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Malcubus Ch. 07: Getting Closer

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We can't go on together, with suspicious minds.
6.6k words

Part 7 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/05/2015
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Fuck me, I loved her.

It was a stupid, dangerous thought. She was a demon, an inhuman creature who couldn't even understand love, let alone feel it. I'd bound her with a spell; our relationship was built on compulsion.

Love was a stupid, dangerous thought, and it didn't persist for long. Love had burned me badly not six months ago, and I was liable to get literally burned if I made the same mistakes with a demon from hell. But thrusting deep into her pussy, our fingers intertwined I looked down into her poison-green eyes, I felt something a lot more powerful – a lot scarier- than mere lust.

"Harder, master!"

"Fuck, Rosie!"

"Harder! Fuck me! Fuck – "

"Aah– "

Once again, the body-shaking, brain-blasting, balls-blowing power of a succubus-grade orgasm hit me like the fiery fist of Hell itself. Once again, it was so good that I slipped out of Rosmerta, lost feeling in my legs, and fell off the bed.

A minute later, my succubus' perfect face appeared above me, horns first. Her scarlet hair was a little frazzled. "Heya, Eric."

My throat croaked. "Hey, Rosie."

"You okay down there?"

I gave a game thumbs-up, tried to raise myself up on my elbows, and decided it wasn't worth the effort.

"Feeling lazy today are we?" she smiled.

I wiped some saliva off my chin; I wasn't sure whose it was. "As much as I'm loving the Shaped orgasms, they kind of kill my after-sex cuddling game." I rubbed the back of my scalp. "Also, I think I hit my head."

Rosie rolled her eyes and hopped daintily off the bed with a little flap of her wings. Not two minutes ago she'd been screaming louder than I was and making just as much of a mess, but she never seemed to need more than a few seconds to recover. "I told you, stud, you just need practice. Learn to let the pleasure flow through you, rather than straight into you."

"I think my problem is when it flows out of me. We forgot to put towels down, again." My room had never been a palace of hygiene, but my mattress was well and truly a biohazard by now. Brimstone or cum: those were the only two things a succubus's room could smell like, apparently. I sat up with my back against the bed.

Rosie, standing over me like a conquering goddess, crinkled her nose. "I'll go get some new sheets," she said, tail sashaying behind her as she left the room.

"And a flamethrower?" I called after her before letting myself collapse. Fuck. That was – how long? I checked my wrist. Almost an hour since we'd started having sex. It had blurred by in a timeless slurry of suspended moments. Rosie bobbing atop me with cowgirl ease, her gently beating wings keeping her hands free to explore my body. Rosie's hard nipples leaking milk into my mouth while I returned the favour, fingering her slit and massaging her buttocks. Rosie bending my dick back almost to the point of pain, letting her fuck me scissor-style with each others' feet by our faces. That last part was new; I'd never thought of myself as a foot fetishist, but I could suck Rosie's toes all morning.

Without the watch, it could have been ten minutes or five hours. Einstein was right about relativity: time and space are not constants. When you're fucking a succubus, for example, time is measured only in the suspended, desperate moments at the apex of each thrust. There is no space but the curve of her thigh, the weight of her breast, the arch of her spine.

But I don't think Einstein had any clue about magic. I'd have to be careful not to get big-headed.

My demon swept back into the room, tottering under a pile of linen. "Lift your head," she said before reaching out with a bare foot. Balancing on one leg, she used her toes to grab my soaked sheets and strip them off the bed in a couple of dainty kicks. She used the same foot to flip the mattress without once using her hands or putting two feet on the ground. The new bedclothes were applied with the same dextrous pragmatism. I supposed it was fitting that an inhumanly skilled lover would also be an inhumanly skilled homemaker.

Her chores done, Rosmerta came around to assume a 'conquering goddess' pose above me, wings splayed, hands on her hips. From this angle I could take in (almost) every part of her delicious form: an athlete's long legs, tattoo-framed breasts riding high above a flat stomach, and of course her hungry pussy. Its pink lips were tantalizingly out of reach of my own. Damn it, I'd just creampied that slit hard enough to fall off the bed, and it was still so damn beautiful I wanted to stick my face on it. In fact, given that Rosie's inhuman pussy sucked up and consumed my cum like a Hoover, maybe it'd be fine if I just leaned forward and...

