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Magnus and His Family Ch. 12


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She could feel the stream of his tears trickle down between her breasts, and she held him close, kissing him on the top of his head every so often. She realized that she had to let him get this paroxysm of emotion out of himself before he could resume a normal state. It took him nearly ten minutes to do so, but finally he stopped, sniffling a little.

Kristen pried his head away from her bosom and gave him a genial smile. Scrutinizing his tear-stained face, she said warmly, "You're so sweet. I like it when a man cries."

He just raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

"Why should women be the only ones to know how nice it feels to have a good cry? Anyway"—reaching over to the Kleenex box and wiping his face exactly as if he was a little boy—"I hope you feel better."

"I guess I do," he said. "You—you're fabulous." And the gaze he gave her said it all: I think I love you.

With the trauma having passed, Kristen leaped off David's lap and quickly got dressed. At first he watched her closely, then all of a sudden he himself realized that he was still naked, and he frantically put his own clothes back on.

"Well," she said in a businesslike manner, "that was splendid. I'm going to go home now and put in a good word for you with Jenna."

He just shook his head. "There's no way she'll ever—"

"You just leave it to me," she said, stroking his face with her hand and giving him a light kiss on the mouth. "I think my powers of persuasion are pretty good."

As she walked out of the room, she once again encountered Juliet, who had clearly been fixated on the door to that office. Juliet's eyes didn't leave Kristen's body for a moment as she watched her leave the office. It was obvious to everyone that Juliet knew exactly what had gone on in David's inner sanctum; but, like the loyal employee that she was, she kept her mouth shut.


"You fucked him in his office?" Jenna almost shouted in Kristen's face.

"Well, I suppose I did," Kristen admitted, "but I was really just buttering him up for you. You know, he's really not a bad sort. And let's just say that his, um, performance was more than adequate."

Jenna stared at the young woman as if she were a shark who had somehow begun talking to her. "You—you must be out of your mind. I am not going to—"

"Oh, Jenna," Kristen pleaded, "he misses you terribly! His life's been pretty awful since you left him." Well, that was an inference, since David had really never made any explicit statement to that effect, but she had a pretty clear sense that it was true. "And I think," she went on more quietly, "you miss him too."

Jenna turned away, her face feeling hot. "Maybe I do."

"And I think he's changed—or at least he could change, in ways that you would like. And you've certainly changed since coming here."

Jenna stared down at her hands.

"So what do you want me to do?" she said. "Are you saying that I should somehow get back together with him?"

"Why not? He's willing."

"But I like it here! I have Magnus, and I have Paul, and I have Curt to, um, make me happy."

"Sure you do. But Curt has really latched onto Adele, and Magnus and Imogen have found each other again—and Paul and I have deepened our affection for each other. All the guys love you—and the gals too—but you should have someone who is extra-special. And maybe David is it. You have such a long history with him—and it's mostly a good history, isn't it?"

"I guess so," Jenna said grudgingly.

"And I'm sure Adele would love to get her daddy back into her life. They haven't had much communication since you two broke up. A girl needs her daddy."

Jenna eyed Kristen askance. You mean the way you need Magnus?

Kristen went on quickly, realizing she may have made a faux pas. "Look, just meet with him. That can't do any harm. You'll see what a transformation has taken place in him."

Suddenly it seemed as if all the air were let out of Jenna. She couldn't argue anymore. "Oh, all right. Maybe I'll have dinner with him. But I'm not making any promises!"

"I'm sure he doesn't expect any."

The former couple agreed to meet at one of their favorite restaurants from years past on Friday. As the day approached, Jenna seemed increasingly nervous and came close to backing out of the arrangement—but Kristen's angry scowl dissuaded her, and she went to the meeting as scheduled.

