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Magic, Love, Family Pt. 03


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"Aunt Suzy, you never did tell me what to do after the sneak attack though?"


Suzanne tutted at him, "I told you all this so I could change your mind, but now I see that it is impossible." Though she portrayed being annoyed, inside her mind, she praised Raymond for his fearlessness and courage.

"Well, I shouldn't be surprised. You have always been like that..."

What Suzanne didn't tell him was that she was the same as him. Courageousness, fearlessness, which sometimes bordered on being reckless, and she had them in abundance. She was never one to back down from a challenge. That was the reason that she was so full of interest when Raymond asked her about it, and why she was so thrilled to share her experience with him.

"Since you are so persistent, I will tell you. But before that, promise me that you won't be reckless. Otherwise..."

"I swear!"

"... okay! Remember that there is only a single chance, and it would all fail if you don't manage to pierce the enemy's body. Pay special attention to the part of the body you are attacking. Eyes are always the most vulnerable target..."

Suzanne carried on when she saw that she had the full attention of Raymond, "It could be either with your weapon, your bare hands or something else. But you shouldn't lose connection with it." Suddenly her tone became nonchalant as if she was talking about the easiest thing in the world, "And after that, you just have to release your mana inside the enemy's body in a frequency that is opposite to his own. It will tear apart his mana channels due to the two conflicting and opposite kind of mana and then boom!"

"... Huh?"

"Simple, right?" Suzanne bragged unashamedly at that point.

"Like hell it is simple! It's so much different to awakening that they aren't even on the same level!"

"Ha-ha! Sweetie, you're so cute when you get angry like that!"

Raymond dodged all of Suzanne's attempts to kiss his face and glared at her furiously.

"And you even said it so- so casually!"

"Aw! Don't be mad!"

"Come on! If it's that difficult just don't attempt it..." Suzanne challenged Raymond while sneakily laughing to herself for getting one over him. It was a win-win in both situations for her. If he never attempted it, that means he didn't need to, and he would be safe. And if he did attempt it, then she would applaud him for his bravery and his courage.

Though it was an immensely dangerous process, it never crossed her mind that he wouldn't be able to learn it or fail while trying it. After all, she had made her name being so proficient in the scary technique, and there was no way she would believe that her own nephew wouldn't be able to do the same as her.

Sweetie can do it! For sure he can! Suzanne reasoned.

The loud ringing of the hour bell interrupted them. Suzanne gazed out the window. The clouds had blocked the light, and it made her sigh as she realized that she had to leave soon. For Suzanne, the time spent with Raymond was always fun, but now she had to get back to her role as the Marshal of the kingdom of Gelodesh.

"Before I leave, I have-"

"Leave!? You're leaving? Why? When?"

A jolt of happiness rocked Suzanne's body as she watched Raymond's flabbergasted reaction after she told him about leaving. That's how it should be! Not like that damn daughter of mine!

"Is it today?" When Suzanne nodded, Raymond questioned with a renewed vigor, "but why? You've only just arrived, and now you're already going back?"

Suzanne explained in a soft voice, "Well, I'm not exactly going back. I'm leaving with Ingrid for Beltran. So that's why..."



Raymond sighed wistfully and no longer tried to find reason or convince her otherwise. There was so much more he wanted to talk to her about, like his spell casting or weapon selection and so much more. However, Suzanne was a very busy woman who had a lot of things she had to look out for and because of that, the time spent with her was always short. Raymond felt sad, even when he knew in his heart that it was going to be the same as ever.

"Oh, Sweetie! I will miss you too!"

Suzanne hugged him close to her and patted his head consolingly. The warm embrace in the cold weather felt like a great tonic and only made them want to continue it longer.

"Sweetie, I know that you won't like this but... tomorrow you have to leave for Ostorth..."

Raymond's mood soured in an instant. He tried to hold back but couldn't completely hide the causticity in his tone as he said, "Fine. I will go see her, not like I have a choice in the matter do I?"

"Oh, Sweetie!"


Suzanne tightened her hold on him as she felt his body tremble with rage. She expected a reaction similar to this but not to this extent.

It's been some time yet he's still not able to... Sammy has it hard...

