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Malcubus Ch. 11: Bad Romance

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She can rebuild him - better, longer, harder.
11k words

Part 12 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/05/2015
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Once again, Cassandra woke me after a long and unmentionable yesterday. No bursting through the door this time, however. Today, my sister knocked once, quietly, and then again with more volume a minute later. Even when I called for her to come in, she took a moment before opening the door.

Her nose crinkled as if she smelled something, and she blushed. "Um, Eric. It's almost lunch – uh, aren't you going to work?"

I wiped sleep out of my eyes. "No work 'til tonight, and there's no law against sleeping in. You okay?"

Cassie was acting a little weird, like she'd had too many coffees for breakfast. She leaned against my dresser then stood back up. "Fine, fine. Alice and Victoria are coming over, we were going to hang out a bit before, um..." Her eyes settled on my blankets and she fidgeted more. "Uh, are you naked under there, bro?"

I lifted myself onto my elbows lazily. "Maybe?"

"God," she muttered softly to herself, then added louder: "gross! My friends'll be here any minute."

"Again, there's no law against it," I said, feeling dainty fingers slide over my indeed-naked hip.

"Right..." Cassie, usually supremely confident in bossing me around, seemed as though she didn't want to meet my eyes. "It's still gross, though. I don't want to – gross." Her eyes focused. "So stay away from us, kay?"

I shrugged, and felt weight shift on the bed next to me. The fingers were moving under the covers. "I wasn't planning on leaving my room naked, you know."

"Oh. Oh, right." She fidgeted like she was getting paid for it. "Well, look, we'll be in the den. Try not to..."

"Pretty sure all your friends know that your older brother is terminally unhip."

"Yeah, yeah, right," Cassie replied with an uneasy laugh. "Although – that Rosie girl. Is she coming over today?"

"Uh, I don't..." The hand moved towards my groin. "No, I don't think she is," I said, trying to keep a straight face.

"Oh," she said disappointedly. "Kay."

"Not today," I said, feeling dainty fingers slide over my hip. "Maybe this week, though. You two seemed to get along Saturday, so I guess you're not gonna freak out if she hangs out here a bit?"

"Freak out? Why would I freak out? No way, I'm – " Cassie checked herself. "It's cool. Just... later. See you later."

A finger ran down the length of my cock, but my sister left before things could get any more incredibly awkward.

Rosie wriggled into a tighter spooning position beside me and kissed me on the cheek. "What a sweet sister you have, Eric."

Thank goodness for invisibility. Thank goodness for blankets, too. I flipped the sheets off and surveyed myself.

My body had changed since yesterday.

For the few hours I'd been awake out of the last twelve, Rosie had told me some of the how and why. Short version: some sort of emotional/physical feedback loop happened during my orgasm, and she lost her leash on magic for a minute. The long version involved soulbounds, orgone cascades, thaumic resonance, and probably Horcruxes too at some point. I'd figure out how all this worked eventually, but the upshot was that yesterday's Shaping was a little less... restrained than usual.

"Oops," Rosie had summarized.

She'd said something about pheromones, androgens in my exocrine glands and other slightly-worrying things, but none of those changes were visible. My muscles were, and an unfamiliar sight they were too. I'd never been exactly fat, and I wasn't yet exactly ripped, but there was definite definition there. I looked like I at least glanced at a barbell regularly, and had a working relationship with my abdominal region.

My dick was what held both our attentions, though

"Oops," Rosie whispered to me, "but yum."

My new cock looked... dangerous. Like a bear in its den, half-asleep but no less potent for it. Like a loaded gun, a gun the hammer back, a round in the pipe and no safety to speak of. It was warm and bruised-purple and wrapped in heavy veins like ivory on a column, and it was big.

Rosie's fingers danced over it as I watched, deft as a pianist as she teased and tugged me to full size... and kept tugging. I'd never been small, exactly, but an average-sized cock isn't hard to handle. Now Rosie was having difficulty getting her fingers all the way around my shaft, and the obscene thing was growing up towards my solar plexus.

"Oh fuck," I mumbled as arousal pulsed through me and my not-so-little friend with every movement of her hand. 'Obscene' was right. Also 'monstrous', 'predatory', and 'really fucking horny'. "Oh, what the fucking fuck."

"I know," Rosie murmured as if in a trance. Head resting on my shoulder, she stared down at the freakish organ she'd conjured. "Pit take me... so thick. I never want to let go of it."