It was obvious that David was just as hesitant. When, standing outside the restaurant, he saw his ex-wife for the first time in three years, his heart did a kind of flip, and he suddenly felt weak in the knees. As he was about to give her a chaste kiss on the cheek, he tripped over his own feet—and instinctively reached out to brace his fall with the first thing that came within reach of his hands, which happened to be Jenna's chest.

"Oof!" she said as he squeezed both of her breasts painfully. "Jesus, David, what do you think you're doing?"

"Sorry, sorry!" he cried as he struggled to stand up straight. "I—I must have stumbled over something."

She gave him a severe look. I bet you did, you pervert. Grabbing my boobs right out in the open. "Let's go inside. I have a reservation."

After they were seated, the couple stared at each other in dead silence. Even after some drinks had been placed in front of them, neither of them seemed to have the wherewithal to speak, or even to exchange meaningless small-talk.

At last David broke the ice. "So . . . that Kristen sure is something."

That wasn't the smartest thing to say.

"Yeah, she certainly is," Jenna said acidly.

"I didn't mean it like that!" David exclaimed. "It just—I guess she's trying to be a matchmaker."

"Trying," was all Jenna said.

David swallowed hard. "Well, you seem to have found a nice place to hole up for a while."

Now it was Jenna who was on the defensive. "Maybe."

"How many guys are there?" It was almost an accusation.


"One older man and two college students?"

"That's right."

"And they all . . .?"

"They all what?" Jenna was determined to make David state the facts openly.

"They all . . ."—he suddenly lowered his voice to a whisper—"enjoy you?"

"You bet they do," she said tartly. "And I enjoy them."

"Well, good for you," David said jovially. "And how many girls are there?"

"Women, David. We're women, we're not girls. And there are four of us."

"You, Kristen, Adele, and—what's Magnus's wife's name?"

"Imogen. And she's his ex-wife. They haven't remarried yet."

"Kind of like us," David said with a toothy grin.

"Kind of."

"Do you think they're gonna remarry?"

"I have no idea, David. Probably."

David sat back with a look of smug contentment. Well if they can do it, so can we.

The waitress now came by to take their orders. After she left, they managed to settle down into a more neutral conversation about the things they had been doing over the past few months. With the passing of time, they found themselves thoroughly enjoying both the meal and each other's company.

Some further awkwardness came when they finished dessert and David, to Jenna's quiet appreciation, picked up the check without fuss or comment. But as he was signing the credit card receipt, deliberately looking down at the table, he muttered, "Um, how'd you like to come back to my place for a bit?"

After their divorce David had had to get a crummy little apartment in Somerville, as that was all he could afford. Neither he nor Jenna had the money to continue occupying their big house by themselves, so it had to be sold; and because there was still a big mortgage on it, neither of them had gotten much out of the transaction. That didn't help either of their tempers as they were parting!

But, as Jenna pondered David's offer, she figured that, if any funny business was going to happen, he wanted it to happen on his home turf. Certainly, Magnus's house was far too crowded for any activity of that sort! She had never even been to David's place—why should she have?—and she really didn't know if she was ready to cuddle up with him quite so early. But she thought, Oh, why the hell not? Given how hesitant he can be sometimes, maybe he won't even have the, um, cojones to do anything except a little clumsy fondling.

Since they had each had to take their own cars to the restaurant, Jenna had to follow David—or, rather, he gave her the address and she programmed it into her GPS, in case they got separated along the route. The trip took little more than fifteen minutes, and they both pulled into the parking lot of the three-story building that David called home.

As he ushered her into the apartment, she noticed that it was a typical bachelor pad—except that probably not a great many females had ever set foot in the place. The furniture and decorations—what few there were—were so obtrusively masculine that she thought she had unwittingly wandered into some men's club from the nineteenth century.

He had the decency to offer her a liqueur, and she readily accepted.

As they were sipping it, Jenna wandered about the living room, feeling restless. It was such an odd thing they were doing—a husband and wife going on a "date" after having been divorced for years! If David was going to make a move, let him do it, by God! With that thought in mind, Jenna decided to do some more teasing.

