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Magician 02: Adult Entertainment

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A naughty magic show.
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Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/23/2023
Created 03/02/2023
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A naughty magic show

Thanks to my editor kenjisato. Also, to LanguageTool. Combined, they put me right. Any problems left all belong to me.

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Hello there. Let me tell you a tale of magic. You see, sometimes it's real.

I came into town a few days ago, and I'll be leaving in a few weeks. In between, is a month of magic by yours truly. I do illusions, and some of them show skin. A lot of skin. But I do warn the customers, and the volunteers what might happen to them. However, I only do that on the last show of the night. I don't want any kiddies at that show, so I let them come to the earlier ones. There is still naughtiness, but no actual exposure. One example is removing the underwear from a volunteer while they are still dressed. While many are embarrassed to have what they wore shown to everyone, my magic, at least, cleans it to its original color. Doesn't do a thing about pictured faeries and unicorns, or about lacy or even crotchless underwear.

But my best trick is the one where I cut a lady in half. That's because it isn't a trick, but real magic. Let me tell you what happened last night at the late show.

I had just finished with the levitating lady, which ended with her underwear dropping to the floor below her, when I covered her. Then, I ran the hoop around to show she really was levitating, and then I took the sheet off, to reveal she had turned a one-eighty under the sheet. I put the supports back in, and then would wake her from her trance. She would get up, stand, none the wiser, and I would pick up her underwear, and would hand them back to her, saying she dropped them.

Of course, she would become mortified, or at least embarrassed. At least, most do. She would then stuff her underwear in her purse, and would go offstage. There would be lots of applause, not only for the trick, but for also finding a woman volunteer who would jiggle a lot without a bra, and bonus points if her dress was thin enough to show the underwear.

But for my next-to-last trick of the night, I would call out for another female volunteer, with a strong man that could carry her a few feet. This generally caused overweight ladies to be quiet, and the fit ladies to offer themselves up. I would scan the crowd for a good mark, and find one in a tipsy woman in a little black dress. As she and her man would come to the stage, it was clear to all, that she wasn't wearing underwear. I always knew, and looked for that.

"Hello there, folks, can you tell me your names?"

"I'm Tracy Fields."

"I'm Donald Smith."

"Tracy, what do you do?"

"I am the office manager at an accounting firm."

"Oh, that's good. You know how to order others around, and they will do what you say. Right?"

"Yes. And I make sure the office runs smoothly. We don't want anyone making mistakes."

"I never make mistakes. Well, mostly never. Well, there was that time, where... never mind. How about you, Donald?"

"I'm her husband, and I work there, as well. I handle the customers, and she handles the accountants."

"Sounds like everything is accounted for, then." The audience groaned.

"Well, the last big trick of the earlier shows is the Mismade Girl trick. You know the one where someone gets in a stack of cubes, and they get divided, rearranged, verified, and then put back together? But this is the late-night naughty show. We don't want a girl, but a woman for this trick. Now, are you both willing to participate in this trick?"

Tracy asked, "What's the trick called?"

"Well, it is a variation of sawing the lady in half. Are you ready to divide and conquer this trick?" More groans, and some laughs from the audience on this one.

"I don't know. Now that I'm here, I'm nervous about doing the trick. Especially getting sawed in half."

"Oh, don't worry about that. My version does not use a saw, but a piece of string. Nice, soft string. Here, look at it, with little shiny balls tied on the ends." At this, the audience realized I was hypnotizing her. A few seconds later, both their eyes glazed over.

"Tracy, Donald, this is an adult trick. There will be some skin shown, but that's fine, as that's why you came to the show. Nod if you understand." They both nodded.

"Now, this trick might get you upset, but really, it's just a simple trick, and you won't let it worry you. That is to say, when you see it, you will be amazed, but not concerned in the slightest. You want to make the trick work. Nod if you understand." Again, they nodded.

"When I say sleep, you will return to this state of sleep. When I snap my fingers, you will wake up and kiss each other." I snapped my fingers, and they kissed.

"Please follow me to this table here." I walked them over to a sturdy one-legged table. Positioning them just so, I put her five feet off to one side of the table, and I put him behind her. I went on the opposite side of the table from them.

"We shall begin. First, take this string, and put it behind your waist, then bring it forward and cross it in front. Just like a tailor would. Good. Now switch hands so that each hand is holding an end of the string on that side." She adjusted things, and got her hands in the correct position.

"Now, Donald, put your arms around her torso, just under her breasts. No, not on them, at least not yet." A titter from the audience. "I want you to gently lift her up, but not so much that she actually moves. Right now, you are going to steady her. Ready, Donald?"