Samantha, her twin, she realized, in some ways had it much harder than her. While she struggled because of Miranda's cold reaction, she could still feel the love there. Raymond, on the other hand, he seemed to downright hate his mother.

Maybe, I would act the same as him... but he could cut her some slack now and then...

It was not Suzanne's place to interfere though. No matter however much she would have liked to vouch for her twin, she couldn't after seeing the overt reaction of Raymond. Suzanne liked being special for him, loved their closeness, and how they missed and cared for each other. She loved it too much to jeopardize it by putting in a word for her twin.

We're the worst, all of us! Too fucking selfish!


(Part 6)

The sun was just about to set, and the cold winds had picked up. There was little movement of people in the city dyed pink by the last rays of the sun, presumably because everyone had shut themselves inside their homes. The few warriors who were walking along the road looked tired from the day's work, and maybe that's why they didn't rush to their dwellings.

At that very time, a man stood in front of an empty place. He seemed conspicuous to the precious few passersby as the place had been emptied out during the day and he seemed a little late in coming there. The dark-haired man looked from an affluent family based on the nature of his garb and his silver colored light armor; it was quite fitting on his tall and muscular frame.

He looked lonely the way he just remained there like a statue. He stood unmoving for a long time before he finally went inside one of the larger rooms in the deserted building.

"They do move fast!" Raymond muttered to himself after looking around the bleak room. Only a few days ago this place was so full of life with the troupe's people, and now there was nothing. He couldn't reason why he had come here after knowing that Shania and her group had left the city, but his heart was a little calmer when he came inside.

He had spent the better part of the afternoon with Suzanne, right up until she left. She planned to stay the night in one of their military bases and would leave for her destination, Beltran, at the first ray of sun tomorrow. Quite unlike the hub-hub when Suzanne had arrived in the city, her departure was very low key. Apart from him, there was nobody else from his sister and two cousins who remained there to see her off.

"Well, everybody's busy I guess..."

A large bed, that was the only thing left in the room. He chuckled to himself as he laid his eyes on it. The memory of many a night, and mornings, spent in the same bed in the warm embrace of Shania seemed like a thing of the past. A lot of things changed in the space of a few days, and he felt overwhelmed all of a sudden.

"Tomorrow, I have to leave as well..."

A groan escaped his mouth when he realized that he would have to leave for Ostorth the next morning. The earlier jubilation he felt when he had awakened had since mellowed out considerably. There was just dread and worries left behind. He didn't really like the idea of going to meet his mother. The only silver lining was that Suzanne had told him that Samantha would give him something that would increase his power rapidly.

"I'm just too weak as I am right now..."

Raymond was excited about his drastic increase in power and had pestered Suzanne to tell him what star-level his sister and cousins were at the moment. She had told him that he should ask them himself. He understood why they had always kept it a secret from him; however, he felt that he was more than qualified to know as he had also awakened his attribute. And through all of that, the thing that he had wanted to know the most was how much farther he was from Miranda. He vividly remembered what Suzanne had told him after a lot of begging.

"She's very strong... very!"

He was quite taken aback at the moment. For someone like Suzanne to judge as much means that Miranda was more powerful than he could have ever imagined. Raymond, after coming back from the forest, had wanted to meet her so much that he didn't care about anything else and went straight towards her, but he was having second thoughts about it now. They weren't at the best of terms right now, and he realized the extent of his naiveté.

He had thought that awakening his attribute would bring him that much closer to being a worthy man, brother, and cousin. But it all came crashing down when he understood the difference of power between him and his family.

"Fuck! This feeling of defeat and helplessness doesn't taste good at all..."

Now all his hope to catch up rested on his mother, and that was an equally frustrating thing. He shook his head ruefully.

"I don't know what I was thinking about and decided to come here... It didn't feel any better! This is place has depressed me even more than before!"

As he was coming out of the building he spotted Lily leaning against the main gate and watching him.


"Hey yourself!" It was a pleasant surprise for Raymond, and a smile came upon his face as he asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I came for you."

"Me? How did you know I would be here?" By now Raymond had reached her and took her in his arms. Her soft body felt warm against his chest.