"You might get your wish, because I don't know if I could escape you with this thing weighing me down. Damn it. this is – ohhhh fuck me," I grunted as she rubbed her little finger across the slit of my glans. Her pinkie almost sunk into the proportionately-huge hole.

My cock drooled enough pre-cum to make a pool on my belly.

"I can't wait to," she moaned in her voice like velvet. She was kissing my neck gently, and I could feel her tail stroking up and down my thigh as she masturbated my huge shaft. "You're gonna fill me up, stretch me out, make me squeal..." Each whispered temptation was accompanied with an ascending kiss, until her lips found and embraced my earlobe.

"Wait... this feels..." Good. Great. Amazing. Too much of all of those; there wasn't really a word big or hard enough to match the feelings pumping out of my groin. I realized absently that I'd embraced Rosie and was running my fingers over her perfectly-proportioned curves.

Outside my room, the front door slammed. Indistinct voices and footsteps moved in the corridor outside.

"Cassie's friends," I said. "Gotta keep it down – "

"I hope they stop by to say hi," Rosie said, slicking her hand up and down my shaft faster. The precum made me salmon-slick. "One look at this and they'll – "

The voices passed my door, heading to the den. The walls of the house were fairly thick, but Rosie would probably have to put up an illusion of silence once we got going; this really was feeling way, way better than it should have.

"Mmh... s'bigger, so more... more nerves," Rosie explained as she nibbled on my ear. "More sensation. More," her fingers pressed down hard on the sensitive underside of my glans, "pleasure."

I groaned helplessly and rolled over to kiss her, dripping spoonfuls of precum onto the bedsheets. Facing each other side-by-side like this, she could masturbate me with both hands; even so, there was a lot of throbbing shaft left uncovered. Her kissing was (if possibly) more aggressive than usual, and I matched her instinctively. I pulled back with her lower lip trapped between my teeth, and she moaned – high and desperate – when I released her.

"Oh, sin..." she whispered. "You have no idea how holding this is making me feel."

"I don't know about that," I said, my voice throaty. This close, our breath was mingling and the very air sizzled with her wildflower scent.

"No, no, you don't... I put too much of my Lust into it, I can't..." She groaned as I shifted my hips and Supercock twitched in her hands. Rosie's demonic form was enchanting, terrifying, but right now she was so bewitched that she looked like a schoolgirl. I raised myself up over her and started gently licking her inhuman ears as she whispered her confession. "Uuhhh, yes do that – pit take me – I couldn't think, wasn't thinking, I just – unnhh – just gave you the cock my body wanted," she said. I ran my tongue along the knife-edge of her long, elfin ear. "But I didn't realize exactly..." She interrupted herself with a high whine when I blew into her ear, tickling her, even as my thumb stroked her side gently. "Ohh, oh, Eric, I need to taste it. Please let me taste it, please, please – "

I went back to look in her eyes as she gripped my cock like a lifeline. Damn it, she was so beautiful. Had she always been this beautiful? "Hell yeah," I said, "but it's a bit bigger than you're used to."

She gave a breathy, slightly crazed laugh. "You – you could say that."

We sat up and Rosie turned me around so that I was sitting on the edge of the bed, as she hopped down onto the carpet. She pressed me close for one last kiss, and the succubus recovered some of her dominant streak– her warm, wet tongue snaked its way between my lips, easily overpowering my tongue as her saliva filled my mouth. It was the deepest kiss of my life, and I gasped as she pressed our groins together and pushed that demonic tongue further to the edge of my throat. Now I was the one gagging and coughing, unable to breathe as she kissed me like only she could. When she finally pulled back I was gasping for breath. "Not... not that that was bad, but..."

"You're lucky I didn't shove it all the way down your throat," she moaned, grinding up against me. "I wish you could do that to me, with your tongue... but I'll settle for this." She grabbed Supercock and went to her knees on the carpet.

Sitting up like this, my new dick was heavy enough that it couldn't fight past gravity very effectively, no matter how hard I was. With Rosie's hands supporting it only loosely, it pointed out from my waist at a fairly wide angle, throbbing visibly with every heartbeat. Damn it, it was too fucking big – how was I keeping it hard? That could have been another litre of blood down there...

Rosie kissed the tip, glistening with precum, and her horns bobbed as she quivered in pleasure. Her face looked so small next to the swollen thing. "You should put your amulet on."

"Right." I reached dizzily over to the bedside table and strung the pentacle around my neck. There'd be no more conventional talking, because Rosie's mouth was going to work.