Rosie was too soft and feminine to be really capable of a sneer, but her face still had a slightly judgmental air as she smiled down at me. "Your sister," she pronounced dramatically, "is not home."

I looked up at her for a few seconds before doing a slow clap. "Do you think?" I asked. "We just fucked in an unlocked room at 10am in the morning. I didn't cover your mouth while you were wailing loud enough to frighten migrating birds. And," I gestured at her phenomenal, Faustian form, "I let you go out to the linen closet looking like a sexy Sauron without any protest."

She pouted. "Your sister isn't home, so we totally could have done that roleplay thing. You should have said."

I shrugged. "Dad will be away for at least another week and a half, and Cassie's at... some sports thing, I dunno."

"And you really aren't expecting your mother home at all, are you?" She'd asked the question casually, but she noticed when I didn't answer and frowned before bending into a crouch. "Sorry, master. Your blood is your business."

"It's fine," I said, waving my hand. I really wasn't upset, but I wasn't exactly prepared for the topic to come up. "She's not dead or anything, she's just... not here."

"Ah." Rosmerta rocked back and forth on her heels, studying my face cautiously. "Would it be appropriate for me to give you a hug?"

That made me chuckle a bit and shake my head. "I'm really fine, Rosie, it's not – oh, we're hugging, okay."

With both of us naked it was a little less platonic than most hugs I received, but that didn't lessen the emotional impact. Damn it, I'd never felt like this even with Moira. Her wing wrapped around my back like another arm. I stroked her hair between her horns and tried not to think about my mother, which reminded me of something. "Rosie," I asked, "you can't read my mind with the amulet, can you?"

"Nope," she said, nibbling my earlobe.

"You can see what I see when I'm wearing it, though. Doesn't that mean you're receiving some, uh, data from me?"

"Paranoid, much?" She released my ear and shrugged. "I can see what you see, hear what you hear, but your thoughts don't come through. It's magic, master; you're the sorcerer, I just work here."

"Shouldn't you understand magic, given how much you use it?"

She snorted. "Master, the questions you ask, sometimes I wonder whether you're making fun of me."

"Right." Before I could really think about it, before I could feel anything but her weight on my lap and her scent in my lungs, I spoke again. "I, uh, have a confession to make."

"I'm not a nun, you know." Rosie raised an eyebrow. "Unless you were into that, in which case..."

"Just shut up for a moment," I said. My mouth was still moving without much input from my conscious mind; the words poured out before I could stop them. "I'm not actually a very good wizard."

"Modest, too. I'm so lucky to have you," she said, stroking my chest.

"No, really!" I pushed her away from me a little, feeling her wing flex behind my back. "I'm... look, the truth is I barely know any magic at all. I'm... I'm not some powerful sorcerer. I didn't invent the ritual that bound you, I don't even understand it."

Rosie nodded expectantly. "Okay..."

My heart pounded. "Really, Rosie – Rosmerta. I'm serious. I'm not this... scion of Merlin, or whatever you thought I was. I'm a nerd, but I didn't even really believe in magic until that summoning spell actually worked."

Again Rosie nodded, her head cocked. "Okay..."

"Well, okay. You know now. Are you going to... you know... try and defeat me in magical combat now? Take my soul? Hypnotize me?"

"Why would I need to do that?" she asked, nonplussed. "You're already mine, master. I'm already yours. What do you want me to say?"

I didn't know. I didn't even know why I'd told her this much. "Uhh... I just expected more of a reaction. I sort of thought – "

"That I was only your slave and partner because I thought you were more powerful than me?" Rosie looked me at me for a few seconds before bursting into laughter. "Oh, fire and brimstone. You really aren't any sort of wizard at all."

"Well... no."

"Hahaha! Pit take me... oh, Eric, you have no idea about anything, and I can't decide if I want to teach you everything or keep you so wonderfully, adorably innocent. 'Cause it's so cute I just..." She leaned in and peppered half a dozen kisses over my face before I could do much more than blink. "You don't need to be more powerful than me, Eric. You don't need to do or be anything. Our souls are bound together, and I will never do anything but help and serve you. That's what your spell did, and let me tell you – no matter how ignorant you feel, pulling that spell off makes you a pretty badass wizard."

I ran my hand over her hip. "You could just be saying that to hypnotize me, you know."

"Mm. Twisting your mind with my words... maybe you should shut me up."

