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Making Her Pay Pt. 01


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One of those friends was Mark's wife, Suzie. She was a twenty-one year old college dropout who seemed to love partying. At first I didn't know all the particulars about Suzie but the first time I met the couple I had my doubts about her.

Early in the school year Marie invited her new teacher partner and wife to our house for a get-to-know-each other dinner. Since the weather was still pleasant I grilled chicken breasts and some brauts and Marie made some great salads to complement the meats.

Mark is a good looking twenty-four year old. He stands a couple of inches taller than me at six foot two inches. He works out but carries a little paunch and maybe weighs 210 pounds. His hair is brown like mine and he has brown eyes. He is charismatic and struck me as a personable individual.

His wife, Suzie, was a little different. At twenty-one years old she struck me as a former exotic dancer. I am probably wrong but that is just how she comes across to me. Her clothing choice for a dinner with obviously older people was a little sketchy. Her tank top was super tight and her tits bulged out of the neckline. With her slender body her tits couldn't be natural. They had to be at least an "F" cup in size and stuck out loud and proud. If I was more of a tit man I might have fallen right into her cleavage. As it was I was not impressed nor was I tempted to drool over her boobs.

Her bleached blonde hair with purple highlights was in line with her age group but didn't help her looks any. She had sharp features and a tiny ass. I wondered if her original bust size was an "A" or maybe a "B" cup before her augmentation. That bust size would have been more in line with her otherwise willowy shape. She might have been an inch shorter than Marie's five foot seven height. She was also a smoker and made the faux pas of smoking in my house without asking permission. Marie later informed me that Suzie was also a heavy marijuana user. Now I have no problems with occasional recreational drug use but Suzie apparently was a multiple time a day user.

Overall the get together did go well. Afterward Marie asked me about how I liked her educator friend and wife. I had to admit that Mark seemed to be a pleasant person but I wasn't that impressed by Suzie. Marie seemed disappointed somehow.

We had them over a couple more times that fall and then also went to their apartment a couple of times. I had a hard time there as the odor of cigarette smoke and marijuana was almost more than my middle aged lungs could take. We decided that our house would be a better place to entertain if we weren't going out together.

We also went to some concerts and out to supper with the duo and I will admit that we had a pretty good time. Dancing was a non starter with me. I like to dance but will only dance with Marie. The few times we hit a dance club after dining Marie and Mark tried over and over to get me to dance with Suzie. I politely accommodated them a couple of times but that woman was like a leach. She would grab onto me and shove those monstrous tits into my abdomen and grind against me. One dance had her trying to grind her pelvis against my leg. That was a short dance, I will tell you. I wasn't interested at all in how she wanted to dance.

For all I know Marie went dancing when she went out with Suzie on their "girls" night out. As long as my wife remained chaste while doing so I wasn't going to put a damper on her pleasure.

Soon after the first of the year Marie hit me with a new one. We were enjoying a late night interlude when she asked, "Do you find Suzie attractive?"

I have to admit she had to repeat the question as I was busy licking her tasty pussy when she popped the question. I was concentrating on bringing her pleasure. I admit that I like to dive down and work her precious clit and open her vaginal lips with my fingers and then lick from stem to stern and back again and again.

Why she chose that particular moment to ask that question and why that question in the first place I don't know but it threw me off my game, I have to tell you.

I pulled back and continued to use a finger or two to keep her stimulated. "What did you say?"

My wife was flat on her back, her lovely legs spread as I kept her lower lips spread with my fingers. There was moisture gathered there both from my tongue and her natural secretions and I wanted to get back there and give my loving wife the orgasm she deserved. I love to make her cum. Now I had to think about Suzie Billings. I ignored Marie's lovely breasts with their large nipples as I tried to be tactful.

"While I imagine many men and some women find her attractive, I do not. It isn't her looks, per say, but more about the whole package. Her boobs are so large I think she might fall over if she tries to stop suddenly. I am not in favor of fake hair colors and I don't like smokers. I have little in common to even talk to her about since she is of a different generation. So, to answer your question, no I am not attracted to her."

"What if she was the only woman left on earth and you were the only man? Would you do her then?"

I cocked my head at her. Where was this coming from and what did she want from me? I took my fingers out of her lovely pussy and sat back on my haunches. I decided to hedge my answer. "That is kind of academic as I have had a vasectomy and could not be counted on to continue the race."

"It is an academic question. What if you were fertile and could help repopulate the human race?"

"Then it would be my responsibility to provide the sperm for her eggs. I wouldn't necessarily need to be attracted to her but it would help. Why are you asking this?"

"Suzie and I were talking the other night. She says that she thinks you are a stud and wondered if you are attracted to her like she is to you."

I shrugged my shoulders. Right now my mood was dead and I suppose Marie's was also. I had a random thought. "Are you saying that you and Suzie have been discussing what we do in bed?"

Lord she blushes easily. It gave her away. Then she tried to deny it. "No, we were just talking in general. I told her that I thought that Mark is attractive and I could see him breaking a few hearts before he fell for her. Suzie then told me what she thought about you."

"So, you guys don't sit around and discuss cock size, technique, tongue action and how we men are in bed?" She blushed again.