Lily shrugged her shoulders without giving him the reason. And Raymond didn't push for it either. There had been a lot of times when he felt down, and Lily would magically appear in front of him to cheer him up.

"Come with me!" Raymond took her hand inside his own and ran towards a slightly new looking building in the distance.

Lily followed behind silently, a smile on her face as she gazed at the union of their hands.


The Inn, it was the apt name of one of the very few inns in the city. A two story building, it hadn't been long since it had been completed. The wooden makeup and the ordinary hip roof made it no different from the others in its vicinity. Ryhor was not a big city, and the inns in the city were mostly used by the traveling merchants and the warriors staying there temporarily. The Inn was one of the less popular ones even though it had good service.

"Welcome, your highness!"

A thin, old man greeted Raymond at the door. The inn owner had an appearance that was quite typical of a resident of Ryhor. Very different from the awakened warriors, who always looked to be young and healthy, the old man, like any of the other residents had slightly chapped lips. His brown hair appeared dry, and there were unmistakable signs of cracked skin on his face.

"Gylfi! I hope you've been well!"

"I have been well. Thank you for asking your highness!"

"Yes, of course!" Gylfi leaped to get a room key after Raymond had signaled with his eyes. This wasn't the first time Raymond had been to the inn with a woman in his arms. Gylfi was well-accustomed at this point and knew not to ask any questions. He did, however, wonder because the girl this time had her face covered, which was unusual to the other times.

"Enjoy your stay, your highness!" Gylfi grinned widely as he handed the keys to the room to Raymond.

Raymond smiled thinly and hastily went up the steps with the 'mysterious' woman in tow. Gylfi watched them go and the grin on his face faded quickly. He narrowed his eyes as a contemplating look came upon them.

Is that by chance... Lady Lily?! I have to report this to Sir Henry!

Gylfi called for his assistant as he recalled the tall, athletic figure of the seemingly demure woman and the few stray strands of brown hair. He then hurriedly went out in the night after giving one last glance at the stairs.


The room was big, the biggest in the entire inn. The lamps seemed to have been lit just minutes before and the sheets changed as well.

"That bastard, Gylfi! He's damn good at his job!" Raymond grinned as the words escaped his mouth.

"You come here often," Lily noted as she took off her face cover and left it on the small round table by the shut windows.

"I- I don't..." Raymond blushed slightly as he tried to lie his way out of the awkward situation. It was a little unnerving how Lily said it as a statement rather than a query. He was slowly coming to terms with their relationship and didn't exactly know how to deal with it.

"It's fine."


"It's fine," Lily reiterated and added in an understanding tone, "Don't worry! I don't hold it against you, and won't do so in the future either."

"Huh? What is that supposed to mean?" Raymond was confused yet also angry at the same time. He didn't quite like the insinuation in her tone.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." Lily acted as cool as possible, but inside she felt quite jealous. Jealous of the other girls who had been with Raymond and some who would...

He closed the distance between them and held her in his arms. His face inches away from her quivering lips, he whispered in a dreamy voice, "I love you! You! Please don't doubt it!"


Lily attacked his lips with a vengeance. She had been waiting and not just since he took her hand and brought her running to this inn. It was surprising to her how easy it was to forget and forgive after Raymond said those words, those magical words.

Frantically, they got rid of their armors and their clothes. A flame of passion was lit in their hearts, and it burned brighter with each second.

"Mmm..." Lily moaned in her twin's mouth. Their tongues rolled around in one another's embrace, playing, probing. Suddenly she leaned back from him and stared at his naked form. Her heart raced as she laid eyes on his erect manhood.

The virgin woman was no more as she pushed him on the bed and attacked his mouth with vigor. His hard member pulsed against her trembling palm.

"Yes!" She growled.

Raymond felt as if Lily would bite off his lips. He didn't expect this aggression when he met her outside. Incidentally, he thought that it was only him who wasn't able to control his urge to bed his twin. That's why he had rushed with her to the inn.

"Lily! Slow down."

The brunette calmed down a little after his words. A blush came across her cheeks as she realized how wildly she had been acting.

"We have the whole night..."


