting behind me, completely naked. "Why don't you have a seat and watch?"

He pulled me backwards towards him, sitting me on his lap, his hand reaching down stroking my clit, still slightly hurting from all the attention today and his other hand kneading my breasts. He toyed with me, while I watched lines of faceless men go in one by one taking their turns with me; my mouth, pussy and ass, fucking me then leaving and the next faceless man going in for his turn.

"Does it turn you on watching all these men use you? That they all saw you and the slut you truly are?"

This was all in my head right? Why did it feel so real? Was I going crazy?

"I don't know, it was more than I ever expected." I responded.

"Tell me you honestly didn't enjoy every minute of it," his finger moving faster on my clit, twisting my aching nipples, my orgasm building up.

I opened my eyes and looked down to see my own hands playing with my body. My left hand twisting and pinching my nipples and my right rubbing my clit like they had minds of their own.

"Yes! God Yes!" I collapsed to the floor, having an intense orgasm. "I loved every minute of it," I whispered to myself as if to keep it my secret.

Eventually, I got some soap, cleaned myself as best I could; shampooing my hair and thanking it was short. I gargled some mouthwash and brushed my teeth a few times to try to get the taste of cum and piss out of my mouth. I wrapped the towel around me, got back into my room, put on some shorts and a tank top, but no underwear; I was still kind of sore. Finally, I got the guts to read the note left in my bag. I unfolded it and read,

Hey Princess,

Hopefully you are reading this and having fond memories of your experience today. Well, let me tell you, it's not over just yet. That contract that you signed, that was your consent, not only to be used in our booths, but, also to be filmed and give us the right to redistribute that film, if we would like. Don't forget, we also had access to your phone, a great little device if I may say so myself and got, well, some contacts off of it, phone numbers, email addresses and we're even friends on Facebook. So for now, while you're in our great state of Georgia, you are our little "plaything". So, we shall see you 9am tomorrow, for our fun little princess festival.

Hugs and Kisses,


P.S. I left you a little gift on your phone.

I opened my phone and looked through it, to find, a video file had been transferred into it. It was all the video they took, from what happened in the managers office, to me coming back today, being stripped at the front of the store, to everything that happened in the booth and it was over 11 hours long. I was about to press play when my sister and brother-in-law finally got home.

"Hey Sis, we're home!"

I left my phone in the room and walked out to greet them, giving them both hugs, hoping neither noticed I wasn't wearing a bra and this time, not humping my brother-in-laws leg like a horny dog.

"Sorry we got home so late, but we got some take out from this Greek place called Mustafa's, I hope you like it. This darling server Emily took our order."

I helped my sister get some plates and cups for dinner. We sat in the living room instead of at the dinner table eating and me lying about my day.

"Hey, how about I turn on some music." I reached for the Bluetooth speaker on the coffee table, trying to figure out how to turn it on.

"What are you doing?" my sister giggling, like she knew some funny secret.

"Just trying to turn on this speaker, it's a smart speaker right?"

"No, that's our security system, it's a camera that films the living room whenever it detects motion and emails Derek notifications and video, so he can check to see if everything is ok. We don't have any robberies here, thank god, but Derek loves his tech and it's one of those, just in case kind of things."

Oh, shit...

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AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

This is amazing. I am really enjoying Maggie's adventure. Everything is so hot, I'm really looking forward to read the next chapter!

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