Just getting my cockhead between her perfect lips seemed like it would be a challenge, but succubi have flexible jaws. The feeling of her warm, wet mouth around my new, ultra-sensitive dick was incredible. As I moaned out loud, Rosie joined in. Hers was much sexier.


It took me a second to find my voice. "I, uh, wasn't aware you could yell your thoughts that loudly. Ungh."

She looked up at me with dilated pupils as she sucked my tip. {And I wasn't aware your cock would taste this fucking great.}

"Yeah, about that... you can keep a silence illusion up, right?"

Rosie furrowed her brow. It was a comedic sight with my cock between her lips. {Your sister and her friends are just at the end of the hall, right, in the den?}


{Hmmm...} She shook her head, rotating lips around my cock. {Nope.}

"Th- what?"

{You'll be gagging me just fine, stud. It's up to you to keep yourself quiet.}

I argued, this time making an effort to whisper, but she didn't budge. And I certainly didn't want to budge her from her current position.

Damn it. She'd reap more orgone from the forced exhibitionism; I was lucky she hadn't started fucking me right outside the den door.



"And you bitches still have two weeks left on your break," Victoria said, cracking a Coke. Diet.

"The privileges of age," Alice replied primly. She had gone with a bright green sweater today, and a pleated skirt that was cut longer than her cheerleading uniform had been, but not by much. "We began our sentences a year earlier than you; we're released from our suffering earlier, too."

"Hey, that rhymes. You're a poet and you don't know it."

"Brilliant, Vicky. Is this the kind of poetry you'll bring to this year's cheerleading squad?"

"I was thinking I'd let my looks do the talking," Victoria said with a grin. The freckled blonde was wearing painted-on jeans and a T-shirt that read 'You Should See My Personality.' It was too tight, exposing her navel. "I think I'm gonna play up the innocent schoolgirl look this year – pigtails, skirt & stockings. Maybe I'll even work curtsies into our cheer routine."

"That'd be a sight," Alice said. "You, the good girl."

"Whatever it takes to keep up our school spirit."

"I hope so. Graduation last year did take away the best of the team..."

"But we don't have your big heads weighing us down anymore. Right Cassie? Cass? Cass!"

Cassandra snapped her eyes up from Victoria's t-shirt. Just reading the slogan, that was all. "Yeah, yeah, two week's break. Uni. Wahoo."

Alice giggled. "And they call Lydia the bimbo."

Victoria snapped her fingers a couple of times in her friend's face. "Earth to Cassandra. TV? You were going to do something with it, something involving the thing in your hand?"

Cassie looked down at the remote. It was a good length and thickness, comforting in her fingers. More comforting to hold than her vibrator.

She turned on the TV and started surfing channels.

The background noise was comforting; her friends were less likely to notice the gaps of silence she left in the conversation. It wasn't that she wasn't interested or happy to see them; actually, that was sort of the problem.

Alice and Vicky had become really interesting. So interesting that it was hard to pay attention to what they were saying.

Take Alice, for example. She didn't have an undershirt beneath that green sweater; fair enough. But why had she worn such a thin bra? Every time the brunette leaned forward to reach the chips, her boobs pressed forward against the material and Cassie could practically trace their outline with a marker. If only her friend would lean backwards, she could probably pick out her nipples even through her bra.

And that was one of the thoughts that she really shouldn't be having. Thoughts that didn't make any sense, even. Uni was when everyone was meant to experiment – to find themselves, to find others, to join up with the LGBTQRSXYZ brigade and get a funky haircut. Cassie was barely a Christmas past high school, she hadn't even been to uni yet, and she was thinking these ridiculous thoughts about people she'd known all her life.

Thoughts that made her lose track of the conversation.

"I said, you're taking Latin?" Alice asked, poking a book on the shelf.

"Mnuh? Um, no, that's my brother's."

"Eric's taking Latin?" Alice asked. Victoria giggled.

"No, I don't... I don't think so." In fact she was pointedly not thinking about Eric at all, thanks for ruining that Alice. "He's just, you know, a nerd."

"Oh, he's not just geek squad material," Vicky said with a grin, sliding off the couch and bouncing over to the bookshelf. Her jeans practically squeaked around her thighs as she moved. "Look at this crap... Latin for Dummies, then he jumps straight to Period Latin, 1054 – 1868: An Academic Introduction."

"He should stick with the Dummies book," Alice said, flicking through the shelf as well. "You know he bought all this crap recently?"