"So," she said, having finished the drink and putting the tiny glass down on an end table, "you seem to have serviced Kristen pretty well that time she drifted into your office."

"Hey!" David cried. "That was her doing! She—she seduced me!"

"She really had to twist your arm, I see—or some other part of your body."

"She's pretty scrumptious," David said defiantly, trying to get into the spirit of things.

"She sure is. And just about your daughter's age. You probably got a kick out of that."

"You bet I did!"

"David! What a thing to say! You don't mean—" She couldn't finish. You don't mean you have a thing for Adele?

"I don't mean anything. I'm just saying we both enjoyed ourselves." David looked meaningfully at his ex-wife when he said those words.

"Refresh my memory as to what you did? Front and back, wasn't it?"

"Yup. It was splendid."

"You never did me front and back," Jenna said resentfully.

"You wouldn't let me."

"You—you could have pressed the issue."

"Oh, is that what you wanted?"

"I—I don't know what I wanted."

"Well," David said, "let's see what we can do."

And with that, he strode over to her in a deliberately menacing fashion and, pressing her against the wall, pasted a rough kiss on her mouth while grabbing her breasts over her clothes, just as he had unintentionally done outside the restaurant.

"Mmmm!" she complained after he had pulled his lips away. "You brute!"

"You ain't seen nothin' yet," he said quietly.

And with that, he whirled her around so that her face was against the wall. Then he tugged at the hem of her skirt, lifting it up so that he could get to the thin cotton panties underneath. He pulled those down so violently that they tore, but he went on heedlessly, nuzzling her neck and thrusting a hand between her legs to check how wet she was.

She was pretty wet.

She histrionically spread her arms wide against the wall as if she were held there by imaginary handcuffs. There was a twinkle in her eye that made it clear she wanted him to proceed with whatever nefarious act he had in mind. But somehow she didn't predict his next move.

There happened to be, conveniently enough, a little bottle of hand sanitizer on the end table where Jenna had put her glass; and now, without releasing her, he extended a hand and squeezed a goodly quantity of it onto his fingers. Then he promptly covered her anus with the stuff, inserting two fingers deep inside to coat it thoroughly.

"Omigod!" she said, with just a hint of actual alarm. "You're not going to—?"

"I sure am," he said in that same understated tone.

She could hear him struggling to unzip his pants. She could have wriggled out of his grasp if she had really wanted to, but she was fascinated to see how far he would actually go in this charade. She found out soon enough.

With an animalistic grunt, he shoved at least four inches of his cock into her anus.

They were roughly the same height, otherwise this wouldn't have worked. Jenna also let out a grunt of surprise (and a little pain) as he entered her; and now his body really did pin her against the wall as he pounded her, going farther and farther in until she could feel his balls slapping her bottom. She engaged in the entertaining fantasy of being some helpless female set upon by an enemy soldier in a battle zone. That kind of thing happened a lot, didn't it? The spoils of war!

He pulled her back from the wall a bit—only in order to take the lapels of her blouse and roughly pull them apart, their buttons flying in all directions. Jenna had a flashback to her first encounter with Magnus (what is it with these men who keep wanting to tear my clothes off?), and she allowed David to unfasten her bra and toss it aside as he continued to thrust his cock in her bottom while seizing her breasts. He was now almost biting down on her shoulder and neck, like some enraged vampire, and she lapsed into utter passivity as she endured his pummeling.

When he came, a series of cries that rose almost to the level of shouts were torn from his throat, and he gave her breasts an extra squeeze. Even after his paroxysm was over, he remained buried to the hilt in her ass for several minutes, breathing hard in her ear and occasionally licking her neck and earlobe. Finally he withdrew, pulling out in such haste that another twinge went through her.