That kiss left me gasping for air. Then she moved over me with serpentine grace, standing over me once more. "Let me be clear, master," she said, mesmerizing eyes fixed on mine. "I am yours." She pointed at her breast. "My heart is yours. My mind is yours. My mouth is yours." She turned around, raised her tail and bent over, giving me a view that even the most fortunate of male porn stars would have envied. "These are yours," she said, tracing the curves of her ass, "and this," a finger danced over her pink asshole, "and most especially this." Her pussy lips glistened like all the gold in the world.

Gold didn't taste this good, though.

Rosie sighed deeply after I lifted my mouth from her pussy. "Mmm, you see? Talking is such a waste of tongue."

"I do like talking to you, though."

"As much as you like fucking me?" That had to be a trick question, but Rosie answered herself with a laugh. "Don't worry, master. If sex with me isn't your favourite thing on the planet, I'm not doing my job correctly." She kissed me again before adding, "but I like talking to you, too." Glancing down between her legs at my lap, she noted approvingly that my cock had almost recuperated. "Want to try and do both at the same time?"

"Greedy," I said, pushing her off my lap and standing up with some effort. "Sex might be your food, but I need to put something in my mouth ASAP."

Rosie looked innocently down at her pussy, then back up to me.

"Oh, you know what I mean."


Although I was the only one limited by a chemical digestive system, we both ate breakfast together. Rosmerta insisted on feeding me fruit with her lips, passing fruit slices directly into my mouth with the occasional side serving of tongue. She also insisted on being stark naked and perching on my lap. My distraction and her ulterior motives meant that breakfast took a little longer than usual, and by the time we were done I'd spilt orange juice on us both. She insisted that we clean each other up with our mouths; one thing led to another after that.

"You know," I panted up at her pussy afterwards, "it was a good idea to close the blinds before we ate."

"It was a really good idea to teach you how to 69," Rosie said, giving my exhausted cock a couple of loving kisses. "You're getting pretty good."

The carpet-staining, face-soaking orgasms had made that pretty clear, but the compliment still made me grin cockily. "Don't blame the student, blame the teacher."

"I hope you took careful notes on that position we used on the table."

"The one where you knocked over the butter?"

"I guess you'll need to get your dairy products from me," she said, squeezing her nipple as she looked back at me. A single, pearly drop fell down onto my belly.

"Oh," I said gravely, "what a horrible fate."

Rosie muttered something snarky before giving my balls one last sloppy kiss, and then we untangled our limbs and got up.

The dining room was a pretty awful mess, but with the two of us working together everything was cleaned up quickly enough. Rosie was temporarily distracted by the dishwasher – it was a technology she hadn't heard about down in the Umbra, and soon enough she was asking to see every machine in the house. She displayed more of a reaction to the microwave than the TV or computer, funnily enough, but the old CD player made her particularly excited.

"I'm not holding us up, am I?" she asked after the third CD change. "We don't have anywhere to be?"

"Actually, with how much I've been working lately, it's really nice to just hang out," I said. "I, uh, might be better conversation if you conjured up some clothes, though."

"Oh, am I distracting you, master?" Rosie asked, looking back at me innocently. She was on her hands and knees in front of the CD player, and from the couch behind her I could see her pussy and tiny pink asshole in perfect detail. She laughed at my facial expression and spun around a little, letting flickering flames crawl over her creamy curves. Now a floral, strapless sundress just barely reached down to her thighs, and a wreath of daisies held her auburn hair back. I groaned as she bent back over to peruse the CD rack. As much as Rosie liked playing dress-up, underwear seemed beyond her.

"Ogle all you want, Eric, it's what I'm here for. When we go out – and we are definitely going out to a bar tonight, I've already asked Caitlin out – I'll be all dressed up, and you won't be able to see my pussy at all, and won't that just be horrible?"

I frowned at her backside. "You've been talking to Caitlin again?"

"Yep. She's really nice. I think we're going to be great friends."

Was that something I should be really, really worried about? Loyal sex slave or not, Rosmerta was still a demon. She was an inhuman and immoral – or perhaps just amoral – creature. Should I fear for Caitlin's safety? Try and stop Rosie 'influencing' her? Damn it, was she even trying to influence her? Maybe this inhuman girl, in most ways utterly new to the world, really did just want a friend.

And I'd sort of put my trust in Rosie already this morning. I hadn't been transmogrified into a walking dildo or anything yet; maybe I should trust her just a little here.