"Good. Now Tracy, without looking down, say the words 'Naughty Twin' while you pull the ends of the string apart."

"She looked at me, then the audience, and said, "Naughty Twin." Everyone saw the white string was now stretched between her hands.

"Now comes the fun part. You get to see your naughty twin. Donald, can you now lift her up and move her to the table?"

He grunted briefly, then said, "Hey, she's lighter!" At this, the audience laughed, because they saw Tracy's legs stay put while her top half was being carried to the table. Then the audience got wild and clapped as they saw the bottom half, from the waist down, and learned that she wasn't wearing panties.

"Okay, Donald, gently place her on the table. Tracy, please straighten your dress so it looks nice. Perhaps pull it out a little so it will be evenly spaced on the table." She did that and then looked up to me.

"Remember, I mentioned a naughty twin? Well, meet Sally, your twin." I then pointed to her bottom half, and both gasped.

Tracy said, "She's naked!" She seemed to get a little upset.

Donald said, "Yeah."

"Remember Tracy, Sally over there is naughty. She likes people seeing her naked. And this is a magic show where skin is shown."

"Oh yeah. I forgot. Well, I guess it's okay to look at Sally, since she likes it."

"Quite true. In fact, she is also quite obedient. If you will her to do something, she will do it. Go ahead and try. Make her hop up and down twice."

Tracy scrunched up her face, and suddenly her bottom half hopped twice.

"Not only that, you can do stuff to her, and you can feel what she feels. Tell Donald to finger her."

"Donald, please finger Sally."


As he walked over, I said, "Do it from behind, so the audience can see."

He adjusted course and started to finger her.

Tracy suddenly started to squirm, and her breathing got faster. "Donald, why don't you make Sally come? Just like you would Tracy."

Donald started putting in more fingers, and moving faster. Soon Tracy was moaning, and saying, "Oh my, I can feel everything." After a minute, Tracy came, and both halves shuddered,

"Great success, Donald. Now, we don't want you to be unfaithful, so why don't you go between Sally and Tracy, and face your wife."

He did, so I added, "Tracy, since you still have the string, let's take the temptation away. Hold one end of the string, and with the other hand, wrap it around his disco stick. Be sure to loop in the balls, by placing the string as far back as you can. Be sure it's looped fully around, that is down, up, down, up, and out."

She reached into his pants, and began doing this.

"Now, Donald, all this stimulation will no doubt cause your disco stick to get very large and hard. This is expected, and it will stay that way."

I looked and saw Tracy was done. "Tracy, give the ends of the string to Donald. Donald, turn around and face the audience. Good. Just like Tracy, I want you to say 'Naughty Disco Stick' and pull the ends of the string apart."

He did, and all saw the string emerge with no apparent change.

"Now, Tracy, time to go fishing. Reach around Donald, and put your hand down, and pull out his disco stick. Remember, it might be a bit longer than you expect. Donald, now you can really show Tracy, what you're packing."

Tracy reached in, and soon found something, and she started pulling. Everyone was surprised when she pulled out a twenty-four-inch, very erect dick.

"Oh, my! He must really like you. Don't you, Donald."

"I do, but that can't be my dick."

"It's not a dick, it's a disco stick. But you can feel it like your dick. Tracy, why don't you lick it like a lollipop. After a bit, put the end in your mouth and suck it. Soon, it will spout, and we don't want the stage to get messy, so you'll have to swallow it. Best part of a disco stick is that it remains hard, and recharges quickly. Donald, please move over here so everyone can see her lick the disco stick."

He moved, but as she continued to lick, he was clearly getting aroused. When she started sucking it, he began to moan. Suddenly, it blew, and Tracy was swallowing fast. When it finished, you could see him slump, but Tracy continued to suck.

"Tracy, enough for now. You can suck more later. Please put the disco stick down."

She seemed reluctant, but finally did.

"Okay, Tracy. It's time to see more of Sally. Donald, please hand Tracy the string." He did. "Tracy, like before, I want you to loop the string around your neck once. Good. Now I'll hold your head up. It's time to say 'Naughty Twin' and pull."

"Naughty Twin."

I then lifted her head off her torso, and aimed it at her torso.

"See, there is more of Sally's body. But she's unhappy, because she's wearing a dress. Why don't you make her take it off, so she can be happy?"

Again, she scrunched up her face, and then the arms lifted the hem up and over, dropping the dress to the side of the table.

"Great, Tracy. Sally's much happier, now that she's naughtier. Donald, why not pinch Sally's breasts as you would to tease your wife, and Tracy, tell us all what it feels like."

"I can feel his hands on Sally's breasts. Oh, so softly caressing. Eep. He pinched her left breast. Epp. Now the right one."