"Um, no," Cassie mumbled. Vicky was bending over at the waist to pull books out of a library bag.

"Okay, this stuff looks old and crazy. The Key of Solomon the King. The Book of Lies, by Aleister Crowley... How do you pronounce this one? Arse Go-eatia?"

Alice burst out laughing. "Oh goodness. Cassie, your slimy brother bought 'Sexual Hypnotism and You'. I hope whatever girl he's stalking doesn't have a weakness for bright, shiny objects."

Cassie bit her lip. Eric.

No, no, no. It might not be any less crazy, but it was a lot safer to just stare at her friends' asses than think about Eric.

Soon enough they were sitting down again, and Cassie had managed to stop sweating and wriggling quite as much (although her chest still felt warm and she was very conscious of where her hands were). Vicky's belly button was an innie; she'd never noticed that before, no matter how many swimsuits they'd tried on together. Swimsuits. Putting suntan lotion on each other, rubbing it into Lydia's shoulders...

"No, no, go back! I want to watch that!"

Cassie started, looked over blankly, and meekly handed the remote over.

"Housewives? Really?" Alice asked, archly.

"Just keep it on in the background. This stubbly guy never keeps his shirt on."

"You're such a skank, Vicky. You need a skanky cheer for this year."

"No, I'm the innocent good girl now, remember? Go abstinence, go abstinence, go! Go! Go!"

Alice laughed and crossed her legs. Cassie watched her shirt ripple. "Gimme an A! Gimme a B! Gimme a – no, you need a better word. As if Lydia will be able to spell that one."

Memories of the girls in their cheer uniforms ran through Cassie's mind. Alice tended to wobble a bit on her handstands, so she'd tended towards support in the formation. Vicky was a good all-rounder, so she'd been at the front most of the time, which was good because everyone behind her got a good look at her ass. 'Apple,' that was the word, but they were all sitting on the same couch now so it was hard to tell whether she'd kept it firm over the holidays. Cassie certainly worked hard to keep her ass top-tier, but what she really needed was something on the front to balance it out, like Alice had.

That was a cheer they could use. B-O-O-B-S! What does it spell? Boobies!

Victoria turned around. "What was that, Cass?"

"Hm? Um, nothing." Cassie squirmed. Her thighs kept rubbing against each other, and they weren't big thighs. Strong, sure, she could wrap them around someone and hold on til their tongue gave out, but...

"You sure? You look pretty spaced."

"No, just thinking," Cassie said. The blonde ex-cheerleader pressed her thighs together with considerable strength and swallowed sticky saliva. Then she locked her gaze on the TV and tried desperately not to think so much.



Rosie blew me for several minutes as she forced more and more into her mouth. The stretched ring of her lips around my cockhead was tighter than fingers, although those were at work too as she stroked my exposed shaft with both hands. Her tongue teased and tickled at my urethral opening, so much larger than before, and I felt the very unusual sensation of her tongue-tip actually penetrating a few millimetres into my penis.

"Fuuuuck," I groaned, stroking her hair. It was hard to keep my voice low. "That's weird. Uh, it's not bad weird, it's... auhhh."

Rosie rustled her wings in agreement.

She eventually got the whole head of my cock in her mouth, and I tensed my fingers in her hair briefly. That was it, though – there was no more room. My glans was near her tonsils and there was little more she could do but suck with her jaws packed like this. We stayed like that, her horns bobbing and her hands stroking, for a glorious minute before she sent to me.

{You know, a mortal girl could hurt her jaw doing this.}

I chuckled, trying to conceal how fragile my self-control was getting. "That's me. Willy Wonka's Everlasting Gobstopper."

{I don't know about everlasting.} Her hands came off my cock and moved around, cupping my balls and squeezing my ass. {Your precum tastes great, Eric, but I really want to find out what this Shaping did to your cum.}

That would take at least ten more minutes, I figured. The shallow blowjob felt wonderful, but whatever Rosie had done to increase my endurance had expanded proportionate to my cock; unable to even move my hips without swinging Rosie around on the end of my dick, it would take time for me to build up to orgasm.

Of course, my darling succubus never gave me the chance.

Squeezing past my cockhead, Rosie's tongue snaked out from between her lips and began licking along the underside of my shaft. She'd pushed that satin-soft pink tongue to the edge of my throat just a few minutes ago, and now I could see its length compared; however long Supercock was, Demontongue was longer. Serpentine, it began to wrap around my throbbing shaft where her hands had been – once, twice, three fucking times. She was binding my cock in her tongue.

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