Jenna, now topless, slowly turned around, gazing wonderingly at him. Strangely enough, she felt a little shy about exposing her breasts to him, and placed a hand over them. She could both see and feel the imprint his fingers had left as he had squeezed them during his invasion of her bottom. David was standing, a little weak in the knees, fully dressed except for the softening cock sticking out of his pants. She gave him a little smirk, as if to say: Well, you've passed his first test of your manhood. Let's see what else you can do.

"I take it we're not done?" she said.

"No," he said gruffly. "You're gonna have to strip."

He stumbled aggressively toward her, apparently intent on tearing off her skirt as he had done with her blouse and panties, but she held up a hand to stop him.

"That's okay," she said tartly, "you don't need to continue with the caveman routine. I'll take it off. Meanwhile, you'd better wash."

David grumblingly headed in the direction of the bathroom, tossing off his own clothes haphazardly. Jenna, shaking her head at the transformation of her ex (Kristen must have done a real number on him!), ambled more sedately toward the bedroom, where she slipped off her skirt and put it on a nearby easy chair.

David walked into the room, fully and proudly naked. His cock seemed to be experiencing a surprisingly speedy recovery—it was half-hard already. He just stood there in the middle of the room, arms on his hips.

She eyed him askance. "I assume you want me to suck that thing?"

"You bet!" he cried.

"On my knees, I suppose?"

"That's right."

She rolled her eyes and flung herself down to a kneeling position before his member, which was already quivering with anticipation. But before she stuck it in her mouth she said sharply:

"You did wash, didn't you?"


"With soap?"

"Yes." He was clearly getting annoyed.

"Okay, okay, just checking."

And with that, she plunged more than half of it into her mouth.

She had to confess that his more modestly sized cock—as compared to Magnus's, Paul's, and Curt's—was actually something of a relief, all apart from the pleasant familiarity of it. Much as she admired the impressive length and girth of those other organs, they did become a bit wearying after a time; her mouth actually ached after some particularly energetic sessions of oral sex with those guys. With David's, which was plenty thick enough to be satisfying but whose length was more easily accommodated, Jenna felt more comfortable. In due course she had gotten all of it into her mouth, her nose rubbing up against the thick pubic hair that surrounded it; and, as she glanced up to see what effect her operations were having on her ex, she was pleased to see his eyes widen and his tongue licking his lips as he delighted in her proficiency in deep throat.

He got so hard that Jenna wondered if he was going to come in her mouth. But, with a groan of mingled frustration and anticipation, he abruptly pulled her up to her feet and all but tossed her on the bed. She landed awkwardly on her back, her legs splayed, and figured he would just plunge right into her. But he had other things on his mind.

Amused as he was at adopting the "caveman routine," his innate love and respect for the entire race of females came to the fore. He realized that his playfully violent anal action on Jenna had probably not resulted in a climax for her, and he couldn't countenance a second one on his part without at least one for her. So he flung himself onto her groin, seizing her hips and then her bottom with both hands while licking and sucking her damp labia and clitoris with vigor. His own actions were further stimulated by the sight of his own seed trickling thickly out of her anus and onto the bedsheet, evoking memories of that incredible session with Kristen a few days before. Jenna gaped at him as his face became slick with her juices, and in a matter of minutes she was crying out hoarsely and hammering the bed with both fists as a shuddering orgasm coursed through her.

David, looking up at her and proud of wearing her wetness on his face, couldn't help asking, "Was that nice?"

Between ragged breaths she said, "Yes! Oh, God, yes! The best you've ever done!"

"I can probably do better than that," he said smugly.

And so their session continued. By the time they were finished, several hours later, he had had three more orgasms and she as many as five. She had actually lost count, thinking that she might have had two or even three during a long, long bout of sixty-nine that ended only when David shot a titanic quantity of his discharge into her mouth and down her throat. Another anal conjunction ended the festivities, and they collapsed in exhausted sleep.

It was not long thereafter that David was invited to move into Magnus's house.

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