"No, I would never do that to you. We have always agreed to keep intimate details like that in our bedroom and no where else."

I wasn't really mollified by her answer. Her blush was too deep. I let it go and then laid down next to her. I wasn't interested in sex right now. Marie propped her shoulders up by her elbows and looked at me. "What happened? I thought we were going to play around tonight. Why are you stopping?"

I gave her my best bland look. "I lost the mood. Sorry, I will make it up to you another night."

She gave me a look of pure astonishment. She was quiet for a bit and I laid there on my back with my eyes closed. My cock was a mere shadow of its usual rampant self. "Are you upset with me because I asked you about whether you found Suzie to be attractive?"

I didn't open my eyes as I didn't want to read her body language right now. Something was wrong and I didn't want to get into it this late in the evening. History told me that Marie would stay up till all hours of the night when she was trying to prove a point to me. I just wanted to ignore it tonight and look at the questioning in the light of day.

I did answer her. "You picked the most inopportune time to ask that question and it has killed any thought of sex right now. If that doesn't answer your question about how I feel about Suzie Billings then I can't explain myself any better."

"But I'm still horny."

I could have been an ass but we were just having a disagreement and not a full blown argument. I gave up and snuggled up and started to caress her again. She sighed contentedly and snuggled back. I chewed on her neck a little to give her some shivers and then progressed to her breasts. Using both my hands to gently massage the breast meat and my lips to suck her nipples I soon had them standing tall and proud again. Marie was sighing with the sensation and starting to hump her pelvis up and down.

This was usually our unspoken cue to change from foreplay to penetration. Marie loves to have her breasts played with and loves when I go down on her. She will also occasionally suck my cock for a bit to just make sure it is nice and hard but she doesn't want to have oral sex be the end all and be all of our lovemaking. Nope, she wants cock in pussy and when she gets warmed up then it is time for the main event.

This time I didn't give in to her body language. I kissed my way down her abdomen, pausing to lick her belly button, something she professes to hate, and then headed south to her weeping opening.

Now I am sure that the average lesbian knows the tricks to get a woman off with her tongue quickly but I must have missed that lesson as Marie doesn't seem to be able to climax that way without a lot of time and effort. Just before I started to lick her I looked up and she was giving me a look that said, "Bring it on, Big Boy. Do your best."

And I did. I licked. I sucked her clit. I even sucked her pussy lips one at a time. I fingered and stroked and fucked four of them into her pussy at times. I sucked her juices out of her opening and even ran my tongue across her tight rectum. That got a jump out of her and also some nice moans. Back and forth I worked giving her everything I could to get her off orally and digitally. After about ten minutes, way sooner than normal, she was grabbing my hair and slamming her pelvis into my chin, nose, mouth and lips as she started to scream and pump against me.

I just held on for the ride. Her scream was ragged and my hearing was muffled as she pinched my head with her upper thighs. I thought I heard her say Suzie's name at the height of her orgasm but I couldn't be sure. Just the thought that she might be calling out another's name while ecstatically out of control made sure that my cock stayed limp.

When she calmed down she let my head go and relaxed her grip with her thighs. I gave her super sensitive clit a final lick and started to move up her body. I am sure she thought I was going to stick my cock in her. "Hmmm, Baby, wait a minute. I am too sensitive."

I just gave her a kiss and said, "No problem." I moved off her and rolled onto my side away from her and turned off my bedside lamp. I pulled up my sheet and prepared to drift off into la-la land.

Marie laid there for a time. I am sure she was wondering what had just happened as I usually would be chomping at the bit to get my cock wet. Finally she turned off her bedside lamp and snuggled up against my back. Her hand slowly worked its way around my hip and started to play with my limp noodle.

I kept thinking about Suzie and then Mark and the conversation about how I felt about them and was able to keep from becoming fully erect despite her loving attention to my dick.

Finally she gave up and went to sleep. I then drifted off but had some disquieting dreams where Marie, Suzie and Mark were laughing at some joke at my expense and I just couldn't get the joke.


End of Part One. Next part will be posted quickly.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I will admit it was hard to party with high school kids after being out of that element for so long. I was now used to more mature parties. The alcohol at this party was stuff stolen from the 'rents whereas my kind of party had everyone legally obtaining alcohol.

Also, most of my friends used a little grass at times. Some would go outside to smoke but the brownies were always laced with good weed. At that high school party the weed was good old ditch weed and just added a little taste to the brownies.

And people question why the level and quality of production within the US has taken a drastic fall? This type of simple-minded approach to life and their employment due to safety and and quality concerns, Is there any honest question ion as to why china, japan and some European countries are" "stealing US sales"?

oldtwitoldtwit11 months ago

Mmmmmmm I think I can see where this is going, not sure you have it right now, but I will look forward to more.

moultonknobmoultonknob12 months ago

Seems obvious to the that Maria is fucking Mark and probably his wife as well

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Well now, it appears that Marie is on the track to becoming a slut. That is if she's not there already. He had better start paying attention to how Marie smells and appears after her girls night out. Gonna get interesting. LP

Boardman68Boardman68over 1 year ago

This train is going down the track whether he wants it to or not. In fact, unknown to him it probably already passed the station & she is fooling around with Mark.

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