Raymond flipped their positions and kissed her soulfully while pressing his weight on her. Their experience in the cave was wonderful, as was the first time they had committed the ultimate taboo, but this time seemed different, better.

They both wanted to be with the other at this moment. They both wanted to be just with the other. There was no sudden surge of emotions, and nobody sought to release their frustrations of long. They just were.

"You're so fucking beautiful; you know that?"

Lily's lips stretched at those words. She pulled his head to her neck and writhed in pleasure when he placed soft, wet kisses on her collar bone. She wasn't good with words, never had been, but even if she were the world's best wordsmith, it wouldn't have mattered. All she could do was groan and mewl as her twin drove her to unknown heights of pleasure.

"I fucking love this! Love you!"

Raymond screamed in glee as his rod pierced the tight hole. He took his time after the abrupt penetration, conscious of the fact that she may have not recovered from the frequent few impaling after her first time last night.

"I'm ready... come take me!"

Lily tried to goad him into action, indifferent to the slight ache in her mound. She liked that little pain, the tenderness at the back of her swollen lips as his length thumped inside her. It reminded her of her first night with Raymond, an extremely precious memory.


Raymond smiled at his twin and then shook his head faintly. It wasn't hard for him to tell that Lily was a little uncomfortable due to his size and her relative lack of experience. He expected it and thus had decided to take his time.

"Oh, Ray!"

Lily sighed when he finally started moving. He was slow and careful in his movement as he seemed to not want to inflict any pain on Lily if he could help it, unaware of the exact reason behind her craving.

"So fucking tight you are!"

"Fuck me, Ray! Fuck me!"

Raymond duly obliged to his twin's instructions. He churned his hips against the lithe brunette which elicited a moan of approval from her.


In the dim light of the lamps, he marveled at her beauty. It was still surprising to him how a woman so pretty and strong could want him and love him so much. She was putty in his hands and rather than take advantage of the fact, he just remained amazed by it, content that he could earn her trust and her love.

Leaning down and taking an erect nipple in between his lips, he moaned inattentively, "Love you..."

"Ah, Fuck!"

Those sweet words once again lit her fuse. And the licking sensations to her nipples, as well as the rhythmic stabbing at her love canal, proved a little too much for Lily as she had a momentous orgasm. Her eyes rolled back and her fingers contorted as her whole body convulsed due to the immeasurable pleasure coursing through it.

Lily wished she could bite on to something to get a semblance of reality. Like a glass being shattered, she felt fragile and unrepairable under the storm of pleasure brought about by her brother's inspired lovemaking.

"Ray! Ray!"

She moaned unintelligibly as Raymond resumed the slow, long, strokes to her wet and dripping love hole.

"Ooh..." Raymond groaned after suddenly the grip on his manhood tightened.

Lily opened her eyes to stare at him. She wrapped her arms around his head, pushing him to suck her perky boobs with force.

"Yeeessss!" She moaned when he took the dark nub between his teeth and flicked his tongue over it.

Raymond's hips came to a halt as all his focus turned to her boobs, to love those beautiful mounds of flesh.


He licked them madly, slurping at them.

"Ooh... fuck! Fuck!"

Lily squirmed under him, overwhelmed by the tingling sensations. She ran her hands through his dark hair, clutching them between her fingers. Her toes curled as another incredibly wet orgasm rocked her body. When Raymond mashed her tits together and took her two little nubs in his mouth at the same time, Lily felt like an explosion of magical energy had gone off in her volatile pussy.

"Oh Lord!" She screamed hysterically. Her womb leaked and her engorged lips wept love juices in what felt like dozens of gallons a second. The intense aroma of her cum and the reduced friction between his erect member and her inviting love hole made it unbearable for her to ask him to slow down. She just wanted to drown in it, deeper and deeper.

"Ray! More!"

Lily stuck to him like an octopus, her arms and legs wrapped around him tightly, with no room for him to move other than to grind his hips.

"Yes... yes..."

"Oooh, Ray!"


Raymond's dick was wet with her juices and it made sloshing sounds as it scaled the depths of her pussy. The warmness of her fleshy hole felt so inviting to him that he couldn't have stopped his movements even if he wanted to at that moment.

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