Banging her head and doing the air guitar to the Stones, Rosmerta really didn't look threatening at all. I applauded once the song was over.

"Thank you, thank you," she said, pushing her hair back beneath the daisies. "So we're on for tonight? Big night on the town?"

I grimaced, recognizing a battle I couldn't win. "I guess so."

"Yay!" She gave a happy little clap. "Call Warren, I'm overdue to meet him. And if you want to take me out more often – meet more of your friends, see interesting things, meet interesting women, both my mind and legs are open to the idea."

"I don't know, Rosie," I sighed. "We went to the movies last night, and that went..."

"Really well! I think I actually love action movies now. And Margot Robbie's pretty hot, isn't she? I wouldn't mind being blonde, you know, although it would clash a bit with my freckles..."

I sighed, tilting my head to the side. The strapless sundress was slipping down gradually, revealing more and more of her pale cleavage. It was only a matter of time. "Rosie, what did we do other than watching the movie last night?"

"Well, let's see." She turned 'Beast of Burden' down low and stepped towards me with a womanly sway to her hips. "You bought me a frozen Coke, that tasted nice. It made my poor tongue all cold, though."

I leaned back into the couch as she stood over me. "I warmed it up, though. After that?"

"Hmm..." She rolled her head lazily, swinging her hair back over her shoulder, and raised a creamy calf up into the air before planting her foot on the couch beside my head. "I think you put your hand on my thigh during the trailers. Smooth moves."

I reached up to her bare thigh while planting kisses on her shin, trying not to stare at where leg met torso. Could have sworn the sundress wasn't that short. "Yeah, you just went straight for my cock."

Rosie hummed happily to the song in agreement, but didn't actually touch my iron prick. Instead she leaned forward a little, legs flexing, so that the hem of her dress brushed tantalizingly against its tip. "I just needed something solid to hold on to, during the scary parts of the movie. And you... uhhh... right there in the cinema, you..." She flipped the front of her dress up, as if it had been concealing anything. The cleft of her cunt was right in front of my nose. "You started fingering my needy little pussy."

I inhaled deeply of her scent and leaned forward. "Where did I put my fingers? Here?"

She moaned as I licked her. "Up a little. Unnh. Yeah, right there."

Her taste made my tongue tingle; it also made precum dribble from the tip of my dick. I started kissing and sucking her tight little labia, teasing the edges of her pussy as I stroked her thighs. Her whole groin was covered in goosebumps. Rosie backed away, but only for a few seconds; she stood with one foot on the seat and rested the other on the couch's back, bending into the splits above me. Her legs almost formed a straight line by the time her pussy was in front of my face again. I licked my lips in admiration and whispered, "what next?"

Rosie's eyes were half-lidded, and she smiled distantly up at the ceiling before answering. "There was a couple on a date, maybe late twenties, a couple of rows in front of us. They heard me... unh... that's good, get your tongue as deep as you can, lick up to my clit. They were embarrassed, but they kept looking back to watch... ohh. Especially when I came. And then I leaned over and swallowed your load, and you were grabbing me by the hair..."

My succubus did that to me then, trying to force me into her pussy, but I kept breaking off teasingly to whisper up to her. "That was before I... even finished my popcorn... you missed several important plot points... while you were in my lap..."

"Did not," she countered, a little hoarse from pleasure. The sundress had faded away to let her perform the splits and grope her breasts more effectively, but I could still see the flowers in her hair. "And we almost, ohh, saw the end, uhh, of the movie..."

"The big finale," I said, my words muffled by her muff. "The happy ending. The climax."

She said something in reply, but it wasn't really intelligible.


My head fell back onto the couch once Rosie finished squirting and settled gently into my lap. At some point during the orgasm she'd burst back into demonic form, apparently as a pleasure reflex; her wings wrapped around us in a gentle embrace. She kissed my face gratefully, brushing her lips against my (now slightly damp) cheek and moving around to whisper in my ear. "Do you want me to finish the story?"

"I already know how it ends," I sighed. "The ushers came and kicked us out. Hell, they were going to call the cops – "

"They didn't," she said, kissing down my neck. The daisies, still in her hair, tickled my cheek.

"You had to show them your tits, though."

"That was win-win; it's always fun seeing you blush." I squirmed when her tail brushed against my erection, and Rosie smiled evilly. "Pit take me, I've been a bad girl," she said. "Cumming all over you while you're so achingly, desperately horny..."


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