"Donald, you can stop now. Instead, go behind the table and lift the top part of Sally and place it on the bottom part."

He put his arms under her arms, but rather than cross them, he instead placed a hand on each breast, and held it as he lifted it. Walking over, everyone could see he was playing with the breasts, and Tracy was moaning her pleasure. Finally it was done.

I walked over with Tracy's head, and circled her, making sure everything was lined up. "Tracy, it looks like everything is lined up. But to join the two parts, Sally needs to snap her fingers."

Almost immediately, her fingers snapped.

"That's great. But we must test the connection. Please lick her and eat her out until she orgasms. Let's turn her a little first, and let me put you closer." I moved her head to the side, and Tracy turned Sally's body to follow. Now that the audience had a good angle, I moved her head in, and she quickly began to lick.

"Donald? If you want something to lick, you can lick the disco stick. Tracy liked its taste. Maybe you can make it gush into your mouth like Tracy did."

I didn't know if he would do it, but I thought there was a good chance. It took him a few seconds, but he finally did.

"Now, Tracy, remember, Sally likes her pussy eaten. Go eat it with gusto. See if you can make Sally come before Donald gets the disco stick to gush its goodness."

Hearing that, both started lick and suck harder and faster.

"Now remember, you both must finish before we can finish the trick."

They came at the same time, just like I planned.

"Tie. You both win. Well, it is time to put things back together. Tracy, have Sally take the disco stick, and slide it into Donald's pants. When it is in the correct position, have Sally hold it there in one hand, and snap her fingers to put it back."

She walked over and took it, and slid it in. It took a bit at first, as she had the balls on the top, but she eventually got it and snapped her fingers.

"Donald, we need to test the connection. Here, take Tracy's head, and position it so she can make it gush. Tracy, do your best."

The disco stick was sticking out a good sixteen inches past his belt, obviously hard, and he started moving Tracy's head up and down, essentially fucking her mouth. Soon enough, it gushed, and she swallowed.

"And now for the final part. Donald, hand me Tracy's head. Tracy, let me put you on Sally's body for now, 'cause you are twins." I fiddled a bit, and got her head on straight.

"Tracy, time for Sally to snap her fingers." She snapped.

"Donald, time for you to test the connection. Please finger Sally to orgasm."

It only took two minutes before she came.


Both got sleepy, and I said, "Donald, when you wake up, you will kiss your wife, and return to your seat. On the way, you will let others examine your disco stick. When you get up after the show, the disco stick will shrink and revert to your normal dick. Tracy, when you wake up, you will kiss your husband, and then you will have Sally pick up your dress and purse, and return to your seat. Like Donald, on your way, you let others examine Sally's body. When you get up at the end of the show, you will stand, and have Sally put your dress on. As it goes over your head, she will disappear, and your body will appear in its place. Each of you will remember everything that happened here on stage, and as you go back to your seats, you will think it is a great show."

I snapped my fingers. They kissed, and Tracy picked up her stuff, and walked naked back to her seat, with Donald at her side. Both were stopped numerous times for the audience to examine their bodies, before they finally sat down.

When they did, I said, "Ladies and gentlemen, as you can see, this show is about showing off some skin, and having some fun. Please give Donald and Tracy a big hand." The applause was thunderous, and some even started standing. Soon, everyone was standing, and many were facing Tracy. When it died down, I continued, saying, "For my last trick, I will make my assistant reappear." This only needed a quiet trap door, and a quick assistant, as I moved the sheet about. When it was dropped, she was there in her lacy underwear, and I was rushing to emerge elsewhere and joined her.

"This is my final show for the night. If you wish to come again, and try your luck being volunteers, I'll be here all month. Please let your friends know about the show. Thank you all, and come again." We bowed, and again the applause was thunderous, and we got a standing ovation.

After a minute, we backed up a little, and the curtains closed in front of us. After continuing a minute, the curtains opened, and we stepped forward and bowed again. More applause, we stepped back and the curtains closed once more. This time, we collected the props, and put them in my room, backstage. Fifteen minutes later, I was in the lounge, looking completely different, and listening to everyone's comments. It was clear that it was a success, and even Tracy and Donald said they enjoyed it.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Another great magician story.

FluffMeatsStoryFluffMeatsStoryabout 1 year agoAuthor

You did miss something. This is a different magician.

Per my bio, this is a series of unrelated stories. :-)

pk2curiouspk2curiousabout 1 year ago

Well I felt like I missed something . That was quite a leap from wearing a sexy dress during a magic show . There was no clue that these were at all sexual . I was just surprised . I liked it . But I hadn't seen that coming .

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